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Magellan is one of the future space projects being studied by the European Space Agency. The aim is to provide high resolution (λ/Δλ ≥ 2.5 × 104) spectra in the far and extreme UV (between 500 and 1550 Å) of faint galactic and extragalactic objects (V ≤ 16m). The instrument consists of a mechanical collimator, a concave holographic grating and a bidimensional photon-counting detector. A low resolution mode (λ/Δλ ≥ 103) will provide spectra of objects as faint as 18m.5. Magellan is planned as an observatory, operated in real time, and allowing interaction with the observer.  相似文献   

The AGROBOT project.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the AGROBOT project. This project was initiated to develop a complete robotic system for the production cycle of tomato plants in a greenhouse environment. The robot architecture is based on a vehicle carrying the picking arm (a six degrees of freedom anthropomorphic arm with a gripper/hand), the head with the two micro cameras (for the color stereoscopic vision system) and the VME rack for the complete control of the system. The head was purposely developed to permit complete visibility of the overall area. The vision system drives the head to point the path during navigation or to explore the plants looking for the work objects. The robot will be able to navigate between rows of plants, stop near each plant and identify the relevant objects (fruits or flowers) so as to be able to pick ripe tomatoes or spray anticryptogamic substances on flowers. Due to its flexible architecture, the system can be suited to operate on other kinds of cultivation or could be modified to perform other kinds of operations such as transplanting or packaging. Also the field of action could be different from greenhouses: changing from a wheeled locomotion system to a tracked system, the robot will be able to operate on particularly irregular surfaces. These features make this robotic system particularly adapted to replace human from tiring and harmful tasks or operating within adverse environment.  相似文献   

The aim of the HESP/R (High Energy Solar Physics/Radiation) satellite project is to obtain data of γ-ray, hard X-ray soft X-ray, EUV, and visible radiation of solar flares at the next solar maximum in order to study physics of flares. The HESP/R will be a spinning satellite of 4–5 rotations per min., and the spin axis is off-set by a small angle (0.5°–1.0°) from the Sun. Total weight will be 400 kg and launched in 1991 with M-3S-II rocket by ISAS.  相似文献   

WSO-UV project     
During last three decades, astronomers have enjoyed continuous access to the 100–300 nm ultraviolet (UV) spectral range where the resonance transitions of the most abundant atoms and ions (at temperatures between 3000 and 300 000 K) reside. This UV range is not accessible from ground-based facilities. The successful International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) observatory, the Russian ASTRON mission and successor instruments such as the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) mission or the COS and STIS spectrographs on-board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) prove the major impact of observations in the UV wavelength range in modern astronomy. Future access to space-based observatories is expected to be very limited. For the next decade, the post-HST era, the World Space Observatory – Ultraviolet (WSO–UV) will be the only 2-m class UV telescope with capabilities similar to the HST. WSO–UV will be equipped with instruments for imaging and spectroscopy and it will be a facility dedicated, full-time, to UV astronomy. In this article, we briefly outline the current status of the WSO–UV mission and the science management plan.  相似文献   

月球表面水冰的探测和意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了月表水冰的发现,探测技术,水资源的存在形式、分布、资源量,月表水的运移和利用前景.已有的探测表明,月球上的水资源主要分布在两极的永久阴影区内,储量约为66亿吨.月表水冰主要分布于两极永久阴影区中的原因,是月球上的水可以通过弹道式跳跃逐步迁移到温度低的地区所致.本文认为月球上是否存在水对于人类进行月球基地的建设没有根本性的影响,而利用月球玄武岩中钛铁矿的反应来获取水,是更为简便和经济的方法.  相似文献   

SSM (Solar Sail Materials) is an on-going project for the European Space Agency (ESA) relying on past and recent European solar sail design projects. It aims at developing and testing future technologies suitable for large, operational solar sailcrafts.  相似文献   

The crystal growth under near-zero gravity conditions may lead to materials of better crystalline and compositional perfection [1]. Unidirectional solidification of metals is a part of Czechoslovak programme on space research within the framework of Interkosmos [2]. On the model-like systems of metals grown in the space we want to study the effect of foreign atoms on the surface tension and the lattice defects density. The objectives of our ground-based and space experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

A systems design study group jointly sponsored by the American Society for Engineering Education, Stanford University and NASA's Ames Research Center, was requested to develop a design for an orbiting quarantine facility. The proposed facility is constructed of Spacelab shells formed into five modules of different sizes, each compatible with missions of other objectives. Once placed in a low Earth orbit by the Space Shuttle, each component is linked via the international docking system. Radiating from the docking module are a replaceable logistics module which stores a thirty day supply of consumables and waste, a module providing living quarters for five crew members, a power system module, and a quarantine testing laboratory. Within the laboratory module is a primary barrier system of sealed cabinets in which the sample is assessed for life forms. These chambers isolate the sample from terrestrial contamination and protect the researchers. A combination of procedures and mechanisms separates the laboratory module from the remainder of the facility and provides a secondary barrier. The conditions of space provide a tertiary barrier protecting the Earth's biosphere.  相似文献   

The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a project of a new-generation solar telescope. It has a large aperture of 4?m, which is necessary for achieving high spatial and temporal resolution. The high polarimetric sensitivity of the EST will allow to measure the magnetic field in the solar atmosphere with unprecedented precision. Here, we summarise the recent advancements in the realisation of the EST project regarding the hardware development and the refinement of the science requirements.  相似文献   

The preliminary design of the new space gamma-ray telescope GAMMA-400 for the energy range 100 MeV–3 TeV is presented. The angular resolution of the instrument, 1–2° at Eγ ∼ 100 MeV and ∼0.01° at Eγ > 100 GeV, its energy resolution ∼1% at Eγ > 100 GeV, and the proton rejection factor ∼106 are optimized to address a broad range of science topics, such as search for signatures of dark matter, studies of Galactic and extragalactic gamma-ray sources, Galactic and extragalactic diffuse emission, gamma-ray bursts, as well as high-precision measurements of spectra of cosmic-ray electrons, positrons, and nuclei.  相似文献   

A mission to Mars and small solar system bodies is presently studied as a possible collaboration between INTERCOSMOS, CNES, ESA and eventually other participants. The VESTA concept, based on the same strategy as the successful VEGA mission, is more ambitious, as two spacecrafts separate soon after launch: a soviet spacecraft, dedicated to the study of Mars, and a spacecraft dedicated to the study of small bodies, under the responsibility of CNES and ESA. This spacecraft would use Mars gravity assists to visit up to 4 small bodies in less than 5 years. The mission is duplicated, which means that up to 8 small bodies could be studied (e.g. 6 main belt asteroids, 1 apollo-amor asteroid and 1 short period comet). Low relative velocities (< 3.5 km/s) should allow to drop a penetrator on two large main belt asteroids, such as 4 Vesta and 1 Ceres (1994 launch).  相似文献   

The CELSS Test Facility (CTF) is a device for measuring crop plant productivity in the micro-gravity environment of Space Station Freedom. It will allow us to address questions of crop productivity in space, versus that on the ground. The crop productivity factors that will be measured are rates of: 1) biomass production, 2) food production, 3) O2 and CO2 exchange, and 4) water transpiration. In addition, other productivity factors of specific crops will be determined, such as : 1) the ratio of edible to inedible biomass (harvest index), 2) leaf area exposed to and collecting light (leaf area index), 3) ratio of root mass to total biomass, and 4) photosynthetic efficiency (ratio of moles of CO2 fixed (or O2 produced), per mole of photons of specific energies used). Plant and crop morphology, at several levels, ranging from the community to the sub-cellular, will also be evaluated.  相似文献   

高新工程项目研制过程中的最优评审点设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高新工程研制过程普遍采用了并行工程的方法,虽然大幅度地缩短了工期,但是其风险较高.通过分析并行工程实施风险产生的原因,构建了并行工程实施过程的一般风险模型,指出最优决策点位于"时间-风险"关系曲线与"风险-技术成熟度"关系曲线的交汇点,给出了高新工程项目研制过程中的风险分类.提出设置有效的评审点是降低实施并行工程总体风险的可行方法,并设计了最优评审点的确定方法,利用技术风险因子、进度风险因子和并行风险因子求出各项任务风险大小,再加和求出项目整体风险.通过实例说明了评审点的最优设计可以有效降低项目的整体风险.  相似文献   

由于周期漫长、数据繁杂、并发事件多等特点,飞机研制项目需要高效的管理支撑环境.针对这种需求,提出了一种基于数字样机的项目监控方法.该方法首先在项目管理与产品数据管理集成模型的基础上创建一种面向项目监控的数字样机.通过将样机模型与任务信息进行绑定,实现多视图的项目监控环境.在进行样机模型可视化时,采用双层载入策略以降低系统显示负载.该方法以对数字样机的可视化与交互为基础,向项目管理人员提供一种支持多层面信息展示的项目监控界面,丰富了项目管理用户与企业信息间的交互方式.   相似文献   

Lunar laser altimeter (LALT) has been developed for the Japanese lunar exploration SELENE (SELenological and ENgineering Explorer) in 2003. Lunar laser altimetry and two other selenodetic missions are put together and called RISE (Researches In SElenodesy) project that has been developed mainly by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Main objective of this measurements is to construct a more global and accurate topographic model of the moon than Clementine's GLTM-2. The newly developed topography of the moon will make a great contribution to many problems of lunar geology, geophysics, and the reduction of lunar occultation data. In order to expand the coverage in latitude, LALT has a function of slant ranging in the direction about 40 degrees aside from nadir. LALT is designed to have a capability of detecting most of returned pulses from the lunar surface even for the slant ranging with proper threshold level.  相似文献   

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory is designed to address basic questions concerning the Sun and Heliosphere. In this paper our present understanding of coronal heating, solar wind generation and solar oscillations is described. The proposed model SOHO instrument payload is outlined and it is shown how it would contribute to our understanding in the above three fields.  相似文献   

Observations of constituents of the neutral coma (CN. C2. CH. O. H) of Giacobini-Zinner were made for a period of nearly three weeks during late August/early September 1985 from La Palma Observatory, Canaries Is. in addition to studies of structures and flows in the ion coma and tail. The neutral coma (in CN) was observed to extend to a radius of at least 400,000 Km, far beyond the “bow wave” identified by the ICE spacecraft. The ion coma (detected to a sunward distance of about 50,000 Km) and ion tail fan (max. length about 500,000 Km, recorded in CO+ and H2O+ were also observed throughout the period before and after the ICE encounter. An extended Type I ion tail central condensation was not observed. The maximum observed extent of the ‘ionospheric tail’ was about 50,000 Km, five hours prior to the ICE encounter. This ionospheric tail rapidly diffused into a broad tail fan.  相似文献   

In this paper, questions on development, implementation, and operation of RadioAstron project Data Processing Center (DPC) are reviewed. The main components of the dedicated DPC are the computer complex with 1 TFlops/s performance, storage with memory capacity of approximately 10 PB, the network infrastructure, and the corresponding communication channels. Performance enhancement methods and resolution of information storage, archiving, and process problems of space VLBI high-speed digital data flows are analyzed. It is shown that successful operation of DPC is mainly provided by optimal organization of computer system structure, storage, and networking transmission. Some of the important key features of RadioAstron project DPC and its comparative differences from the standard VLBI procedures are considered.  相似文献   

基于工作流的复杂系统虚拟样机项目管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂系统虚拟样机是一个协同工作过程,为了对其业务过程和业务数据进行有效管理、改善虚拟样机效率,建立了一个基于工作流的项目管理系统.该系统具有系统管理、项目管理、工作流管理、文档管理、消息管理和信息交互管理等功能.介绍了其层次化、模块化的项目管理系统体系结构,重点介绍了工作流管理系统的体系结构,其模型组成元素和多实例化、流程的动态创建及修改等建模机制,以及工作流运转机制,并给出了该项目管理系统在某虚拟样机开发平台中的应用实例.   相似文献   

The German Infrared Laboratory GIRL is a liquid helium-cooled telescope with four focal plane instruments dedicated to astronomical and aeronomical observations.Hardware tests were performed with a thermal model of the cryostat and other components as active phase separator, optical switches, main mirror, baffle etc.In the test phase the thermal behavior of the system was checked out in a step by step procedure. The timeline of the individual experiments and of two representative orbits were simulated by electrical heaters. Temperatures and helium flow rates for the different operation modes were measured.An outlook shows that the project phase in 1982 is dedicated to further development and tests of hardware and complete definition and specification of all GIRL systems.  相似文献   

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