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A survey is given of the high energy particle populations in the inner radiation belt. The experiments which have given information about particles are discussed and the best experimental information about particle fluxes and spectra presented. Calculations are given which deal with the particles and indicate what particle sources and loss processes are most important. The role of neutrons in making the inner belt is considered in detail and the need for particle acceleration and/or other sources is shown.  相似文献   

「我确信我在延续他的作品风格,我就像是他的儿子或是兄弟……从事相同的工作,创作同样的作品,过着同样的生活,面临同样的死亡。」文森特·凡高(1853-1890)论阿道夫·蒙提切利(1824-1886)  相似文献   

Van Cleef&Arpels梵克雅宝诞生于巴黎,这座享誉世界的梦幻之城为品牌珠宝的设计孕育了无尽的灵感。2006年,Van Cleef&Arpels梵克雅宝曾以一系列的顶级珠宝向巴黎致敬,带领我们尽情领略花都的魅力。今天,梵克雅宝再次以轻灵优雅、  相似文献   

2009年1月11日,加州洛杉矶。在第66届金球奖颁奖典礼的红地毯上,诸多金球奖提名者与颁奖嘉宾在Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝珠宝的妆点下惊艳亮相,为熠熠星光更添璀璨华彩。安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)因其在影片《蕾切尔的婚礼》(Rachel Getting Married)中出色的表演而获得戏剧类"电影最佳女主角"提名。海瑟薇身着海军蓝阿玛尼高级定制晚装(Armani Privé),在独一无  相似文献   

The gamma-ray emissivity for the narrow component (FWHM = 2°) at the 0.3–5 GeV range is derived as a function of the galactocentric distance. The narrow component might result from the interaction between cosmic rays and H2 gas. The mass of gas in the Galactic Center is not large enough to produce the gamma-ray peak, but enough to produce the far-infrared peak. The relation of far-infrared dip and near-infrared hump near l = 356° to gamma-ray hump is discussed.  相似文献   

基于多块粘性结构网格,开展了三维N-S方程数值算法的研究。控制方程的空间离散采用有限体积法,在前人工作的基础上,发展了Van Leer+AUSM混合格式并应用到对流通量的离散中,粘性项采用中心格式离散并利用格林定理计算粘性通量中的导数项,时间推进采用五步R-K法,湍流模型为S-A一方程模型。最后,以M6机翼和某超声速弹丸的粘性流场作为数值算例,计算表明:发展的数值算法对跨声速、超声速流场均具有较高的分辨率,适用于跨、超声速流场的数值模拟。  相似文献   

压气机可变弯度静子叶片特性的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为省去进口导叶和复杂的防冰系统,可将风扇,压气机的静子设计成可变弯度,这样既能保持静子攻角.又能改善中低转速性能。为了获得可变弯度静子叶栅的性能,对开缝、堵缝叶栅,以及四种弯度叶栅进行了试验研究。研究结果表明:叶片弯角小于一定值时,叶栅的总压损失和出口气流落后角保持在可接受的范围.能达到调节气流出口方向的目的;弯角超过一定值时叶栅性能会恶化。  相似文献   

This review covers the major developments in radiation-belt phenomenology of the past four years (1970–1973). This has been a period characterized by consolidation and refinement of ideas and measurements related to geomagnetically trapped particles. Significant progress has been made in understanding ion and electron pitch-angle distributions within the context of radial diffusion and pitch-angle diffusion, respectively. Comparison of alpha-particle and proton distributions has helped to clarify the relative strengths of known radial-diffusion mechanisms. Careful measurements have indicated the directional flux of cosmic-ray-albedo neutrons, which constitute (through beta decay) a major source of high-energy ( 20 MeV) inner-belt protons. Inclusion of radial-diffusion and geomagnetic-secular effects has brought the theory of the inner proton belt into reasonable agreement with observation. At very lowL values (L 1.2) atmospheric collisions have been found to facilitate the radial transport of 40 keV protons and 2 MeV electrons. The plasmapause has been identified as an important boundary for plasma instabilities (wave-particle interactions) that lead to particle precipitation and red-arc excitation. Suggestions have followed for artificially simulating such plasmaspheric effects by magnetospheric injection of cold barium or lithium plasma.  相似文献   

The recent close encounters of Pioneer-10 (December 1973) and Pioneer-11 (December 1974) with the planet Jupiter provided the first in situ observations of zenomagnetically trapped particle radiation. Such observations represented a major advance in planetary research. Prior estimates of radiation intensities (particle fluxes) at Jupiter had necessarily relied (in the case of electrons) upon inferences from Jovian decimetric radio emission observed at the Earth and (in the case of protons) upon postulates for the numerical scaling from terrestrial proton intensities. The Pioneer-10 and Pioneer-11 observations have stimulated continuing theoretical efforts to understand the reported findings and to extrapolate from them to other planets and other epochs. While the analysis of trapped-radiation data from the Pioneer spacecraft is far from being completed, a consensus has developed with respect to the physical mechanisms that must be considered. The observed radiation belts seem to be populated by radial diffusion from an external source. The diffusion coefficient seems to be that derived from fluctuations in the polarization electric field produced by neutral winds in the Jovian ionosphere, which is coupled to the magnetosphere by equipotential B-field lines. Radiation-belt electrons lose energy and change their equatorial pitch angles by virtue of synchrotron emission. Radiation-belt ions and electrons both may be subject to pitch-angle diffusion caused by waves that the respective particle anisotropies have created through plasma instabilities. Finally, radiation-belt ions and electrons seem to experience absorption by the inner Jovian satellites (moons) in a manner that may depend upon the species and energy of the incident radiation-belt particle. It is not yet known whether satellite-associated clouds of sodium and sulfur contribute substantially to the inferred particle absorption. Also still open is the question of whether the satellites provide a substantial source of radiation-belt particles. Moreover, there remains doubt concerning the configuration of the outer Jovian magnetosphere and the influence of this configuration on the zenomagnetic trapping of energetic charged particles.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

The handling of containers in terminals requires, in particular in the application of “chaotic storekeeping”, optimal logistic organization-supported by technical and innovative methods. In this manner, it is possible to guarantee that the existing resources are used at maximal cost and time efficiency. The satellite supported DGPS location system represents a substantial contribution to this problem, which determines the container location during the pick-up and set-down phases in the decimeter range and transmits this information via data telemetry link to the central control office. This allows the realization of a fully automatic administration of the container storage facility, as well as integration into the company's data radio link and terminal control  相似文献   

模化比对直升机用红外抑制器红外辐射特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对波瓣喷管一弯曲混合管构成的直升机用红外抑制器壁面和尾焰的红外辐射特性进行了一系列的数值研究,旨在将三维流场数值计算、壁温计算与红外辐射计算结合起来综合分析抑制器红外辐射特性,与相关实验数据的对比验证表明计算结果与实验结果仅相差15%左右,且红外辐射强度空问分布规律一致;通过对不同缩比模型的数值计算,揭示了模化比对壁面及尾焰的红外辐射特性的影响规律:(1)几何相似的红外抑制器在主流入口速度、温度相同时,壁面红外辐射强度与几何模化比的2次方成正比;(2)尾焰红外辐射强度与几何模化比的2.32次方成正比.   相似文献   

直升机红外抑制器遮挡罩间距对红外辐射特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
运用CFD/IR(computational fluid dynamics/infrared)数值模拟的方法,研究了直升机红外抑制器遮挡罩不同遮挡间距对红外辐射特性的影响.计算结果表明:相对未加装遮挡罩的红外抑制器,加装遮挡罩后红外辐射强度在水平面和铅垂面下方可以削弱90%以上;随着遮挡间距的增加,遮挡罩外露壁面的温度呈现单调降低的趋势;在研究的三种遮挡间距(5,10,35 mm)下,10 mm遮挡间距的红外抑制效果更为优越.   相似文献   

The detection of the Crab Nebula as a steady source of TeV gamma rays puts the field of Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy on a firm observational basis and permits a critical re-assessment of the claims for the detection of a multitude of episodic binary sources. A new generation of detectors in the TeV and PeV energy regions is coming on-line; together with the telescopes of the Gamma-Ray Observatory these instruments will present a new perspective on one of the last frontiers of astronomy.  相似文献   

A power line system consisting of multi-conductors above the ground is decomposed into a metal return (or balanced) and a ground return (unbalanced) circuit in terms of propagation modes. Power line radiation above the ground is sorted into two classes, transition radiation from discontinuities which takes place from a line of finite length and ?erenkov-like radiation from a ground return or unbalanced circuit due to the Earth's finite conductivity and dielectric properties. ?erenkov-like radiation is thought to be predominant and to be a main source origin of power line radiation and, therefore, is specifically discussed in this paper. The problem is reduced simply to wave propagation along an infinite wire above the ground, without taking into account line discontinuities and ionospheric effects. It is shown that a TEM-type wave of a ground return circuit at low frequencies virtually transfers to the principal TM wave of a surface waveguide at high frequencies, via a hybrid EH-type wave in an intermediate range of frequencies, i.e., ‘transition region’ with increasing frequency. Consequently, the attenuation characteristics of wave propagation, which should include radiation losses as well as ohmic losses in the wire and in the ground, possess a maximum and minimum at certain frequencies in the transition region. This is due to two reasons: one is that the Earth transfers to a dielectric from a conductor and the other is that the field concentrates more densely around the wire with increasing frequency. Experimental evidence of this phenomenon is also given.  相似文献   

The impact of Van Jacobson header compression (VJHC) on the throughput performance of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) over lossy space channels is studied in an experimental manner using a test-bed. The experimental results show that VJHC benefits the transmission at bit error rates (BERs) around 10/sup -6/ or less, but also results in performance degradation in an environment with higher BER.  相似文献   

The era of hardening military satellites against nuclear events, lasers, and high-power microwaves, appears to have come to an end. A case is made here for maintaining rudimentary nuclear, laser, and high-power microwave (HPM) hardening requirements in order to protect against developing third world threats. The third world nuclear threat is well known. Less appreciated is the fact that third world laser and microwave threats have changed radically in the past few years  相似文献   

Low energy cosmic rays produced by the spectacular series of solar flares in August 1972 are reviewed. Satellite observations of electrons, protons and alpha particles are compared. The proton differential energy spectrum is discussed at certain key times during the events. Three energetic storm particle events were produced over the time period covered by the detailed analysis, 2–11 August. The origin of the cosmic ray square wave on 5 August is discussed. Measurements of heavy ions are available both from Pioneer 10 and from a high latitude rocket flight on 4 August.The literature survey for this review was concluded in August 1975.  相似文献   

Solar modulation of galactic cosmic radiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this review an attempt is made to present an integrated view of the solar modulation process that cause time variation of cosmic ray particles. After briefly surveying the relevant large and small scale properties of the interplanetary magnetic fields and plasma, the motion of cosmic ray particles in the disordered interplanetary magnetic fields is discussed. The experimentally observed long term variations of different species of cosmic ray particles are summarised and compared with the theoretical predictions from the diffusion-convection model. The effect of the energy losses due to decelaration in the expanding solar wind are clearly brought out. The radial density gradient, the modulation parameter and their long term variation are discussed to understand the dynamics of the modulating region. The cosmic ray anisotropy measurements at different energies are summarised. At high energies (E 1 GeV), the average diurnal anisotropy is shown to be energy independent and along the 18.00 h direction consistent with their undergoing partial corotation with the sun. The average semi-diurnal anisotropy seems to vary with energy as E +1 and incident from a direction perpendicular to the interplanetary field line, consistent with the semi-diurnal component being produced by latitudinal gradients. Both the diurnal and semi-diurnal components are shown to be practically time invariant. On a day to day basis, however, the anisotropy characteristics such as the exponent of variation, the amplitude and the phase show very high variability which are interpreted in terms of convection and variable field aligned diffusion due to the redistribution of the galactic cosmic ray density following transient changes in the interplanetary medium. The anisotropy observation at low energies (E 100 MeV) are, however, not explained by the theory.The rigidity dependence and the anisotropies during short term variations such as Forbush decreases are discussed in terms of the proposed field models for the interplanetary field structure and are compared with the observed rigidity dependence of long term variations. The data pertaining to the 27 day corotating Forbush decreases and their association with enhanced diurnal variation are also presented. The relationship between the energetic storm particle events which are caused by the acceleration of particles in the shock fronts and the Forbush decreases which are caused by the exclusion of galactic particles by the enhanced field structure in the same fronts are clearly brought out. Thus the recurrent increases at low energies and recurrent decreases at high energies may both be caused by the field structure in the shock front. In conclusion, the properties of the very short period fluctuations (18–25 cph) are summarised.  相似文献   

Surface thermal emission has been detected byROSAT from four nearby young neutron stars. Assuming black body emission, the significant pulsations of the observed light curves can be interpreted as due to large surface temperature differences produced by the effect of the crustal magnetic field on the flow of heat from the hot interior toward the cooler surface. However, the energy dependence of the modulation observed in Geminga is incompatible with blackbody emission: this effect will give us a strong constraint on models of the neutron star surface.  相似文献   

Forbush decreases in the cosmic radiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The experimental observations of Forbush decreases in recent years are reviewed and related to different theoretical models which have been proposed. The observational data from both ground-based and spacecraft experiments were selected to illustrate the important characteristics of Forbush decreases. The form of the rigidity dependence of the cosmic-ray modulation during the decreases and effects of the geomagnetic field upon the magnitude of the decreases are discussed. Recent results to deduce the cosmic-ray flow patterns from the observed anisotropies during the decreases are presented. Other features such as differences in onset times, recovery times, precursory increases are discussed. In considering the theoretical models particular emphasis is placed upon the agreement of the predictions of the model with the experimental observations. A theoretical model is suggested which is not original but represents a synthesis of several models previously proposed. Future important measurements and analyses necessary to an understanding of Forbush decreases are outlined.  相似文献   

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