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Seven new magnetic cataclysmic variables have been found amongst the EUV sources discovered in the ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey. Follow-up studies of these objects have now been made, yielding the orbital periods and classifications for all but one. Six objects are confirmed, or likely, polar systems, one is an intermediate polar. The properties of this new, EUV-selected sample are reviewed and compared with those of known polars and intermediate polars. The unusual features of the most interesting objects in the sample are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

One of the main objectives of the ROSAT mission turned out to be the study of active galactic nuclei. The soft energy range of the X-Ray Telescope combined with the good energy resolution of the PSPC detector allows an investigation of the spectral properties of sources in this energetically important energy band. The high sensitivity of the instrument in the All Sky Survey will yield more than 25000 previously unknown X-ray AGN for the statistical and morphological exploration of these objects.

A short overview is given of the actual ongoing research which ranges from the detailed spectral study of some well known objects and correlations of samples of AGN with existing catalogues at other wavelengths to identification programmes for large numbers of suspected AGN candidates.  相似文献   

A primary scientific objective of the ROSAT mission is to perform the first all-sky survey with an imaging X-ray telescope leading to an improvement in sensitivity by several orders of magnitude compared with previous surveys. A large number of new sources (? 105) will be discovered and located with an accuracy of 1 arcmin or better. These will comprise almost all astronomical objects from nearby normal stars to distant quasistellar objects. After completion of the survey which will take half a year the instrument will be used for detailed observations of selected sources with respect to spatial structure, spectra and time variability. In this mode which will be open for guest observers ROSAT will provide substantial improvement over the imaging instruments of the Einstein observatory.The main ROSAT telescope consists of a fourfold nested mirror system with 83 cm aperture having three focal plane instruments. Two of them will be imaging proportional counters (0.1 – 2 keV) providing a field of view of 2°, an angular resolution of ≈ 30″ in the pointing mode and a spectral resolution ΔE/E ≈ 45% FWHM at 1 keV. The third focal instrument will be a high resolution imager (≈ 3″). The main ROSAT telescope will be complemented by a parallel looking Wide Field camera which extend the spectral coverage into the XUV band.  相似文献   

ROSAT performed the first, spectrally resolved, soft X-ray observations of Her X-1 in the SHORT-ON state of the 35d cycle. The data were taken during the All-Sky survey covering the range 0.1–2.4 keV. The mean luminosity in the ROSAT bandpass is 1.5 × 1036 ergs sec−1. Timing analysis of the data revealed a highly significant signal at a period of 1.237749(1) sec. Finally, we present evidence to support the hypothesis that the resuction in intensity during the SHORT-ON state is caused by hot matter absorption in the disk.  相似文献   

The Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) instrument is a small satellite-borne radio telescope. Its purpose is to make limb-scanning measurements of atmospheric composition. One of the gases to which it is sensitive is carbon monoxide (CO), detected via the J = 2 → 1 rotational transition at 230 GHz. CO is present in molecular gas clouds in the Milky Way. Although it was not designed for the purpose, MLS can detect emissions from galactic CO, allowing a map of the 230 GHz radio sky to be constructed. We report the MLS measurements of galactic radio emission and discuss their effect on the atmospheric mission of MLS. The region of the Milky Way with emissions strong enough to significantly affect MLS observations of atmospheric CO is identified. Ground-based radio astronomers have been mapping the sky using CO emission for many years. However, the MLS data are the first such survey to be carried out from space. The MLS survey covers a larger area of the sky than any other 230 GHz survey, but no previously unknown gas clouds are observed.  相似文献   

This review describes the most recent advances in the study of the extragalactic soft X-ray background and what we can learn about its constituents. A new logN-logS relation is presented, which reaches to the faintest X-ray fluxes and to the highest AGN surface densities ever achieved. The results are put into perspective of the higher energy X-ray background.  相似文献   

The ROSAT All-Sky Survey has for the first time permitted a synoptic view of the soft X-ray sky with high sensitivity. In this paper, we discuss the X-ray properties of known cataclysmic variables (CVs) as observed in the Survey and present a status report on programs to identify CVs among the newly discovered ROSAT X-ray sources. Of 170 CVs with known orbital period, 92 were detected in the Survey and 22 of these fall in the bright-source category with more than 0.5 PSPC cts/s. Among the new bright sources, so far 19 have been identified as CVs and 3 as CV candidates, about doubling the census. We present spectra and light curves of known and new systems and discuss the origin of the X-ray emission in the different subclasses of CVs.  相似文献   

First results of pointed and All Sky Survey observations of galaxies with the X-ray observatory satellite ROSAT are reported. During observations of the Magellanic Clouds and the Andromeda galaxy new super-soft X-ray sources have been detected. This new class of luminous X-ray sources may help to solve the millisecond pulsar progenitor problem. Due to the improved sensitivity and longer observation times of ROSAT new X-ray point sources have been resolved in several nearby galaxies. The diffuse emission of the LMC that was already reported by EINSTEIN has been mapped in detail. It shows a lot of fine structure and temperatures around 5 × 106 K. The improved low energy response of ROSAT led to the discovery of 106 K gas from the spiral galaxy M101 and the halo of the starburst galaxy NGC 253. No diffuse emission was detected from the halo of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 5907.  相似文献   

We summarize the analysis of a new PG 1159 star, i.e., a hydrogen deficient pre-white dwarf detected in the ROSAT XRT all sky survey /1/. The X-ray source RX J2117.1+3412 is relatively faint (≈0.33 cnt s−1) and was selected for optical identification on the basis of its extreme X-ray softness. With V = 13.2, the counterpart of the X-ray source is in the optical the second brightest member of the PG1159 class. CCD imagery reveals that the star is surrounded by an old highly excited planetary nebula of faint surface brightness. Optical line profiles of HeII, CIV, and OVI and the overall optical and ROSAT PSPC (0.1–2.4 keV) energy distributions are compared to predictions of NLTE model atmospheres. We find an excellent agreement between the atmospheric parameters derived from optical and soft X-ray data. The effective temperature of the star is extremely high (150,000 K). Abundances of He, C and O are found to be consistent with those derived in other PG1159 stars whereas the surface gravity is significantly smaller in RXJ2117.1+3412. New optical spectra presented here show the presence of ultra-high excitation lines of O VIII.  相似文献   

We present results from ROSAT observations of NGC 1808 and NGC 2903. Exposures of 10 ksec each with the PSPC detector show X-ray sources at the central positions of both galaxies which are classified as nuclear starburst galaxies. Both targets, NGC 1808 and NGC 2903 appear slightly extended in X-ray maps in the energy band 0.1–2.4 keV. The X-ray spectrum of NGC 1808 shows almost complete absorption below 0.5 keV, indicating an extremely high hydrogen column density towards that source (NH ≈ 8 × 1021cm−2 resulting from model fits on the PSPC spectrum). In case of NGC 2903, the number of counts in the ROSAT band is significantly lower than expected from a previous EINSTEIN investigation of the source.  相似文献   

We review the first observations of globular clusters obtained with the X-ray telescope on board of the ROSAT satellite. In the All-Sky Survey, all known bright sources and two new transient sources were detected. In addition a super-soft source was found in NGC5272. Concerning the dim sources, the survey suggests that those outside the core of ω Cen are not related to the cluster. The survey further improved by one or two magnitudes on many upper limits previously obtained by the HEAO-1 satellite. Pointed observations have improved the positional accuracy of a number of sources, and added to the number of known dim sources. In 47 Tuc, the known central source is resolved into 4 separate sources, which we argue are all soft X-ray transients. A comparison with observations of the old open cluster M67 leads us to suggest that some of the dim sources may be conglomerates of a large number of RS Can Ven type binaries.  相似文献   

Clusters of galaxies are filled with a hot teneous plasma which is emitting soft X-rays over very extended regions. The ROSAT observatory with its high resolution and high sensitivity X-ray telescope allows to image nearby clusters in great detail and is therefore ideally suited to study the structure and morphology of galaxy clusters. In particular the distribution of the intracluster gas can be mapped, some information on the temperature structure of the gas can be obtained, the gravitational mass can be infered, and the dynamical state of the clusters can be investigated. Results of such studies for some nearby clusters as Virgo, Perseus and Coma are presented. Gas mass fractions of the total gravitational mass of the cluster in excess of 10 to 15% are infered from X-ray observations where the cluster emission can be traced out to an Abell radius (3 Mpc). If these values are taken to be representative for the matter composition in the Universe it has interesting consequences for cosmology as for example for the nucleosythesis models and the mean density of the Universe.  相似文献   

Spectrally resolved X-ray images of galactic supernova remnants have been obtained both from the ROSAT all-sky survey and a number of pointed observations. There is substantial evidence for significant spatial variation in temperature, density and pressure across the older, thermal remnants like the Vela SNR, the Cygnus Loop and the North Polar Spur. Both the brightness distribution and the pressure variations observed point towards recently shocked interstellar clouds and filaments, which dominate the X-ray emission pattern. Across the Puppis-A SNR an arc-shaped absorption structure has been detected, which is demonstrated to be produced by cold gas located close to the shock front of the Vela SNR. Across IC443 a similar absorption pattern has been observed, which is created by a cold shell associated with a previously unknown, ROSAT discovered SNR, which lies in front of IC443. Finally, a statistically overview of the SNRs detected in the ROSAT all-sky survey is presented. About half of the catalogued radio remnants have been observed in the survey and another 90 sources have been found which are considered to be candidates of new SNRs.  相似文献   

An indispensable tool in terrestrial aeronomy, all-sky imaging has recently been shown to be useful in studies of the Moon's exosphere. Two days after the peak of the 1998 Leonid meteor shower, an extended region of neutral sodium emission was detected in the night sky using a bare-CCD imaging system. The feature was found to be a train of sodium gas originating from the Moon. Subsequent observations indicate the feature is normally visible (max. brightness ∼15–90 Rayleighs (R)) during nights near the time of new Moon. Monthly monitoring of the feature using an all-sky system can provide useful information about the time-variability of the lunar atmosphere. Several processes are believed to be responsible for the production of lunar Na and evidence is presented indicating that two of these processes were each responsible for the observed brightness enhancements of the sodium feature on two separate new Moon periods in January and March 2000.  相似文献   

Because of the orbit characteristics of the vast majority of spacecraft, the solar flux has been generally measured at Earth or in the plane of the ecliptic. So far, most published studies did not consider the fact that the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) solar flux is largely anisotropic. Indeed, in the EUV, the distribution of very contrasted bright and dark features at the surface of the Sun produces both the obvious rotational (longitudinal) modulation of the flux, but also a strong latitudinal anisotropy. Although largely ignored up to now, the latitudinal anisotropy affects the physical conditions in the corona and heliosphere. We describe an empirical model of the all-sky He II 30.4 nm flux based on EIT/SOHO data. The 30.4 nm flux was found to be strongly anisotropic. The anisotropy Ipol/Ieq between the fluxes computed for viewpoints located above the solar poles and within the solar equatorial plane ranges from 0.9 at solar minimum to 0.6 at solar maximum. A 20% asymmetry was also discovered between the north and south polar fluxes.  相似文献   

Radio observations have shown that the emission from IC443 can be attributed to three, partially incomplete shells. The two smaller diameter shells are bright in X-rays, whereas the X-ray extent of the largest one has been discovered only recently in the ROSAT All-Sky-Survey. This new X-ray shell — G189.6+3.3 — is well explained by a separate old ( 105yr) supernova remnant (SNR), in contrast to the IC443 proper SNR, the age of which has been estimated to 103yr. Spatial structure of the X-ray absorption observed with ROSAT suggests that G189.6+3.3 is located in front of a molecular cloud while the two smaller subshells previously known as IC443 are behind it. This geometry is confirmed by the observation of an additional absorption ridge across IC443, which is produced by a shell of cool and dense matter associated with G189.6+3.3.  相似文献   

The ROSAT mission, which is currently being prepared in W.-Germany, will perform the first soft X-ray all-sky survey by means of a large imaging X-ray telescope. Detailed calculations under the cost, volume and mass constraint of the satellite being a Shuttle payload have led to a design of the imaging optics with optimized geometry. The mirror system is of the Wolter type I configuration and includes four nested shells with a maximum aperture of 835 mm and a focal length of 2400 mm. The on-axis angular resolution of the mirror assembly has been specified to 5 arcsec with a scattering level as low as 3% for single reflection at 1.5 keV photon energy. Construction and technology studies have been completed by now and manufacturing of the first mirror shell has begun.  相似文献   

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