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丁溯泉  于志坚 《宇航学报》2003,24(4):359-363
为满足在航天器与地面站之间传输各类数据的要求,航天器和地面设备都有相应的措施与之适应。星上数据的业务综合将航天器上的各类数据合并成一路数据流,经物理信道统一传输。地面设备则将遥测、遥控、测距和数传等功能在基带集成,形成综合基带设备。业务综合与综合基带都曾推动了航天任务中数据传输系统的发展,但二者都是从自身的角度考虑,并没有作为一个系统综合设计。本文对业务综合与综合基带进行一体化设计,使天地系统相互协调,最大限度地提高星地数据传输的可靠性和有效性。文中通过对遥感卫星数据传输系统的设计实例说明了一体化设计思路的应用。  相似文献   

A cis-lunar transportation system (CLTS) can be designed to provide combinations of two services: lunar export and lunar import. The set of all such combinations is called the production possibility frontier (PPF), which in turn is a familiar concept from micro-economics. The CLTS envisioned operates flights between space stations in low Earth orbit (LEO) and low lunar orbit (LLO), and flights between LLO and lunar base (LB). A system of 28 equations is presented which models the interactions between structure, payload and propellants in the CLTS. The traffic ratio of LB-LLO-LB flights to LEO-LLO-LEO flights is determined to be a key parameter for achieving high lunar export/import ratios. It is also shown that the CLTS can achieve a significant net mass gain in LEO, thus creating the possibility of lunar exports generating revenues for the colony by competing on price in LEO with terrestrial exports.  相似文献   

Globalization is creating an interdependent space-faring world and new opportunities for international partnerships that strengthen space knowledge development and transfer. These opportunities have been codified in the Global Exploration Strategy, which endorses the “inspirational and educational value of space exploration” [1]. Also, during the 2010 Heads of Space Agencies Summit celebrating the International Academy of Astronautics’ (IAA) 50th Anniversary, space-faring nations from across the globe issued a collective call in support of robust international partnerships to expand the frontiers of space exploration and generate knowledge for improving life on Earth [2].Educators play a unique role in this mission, developing strategic partnerships and sharing best educational practices to (1) further global understanding of the benefits of space exploration for life on Earth and (2) prepare the next generation of scientists required for the 21st Century space workforce. Educational Outreach (EO) programs use evidence-based, measurable outcomes strategies and cutting edge information technologies to transfer space-based science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) knowledge to new audiences; create indigenous materials with cultural resonance for emerging space societies; support teacher professional development; and contribute to workforce development initiatives that inspire and prepare new cohorts of students for space exploration careers. The National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) have sustained a 13-year space science education partnership dedicated to these objectives.This paper briefly describes the design and achievements of NSBRI's educational programs, with special emphasis on those initiatives' involvement with IAA and the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). The IAA Commission 2 Draft Report, Space for Africa, is discussed as a model for developing sustainable partnerships and indigenous programs that support Africa's steady emergence as a global space-faring force. The IAC will provide timely: 2011 South Africa will provide timely feedback to refine that report's strategies for space life sciences education and public engagement in Africa and around the globe.  相似文献   

"新视野"探测器是第一个用于探测冥王星、冥王星卫星以及柯伊伯带其他天体的航天器。其在发射、在轨飞行和探测过程中经历了复杂多变的热环境,热控系统须保证探测器及器上仪器设备在适宜的温度范围内正常工作。文章介绍了该探测器热控系统的总体设计方案,重点分析了热控设计的依据、特点及其带来的启示。  相似文献   

刘全威  张崎  许振龙 《遥测遥控》2021,42(5):95-101
研究星载信息处理与控制系统利用微系统技术解决空间装备小型化、高可靠、高性能与高效热管理的问题.首先介绍基于新型星载器件的数据处理与控制系统架构,然后通过以晶圆级处理、芯片堆叠、微凸点制备与微组装等为核心的三维微纳集成技术,将系统核心硬件部分缩小为原尺寸的20%,从而大幅减少体积、尺寸和重量.利用高导热封装材料,解决空间...  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(4):185-196
As a result of studies undertaken during 1981 and 1982, in support of NASA's Solar System Exploration Committee activities, several new approaches have been identified for development of flight hardware as well as ground systems for the execution of U.S. planetary missions through the close of the century. This paper will summarize these new approaches for achieving lower cost in planetary exploration in three different ways:
  • •• Use of modified “production line” spacecraft developed by aerospace companies for scientific and commercial use in earth orbit—study results will be discussed which demonstrate that with only modest modifications to existing earth orbiting spacecraft, excellent results can be expected at planetary targets in the inner solar system ranging from Venus to the inner portions of the asteroid belt. Use of both communications satellites typical of those used in geosynchronous applications, as well as low earth orbiting scientific and meteorological satellites will be discussed. The range of changes and the rationale for these changes required to perform planetary missions will be displayed in detail.
  • •• The development of a multi-mission modular type spacecraft for planetary missions—a new approach and new flexible spacecraft design proposed for development for planetary missions to comets, main-belt asteroids, and the outer planets will be identified. This Mariner Mark II spacecraft will enable reconfiguration at low cost for adaptation to a wide range of missions. Design concepts which draw heavily on early planetary missions as well as technology developments that are expected to be available in the late 80's and early 90's will be described in detail.
  • •• Development of low-cost multi-mission end-to-end information system—a system design including spacecraft command and data handling system requirements, as well as an architecture for a cost effective multi-mission operations system will be described. This system is intended to be applied to both classes of spacecraft/missions described above.

编制设计模版提高设计质量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析航天型号研制工作中继承性、延续性、规范化对设计模版编制的迫切需求,阐述设计模版编制的原则、形式与内容、编制要求等以及设计模版的完善与应用情况,介绍一部开展设计模版分批编制的经验与体会.  相似文献   

研究过程集成与设计优化(PIDO)技术在复合材料设计中的应用。以航空器领域上广泛应用的碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)为例,开展结构刚度优化设计。根据复合材料中层压板分布特性,以结构固有频率最大为优化目标,通过选择层压板各单层厚度和铺设角度,使用有限元方法模拟铺设角度变化并输出结果,采用优化算法对结果进行判定,得到结构刚度的优化结果。对比两种不同的PIDO优化过程,提出一种结果更优的优化策略——该策略在提高结构刚度的同时,兼顾轻量化,可为优化设计提供更多思路。  相似文献   

为了提高固体火箭发动机在干扰因素作用下的性能精度,将稳健优化设计方法引入固体火箭发动机装药设计中。首先介绍了稳健优化设计的基本概念和设计流程,通过装药设计实例分析了稳健优化设计特点及适用性。结果表明,稳健优化设计既可较好地保证设计约束的可行稳健性,又可降低发动机性能在随机因素作用下的散布范围。为解决固体火箭发动机推力不平衡问题提供了很好的解决方法。  相似文献   

火箭弹概念设计的多学科优化设计方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了在火箭弹概念设计阶段就可综合考虑质量、气动、动力及弹道等诸多学科的影响和耦合作用,引入了多学科优化设计方法。对该方法应用中的问题定义、基本流程、总体方案作了详细说明,对涉及的一些难点和关键点进行了分析,并给出了可行的解决方案。通过算例验证了该方法的可行性和有效性,与原型弹相比,单级推力方案的有效载荷比更高、最大马赫数更小、发动机工作时间更短;在射程基本不变的情况下,双级推力方案比单级推力方案的最大马赫数更小、火箭弹总的飞行时间更短,有效载荷比大幅降低。最后,讨论了包括密集度问题在内的进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

正交设计遗传算法在固体火箭优化设计中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
提出了一种基于正交设计的遗传算法,给出了其在固体火箭优化设计中的一个应用实例。结果表明:对于固体火箭优化设计问题,该算法可有效减少搜索次数,加快收敛速度。  相似文献   

An important goal of New Millennium is to research new methods of performing spacecraft and mission design. We have completed the first phase of our effort on how to make design tools such as analysis programs more available. We are now embarking with Stanford University on discovering methods to allow more project history and knowledge to be automatically captured and reused and with Ames Research Center on how to use virtual reality to enhance the visualization of new missions before any hardware exists. We are also trying to capture the design process in an electronic form so that computer aided optimization may lead to a vastly greater search of the possible designs which meet the design requirements.  相似文献   

In this paper, a parametric cost model for the space segment of a meteorological satellite system is derived and exercised to provide insight into the major economic trade-offs affecting the choice of the satellite's design life and replacement strategy. Trade-offs involving replacement strategy include launch via an expendable booster versus launch via the Space Shuttle; and recovery, repair, and reuse of a failed satellite versus simple replacement with no reuse.

The sensitivities of space segment costs to design life, launch costs, replacement costs, and refurbishment costs are examined with explicit inclusion of nonrecurring and recurring costs.

The results from an application of the model indicate that routine spacecraft retrieval and reuse of a modestly expensive spacecraft is not a significant economic benefit and that design lifetimes of three or four years are the best choice.  相似文献   

针对可靠性设计没有数据导致可靠度无法计算的困难,提出放弃可靠度而使用事件流分析来控制产品可靠性的方法,该方法将产品主事件分解为一系列的事件,任何一个事件都可以分为应力(L)、应构(G)、应变(B)和传递(D)4个要素,每个要素都可以提出一些可测量的工作控制指标,只要能够确保每个工作控制指标符合设计意图,就能控制产品不出现故障。根据这种观点,提出了发动机可靠性设计的事件流分析技术,先按照事件发生顺序一步步地分析产品工作中会发生的各种事件,每个事件都用LGBD的结构展开,然后分析监测每个要素需要的测量参数,以及控制每个要素需要的设计参数,从而确定完备的工作控制指标体系,并确定可靠性试验方案。该方法放弃了可靠性模型,代之以事件流模型,为可靠性设计提供一种全新方法。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2009,64(11-12):1239-1245
Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), the third mission in NASA's Solar Terrestrial Probes program, launched aboard a single Delta II 7925 launch vehicle on October 25, 2006 from Cape Canaveral. This two-year mission employs two nearly-identical, space-based observatories, one ahead of the Earth in its orbit, and the other trailing behind, to provide the first stereoscopic measurements of the sun and its coronal mass ejections, or CMEs. The STEREO observatories utilize four sets of solar arrays, each of which experienced a two-stage deployment on-orbit. This paper illustrates material considerations in the solar array subsystem design. It first focuses on the solar array substrate, considering material coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) concerns when choosing a substrate laminate to which the solar cells will adhere. It then explores a similar issue when choosing a substrate insert material. Next, the focus shifts to material considerations in the solar array hinge design. This design was driven not just by function, but by a host of different material considerations, ranging from mass savings to fabrication time and cost.  相似文献   

针对射频仿真系统中的时间同步问题,设计基于FPGA、DSP和GPS的时间统一系统。从工程实施的角度出发,详细阐述时统的硬件设计,介绍IRIG-B码的解码原理和各采样频率信号输出的过程。试验证明:该时统克服了常规时统设备的不足,性能更稳定,可靠性更高,更易于调试。  相似文献   

Jennifer R. Tanzman   《Acta Astronautica》2008,63(11-12):1239-1245
Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), the third mission in NASA's Solar Terrestrial Probes program, launched aboard a single Delta II 7925 launch vehicle on October 25, 2006 from Cape Canaveral. This two-year mission employs two nearly-identical, space-based observatories, one ahead of the Earth in its orbit, and the other trailing behind, to provide the first stereoscopic measurements of the sun and its coronal mass ejections, or CMEs. The STEREO observatories utilize four sets of solar arrays, each of which experienced a two-stage deployment on-orbit. This paper illustrates material considerations in the solar array subsystem design. It first focuses on the solar array substrate, considering material coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) concerns when choosing a substrate laminate to which the solar cells will adhere. It then explores a similar issue when choosing a substrate insert material. Next, the focus shifts to material considerations in the solar array hinge design. This design was driven not just by function, but by a host of different material considerations, ranging from mass savings to fabrication time and cost.  相似文献   

运载火箭性能计算一体化优化设计系统分析与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运载火箭性能计算一体化优化设计系统在运载火箭方案论证设计阶段中有着重要的应用价值。本文在面向对象方法学的指导下,建立了运载火箭性能计算一体化优化设计软件系统的对象模型、动态模型以及功能模型,划分了系统的组成模块,利用Visual studio 6.O和Office2000开发实现了该软件系统。对象技术的应用使得系统具有良好的通用性。该软件系统可以完成不同型号运载火箭和不同优化设计性能要求的仿真优化计算,软件具有较好的稳定性、可重用性和可维护性。  相似文献   

An Extravehicular Mobility Unit is a closed and isolated environment that protects the astronaut from exposure to space environment. Eighty-four percent of the possible hardware failures occurring during Extravehicular Activity (EVA) would result in an abort of the EVA. Fifty-two percent of these failure modes would result in a loss of a critical life support function and directly compromise crew safety. Crew safety is not, however, limited to controlling hardware failures. Safety can be compromised by improper in-flight servicing or induced by interfacing equipment during EVA related activity. This paper addresses these potential hazard sources and approaches used to enhance equipment reliability and astronaut safety.  相似文献   

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