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The results of studying vibration microaccelerations aboard the International Space Station are presented. The study was performed using the measurement data of the MAMS low-frequency and the SAMS high-frequency accelerometers. For the study, six intervals of measurements were selected, performed in 2005. During these intervals the station was flying in the standard orbital orientation, attitude control engines were not switched on, and the crew rested. Discrete and continuous spectra were analyzed on selected intervals. The most significant disturbances with the discrete spectrum (cyclic trends) have been found. Using the second order autoregression model, parameters of the most significant disturbances with the continuous spectrum were determined. This study was carried out as a part of the technical experiment “The ISS environment”.  相似文献   

Cytoskeleton recently attracted wide attention of cell and molecular biologists due to its crucial role in gravity sensing and trunsduction. Most of cytoskeletal research is conducted by the means of immunohistochemical reactions, different modifications of which are beneficial for the ground-based experiments. But for the performance onboard the space vehicles, they represent quite complicated technique which requires time and special skills for astronauts. In addition, immunocytochemistry provides only static images of the cytoskeleton arrangement in fixed cells while its localization in living cells is needed for the better understanding of cytoskeletal function. In this connection, we propose a new approach for cytoskeletal visualization onboard the ISS, namely, application of green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria, which has the unique properties as a marker for protein localization in vivo. The creation of chimerical protein-GFP gene constructs, obtaining the transformed plant cells possessed protein-GFP in their cytoskeletal composition will allow receiving a simple and efficient model for screening of the cytoskeleton functional status in microgravity.  相似文献   

Abrashkin  V. I.  Volkov  M. V.  Egorov  A. V.  Zaitsev  A. S.  Kazakova  A. E.  Sazonov  V. V. 《Cosmic Research》2003,41(6):593-612
We compare the results of two methods used to determine the angular velocity of the Foton-12 satellite and the low-frequency component of microaccelerations onboard it. The first method is based on reconstruction of the satellite's rotational motion using the data of onboard measurements of the strength of the Earth's magnetic field. The motion (time dependence of the orientation parameters and angular velocity) was found from the condition of best approximation of the measurement data by the functions calculated along the solutions to equations of attitude motion of the satellite. The solutions found were used to calculate the quasistatic component of microaccelerations at certain points of the satellite, in particular, at the point of location of an accelerometer of the QSAM system. Filtration of the low-frequency component of the angular velocity and microacceleration from the data of measurements by a sensor of angular velocity and by the accelerometer of this system served as a second method. The filtration was made using the discrete Fourier series. A spectral analysis of the functions representing the results of determining the angular velocity and microacceleration by both methods is performed. Comparing the frequencies and amplitudes of the harmonic component of these functions allowed us to estimate the accuracy of measurements made by the QSAM system in the low-frequency range.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(4-7):426-432
In the period from March 2003 to April 2005 we fulfilled five experimental cultivations of genetically marked dwarf pea species in greenhouse Lada installed in the Russian segment (RS) of the International Space Station (ISS). The purpose of this series of experiments was to make morphologic and genetic analysis of pea plants grown in successive generations.According to our results, pea growth and development over the full cycle of ontogenesis (from seed to seed) taking place in space greenhouse Lada were not different as compared with the ground control plants. In addition, four successive pea crops gathered in space flight did not loose their reproductive functions and formed viable seeds.Genetic analysis of the plants grown from the “space” and “ground” seeds produced by the first to fourth successive crops was performed using the methods of chromosomal aberrations count and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (molecular method). No genetic polymorphism was found either in the experimental or control crops. This can serve as a sound argument for the supposition that the genetic apparatus of plants is not impacted by exposure of several successive generations to the conditions of space flight.  相似文献   

Cosmic Research - As recent studies onboard various spacecraft have shown, one unresolved technical problem of manned interplanetary flights at the moment is the high radiation background of...  相似文献   

经过十多年的建造,世界上投入资金最大、参与国家最多、建造周期最长、技术水平最高、应用范围最广的国际空间站于2011年2月基本建成。它包含13个增压舱,其中8个是用于科学实验和航天员居住,1个为空间站提供初始推进、姿控、通信和储存,4个用于对接。另外,还装有7段桁架结构、4对巨型太阳能电池阵、1个移动服务系统、舱外仪器设  相似文献   

科明 《中国航天》2000,(7):22-25
美国东部时间5月19日晨6时11分10秒,亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机在晨曦中离开了肯尼迪航天中心的发射台,开始执行国际空间站的维修和后勤补给任务。这次编号STS—101的飞行是美国航天飞机历史上的第98次飞行,也是航天飞机第3次飞往国际空间站。航天飞机上次升空执行国际空间站任务是在去年的5月27日,至今已有将近一年时间。 此次飞行是亚特兰蒂斯号的第21次飞行,也是它1997年9月以来的首次飞行。当时亚特兰蒂斯号执行了编号STS—86的第7次航天飞机-和平号空间站对接任务。此后,这架航天飞机到波音公司的…  相似文献   

Turner RE  Baker JC 《Acta Astronautica》1998,42(1-8):107-114
The high inclination orbit for the International Space Station poses a risk to astronauts on EVA during occasional periods of enhanced high energy particle flux from the sun known as Solar Particle Events. We are currently unable to predict these events within the few-hour lead time required for evasive action. Compounding the threat is the fact that station construction occurs during increasing solar activity and through the peak of the solar cycle. In this paper we present an overview of the risk, the current methods to provide forecasts of SPEs, and potential risk mitigation options.  相似文献   

After Russia joined the ISS programme in 1994 it was realized that a new intergovernmental agreement would be needed in order to clarify the roles and responsibilities of all the partners. The Head of the Russian delegation to the negotations on the agreement between 1994 and 1998 here describes the various steps taken to reach it. As well as requiring legislation on new areas such as national criminal jurisdiction, the negotiations had to take account of the differing legal norms and cultures in all the various countries party to the agreement, but principally Russia and the USA. The final part of the article presents an up-to-date overview of the vital statistics and capabilities of, and type of work expected to be performed on, the ISS.  相似文献   

The results of radiation control onboard the Service Module of the International Space Station are considered for the period of increased radiation background from 28 to 30 October, 2003. The values of additional irradiation dose caused by strong solar proton events on October 28 and 29, 2003 are obtained. A comparison is made with similar data obtained in the periods of disturbed radiation conditions of fall 2001. The results of estimating the dependence of the absorbed dose on the shield thickness, based on the onboard measurements, are presented. It is established that the daily-averaged dose power onboard the International Space Station increased after the solar proton events of October 2003.  相似文献   

欧空局为国际空间站研制了两个新型的计算机 :容错计算机 ( FTC)和标准有效载荷计算机 ( SPLC) ,它们可以满足空间站对计算机的需要 ,可以方便地构成各分种布式数据管理结构。文中介绍这两种不同类型的计算机设计  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of NASA's plans to encourage commercial use of the International Space Station (ISS). It examines the reasons driving such commercialization and highlights those private companies currently most interested in undertaking profit-making operations on the station, as well as discussing those activities most likely to be seen as commercial possibilities. The steps NASA is taking to stimulate private interest are enumerated. Various unresolved issues are raised, such as the legal issues associated with commercial research, charging policy for in-orbit operations and ‘metering’ of in-orbit resources. It is noted that the international dimension of the ISS has thus far received little consideration in the USA.  相似文献   

Trinh EH 《Acta Astronautica》2003,53(4-10):317-327
The restructuring of the research capabilities of the International Space Station has forced a reassessment of the Physical Sciences research plans and a re-targeting of the major scientific thrusts. The combination of already selected peer-reviewed flight investigations with the initiation of new research and technology programs will allow the maximization of the ISS scientific and technological potential. Fundamental and applied research will use a combination of ISS-based facilities, ground-based activities, and other experimental platforms to address issues impacting fundamental knowledge, industrial and medical applications on Earth, and the technology required for human space exploration. The current flight investigation research plan shows a large number of principal investigators selected to use the remaining planned research facilities.  相似文献   

正The announcement of the opportunity for international cooperation on the Chinese Space Station(CSS)was made at a ceremony hosted by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs(UNOOSA)and the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Vienna on 28 May.China officially initiated  相似文献   

The results of analysis of microdisturbances on the International Space Station (ISS) at performing various dynamic operations are presented. Docking of transfer manned and cargo vehicles Progress and Soyuz to various docking modules of the ISS, docking of the Space Shuttle Discovery, the ISS orbit correction and, also, disturbances at “EVA” (Extra Vehicular Activity) operations during astronauts working on the external ISS surface are considered. The results of measuring microaccelerations by sensors of both Russian and American segments are analyzed.  相似文献   

“国际空间站”系统特点分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
范嵬娜 《航天器工程》2012,21(2):94-100
介绍了"国际空间站"的总体设计;分析了"国际空间站"系统设计的特点和不足,其中包括重视成熟技术和冗余设计,众多系统故障暴露出技术薄弱性,机器人系统自动化水平有待提高,以及许多先进技术规划未能实施;提出了发展中国空间站的启示与建议,如借鉴国外协力合作系统先进设计经验和科学评估安全性方法,权衡技术继承性与先进性,注重空间站系统设备的设计、维修、机器人开发和延寿问题。  相似文献   

The results of the determination of the uncontrolled attitude motion of the International Space Station during its unmanned flight in 1999 are presented. The data of onboard measurements of three components of the angular velocity are used for this determination. These data covering an interval of slightly less than one orbit were jointly processed by the least squares method, by integrating the equations of motion of the station relative to its center of mass. As a result of this processing, the initial conditions of the motion and the parameters of the mathematical model used were estimated. The actual motion of the station has been determined for 20 such intervals during April–November. Throughout these intervals, the station rotated about the axis of the minimum moment of inertia, the latter executing small oscillations relative to the local vertical. Such a mode, known as the mode of gravitational orientation of a rotating satellite or the mode of generalized gravitational orientation, was planned before the flight. The measurements were made to verify it. The quasistatic component of the microaccelerations aboard the station is estimated for this mode.  相似文献   

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