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高空气球工作和学术会议由中国空间科学学会空间探测专业委员会和中国科学院有关单位联合召开的高空气球工作和学术会议于1994年4月12日至14月在北京举行.会议就高空气球科学探测和实验及高空气球技术进行了广泛的研讨,并对维持、发展我国高空科学气球事业的有...  相似文献   

高空系留气球建模与稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平流层高空系留气球是典型的无控制欠阻尼自治系统,因此平台本身应当具有较好的稳定性,然而该系统的线性化模型含有零特征根,导致经典的Lyapunov第一方法难以从理论上获得其稳定性结论.从一般刚体的Newton-Euler方程出发,根据刚体对任一点的平动和转动方程,建立基于广义坐标的高空系留气球二阶非线性动力学模型,并针对Lyapunov方法证明稳定性的局限性,从能量的角度运用拉格朗日定理证明了高空系留气球的稳定性,数值仿真结果与理论结果一致.  相似文献   

高空气球热力学模型与上升过程仿真分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于对高空气球热力学环境的分析,建立了热力学与动力学耦合的高空气球动力学模型;并采用该模型对某高空气球的上升与驻留过程进行仿真分析.结果表明:高空气球上升过程中内部氦气存在"超冷"现象,其中平流层区域"超冷"明显,氦气平均温差为-19 K;由于"超冷",其上升速度曲线呈双"V"形变化;强太阳辐射与弱对流环境使驻留过程中氦气呈现"超热"现象,平衡时氦气平均温度比环境温度高39 K,球内氦气超压648.8 Pa.数值仿真的速度、平均温度变化规律与相关飞行试验数据相吻合,说明该仿真模型是有效的.   相似文献   

正当地时间2017年3月1日,西班牙零至无穷公司(Z2I)成功完成了"气球星"(Bloostar)小型运载火箭原型机的高空试验。零至无穷公司创建于2009年,创始初期重点研究利用同温层气球将大型载荷送入太空边缘,目前,该公司已经在提供相关服务。在气球技术成熟之后,该公司将重心转向以高空气球作为发射平台的小型运载火箭。  相似文献   

双层乳胶气球克服了单层乳胶气球的缺点,可以在高空平漂以实现持续气象观测,但是其高空平漂受多因素影响比较复杂,特别是气球充气量主要依赖工程经验,施放成功率不高,亟需提供理论指导。通过试验数据证明了浮重平衡是双层乳胶气球实现高空平漂的必要条件,推导得出内、外球氢气充气量和昼夜温度变化对其运动的影响;建立了双层乳胶气球的几何模型和动力学模型,结合实地施放试验,对其升空和平漂过程轨迹进行模拟,由此探究了内、外球充气量对平漂高度的影响。研究结果表明:内球充气量是决定平漂高度的主要因素,并受昼夜温度变化影响,当内、外球规格分别为750g、500g,负载约1kg时,内球拉力每增大或减小0.04kg,最终平漂高度将对应升高或降低约5km,而外球充气量对其平漂高度无影响。   相似文献   

<正>为验证其发射能力,美国加州海沃德初创企业九霄公司计划在今年12月份对用来向低地轨道发射立方星的一枚初样气球发射火箭进行首次试飞,证明其通信、导航和遥测分系统能够正常工作。九霄公司正在自行研制推力矢量控制系统,并采购固体火箭发动机,目标是要能把16颗立方星或一颗22千克重的卫星送入低地轨道。该公司计划从现有制造商手中采购高空气球,但未透露这些厂家的身份。为把装有火箭发射平台的高空气球送往大西洋上空,九霄公司已  相似文献   

高空气球综合/开放式设计系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发了一种新架构的高空气球设计系统,引入了综合性、开放式的设计理念,采用面向对象的整合方法,包含了自定义开发、多Agent基线比选等开放性设计功能,通过实例证明了该系统不仅可以进行模型建立、性能分析、费用评估等分析结果综合评价,还使方案设计与数字加工、飞行仿真等实际应用结合在一起.  相似文献   

西德制造的NASA航天飞机轨道器缩比模型在荷兰完成低速风洞鉴定实验后,准备进行飞行。这个比例为1:5.24的轨道器是世界上最大的超音速模型,将用于支持欧洲赫尔墨斯载人航天飞机研究计划。该模型将由一个运载气球携带到高空发射,在完成了包括以1.7马赫速度飞行的任务之后,由降落伞回收。所获得的飞行数据将与以前的NASA航天飞机的大量飞行数捃进行比较。西德不来梅OHB系统公司制造的这种模型是为了用来鉴定缩比运载器在再入期间的数据收集价值或评价高速飞机的设计。预计这种缩比  相似文献   

从日本鹿儿岛到中国东部地区的高空气球航线,是不经过第三国的北半球中纬度地区不可多得的越洋飞行航线.其距离相当于从意大利的西西里岛,越过地中海到西班牙的航程.   相似文献   

本文分析了迴转对称高空科学气球球膜的应力状态,指出按实际情况给定有关纬向应力σt的约束条件后就可解得正确的球形.σt的选择原则有三:下半球σt尽可能为零;上半球的σt自腰至顶逐渐增加;在球顶处则维持经向应力σ≈σt.按此原则设计的附加强带或不附加强带的气球,其最大应力和应力总潜能均较纬向应力恒为零的自然型气球有明显的改善,将用于大型气球的设计中.   相似文献   

On 15th February 1992, ISAS space engineering satellite HITEN was successfully inserted into an elliptical orbit around the moon with perilune between some 100 km and 8000 km and apolune of about 50.000 km. On board was a small scientific experiment designed to detect cosmic dust particles, MDC - Munich Dust Counter. During a period of more than one year, until Hiten's hard landing on the moon surface at 10th of April 1993 (UTC), measurements of impact velocity, mass and crude flight direction of micrometeoroid particles have been performed. In total 150 cosmic dust impacts were detected and evaluated. From these measurements, the impact rate versus time and the dust flux versus distance from the moon are derived. The evidence of moon ejecta and some indications of particles which are orbiting the moon will be discussed. The spatial distribution of the measured particles is shown in lunarcentric as well as in heliocentric coordinate systems. The directional distribution is also given, showing the different populations of cosmic dust particles. Finally, the gathered data will be compared with previous results from measurements in the vicinity of the Earth and in the geomagnetic tail region.  相似文献   

Cometary comae, cometary tails, and the interplanetary dust cloud, are low density dust clouds built of cosmic dust particles. Light scattering observations, from in-situ space probes and remote observatories, are a key to their physical properties. This presentation updates results on cometary and interplanetary dust derived from such observations (with emphasis on polarization), and compares them with results on asteroidal regoliths. The polarization phase curves follow similar trends, with parameters that may vary from one object to another. The wavelength dependence is highly variable, although it is usually linear in the visible domain. It may be suggested (from observations, modeling and laboratory measurements) that these dust particles are irregular, with a size greater than the wavelength, and that cometary dust is highly porous, as compared to asteroidal or interplanetary dust. Sophisticated numerical models and laboratory measurements on dust analogues are indeed required to interpret without any ambiguity the ensemble of results. The opportunity offered by the ICAPS facility (an ESA project selected for the ISS, now in phase B) to deduce the physical properties of cosmic dust particles from their optical properties, as well as their evolution (breaking-off and agglomeration, ices condensation and evaporation), is presented.  相似文献   

The abundance and composition of complex organic (carbonaceous) material in the interstellar dust is followed as the dust evolves in its cyclic evolution between diffuse and dense clouds. Interstellar extinction, laboratory and space analog experiments, dust infrared absorption spectra, the cosmic abundance of the condensible atoms, and space and ground-based observations of comet dust are used to impose constraints on the organic dust component as mantles on silicate cores.  相似文献   

Experiments simulating the non-destructive collection of cosmic dust are conducted at the laboratory of the Lehrstuhl für Raumfahrttechnik (LRT) of the Technische Universität München (TUM). The electromagnetic accelerator setup is described, which is capable of obtaining an impact velocity between 10 and 400 m/s with particle masses up to 1 g. The evaluation method of the ratio of collected to impacting particles is given. Various metallic surface structures were tested with respect to their collection efficiency using different types of particles from 1 to 500 μm in size for simulation of cosmic dust. The simulation results are presented with emphasis on collection mechanisms. Particular influences on the collection mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Upon the last joint Soviet-French mission on the MIR Space Station, on December 1988, an experiment devoted to the collection and detection of cosmic dust and space debris has been deployed in space during 13 months.

A variety of sensors and collecting devices has make possible the study of effects and distribution of cosmic particles after recovery of exposed material. Remnants of particles, suitable for chemical identification are expected to be found within the stacked foil detectors. Discrimination between true cosmic particles and man-made orbital debris is expected.

Some preliminary results are presented here.  相似文献   

载人深空探测任务的空间环境工程关键问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对载人深空探测过程中将遭受的太阳宇宙射线、银河宇宙射线、微重力、尘与尘暴、深空微生物等环境进行分析。对不同深空环境给航天员带来的威胁进行了探讨。从物理屏蔽防护、辐射风险的监测和预警、辐射防护药物、航天员选拨等角度对采取的措施进行了阐述。从空间辐射对航天员的损伤机理、抗辐射和微重力药物开发、空间辐射屏蔽防护结构与材料、航天服自清洁、抗微生物侵蚀材料的研发等多个角度对需要进一步开展的工作进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A single channel cosmic ray muon detector was constructed and installed in Riyadh, central Saudi Arabia, for studying the variations in the cosmic ray (CR) muon flux. The detector has been in operation since July 2002. The recorded data correspond to muons that primarily have energies between 10 and 20 GeV. The detector will be used to continuously measure the intensity of the muon components of the cosmic rays, exploring its variations and possible correlations with environment parameters. The technical aspects of this detector will be presented. Some results obtained by the detector so far will be given. These include the modulation of the CR flux on different time scales (diurnal, 27-day, and long-term variations). Additionally, the effect of a severe dust storm on the muon count rate was investigated.  相似文献   

A number of in-situ cosmic dust detectors derive the dust particle velocities from measurement of the risetimes of the impact plasma signal. Extensive calibration of these instruments has established a reliable empirical relationship but a quantitative explanation has not been available, with the result that confidence in flight data outside the range of the calibration data is hard to assess. Recent measurements taken at the dust accelerator facilities at the University of Kent (UK) and at MPI-K (Germany), supported by a theoretical analysis, have demonstrated that the relationship results from the time-spread of secondary impacts coupled with the mobility of ions in the impact plasma cloud, which is in turn determined by the magnitude and geometry of the applied electric field and on the ion species present. Results of the current investigations are presented, and the implications of measurements based on this principle at high particle velocities, at masses unobtainable in calibration studies, and for other instrument geometries, are considered.  相似文献   

Chemical evolution of primitive solar system bodies.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we summarize some of the most salient observations made recently on the organic molecules and other compounds of the biogenic elements present in the interstellar medium and in the primitive bodies of the solar system. They include the discovery of the first phosphorus molecular species in dense interstellar clouds, the presence of complex organic ions in the dust and gas phase of Halley's coma, the finding of unusual, probably presolar, deuterium-hydrogen ratios in the amino acids of carbonaceous chondrites, and new developments on the chemical evolution of Titan, the primitive Earth, and early Mars. Some of the outstanding problems concerning the synthesis of organic molecules on different cosmic bodies are also discussed from an exobiological perspective.  相似文献   

Within the last years, a real-time system to monitor high energy cosmic rays for space weather use has been operated at Athens cosmic ray station. Neutron monitors and satellite high resolution data in real time are used, making it possible to observe cosmic rays in dual energy range observations. In large solar energetic particle (SEP) events, ground level enhancement (GLE) can provide the earliest alert for the onset of the SEP event. This system watches for count rate increases recorded in real time by 23 neutron monitors, which triggers an alarm if a ground level enhancement (GLE) of cosmic ray intensity is detected.  相似文献   

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