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Comparison of experimental data obtained from short (SDEF) and long duration exposure flights (LDEF) recently led to results, which will contribute for the estimation of genetic risk for long and/or repeated stay of man in space. Under orbital conditions biological stress and damage are induced in test subjects by cosmic radiation, especially the high energetic, densely ionizing component of heavy ions. Plant seeds were successful model systems for a biotest in studying the physiological damages and mutagenic effects caused by ionizing radiation in particular stem cells. In this article we present an overview of our space experiments with Arabidopis thaliana seeds. We present first results of investigations on certain damage endpoints (seed germination, plant survival, mutation frequencies), caused by cosmic ionizing radiation in dry dormant plant seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana after different short term (e.g. IML-1 and D-2) and long term (e.g. EURECA and LDEF-1) space exposures. Total dose effects of heavy ions and the other components of the mixed radiation field on damage endpoints and survival after space exposure and gamma-ray preirradiation were obtained. A new method of total dose spectrometry by neutron activation has been applied.  相似文献   

Based on the ion, electron and neutral gas observations, performed by five of the six sensors comprising the PLASMAG-1 experiment on board VEGA-1 and -2, the following results are discussed: (1) the existence of the bow shock and its location at 1.1×106 km for VEGA-1 inbound; (2) the existence of a cometopause and its location at 1.6×105 km for VEGA-2 inbound; (3) the plasma dynamical processes occurring inside the cometosheath; (4) the phenomena taking place within the cometary plasma region including mass-spectroscopy of cometary ions at distances 1.5×104 km; (5) the existence of keV electrons near closest approach to the nucleus; and (6) the radial dependence of the cometary neutral gas and the comparison with model calculations, yielding a mean ionization scale length of 2×106 km and an overall production rate of 1.3×1030 molecules s−1 for VEGA-1 inbound. The results are also discussed in the context of the other, both remote and in-situ, observations, performed on board the VEGA- and GIOTTO-spacecraft.  相似文献   

Deep-space manned flight as a reality depends on a viable solution to the radiation problem. Both acute and chronic radiation health threats are known to exist, with solar particle events as an example of the former and galactic cosmic rays (GCR) of the latter. In this experiment Iron ions of 1A GeV are used to simulate GCR and to determine the secondary radiation field created as the GCR-like particles interact with a thick target. A NASA prepared food pantry locker was subjected to the iron beam and the secondary fluence recorded. A modified version of the Monte Carlo heavy ion transport code developed by Zeitlin at LBNL is compared with experimental fluence. The foodstuff is modeled as mixed nuts as defined by the 71st edition of the Chemical Rubber Company (CRC) Handbook of Physics and Chemistry. The results indicate a good agreement between the experimental data and the model. The agreement between model and experiment is determined using a linear fit to ordered pairs of data. The intercept is forced to zero. The slope fit is 0.825 and the R2 value is 0.429 over the resolved fluence region. The removal of an outlier, Z=14, gives values of 0.888 and 0.705 for slope and R2 respectively.  相似文献   

The results are presented of the exposure of Drosophila melanogaster to microgravity conditions during a 15-day biosatellite flight, Biokosmos 9, in a joint ESA-URSS project. The experimental containers were loaded before launch with a set of Drosophila melanogaster Oregon R larvae so that imagoes were due to emerge half-way through the flight. A large number of normally developed larvae were recovered from the space-flown containers. These larvae were able to develop into normal adults confirming earlier results that Drosophila melanogaster of a wild-type constitution can develop normally in the absence of gravity. However, microgravity exposure clearly enhances the number of growing embryos laid by the flies and possibly slows down the developmental pace of the microgravity-exposed animals. Due to some problems in the experimental set-up, this slowing down needs to be verified in future experiments. No live adult that had been exposed to microgravity was recovered from the experiment, so that no life span studies could be carried out, but adult males emerged from the recovered embyros showed a slight shortening in life span and a lower performance in other experimental tests of aging. This agrees with the results of previous experiments performed by our groups.  相似文献   

The Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System (C.E.B.A.S.) Mini-Module, a Space Shuttle middeck locker payload which supports a variety of aquatic inhabitants (fish, snails, plants and bacteria) in an enclosed 8.6 L chamber, was tested for its biological stability in microgravity. The aquatic plant, Ceratophyllum demersum L., was critical for the vitality and functioning of this artificial mini-ecosystem. Its photosynthetic pigment concentrations were of interest due to their light harvesting and protective functions. "Post-flight" chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations within Ceratophyllum apical segments were directly related to the quantities of light received in the experiments, with microgravity exposure (STS-89) failing to account for any significant deviation from ground control studies.  相似文献   

Space flight factors resulted in the accumulation of genetic damage in embryonic meristem cells of seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana and Crepis capillaris in flights of different duration (49, 226, 408 and 827 days) aboard the orbital station Salyut 6. As a result, the viability of seeds and seedlings was reduced, and the sterility of plants grown from seeds exposed on Salyut 6 was increased. The effect depended upon the flight duration. The data obtained suggest an acceleration of seed aging under flight conditions.  相似文献   

Vacuum exposure renders the survival of spores of Bacillus subtilis approximately five times more sensitive to ultraviolet light irradiation than exposure under atmospheric conditions. The photoproduct formation in spores irradiated under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions is compared to the photoproduct formation in spores irradiated at atmospheric pressure. Compared to irradiation at atmospheric pressure, where only the "spore photoproduct" 5-thyminyl-5,6-dihydrothymine (TDHT) can be detected, two additional photoproducts, known as the c,s and t,s isomers of thymine dimer (T<>T) are produced in vacuo. The spectral efficiencies for photoproduct formation in spores under atmospheric and vacuum conditions are compared. Since there is no increased formation of TDHT after irradiation in vacuum, TDHT cannot be made responsible for the observed vacuum effect. "Vacuum specific" photoproducts may cause a synergistic response of spores to the simultaneous action of ultraviolet light (UV) and UHV. Three different mechanisms are discussed for the enhanced sensitivity of B. subtilis spores to UV radiation in vacuum. The experiments described contribute valuable research information on the chance for survival of microorganisms in outer space.  相似文献   

The University of Kiel Cosmic Ray Instrument on board the solar probes HELIOS-1 and -2 measured angular distributions of electrons, protons, and heavier nuclei between 0.3 and 1 AU over one complete solar cycle between 1974 and 1986. Anisotropies are observed mainly during the rising phase of solar particle events or close to the passage of certain interplanetary shocks. The anisotropies are presented as proton data of energies between 27 and 37 MeV. The dependence of the anisotropies on particle energy and distance from the sun is provided based on diffusive propagation in interplanetary space. Strong anisotropies could provide a chance of efficient shielding of the passenger compartment by moving heavier parts of the spacecraft structure into the direction of the highest flux. A reduction of the total radiation dose by less than a factor of 2 might be achievable, however, selection of quiet times for the mission reduces the radiation hazard much more.  相似文献   

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