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Based on irradiation with 45 MeV/u N and B ions and with Co-60 gamma rays, cellular parameters of Katz's track structure model have been fitted for the survival of V79-379A Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts. Cellular parameters representing neoplastic transformations in C3H10T/1/2 cells after their irradiation with heavy ion beams, taken from earlier work, were also used to model the radiation hazard in deep space, following the system for evaluating, summing and reporting occupational exposures proposed in 1967 by a subcommittee of NCRP. We have performed model calculations of the number of transformations in surviving cells, after a given fluence of heavy charged particles of initial energy 500 MeV/u, penetrating thick layers of cells. We take the product of cell transformation and survival probabilities, calculated along the path lengths of charged particles using cellular survival and transformation parameters, to represent a quantity proportional to the "radiation risk factor" discussed in the NCRP document. The "synergistic" effect of simultaneous charged particle transfers is accounted for by the "track overlap" mode inherent in the model of Katz.  相似文献   

Radiation protection standards for the individual exposed to ionizing radiation in his/her daily work have evolved over more than 50 years since the first recommendations on limits by the NCRP and the ICRP. Initial standards were based on the absence of observable harm, notably skin erythema, but have since been modified as other concerns, such as leukemia and genetic effects, became more important. More recently, the general carcinogenic effect of radiation has become the principal concern at low doses. Genetic effects are also of concern in the younger individual. Modern radiation protection practices take both of these risks into account. Quantification of these risks improves as new information emerges. The study of the Japanese survivors of the atomic bombs continues to yield new information and the recent revisions in the dosimetry are about to be completed. The special circumstances of space travel suggest approaches to limits not unlike those for radiation workers on the ground. One approach is to derive a career limit based on the risks of accident faced by many nonradiation workers in a lifetime. The career limit can be apportioned according to the type of mission. The NCRP is considering this and other approaches to the specification of radiation standards in space.  相似文献   

Radiation exposures are typically characterized by two quantities. The first is the absorbed dose, or the energy deposited per unit mass for specific types of radiation passing through specified materials. The same amount of energy deposited in material by two different types of radiation, however, can result in two different levels of risk. Because of this, for the purpose of radiation protection operations, absorbed dose is modified by a second factor intended to normalize the risk associated with a given exposure. We present here an inter-comparison of methods for this modification. First is the radiation quality factor (Q), as defined by ICRP publication 60. This quantity is related functionally to the unrestricted linear energy transfer (LET) of a given radiation, and is multiplied by the absorbed dose to derive the dose equivalent (H). The second method for modifying absorbed dose is the radiation weighting factor, also given in ICRP-60, or as modified in NCRP report 115. To implement the weighting factor, the absorbed dose resulting from incidence of a particular radiation is multiplied by a factor assigned to that type of radiation, giving the equivalent dose. We compare calculations done based on identical fields of radiation representative of that encountered by the MIR space station, applying each of these two methods.  相似文献   

There are obvious risks in space travel that have loomed larger than any risk from radiation. Nevertheless, NASA has maintained a radiation program that has involved maintenance of records of radiation exposure, and planning so that the astronauts' exposures are kept as low as possible, and not just within the current guidelines. These guidelines are being reexamined currently by NCRP Committee 75 because new information is available, for example, risk estimates for radiation-induced cancer and about the effects of HZE particles. Furthermore, no estimates of risk or recommendations were made for women in 1970 and must now be considered. The current career limit is 400 rem to the blood forming organs. The appropriateness of this limit and its basis are being examined as well as the limits for specific organs. There is now considerably more information about age-dependency for radiation effects and this will be taken into account. In 1973 a committee of the National Research Council made a separate study of HZE particle effects and it was concluded that the attendant risks did not pose a hazard for low inclination near-earth orbit missions. Since that time work has been carried out on the so-called microlesions caused by HZE particles and on the relative carcinogenic effect of heavy ions, including iron. A remaining question is whether the fluence of HZE particles could reach levels of concern in missions under consideration. Finally, it is the intention of the committee to indicate clearly the areas requiring further research.  相似文献   

针对1994-2011年的363例地磁急始事件,基于太阳风动压脉冲(DPP)结构自动识别算法确定是否有相应的太阳风动压脉冲结构事件与其相关联,进而针对太阳风动压脉冲结构地磁急始关联事件进行统计分析研究.研究结果显示:91%的地磁急始事件与DPP事件相关联,53%的地磁急始事件与行星际激波相关联,这表明太阳风动压脉冲结构是引起地磁急始更普遍的原因;引起地磁急始的太阳风动压脉冲结构事件约70%发生在行星际日冕物质抛射、共转相互作用区以及行星际日冕物质抛射和/或共转相互作用区相互作用形成的复杂抛射物等大尺度太阳风扰动结构中,且其平均动压变化幅度为3.9nPa,强太阳风动压脉冲结构事件占全体事件的42%;地磁急始事件变化幅度与太阳风动压脉冲变化幅度以及上下游动压平方根差之间存在明显的相关关系,相关系数分别为0.79和0.82,并且行星际磁场南向时相关性更强;太阳风动压脉冲结构事件持续时间、传播速度、动压变化幅度对地磁急始事件的持续时间有一定影响,但这些参数与地磁急始事件的相关关系较弱.研究结果可为基于太阳风动压脉冲结构特征参数开展地磁急始预报提供研究基础.  相似文献   

The number of human beings likely to spend time in space will increase as time goes on. While exposures vary according to missions, orbits, shielding, etc., an average space radiation fluence (ignoring solar flares, radiation belts and anomalous regions in space) in locations close to earth is about 10 rad/year with a quality factor of about 5.5. The potential effects of exposure to these fluences include both non-stochastic effects and stochastic effects (cancer and genetic damage). Non-stochastic effects, damage to the lens of the eye, bone marrow or gonads, can be avoided by keeping radiation limits below threshold values. Stochastic effects imply risk at all levels. The magnitude of these risks has been discussed in a number of reports by the UNSCEAR Committee and the BEIR Committee in the USA during 1970-1980. The uncertainties associated with these risks and information which has become available since the last BEIR report is discussed. In considering reasonable limits for exposure in space, acceptable levels for stochastic risks must be based on appropriate comparisons. In view of the limited term of duty of most space workers, a lifetime limit may be appropriate. This lifetime limit might be comparable in terms of risks with limits for radiation workers on the ground but received at a higher annual rate for a shorter time. These and other approaches are expected to be considered by an NCRP Committee currently examining the problem of space radiation hazards.  相似文献   

当前主流的视频压缩标准,如H.264、HEVC等,主要是针对摄像机拍摄的视频而设计的.而屏幕内容(SC)的视频是由计算机生成的,无噪声,要求更高的压缩效率,同时与摄像机拍摄的视频相比包含更多的结构相似性.提出了一种利用屏幕视频中相似性的模板匹配帧内编码方法,采用由21个像素点组成的模板,以像素点为最小单位对整帧进行模板匹配,并使用哈希函数实现高效的模板查找,最后对残差图像进行熵编码.实验结果显示,与标准的HEVC扩展方法相比,该方法在无损编码上压缩率可以提高一倍,编码时间减小了近一半.   相似文献   

We present a comparative study of the properties of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and flares associated with the solar energetic particle (SEP) events in the rising phases of solar cycles (SC) 23 (1996–1998) (22 events) and 24 (2009–2011) (20 events), which are associated with type II radio bursts. Based on the SEP intensity, we divided the events into three categories, i.e. weak (intensity < 1 pfu), minor (1 pfu < intensity < 10 pfu) and major (intensity ? 10 pfu) events. We used the GOES data for the minor and major SEP events and SOHO/ERNE data for the weak SEP event. We examine the correlation of SEP intensity with flare size and CME properties. We find that most of the major SEP events are associated with halo or partial halo CMEs originating close to the sun center and western-hemisphere. The fraction of halo CMEs in SC 24 is larger than the SC 23. For the minor SEP events one event in SC23 and one event in SC24 have widths < 120° and all other events are associated with halo or partial halo CMEs as in the case of major SEP events. In case of weak SEP events, majority (more than 60%) of events are associated with CME width < 120°. For both the SC the average CMEs speeds are similar. For major SEP events, average CME speeds are higher in comparison to minor and weak events. The SEP event intensity and GOES X-ray flare size are poorly correlated. During the rise phase of solar cycle 23 and 24, we find north–south asymmetry in the SEP event source locations: in cycle 23 most sources are located in the south, whereas during cycle 24 most sources are located in the north. This result is consistent with the asymmetry found with sunspot area and intense flares.  相似文献   

The international reference ionosphere, IRI, and its extension to plasmasphere, IRI-Plas, models require reliable prediction of solar and ionospheric proxy indices of solar activity for nowcasting and forecasting of the ionosphere parameters. It is shown that IRI prediction errors could increase for the F2 layer critical frequency foF2 and the peak height hmF2 due to erroneous predictions of the ionospheric global IG index and the international sunspot number SSN1 index on which IRI and IRI-Plas models are built. Regression relation is introduced to produce daily SSN1 proxy index from new time series SSN2 index provided from June 2015, after recalibration of sunspots data. To avoid extra errors of the ionosphere model a new solar activity prediction (SAP) model for the ascending part of the solar cycle SC25 is proposed which expresses analytically the SSN1 proxy index and the 10.7-cm radio flux F10.7 index in terms of the phase of the solar cycle, Φ. SAP model is based on monthly indices observed during the descending part of SC24 complemented with forecast of time and amplitude for SC25 peak. The strength of SC25 is predicted to be less than that of SC24 as shown with their amplitudes for eight types of indices driving IRI-Plas model.  相似文献   

Estimates of the risk of cancer induction, formerly about 1%/Sv, formed the basis of ICRP radiation protection limits in 1977. They have now increased to about 4-5%/Sv for low doses. These increases are based mainly on new data for the Japanese survivors of the A-bombs of 1945. They result from the accumulation of 11 years more of data on solid tumors, the revisions in the dosimetry of those exposed and improvement in statistical methods and projections. The application of a dose rate effectiveness factor between effects at high dose rate and those at low dose and dose rate is also an important consideration. Not only has the total risk changed but also the distribution of risk among organs. Thus the effective dose equivalent may require modification. These changes are modifying ICRP and NCRP thinking about recommendations on protection limits, especially for radiation workers.  相似文献   

讨论了开关电容乘法器的设计,其中着重讨论了寄生电容不敏感型开关电容四象限模拟乘法器的设计,并提出了一种新型的电路结构,分析了它的性能,同时还研究了元器件的非理想特性对其性能的影响以及采用的补偿方法。  相似文献   

The results of magnetospheric plasma fluxes measurement in geosynchronous orbit are presented. The measurements were done onboard the geosynchronous Russian “Electro” spacecraft (SC) in 1995–1997 years. The diurnal variations of the plasma density and temperature were observed at various levels of geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

Global Navigation Satellite System multipath reflectometry (GNSS-MR) technology has great potential for monitoring tide level changes. GNSS-MR techniques usually extract signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) residual sequences using quadratic polynomials; however, such algorithms are affected considerably by satellite elevation angles. To improve the stability and accuracy of an SNR residual sequence, this study proposed an SNR signal decomposition method based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD). First, the SNR signal is decomposed by EMD, following which the SNR residual sequence is obtained by combining the corresponding intrinsic mode function with the frequency range of the coherent signal. Second, the Lomb–Scargle spectrum is analyzed to obtain the frequency of the SNR residual sequence. Finally, the SNR frequency is converted into the tide height. To verify the validity of the SNR residual sequence obtained by EMD, the algorithm performance was assessed using multigroup satellite elevation angle intervals with measured data from two station, SC02 in the United States and RSBY in Australia. Experimental results demonstrated that the accuracy of the improved algorithm was improved in the low-elevation range. The improved algorithm demonstrated high monitoring accuracy, and the effective number was not less than 80% of the total in SC02, which means it could effectively describe the trend of the tide with accuracy of approximately 10 cm, meanwhile, the RMS error of RSBY could be reduced by 30 cm, to the maximum extent. The EMD method effectively expands the range of available GNSS-MR elevations, avoids the loss of effective information, enhances considerably the utilization rate of GNSS data, and improves the accuracy of GNSS-MR tide level monitoring.  相似文献   

Plasma and energetic particles pressure distribution is studied using data from the plasma and energetic particle experiment (0.1 –133 keV) onboard the Gorizont-35 geostationary satellite for the period from 11 to 25 March 1992. The analysed period consists of relatively quiet time, small geomagnetic storms, SC and the time of the northern orientation of the IMF. The calculations show that the basic contribution to the total particle pressure was made by ions at the energy from 0.1 to 12.4 keV. The derived average value of the calculated pressure (≈1 nPa) points to the important role of the geostationary orbit plasma population in the formation of the magnetopause pressure balance and of the near-Earth magnetic field distortion.  相似文献   

基于1995-2004年ICME驱动的强烈磁暴(SA型)、强磁暴(SB型)和延迟型主相暴(SC型)三种磁暴类型,对1AU处太阳风动压、太阳风速度、行星际磁场、EK-L电场以及极光沉降能量进行时序叠加分析,并分别与-vBz耦合函数和Newell耦合函数进行对比.结果表明,三种磁暴在ICME到达前期的太阳风动压较稳定,背景太阳风、极光沉降能量、行星际磁场和磁层存在相对平静期.ICME到达前期SA型磁暴的背景太阳风速度、行星际磁场南向分量以及极光沉降能量的均值高于另外两种磁暴类型,这说明大型日冕物质抛射在ICME到达前就对行星际磁场、背景太阳风和HP产生了影响.磁暴急始后,SC型磁暴的EK-L电场斜率小,峰值延后且行星际磁场北向分量增强,这些都是磁暴主相延迟的表现,极光沉降能量随着行星际磁场转为南向而增加.  相似文献   

It is a case study of a chain of three magnetic storms with a special attention to the particle dynamics based on CORONAS-F and SERVIS-1 low altitude satellite measurements. Solar proton penetration inside the polar cap and inner magnetosphere and dynamics at different phases of the magnetic storms was studied. We found, that solar protons were captured to the inner radiation belt at the recovery phase of the first and the second magnetic storms and additionally accelerated during the last one. No evidence of sudden commencement (SC) particle injection was found. Enhanced solar proton belt intensity with small pitch angles decreased slowly during satellite orbits for 30 days until the next magnetic storm. Then in 20–30 h we registered strong precipitation of these protons followed by the trapped proton flux dropout. Intensity decrease was more pronounced at lower altitudes and higher particle energies.  相似文献   

军机飞行员情境认知水平的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究目前航空工效研究领域中比较活跃的一个方向——情境认知问题,结合前人的研究成果设计了有关军机飞行员情境认知的实验和调查,并通过分析其情境认知的四个关键方面:扫视(注意)策略,工作负荷与任务难度的关系,工作负荷与情境认知的关系,经验与情境认知的关系,初步揭示了高级飞行员和飞行学员之间的情境认知差别.   相似文献   

An algorithm is presented by which the function LAY can be inverted so that the geometric parameters HX and SC of such function used to describe a given profile in the neighborhood of a peak can easily be determined.  相似文献   

Based on the author’s experience in ISO TC20/SC14 Working Group 4, this paper discusses the common problems encountered when developing a standard for solar energetic particle (SEP) fluxes. The problem involving the reliability of the distribution function describing the SEP events and the interpolation of this function into the region of not-yet-observed large events are discussed. The problems with describing the fluences of SEPs over a wide range of energy in the form of energetic spectra are analyzed. Requirements for SEP flux models are formulated. The reliability of some SEP flux models is determined by comparing their predictions with the experimental data.  相似文献   

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