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Pascoal A. Kaminer I. Oliveira P. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》2000,36(4):1099-1114
A new methodology for the design of navigation systems for autonomous vehicles is introduced. Using simple kinematic relationships, the problem of estimating the velocity and position of an autonomous vehicle is solved by resorting to special bilinear time-varying filters. These are the natural generalization of linear time-invariant complementary filters that are commonly used to properly merge sensor information available at low frequency with that available in the complementary region. Complementary filters lend themselves to frequency domain interpretations that provide valuable insight into the filtering design process. This work extends these properties to the time-varying setting by resorting to the theory of linear differential inclusions and by converting the problem of weighted filter performance analysis into that of determining the feasibility of a related set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Using this set-up, the stability of the resulting filters as well as their "frequency-like" performance can be assessed using efficient numerical analysis tools that borrow from convex optimization techniques. The mathematical background that is required for complementary time-varying filter analysis and design is introduced. Its application to the design of a navigation system that estimates position and velocity of an autonomous vehicle by complementing position information available from GPS with the velocity information provided by a Doppler sonar system is described. 相似文献
Weiss A.J. Friedlander B. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1996,32(3):1047-1057
We consider the problem of estimating directions of arrival (DOAs) using an array of sensors, where some of the sensors are perfectly calibrated, while others are uncalibrated. We identify a cost function whose minimizer is a statistically consistent and efficient estimator of the unknown parameters-the DOAs and the gains and phases of the uncalibrated sensors. Next we present an iterative algorithm for finding the minimum of that cost function The proposed algorithm is guaranteed to converge. The performance of the estimation algorithm is compared with the Cramer Rao bound (CRB). The derivation of the bound is also included. It is shown that DOA accuracy can be improved by adding uncalibrated sensors to a precisely calibrated array. Moreover, the number of sources that can be resolved may be larger than the number that can be resolved by the calibrated portion of the array 相似文献
近年来,对航空航天飞行器随时间变化的动力学特性研究需求越来越迫切。仅输出参数化时域的时变时间序列模型以其结构简约、精度高且跟踪能力强而成为研究热点,尤其是泛函向量时变自回归(FS-VTAR)模型已经得到了广泛应用。然而传统的FS-VTAR模型在保证其辨识优势的同时却需要针对不同时变结构选择合适的基函数形式及较高的基函数阶数,该过程相当复杂且耗时。本文借鉴无网格法中移动最小二乘(MLS)法构造形函数的思想,提出一种基于Kriging形函数的线性时变结构模态参数辨识方法。该方法首先引入自适应于辨识信号的Kriging形函数;再把时变系数在形函数上线性展开,利用最小二乘(LS)法得到形函数的展开系数;最后把时变模型特征方程转换为广义特征值问题提取出模态参数。利用时变刚度系统非平稳振动信号验证该方法,结果表明:基于Kriging形函数的FS-VTAR模型相比于传统的FS-VTAR模型能有效地避免基函数形式的选择和较高的基函数阶数,且精度相当;相比于移动最小二乘法能有效地解决其数值条件问题且具有更高的模态参数辨识精度。 相似文献
Sword C.K. Simaan M. Kamen E.W. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1990,26(2):367-373
The use of the output of an array of sensors to track multiple independently moving targets is reported. The output of each sensor in the array is the sum of signals received from each of the targets. The results of direction-of-arrival estimation by eigenvalue analysis are extended to derive a recursive procedure based on a matrix quadratic equation. The solution of this matrix quadratic equation is used to provide updated target positions. A linear approximation method for estimating the solution of the matrix equation is presented. The algorithm is demonstrated by the simulated tracking of two targets. The main advantage of the algorithm is that a closed-form solution for updating the target angle estimates has been obtained. Also, its application is straightforward, and the data association problem due to uncertainty in the origin of the measurements is avoided. However, it requires the inversion of an N ×N as well as other linear operations, so that the computational burden becomes substantial as N becomes very large 相似文献
Swindlehurst A.L. Kailath T. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1993,29(1):145-156
The authors consider the problem of extending the estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) algorithm for multiple source, cochannel direction finding to the two-dimensional case (e.g., azimuth and elevation angle estimation). Two algorithms are presented, one based on the optimal (minimal variance) subspace fitting formulation of ESPRIT, and the other based on an approximation to it. The algorithms are applicable to antenna arrays composed of identical subarrays displaced in two dimensions, such as uniform rectangular phased arrays. Simulation results illustrating the relative performance of the algorithms are also presented 相似文献
Flight path estimation using frequency measurements from a wideaperture acoustic array 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A narrowband technique based on the acoustical Doppler effect is proposed for estimating the trajectory of a turbo-prop aircraft in level flight with constant velocity as it transits over a ground-based passive acoustic sensor array. The basic principle is to measure the temporal variation of the instantaneous frequency (IF) of the acoustic signal received by each sensor and then to minimize the sum of the squared deviations of the IF estimates from their predicted values over a sufficiently long period of time for all sensors. The technique provides estimates of the propeller blade rate and the five source motion parameters that describe the aircraft trajectory. The six dimensional minimization problem is reduced to a five dimensional maximization problem, which is solved numerically using the quasi-Newton method. A simple method is described that provides the initial parameter estimates required for the numerical maximization. The effectiveness of the motion parameter estimation technique is verified using real acoustic data recorded from a wide aperture microphone array during various transits of a turbo-prop aircraft 相似文献
The paper deals with the problem of lateral bending for the five-layer panel with the lightweight filler that is reduced to the bending problem of a beam fixed at the end sections. To solve the differential equations describing the beam bending, the Euler-Lagrange variational principle is used. 相似文献
The acceleration autopilot design for skid-to-turn (STT) missile faces a great challenge owing to coupling effect among planes, variation of missile velocity and its parameters, inexistence of a complete state vector, and nonlinear aerodynamics. Moreover, the autopilot should be designed for the entire flight envelope where fast variations exist. In this paper, a design of inte-grated roll-pitch-yaw autopilot based on global fast terminal sliding mode control (GFTSMC) with a partial state nonlinear observer (PSNLO) for STT nonlinear time-varying missile model, is employed to address these issues. GFTSMC with a novel sliding surface is proposed to nullify the integral error and the singularity problem without application of the sign function. The pro-posed autopilot consisting of two-loop structure, controls STT maneuver and stabilizes the rolling with a PSNLO in order to estimate the immeasurable states as an output while its inputs are missile measurable states and control signals. The missile model considers the velocity variation, gravity effect and parameters’ variation. Furthermore, the environmental conditions’ dynamics are mod-eled. PSNLO stability and the closed loop system stability are studied. Finally, numerical simula-tion is established to evaluate the proposed autopilot performance and to compare it with existing approaches in the literature. 相似文献
Three sample preparation techniques, focused ion beam(FIB), ion beam(IB) etching,and ultramicrotomy(UM) were used in comparison to analyze the interphase of carbon fiber/epoxy composites using transmission electron microscopy. An intact interphase with a relatively uniform thickness was obtained by FIB, and detailed chemical analysis of the interphase was investigated by electron energy loss spectroscopy. It shows that the interphase region is 200 nm wide with an increasing oxygen-to-carbon ratio from 10% to 19% and an almost constant nitrogen-to-carbon ratio of about 3%. However, gallium implantation of FIB tends to hinder fine structure analysis of the interphase. For IB etching, the interphase region is observed with transition morphology from amorphous resin to nano-crystalline carbon fiber, but the uneven sample thickness brings difficulty for quantitative chemical analysis. Moreover, UM tends to cause damage and/or deformation on the interphase. These results are meaningful for in-depth understanding on the interphase characteristic of carbon fiber composites. 相似文献