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地球赤道上空35800千米高度上的地球静止轨道,是广阔的宇宙空间中唯一一条能使卫星保持定点的轨道。这是一种有限的轨道资源。为了避免这种轨道上的卫星信号相互干扰,卫星与卫星之间一般要相隔2°,即使卫星上采取一些先进的防干扰隔离措施,星间距离最小也只能减...  相似文献   

据报道,苏联于84年9月28日发射了有史以来最大的一颗卫星。美国分析家说,这颗卫星是新型电子侦察卫星,其轨道频繁地从美国领土上空经过,以截获无线电通信和有关数据。美国今年1月24日也用航天飞机发射了一颗新一代的大型、电子侦察卫星,它定点在苏联南部赤道上空的地球同步轨道上,用来搜集苏联  相似文献   

<正>3月31日23时51分,在西昌卫星发射中心,长征三号乙运载火箭呼啸着划破夜空,将天链二号01星送入太空,卫星准确进入地球同步转移轨道。这一刻意义非凡,它标志着我国第二代地球同步轨道数据中继卫星的首颗星正式开启征程。中继卫星主要是服务于航天器的卫星。通俗地讲,中继卫星就是一个位于36000公里上空的数据中转站,可以"居高临下"观测在中低轨道运行的  相似文献   

正美国海军称,其"移动用户目标系统"(MUOS)5卫星用于提升轨道的推进系统6月29日发生故障,当时该卫星向地球同步轨道转移的工作刚进行了约一半。MUOS-5是美海军MUOS下一代窄带通信星座的第5颗卫星,6月24日由"宇宙神"5火箭在卡纳维拉尔角空军站发射,原定7月3日抵达夏威夷上空一个地球同步轨道测试位置。MUOS项目耗资77亿美元,主承包商是洛马公司。美海军正在考虑各种轨道调整选项,计算对任务的影响。该卫星目前处于稳定、安全和明确可控  相似文献   

<正> 地球观测卫星利用星上遥感设备对地球进行观测,以获取各种地面信息.这种卫星通常选取太阳同步兼回归轨道.在太阳同步轨道上,运动的卫星在相同的地方时经过观测区域,卫星摄影时,太阳高度角基本相同;选取回归轨道,其目的是使卫星在运行一个回归周期以后,又重复原先的地面轨迹,这就可以满足用户对同一目标多次重复观测的要求.美国陆地卫星、泰罗斯、依托斯、雨云及法国的地球资源卫星均设计为这样的轨道.  相似文献   

现有的卫星控制系统全物理仿真很少对卫星绕地球的轨道运动进行模拟,即使在卫星间相对轨道运动的全物理仿真中也没有考虑地心引力差和惯性力项的存在,因此其逼真度受到了影响.提出一种在共面圆轨道近距离卫星相对运动全物理仿真中引入地心引力差和惯性力项的方法,提高了物理仿真实验的逼真度.  相似文献   

在西安卫星测控中心的精确控制下,我国于5月25日成功发射的第3颗北斗-1导航定位卫星,于北京时间6月3日5时零分成功定点,顺利进入地球同步轨道。 北斗-1卫星发射升空后,成功进入地球静止转移轨道,按计划运行了220h,在此期间,西安卫星测控中心采用国际先进的中心遥控模式,组织所属地面测控站对卫星进行了持续跟踪与精确控制,使卫星完成了地球捕获、太阳能帆板展开和星上发动机多次点火、调姿变轨等数十个动作,准确地进入了地球准同步轨道。之后,又经过位置保持等多项复杂测量控制,最终成功定点于地球赤道上空。 北斗-1导航卫星定点后,西安卫星…  相似文献   

俄罗斯质子号运载火箭在2月19日发射其国内地球同步轨道通信卫星──“虹”卫星(Raduga)时,由于火箭4级发动机第2次点火失败,随后发生爆炸,致使Raduga卫星停留在大椭圆轨道上,已无法进入赤道上空36000千米的地球同步轨道。据俄罗斯空间官员说,Raduga卫星实际上已没有用处。质子号火箭的第4级爆炸后,大约有200块大的碎片被美国海军航天司令部跟踪到,但爆炸是在火箭第4级和卫星分离前还是分离后发生的,目前仍不清楚。按计划,质子号火箭定于3月下旬首次开展发射西方商业卫星的业务,即为卢森堡的…  相似文献   

在国际宇航界,提起英国人阿瑟·克拉克博士的名字,大家都会有种肃然起敬的感觉。正是他,在半个世纪以前首次提出了同步卫星通信的大胆设想。他发现在距地球赤道平面上空35786公里的地方,存在一条可使卫星相对地球保持静止不动的轨道。他提出如果在这条特殊轨道上相隔120度等距离配置三颗卫星,就可以覆盖全球绝大部分地域,从而建立起全球性的卫星通  相似文献   

相比于传统卫星,空间太阳能电站具有超大的尺寸,高阶重力和重力梯度对其轨道和姿态运动的影响将不能再忽略.文中以地球同步拉普拉斯轨道上的太阳塔式空间太阳能电站为例,研究了在考虑地球扁率的引力场中,高阶重力和力矩对空间太阳能电站姿轨运动的影响.首先将空间太阳能电站的重力势函数进行泰勒展开,并保留至四阶项;然后求出电站所受到的重力和重力梯度力矩,并给出其轨道和姿态运动方程;最后通过数值仿真来分析不同阶次的力和力矩对轨道运动的影响.结果表明:高阶力对卫星轨道的影响较大,可达到百米量级;高阶力矩对卫星姿态运动影响则较小,可忽略不计.  相似文献   

随着天文观测的深入,发现不仅土星、木星等气态巨行星环绕有光环,某些小天体也环绕有光环。针对目前发现环的半人马型小天体女凯龙星(10199 Chariklo),研究其引力场中粒子(视为质点)的轨道动力学,分析赤道椭率和小天体自转对环中粒子轨道运动的影响,通过庞加莱截面中的KAM环迭代,得到第一类周期轨道和1∶3共振周期轨道,并通过对比和分析得到小天体光环位置与小天体自转平运动共振的关系。研究结果表明:女凯龙星内环中的粒子最可能处在满足径向振荡幅值范围的第一类周期轨道及其附近的准周期轨道上,但不能排除处在1∶3共振周期轨道及其附近的准周期轨道上;外环中的粒子不可能处在1∶3共振周期轨道上,只可能处在第一类周期轨道及其附近的准周期轨道上。   相似文献   

Responsive orbits have exhibited advantages in emergencies for their excellent responsiveness and coverage to targets. Generally, there are several conflicting metrics to trade in the orbit design for responsive space. A special multiple-objective genetic algorithm, namely the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Ⅱ (NSGAⅡ), is used to design responsive orbits. This algorithm has considered the conflicting metrics of orbits to achieve the optimal solution, including the orbital elements and launch programs of responsive vehicles. Low-Earth fast access orbits and low-Earth repeat coverage orbits, two subtypes of responsive orbits, can be designed using NSGAⅡ under given metric tradeoffs, number of vehicles, and launch mode. By selecting the optimal solution from the obtained Pareto fronts, a designer can process the metric tradeoffs conveniently in orbit design. Recurring to the flexibility of the algorithm, the NSGAⅡ promotes the responsive orbit design further.   相似文献   

椭圆轨道编队的构形变化控制方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
推导了椭圆轨道编队的一些典型构形模态,指出椭圆轨道卫星编队的模态不同于圆轨道的构形模态,是极为丰富的。基于T-H方程的解析解,推导了副星在沿航向常值推力作用下的椭圆轨道编队的构形变化控制方法。推导的构形变化控制方法,通过合理的选择控制量的作用时刻,可达到大量节约燃料的目的。最后,给出仿真算例。  相似文献   

考虑太阳摄动的小行星附近轨道动力学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了艳后星(216 Kleopatra)和爱神星(433 Eros)附近的周期轨道,在考虑太阳引力摄动的情况下,发现了以往所遗漏的216 Kleopatra轨道族和环绕433 Eros的12族周期轨道,并且给出了它们的特性。研究结果表明,太阳引力对小行星平衡点位置的影响很小,但是对平衡点上航天器运动的影响较大。同族不稳定轨道中,大Jacobi常数轨道更容易在摄动后保持轨道原来特性,这很好地解释了小行星卫星在较远轨道上长期存在的可能性。  相似文献   

The TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1 and Jason-2 set of altimeter data now provide a time series of synoptic observations of the ocean that span nearly 17 years from the launch of TOPEX in 1992. The analysis of the altimeter data including the use of altimetry to monitor the global change in mean sea level requires a stable, accurate, and consistent orbit reference over the entire time span. In this paper, we describe the recomputation of a time series of orbits that rely on a consistent set of reference frames and geophysical models. The recomputed orbits adhere to the IERS 2003 standards for ocean and earth tides, use updates to the ITRF2005 reference frame for both the SLR and DORIS stations, apply GRACE-derived models for modeling of the static and time-variable gravity, implement the University College London (UCL) radiation pressure model for Jason-1, use improved troposphere modeling for the DORIS data, and apply the GOT4.7 ocean tide model for both dynamical ocean tide modeling and for ocean loading. The new TOPEX orbits have a mean SLR fit of 1.79 cm compared to 2.21 cm for the MGDR-B orbits. These new TOPEX orbits agree radially with independent SLR/crossover orbits at 0.70 cm RMS, and the orbit accuracy is estimated at 1.5–2.0 cm RMS over the entire TOPEX time series. The recomputed Jason-1 orbits agree radially with the Jason-1 GDR-C orbits at 1.08 cm RMS. The GSFC SLR/DORIS dynamic and reduced-dynamic orbits for Jason-2 agree radially with independent orbits from the CNES and JPL at 0.70–1.06 cm RMS. Applying these new orbits, and using the latest altimeter corrections for TOPEX, Jason-1, and Jason-2 from September 1992 to May 2009, we find a global rate in mean sea level of 3.0 ± 0.4 mm/yr.  相似文献   

Solar sail halo orbits designed in the Sun-Earth circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP) provide inefficient reference orbits for station-keeping since the disturbance due to the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit has to be compensated for. This paper presents a strategy to compute families of halo orbits around the collinear artificial equilibrium points in the Sun-Earth elliptic restricted three-body problem (ER3BP) for a solar sail with reflectivity control devices (RCDs). In this non-autonomous model, periodic halo orbits only exist when their periods are equal to integer multiples of one year. Here multi-revolution halo orbits with periods equal to integer multiples of one year are constructed in the CR3BP and then used as seeds to numerically continue the halo orbits in the ER3BP. The linear stability of the orbits is analyzed which shows that the in-plane motion is unstable while the out-of-plane motion is neutrally stable and a bifurcation is identified. Finally, station-keeping is performed which shows that a reference orbit designed in the ER3BP is significantly more efficient than that designed in the CR3BP, while the addition of RCDs improve station-keeping performance and robustness to uncertainty in the sail lightness number.  相似文献   

通过Garlerkin方法建立了考虑阻尼、材料非线性、温度变化和轴向激励的柔性臂系统动力学微分方程.分析了系统存在同、异宿轨道及周期轨道的充分必要条件,通过Hamilton函数得到了对应的参数方程表达式.根据非线性振动的多尺度法,得到了系统在3次超谐共振情况下的一次近似解及其定常解,揭示了系统内各参数之间的关系.对得到的微分方程进行数值计算,分析柔性臂系统参数对纵向振动响应曲线的影响.结果表明,材料非线性和温度变化对系统纵向振动的影响不可忽略;在一定参数条件下,系统有发生复杂非线性运动的可能.为了有效的控制柔性臂的振动,应合理选取系统的物理参数,避免其处于混沌运动状态.  相似文献   

Regions outside the reach of traditional propulsion systems or the ones that require significant propellant, may be reached by harnessing the solar radiation pressure and leveraging coupled dynamics to maneuver a sail-based spacecraft. Earth-trailing orbits have recently been investigated for getting a unique perspective of the Sun while maintaining the spacecraft in close proximity to Earth. Vertical orbits trailing the Earth exhibit the additional capability to view the Sun from above and below the ecliptic plane. In this work, families of sail-based orbits are explored for varying Earth-trailing angles and Z amplitudes in the Sun-Earth circular restricted three-body problem. Optimization is carried out to ensure that the non-traditional vertical orbits exhibit a constant pitch angle control history, as well as symmetry across the X-Y plane. The stability of the resulting orbit families is assessed using an extension of Flouquet theory to Differential Algebraic Equations. Results indicate that sail-based Earth-trailing vertical orbits can be more stable than traditional sub-L1 sail-based vertical orbits.  相似文献   

In the paper, two kinds of intermediate orbits for asteroid explorations are proposed. One is around the collinear libration points of the Sun-asteroid restricted three-body problem. The other is around the asteroid itself. The first kind of intermediate orbit is applicable to asteroids with known masses, while the second is suitable for asteroids with unknown or negligible masses. Analytical solutions of these two intermediate orbits in the simplified models are introduced first, and then numerical algorithms are used to refine them to obtain the true orbits in the real force model. At last, the problem of station-keeping is addressed. The linear optimal feedback control law is used, and numerical simulations are made to both kinds of intermediate orbits. The results show that both kinds of orbits are feasible. The cost is reasonable and mainly depends on the initial insertion error.  相似文献   

连续小推力非开普勒悬浮轨道在深空探测与地球极地观测任务中有着重要的应用前景.归纳了电推进、太阳帆推进等连续小推力技术的发展历程与现状;阐述了日心、行星悬浮轨道的动力学特性、稳定性、轨道保持策略;分析了三体问题下人工拉格朗日点的优势及其在深空探测方面的应用;讨论了悬浮轨道编队飞行的研究方法与控制策略.最后针对小推力悬浮轨...  相似文献   

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