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The Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU) is part of the TOVS (TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder) on NOAA operational meteorological satellites. SSU measurements can be validated by comparison with temperature measurements from colocated rocket sondes. Systematic differences are found which vary with rocket station and sonde and are a function of height. However, these measurements are not adequate to define the performance of individual SSUs to a precision which would allow the observations from different SSUs to be combined in the study of diurnal and semidiurnal tides and of long term trends in stratospheric temperature. Instead this is achieved by detailed radiometric and spectroscopic investigation of each individual SSU, both prior to launch and during its operational life. Using the techniques descirbed, it is demonstrated that measurements from different SSUs can be combined with a relative error of less than 0.2K in equivalent brightness temperature.  相似文献   

In-situ measurements of positive ion composition of the ionosphere of Venus are combined in an empirical model which is a key element for the Venus International Reference Atmosphere (VIRA) model. The ion data are obtained from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer (OIMS) which obtained daily measurements beginning in December 1978 and extending to July 1980 when the uncontrolled rise of satellite periapsis height precluded further measurements in the main body of the ionosphere. For this period, measurements of 12 ion species are sorted into altitude and local time bins with altitude extending from 150 to 1000 km. The model results exhibit the appreciable nightside ionosphere found at Venus, the dominance of atomic oxygen ions in the dayside upper ionosphere and the increase in prominence of atomic oxygen and deuterium ions on the nightside. Short term variations, such as the abrupt changes observed in the ionopause, cannot be represented in the model.  相似文献   

The Solar Flux Radiometer (LSFR) experiment on the large probe of the Pioneer Venus (PV) mission made detailed measurements of the vertical profile of the upward and downward broadband flux of sunlight at a solar zenith angle of 65.7°. These data have been combined with cloud particle size distribution measurements on the PV mission to produce a forward-scattering model of the Venus clouds. The distribution of clouds at high altitudes is constrained by measurements from the PV orbiter. Below the clouds the visible spectrum and flux levels are consistent with Venera measurements at other solar zenith angles. The variations in the optical parameters with height and with wavelength are summarized in several figures. The model is used to evaluate the solar heating rate at cloud levels as a function of altitude, solar longitude, and latitude for use in dynamical studies.  相似文献   

Two special measurements of the energy exchange between earth and space were made in connection with the FGGE. A global monitoring program using wide-field-of-view and scanner detectors from NASA's NIMBUS-7 satellite successfully returned measurements during the entire FGGE. This experiment system also used a black cavity detector to measure the total energy output of the sun to very high precision. A second set of high frequency time and space estimates of the radiation budget were determined from selected geostationary satellite data. Preliminary results from both radiation budget data sets and the solar “constant” measurements will be presented.  相似文献   

Observations of auroral particles by rockets and satellites show the existence of structured “inverted V” type precipitation events with electron characteristic energies ranging up to several hundred eV in the post-noon dayside auroral region. Two station ground-based measurements from Cape Parry, NWT and Sachs Harbour, NWT, Canada from meridian scanners and auroral all-sky TV cameras are used in conjunction with rocket-borne electron measurements to study the temporal and spatial characteristics of the associated auroral emissions. The frequent occurrence of narrow, transient auroral arcs with lifetimes of 1–2 minutes, resulting from the inverted V events, is discussed.  相似文献   

We present neutral meridional winds derived from existing ground-based measurements of the height of the F2-layer maximum electron density (hmax). The method of calculation uses an ionospheric model to determine the relationship between hmax and the neutral wind along a magnetic meridian. The meridional wind is derived from a comparison of the modeled layer height with the measured height. This method is used in the global mapping of thermospheric winds using radar and ionosonde measurements from the Global Thermospheric Mapping Study at the summer and winter solstices. The diurnal behavior of the meridional wind is calculated for the two seasons from Millstone Hill radar measurements and from several ionosonde stations. The major features of the winds calculated from Millstone Hill radar data are a 200 m/s southward wind between 0200 and 0400 hours local time at the summer solstice and a northward daytime wind in winter. A sampling of winds derived from ionosonde data shows the diurnal pattern to vary with geographic latitude and longitude. Nighttime equatorward winds are found to be larger in Europe than at other locations of similar latitude.  相似文献   

A thorough observability analysis of the Mars entry navigation using radiometric measurements from ground based beacons is performed. This analysis involves the evaluation of the Fisher information matrix which is derived from the maximum likelihood estimation. A series of navigation cases with multiple beacons are investigated, and both range and range-rate measurements are considered. The determinant of Fisher information matrix is used to quantify the observability of navigation system, while the trace of Fisher information matrix is used to determine the lower-bound of estimation errors. For one and two beacon cases, the navigation system is unobservable. However, the eigenvectors of Fisher information matrix give the observable and unobservable component. When three or more beacon measurements are employed, the states of entry vehicle become observable. Some valuable analytic conclusions on the relationship between the geometric configuration of beacons and observability are obtained consequently. Finally, simulation results from two navigation examples indicate that our effort is useful for understanding and assessing the observability of the Mars entry navigation using radiometric measurements.  相似文献   

本文报道了在法国南部(44°N)上空进行的两次气球飞行实验的部分负离子成分探测结果.利用自然负离子谱计算了某些硫酸离子的热化学常数ΔG, ΔH和ΔS.讨论了上升段测量中气球表面放气造成的离子化学污染.   相似文献   

The knowledge of the electron density is the key point in correcting ionospheric delays of electromagnetic measurements and in studying the ionosphere. During the last decade GNSS, in particular GPS, has become a promising tool for monitoring the total electron content (TEC), i.e., the integral of the electron density along the ray-path between the transmitting satellite and the receiver. Hence, geometry-free GNSS measurements provide informations on the electron density, which is basically a four-dimensional function depending on spatial position and time. In addition, these GNSS measurements can be combined with other available data including nadir, over-ocean TEC observations from dual-frequency radar altimetry (T/P, JASON, ENVISAT), and TECs from GPS-LEO occultation systems (e.g., FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC, CHAMP) with heterogeneous sampling and accuracy.  相似文献   

The Earth’s albedo is one of the least studied fundamental climate parameters. The albedo is a bi-directional variable, and there is a high degree of anisotropy in the light reflected from a given terrestrial surface. However, simultaneously observing from all points on Earth at all reflecting angles is a practical impossibility. Therefore, all measurements from which albedo can be inferred require assumptions and/or modeling to derive a good estimate. Nowadays, albedo measurements are taken regularly either from low Earth orbit satellite platforms or from ground-based measurements of the earthshine from the dark side of the Moon. But the results from these different measurements are not in satisfactory agreement. Clearly, the availability of different albedo databases and their inter-comparisons can help to constrain the assumptions necessary to reduce the uncertainty of the albedo estimates. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the development of robotic and manned exploration missions to the Moon. Returning to the Moon will enable diverse exploration and scientific opportunities. Here we discuss the possibility of a lunar-based Earth radiation budget monitoring experiment, the Lunar Terrestrial Observatory, and evaluate its scientific and practical advantages compared to the other, more standard, observing platforms. We conclude that a lunar-based terrestrial observatory can enable advances in Earth sciences, complementary to the present efforts, and to our understanding of the Earth’s climate.  相似文献   

Measurements of the density and composition of the thermosphere between 150 and 500 km, which were obtained by the S3-1 satellite, have been compared with the Jacchia and MSIS models. The measurements of the densities of O, N2, N and Ar show some differences from the current models which should be considered during the preparation of the next CIRA model. The Ar measurements are particularly useful in examining the response of the neutral atmosphere to geomagnetic heating. These results are useful in establishing the appropriate lower boundary conditions for modeling of the thermosphere.  相似文献   

Radiometric measurements of the thermal radiation originating from the moon’s surface were obtained using an infrared detector operating at wavelengths between 8 and 14 μm. The measurements cover a full moon cycle. The variation of the moon’s temperature with the lunar phase angle was established. The lunar temperatures were 391 ± 2.0 K for the full moon, 240 ± 3.5 K for the first quarter, and 236 ± 3 K for the last quarter. For the rest of the phase angles, the lunar temperature varied between 170 and 380 K. Our results are comparable with those obtained previously at these phase angles. For the new moon phase, the obtained temperature was between 120 and 133 K. With the exception of the new moon phase, our measurements at all the phase angles were consistent with those obtained using Earth-based data and those obtained by the Diviner experiment and the Clementine spacecraft. At the new phase, our measurements were comparable with those obtained from the ground but were significantly higher than those obtained by the Diviner and Clementine data. We attribute this inconsistency to either the calibration curve of our detector, which does not perform well at very low temperatures, or to infrared emission from the atmosphere. A simple linear model to predict the lunar temperature as a function of the phase angle was proposed. The experimental errors that affect the measured temperatures are discussed.  相似文献   

The Seasat radar altimeter provided surface height measurements to a precision better than 10cm over the open ocean, The data have been used to produce maps of the ocean geoid which reveal details of sub-surface topography such as sea mounts, ocean trenches and mid-ocean ridges /1/. In areas of the ocean covered by sea ice, however, the quasi-specular ice returns which occurred were incorrectly handled by the on-board processor. This resulted in a significant decrease in the precision of the surface height estimates. Consequently, researchers have generally eliminated data from regions where sea ice is suspected to have been present, including large areas of the Antarctic ocean. We have developed a technique for significantly improving the height measurements over such areas permitting the mapping of the geoid in such regions. The short wavelength RMS deviation of elevation measurements from collinear passes over such areas has been reduced from 1.032m to 0.632m. The application of the technique to ERS-1 altimeter data will be particularly important, since coverage of a substantial area of the Arctic ocean (up to 82° latitude) will be possible for the first time  相似文献   

New measurements of the Cosmic Background Radiation temperature at 12 cm, 6.3 cm, 3 cm, 0.9 cm and 0.3 cm have made in July 1982 from the White Mountain High Altitude Research Station. The results are presented and the existence of spectral distortions discussed.  相似文献   

It has been shown that colour coordinates are the most representative characteristic from which the content of humus in soils can be quantitatively estimated. The results have been presented of determination of the humus content in soils from spectral measurements made in laboratory and field conditions.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is developed for calculating the vertical distribution of atmospheric electric potential in exchange layer of maritime clean atmosphere. The transport of space charge in electrode layer acts as a convective generator in this model and plays a major role in determining potential distribution in vertical. Eddy diffusion is the main mechanism responsible for the distribution of space charge in vertical. Our results show that potential at a particular level increases with increase in the strength of eddy diffusion under similar conditions. A method is suggested to estimate columnar resistance, the ionospheric potential and the vertical atmospheric electric potential distribution in exchange layer from measurements of total air-earth current density and surface electric field made over oceans. The results are validated and found to be in very good agreement with the previous aircraft measurements. Different parameters involved in the proposed methodology can be determined either theoretically, as in the present work, or experimentally using the near surface atmospheric electrical measurements or using some other surface-based measurement technique such as LIDAR. A graphical relationship between the atmospheric eddy diffusion coefficient and height of exchange layer obtained from atmospheric electrical approach, is reported.  相似文献   

The Halley Optical Probe Experiment (HOPE) on board the Giotto spacecraft has provided the first in-situ measurements, both of the dust and of some gaseous species, from inside the coma of the comet. The instrument has already been described /1/, together with first results /2/. The purpose of this note is to show how optical measurements can lead to in-situ information, how those were obtained during the 13–14 march 1986 Halley fly-by, and what is the status of the data analysis.  相似文献   

Combining multi-source data can improve the accuracy and the spatial resolution of the three-dimensional (3-D) displacements field. How to effectively integrate multi-source data to obtain high-precision and high spatial resolution 3-D displacements field is worthy of further study. The stochastic model and fusion model of integrating multi-source data affect the accuracy of data fusion. In this paper, based on the least squares method, the effects of different stochastic models and data fusion models on the 3-D displacements field’s accuracy are studied. The optimal method for estimating large-scale 3-D displacements field from integrated InSAR, leveling and GPS measurements is obtained. Then we realize the integrating InSAR, leveling and GPS measurements to obtain the high-precision 3-D displacements velocity field in Tianjin (China) from 2016 to 2018. The results are validated with GPS measurements at 6 independent stations, with the root mean squares (RMS) residuals of the discrepancies being 2.39 mm/yr, 2.54 mm/yr and 2.83 mm/yr in eastern, northern and vertical directions, respectively. By comparing different stochastic models, the 3-D displacements field obtained from multi-source data is optimized by the variance component estimation-least squares method, which is better than weighted least squares (WLS) method. By comparing different data fusion models, the accuracy of the horizontal displacements velocity is better than that of interpolated GPS results. The horizontal displacements component has a great influence on the vertical displacements velocity accuracy in the process of acquiring the 3-D displacements velocity by integrating InSAR, GPS and leveling measurements. This study provides a reference method for integrating multi-source data to obtain 3-D displacements field. This method effectively utilizes the advantages of GPS, InSAR and leveling measurements, and extends the limitations of single technical in describing surface-time scale applications. The 3-D displacements information with a large spatial scale and high spatial resolution provide a reliable data basis for studying the crustal movement and its dynamic mechanism.  相似文献   

Transmittance functions as well as inversion algorithms have been developed for deriving H2O profiles from radiometer measurements. These computer programs have been applied to evaluate own stratospheric balloon occultation measurements and LIMS (Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere) radiance measurements in the H2O channel. The results are compared with the H2O profiles in the LIMS data archive. The differences between corresponding H2O profiles are discussed in dependence of altitude and latitude.  相似文献   

Recent measurements by Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Express have greatly increased the number of observations of the martian dayside ionosphere available for study. Together with earlier measurements from the Viking era, these datasets have been used to investigate variations in well-known properties of the martian dayside ionosphere and to discover new ionospheric features. The dayside ionosphere includes the main peak, called the M2 layer, and a lower layer, called the M1 layer. In the topside, above the M2 layer, electron densities exponentially decrease with increasing altitude.  相似文献   

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