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The experimental results on high-velocity impacts reported in the literature are analyzed in detail, with the purpose: (a) to check the possibility of applying to asteroidal collisions, without a size-dependent scaling, the critical energy densities associated with various degrees of fragmentation; (b) to ascertain which fraction of the projectile's energy is converted into kinetic energy of fragments after a catastrophic breakup.

The results of our analysis on these two problems indicate that: (a) the critical energy density is independent on size only for super-catastrophic events, when no massive core survives, while it slowly decreases for larger targets when the fragmentation is only partial (barely-catastrophic collisions). Therefore the “energy gap” between cratering and complete distruction is probably wider for the asteroids than for the small experimental targets. (b) the inelasticity coefficient (i.e., the resulting fraction of kinetic energy) depends both on the impact velocity and on the projectile-to-target mass ratio; for asteroidal catastrophic collisions, it probably ranges from 10−2 to 10−1.  相似文献   

The spectra of neutrons >10 MeV and gamma-rays 1.5–100 MeV under the Earth Radiation Belts, restored from the data, obtained onboard orbital complex “SALUTE-7”-“KOSMOS-1686”, are presented. The spectra shapes are similar to those for albedo neutrons and gamma-rays, but absolute values of their fluxes (0.2 cm−2 s−1 for neutrons, 0.8 cm−2 s−1 for gamma-rays at the equator and 1.2 cm−2 s−1, 1.9 cm−2 s−1, accordingly, at L=1.9) are several times as large. It is possibly explained by the fact that most of the detected particles were produced by the cosmic ray interactions with the orbital complex matter. Neutron and gamma-ray fluxes obtained from “CORONAS-I” data are near those for albedo particles.  相似文献   

The Geminga light curve obtained with the “Gamma-1” telescope features two peaks separated by 0.5 ± 0.03 period. The light curve is pronounced for γ-quanta energies higher than 400 MeV. The pulsed flux upper limit (1σ) in the energy interval 50 – 300 MeV is 6·10−7 cm−2sec−1. For energies >300 MeV the pulsed component power law spectrum has an exponent 1.1 −0.3+1.1 and an integral flux (1.1±0.3)·10−6 cm−2sec−1.  相似文献   

Between 3.4 and 4.0 AU the dust detection system aboard the Ulysses spacecraft showed an increase in detection rate for particles with masses greater than 5 × 10−13 g. The spacecraft meteoroid encounter geometry indicates highly eccentric orbits detected near aphelion. The outer limit of the enhanced flux is imposed as meteoroids on such orbits move outside the aperture of the dust detector. The inner edge of the enhanced flux would be consistent with the aphelion distance acquired by 50-200 μm particles evolving for 10-20 kyr under Poynting-Robertson drag from an Encke type orbit. We propose such meteoroids provide a source population from which collisional fragmentation produces particles in the mass range to which the Ulysses detector is sensitive. Daughter fragments produced away from the aphelia of the parent orbits, a 2.2 AU, e 0.85, enter hyperbolic orbits which are not evident in the Ulysses data. The spatial density of fragments from collisions very near aphelion drops off rapidly as they evolve inward under Poynting-Robertson drag while collisions closer to 3.4 AU leave the subsequent peak density outside that radius for a significant fraction of the fragment's subsequent lifetime. The rapid orbital evolution for these collision fragments implies a recent breakup and probably a large reservoir of parent meteoroids.  相似文献   

This overview deals with very high impact velocities, where complete vaporization of an impacting cosmic dust particle is to be expected upon expansion from the high pressure high temperature state behind the stopping shock (v > 15 km/s). The topics discussed are the mechanics and thermodynamics of compression, adiabatic release, equation of state and nonequilibrium states upon expansion. The case of very high particle porosity (ρ 1 g/cm3) and the case of very small dust masses (m < 10−17 g) are discussed from what one presently knows. The possibility of three body collisions in the expanding gas phase is discussed briefly. The effect of oblique impact is discussed with respect to its relevance to the ionization process. The numbers communicated are up to the highest “experimental” impact velocities (80 km/s, Halley mission). As one goes to lower impact velocities (20 < v < 30 km/s) there is still complete vaporization of the dust particle but ionization out of the bulk of the particle becomes low. Other than thermal processes may become important. Ideas are outlined to understand their physical nature.  相似文献   

陨石、流星体与小行星及彗星的演化关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小行星、彗星和流星体(meteoroid)都是绕太阳公转的小天体,它们只是在轨道特性和物理-化学性质方面有所不同,流星体泛指在行星际空间运行的、质量从10~(-16)克微流星体或微尘到10~8克的所有小天体,当它们闯入地球大气时与大气剧烈碰撞而产生发光的流星(meteor)现象,落到地面的流星体残余则称为陨石或陨星(meteorite)。  相似文献   

以动能撞击防御潜在威胁小行星概念为背景,采用物质点法(Material Point Method,MPM)模拟了铝弹高速撞击S型小行星的过程,将撞击结果导入引力N体–离散元动力学模型中,对其后续演化过程进行仿真,并分析了撞击后碎片对地球的威胁指数。结果显示小行星在高速撞击的作用下部分破碎,大量碎片以与撞击方向相反的速度向外喷射,从而提升了小行星的撞击偏移效果。研究采用了两种不同结构的小行星模型:完整结构(monolithic structure)的小行星在遭受撞击后会喷射出比原小行星小得多的碎片,而碎石堆结构(rubble-pile structure)的小行星在撞击作用下可分裂成大小和速度分布较为均匀的碎片。威胁指数的分析表明动能撞击方式确实有效减小了小行星的威胁程度,撞击后的最大剩余碎片可被成功偏移至安全轨道,但仍有部分碎片会与地球相撞。与完整结构相比,针对碎石堆结构小行星的撞击防御的总体效果更好,次生灾害主要为大质量碎片的撞击。研究方法可用于未来开展防御小行星的动能撞击任务的撞击条件选择和撞击结果预估。  相似文献   

During the 3rd main expedition on board the “Salyut-6” orbital station in 1979 the integral characteristics of cosmic radiation were measured in various positions inside the manned modules (experiment “Integral”). Measurements were performed with thermoluminescent dosimeters, photographic films and solid state plastic detectors supplied for the experiment by specialists of the USSR, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR and Romania. The dose gradient inside the manned modules of the station amounted to 70 % for long intervals of time. During the experimental period the dose rate inside the station was 15 to 30 mrad per day. The mean flux of particles with z 6 and LET 200 keV/μm was found to be 0.22 cm−2 day−1.  相似文献   

More than 20 years ago V.P. Shabansky suggested that the magnetic system installed aboard the satellite, could be used as a physical instrument for studying the processes which occur in the near Earth space. The corresponding space scales of an artificial “magnetosphere”—“magnisphere”—are 10 m in the experiment with relatively small magnets in the ionosphere and 100 m in the solar wind. The corresponding similarity criteria are estimated. The possible scheme of the experiment with a superconducting magnet (magnetic moment 105 A · m2) installed aboard the satellite is considered. The experimental complex includes a number of systems for measuring the fluxes of charged particles in a wide energy range, DC electric and magnetic fields, the electromagnetic fields in different frequency bands (from X-rays to radio). The scientific objectives are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

近地小行星与地球碰撞虽然罕见但可能会造成灾难性后果。近年来,各国加强了对近地小行星的监控、跟踪力度,并且实施了几次卓有成效的探测任务,如何防御近地小行星威胁的研究越来越多。总结了目前近地小行星的主要观测监视设施和现状,讨论了国际上对小行星威胁的评估情况,分析和评估了目前提出的防御手段的研究现状及其可行性。  相似文献   

以近地小行星2016HO3为深空撞击目标开展科学探测,从爆炸成型弹丸技术、安全可靠爆炸技术、撞击载荷分离技术、撞击效能仿真技术等7个方面系统详细地进行了基于聚能爆炸成型弹丸的撞击载荷技术体系解析与技术内涵阐述,给出了深空撞击载荷初步总体设计方案;通过弹丸撞击靶板的数值模拟仿真,得到了撞击速度在0.2~0.4 cm/μs...  相似文献   

The EXCEDE III sounding rocket flight of April 27, 1990 used a 18 Ampere 2.5 keV electron beam to produce an artificial aurora in the region 90 to 115 km. A “daughter” sensor payload remotely monitored the low-energy X-ray spectrum while scanning photometers measured the spatial profile of prompt emissions of N2+ (1N) and N2 (2P) transitions (3914Å and 3805Å, respectively). Two Ebert-Fastie spectrometers measured the spectral region from 1800 to 8000Å. On the “mother” accelerator payload, the return current electron differential energy spectra were monitored by an electrostatic analyzer (up to 10 keV) and by a retarding potential analyzer (0 eV to 100 eV). We present an overview of the results from this experiment.  相似文献   

研究了采用碰撞的方式进行小行星防御的动力学问题。采用多面体模型来建立小行星的外形模型,以碎石堆模型来建立小行星的结构模型,计算了小行星受到与其密度和材质相同的球体高速碰撞过程和碰撞后的碎石分布。计算过程在考虑了小行星与碰撞球体的接触形变以及小行星内部组成碎石堆的接触形变条件下,计算了碎石堆内部的相互引力、法向接触力、切向静摩擦力、切向动摩擦力和滚动摩擦力矩。以小行星101955 Bennu(中文名贝努)为对象计算了潜在威胁小行星的碰撞防御过程的动力学行为。结果显示:采用高速碰撞的方法进行小行星防御可以有效地将小行星撞成大量碎小的石块,且该方法具有核爆的方法不可比拟的优势,即对空间环境无污染。  相似文献   

The measurements of high-energy neutron (with energies 30–300 MeV) and proton (with energies 1–200 MeV) fluxes are being conducted on-board “Mir-Spectr” orbital complex. Neutrons are detected by the undirected (FOV 4π sr) scintillator spectrometer, consisting of 4 identical CsI(Tl) detector units (the effective area for neutrons 30 cm2). The gamma-quanta, which can be also detected by this instrument, are separated from neutrons by the analysis of the scintillator output pulse shape. To exclude registration of charged particles an anticoincidence plastic scintillator shield is realized in each detector unit. The proton fluxes are measured by the telescope based on 3 semiconductor detectors with small geometry factor (1 cm2×sr). As the first result of the experiment the upper limit of the integral flux of local and albedo neutrons in the equatorial region (L<1.1) was estimated. The results of this measurements can be useful for the radiation security. Also, the neutrons of solar flares can be detected in this experiment.  相似文献   

A tethered asteroid sample and mooring system is investigated in this paper. In this system the spacecraft is moored to the surface of an irregular asteroid such as 216 Kleopatra by using a rocket-propelled anchor with a cable. The rocket-propelled anchor is a kind of space penetrator, which can inject into asteroids at high speeds generated by its own rocket engine. It can be used to explore the interior structure of asteroids, and it can also be used as a sample collector. When the sampling mission is done, the sample can be pulled back to the spacecraft with the anchor. Using this method, the spacecraft can be kept in a safe region in which it cannot be trapped by the gravitational field of the asteroid. This work is concerned with the dynamics of the tethered system near irregular asteroids. First, a shape model and gravitational field model of irregular asteroids are built. Then, the configuration and the stability of the tethered system are investigated, and the quasi-periodic motion near the equilibrium point of the tethered system is analyzed. Finally, the non-uniform density distribution of the asteroids is considered. The deployment process and the oscillation of the tethered system in the uncertain asteroid gravity field are simulated using the Monte Carlo method. The feasibility of the tethered asteroid sample and mooring system is proved.  相似文献   

Experimental drop tube of the metallurgy department of Grenoble   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The drop tube which will be available in the “Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Grenoble” is described. Its main features are the following: - Dimensions : Drop height : 47.1 m Drop time : 3.1 s Tube inside diameter : 0.2 m - Experimental atmosphere : 1 Ultra-vacuum : 10−6 to 10−7 Pa - Residual gravity level : 10−8 to 10−9 g according to the vacuum level and drop diameter.

This facility is unique insofar as it enables experiments to be performed under ultra-vacuum conditions which, by delaying the formation of surface oxides, should contribute to improving maximum undercooling values.

The techniques used for obtaining small metallic drops (0.5 to 3 mm) are described. The availability of this instrument for the scientific community is also foreseen by the french sponsoring organizations (CEA, CNES, CNRS) ; some practicle informations will be given to potential experimenters.  相似文献   

A summary is given of the presentations at the COSPAR workshop on γ-ray bursts with some personal commentary on the contributions, the SN/GRB connection, and on the role of magnetic fields in γ-ray bursts and their afterglows. Of special interest were the accumulated arguments for strong collimation and associated reduction in the total required energy for γ-ray bursts. Significant discussion was also devoted to the issues associated with iron and metal lines in X-ray spectra. It is important to note that some of the afterglows seem to require ambient densities 1 g cm−3, rather incompatible with a massive star environment. Of associated difficulty is the fact that few, if any, afterglows seem consistent with the r−2 wind expected for a massive star model. There are reasons to think that if γ-ray bursts are associated with supernovae they are of Type Ic. This suggests that any wind present might be rich in carbon and oxygen, not hydrogen or helium. If γ-ray bursts are narrowly collimated, then the burst is only probing a small portion of any wind, perhaps just that time-dependent and isotropic structure directly along the rotation axis. The characteristics of “hypernovae” may be the result of orientation effects in a mildly inhomogeneous set of progenitors, rather than requiring an excessive total energy or luminosity. The recent event GRB 021004 provided a rich photometric and spectroscopic record and perhaps the most direct evidence yet for the association of a specific γ-ray burst with a massive star progenitor. If the magnetic field plays a significant role in launching a relativistic γ-ray burst jet from within a collapsing star, then the magnetic field may also play a role in the propagation, collimation, and stability of that jet within and beyond the star. The magneto-rotational instability (MRI) can operate under conditions of moderate rotation. This means that the MRI will be at work generating strong fields exponentially rapidly even as the disk of material begins to form and makes a transition from a non-Keplerian to quasi-Keplerian flow in the collapsar and related models.  相似文献   

Observations of constituents of the neutral coma (CN. C2. CH. O. H) of Giacobini-Zinner were made for a period of nearly three weeks during late August/early September 1985 from La Palma Observatory, Canaries Is. in addition to studies of structures and flows in the ion coma and tail. The neutral coma (in CN) was observed to extend to a radius of at least 400,000 Km, far beyond the “bow wave” identified by the ICE spacecraft. The ion coma (detected to a sunward distance of about 50,000 Km) and ion tail fan (max. length about 500,000 Km, recorded in CO+ and H2O+ were also observed throughout the period before and after the ICE encounter. An extended Type I ion tail central condensation was not observed. The maximum observed extent of the ‘ionospheric tail’ was about 50,000 Km, five hours prior to the ICE encounter. This ionospheric tail rapidly diffused into a broad tail fan.  相似文献   

Asteroids are coming to be a popular topic in the areas of astrophysical studies and deep space exploration recently. However, surface dynamics of asteroids is still a difficult problem. This paper aims at the motion analysis of surface particles for different asteroids. The dynamical analysis method of particles’ movement is given for three parts: global motion trend, local motion trend and static analysis. A dimensionless parameter ζ is defined to distinguish the predominant term to determine the distribution of effective potential. Three kinds of common asteroids: spheroidal asteroid, spindle-shaped asteroid and dumbbell-shaped asteroid are all discussed for those three parts with different parameter ζ. The motion trend of particles on the surface of each kind of asteroid is given. The static analysis of surface particles for different asteroids is also illustrated. Based on them, some common rules for different shaped asteroids are revealed. This paper could not only provide a reference for asteroid exploration missions but also be meaningful for the research of morphologic evolution of asteroids.  相似文献   

Results of a combination of radio-crossing and in situ measurements of plasma density in an artificial plasma “bubble” in the ionosphere are presented. Shaped — charge barium injection was made at short distance (≤50 m) to plasma diagnostics on the rocket. After injection the rocket passed through expanding plasma shell. Plasma density depletion inside was more than one order and plasma enhancements on the boundary about 3–5 times that of background. When the rocket passed the shell and went away by 2.1 km an abrupt drop of telemetry signal level (≤ 65 dB) was registered though plasma density was not more than 3×103sm−3. An estimation of high frequency signal refraction on the plasma shell is in good accordance with refraction data of geostationary satellite signals on equatorial bubbles.  相似文献   

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