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我国新《公司法》修订后,独资公司的法律地位在立法上得到了认可。作为一种新的公司形态,独资公司对传统的公司法的基本理论构成了直接的挑战。如何在法律上对其进行规制并使之健康发展,成为当前急需探讨的问题。  相似文献   

我国落后的铁路管制体系导致铁路企业无法充分利用市场竞争机制对市场环境做出快速调整,从而在市场竞争中处于一种被动的局面。为此,铁路产业的规制改革势在必行,其根本目的在于提高铁路业的效率与竞争力。美国铁路业经历了规制与放松规制过程。19世纪末至20世纪中后期,美国联邦政府对铁路业进行了严格的经济规制,但是随着经济的发展,美国政府意识到对铁路严格管制的弊端,开始对铁路业放松管制,铁路业又重新恢复了活力。因此,政府规制一定要审时度势,政府规制政策的出台与制定需要适时地根据实际形势和情况的改变而进行调整。此外,要以规制立法为先导进行铁路改革,并且建立独立的政府规制机构。  相似文献   

关于我国飞机租赁立法的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了我国租赁立法及我国飞机租赁立法的现状、从理论上论述我国建立"以民航法八条为主,辅之以专门行政法规"的飞机租赁法律体制的立法构想。同时,对我国飞机租赁立法中所面J]占的问题,提出自己的看法和建议。  相似文献   

企业联合是以专业化为基础,由两个以上的企业进行部分或全面的统一管理,形成联合企业或其他经济联合体。联合有纵向联合、横向联合、混合联合和中心一卫星式联合。联合不是企业兼并,也不是企业合并,它只是企业间的业务合作。从我国航空运输市场状况和航空公司的实际情况出发,处于快速成长期的我国航空运输业要不断发展壮大,必须对航空运输企业进行战略性改组,走合纵连横之路,实行兼并和联合经营,优化组织结构,形成1+1大于2的效果。推进航空公司的兼并、合并和联合,有许多理论问题值得研究,这里仅就联合的有关问题作一初步的探…  相似文献   

企业合并商誉的确认与计量问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着企业合并浪潮的高涨,企业合并商誉的确认和计量问题,已成为会计实务和理论界所关注的焦点.商誉的依附性、整体性、价值波动性等决定了其价值确切计量的难度较大.我国应在借鉴国外商誉会计处理理论和实践的基础上,结合我国商誉会计的现状,确认商誉,并选择适合我国国情的方法对合并商誉进行初始计量和后续计量.  相似文献   

我国重视知识产权保护,表面在知识产权在构成国家主权中的地位上升;国家在立法上进一步完善和健全知识产权保护;国家在执法上加大了对知识产权保护的力度;企业在保护知识产权方面正在走向成熟;知识产权界已开始研究讨论新技术的知识产权保护问题。  相似文献   

中国航空运输业规制:实证分析与对策思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
航空运输业规制历史悠久,从理论和实践来看,自然垄断性并不是对航空运输业进行规制的主要原因.中国对航空运输业的规制来源于政府的行政干预和国有资产所有者地位,这种规制造成了企业的低效率和产业发展的困难.在实证分析了规制对中国民航业的影响之后,针对中国的民航规制改革,提出了应选择的对策措施和改革路径.  相似文献   

介绍了产品责任和产品质量责任的概念,对我国有关产品责任的立法与发达国家进行了比较,并说明了我国质量责任立法存在的问题。  相似文献   

<正>1.美国航空与全美航空合并成为全球最大航空公司American Airlines and US Airways merge into the world largest carrier2013年12月9日,美国航空公司和全美航空公司宣布完成合并,组建成为全球最大的航空公司。近年来,由于航空业亏损,为了生存发展的需要,美国司法部门允许了几大航空公司的合并,如2008年达美航空公司与西北航空公司合并,2010年美国联合航空同大陆航空合并。然而,2013年2月14日美国航空和全美航空在宣布合并意向后却遭遇到了政府反垄断诉讼。  相似文献   

乌克兰政府正在准备对几家主要的航空企业进行重组合并。安东诺夫是乌克兰主要的航空企业,目前世界市场上安东诺夫品牌的飞机有7600架,到2010年将下降到不足2000架。在过去的5年里,乌克兰只生产了21架新的安东诺夫飞机。为了恢复和保持航空企业的竞争力,乌克兰政府有可能就安东诺夫航空科研技术联合体、哈尔科夫国营飞机工厂和基辅国营飞机厂的合并问题做出决定。  相似文献   

Capturability of the 3-dimensional pure PNG law   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although a lot of effort has been recently devoted to the capturability analysis of the pure proportional navigation guidance (PPNG) law, there are still significant discrepancies between the analysis results and the actual capturability of the PPNG law. In this paper, a Lyapunov-like approach along with a vector analysis method based on the so-called LOS (line of sight) plane is introduced to analyze the capturability of the 3-dimensional PPNG law against a target maneuvering arbitrarily with time-varying normal acceleration. Thereby, our analysis result can explain the high capturability of the PPNG law theoretically much better than those presented in the prior literature. In our capturability analysis, the nonlinear dynamics of 3-dimensional pursuit situations have been taken into full account. Our approach is also expected to be useful for the design and analysis of other PPNG-like missile guidance laws  相似文献   

我国现行法律并没有民事公诉的要领。民事公诉只是近几年才引起人们的关注。对于我国现行法律体制来说,民事公诉实际上是司法实践中创新出的一种制度。通过对民事公诉制度的分析,得出结论:民事公诉制度目前尚不具备在全国范围内推广的条件,应暂缓实行。  相似文献   

近距格斗在未来的空战格斗中仍不可避免,大迎角下精准且快速的机头指向能力是空优战斗机必须具备的基本特征,对提升飞机本身的生存能力和夺取制空权具有重要意义。本文根据国内外战斗机的大迎角特点,对大迎角气动特性、风洞试验方法、气动力建模方法、非线性飞行动力学特性分析方法、大迎角控制律设计、飞行试验等方法进行了综合论述,对未来大迎角飞行问题的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

一般情况下,侵权人实施了侵权行为,并给受害人造成损害,侵权人即应依法承担侵权责任。但如果侵权人与受害人之间存在婚姻关系,侵权人是否应承担侵权责任,在我国理论界与司法实践中都存在争议。笔者认为,虽然双方具有法定的夫妻身份关系,但同时夫妻双方都是独立的民事行为主体,这种独立性表现为依法独立享有民事权利,也表现为独立承担民事义务。尤其是在夫妻内部的关系上,二人的独立性表现的更为明显。  相似文献   

Design of Flight Control System for a Small Unmanned Tilt Rotor Aircraft   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A tilt rotor is an aircraft of a special kind, which possesses the characteristics of a helicopter and a fixed-wing airplane. However, there are a great number of important technical problems waiting for settlements. Of them, the flight control system might be a critical one. This article presents the progresses of the research work on the design of flight control system at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). The flight control law of the tilt rotor aircraft is designed with the help of an inner/outer loop control structure and an eigenstructure assignment algorithm on the basis of a proper mathematical model already verified by the wind tunnel tests. The proposed control law has been born out through the construction of the flight control system and the flight tests. Now, the flight tests are still underway on a prototype of small unmanned tilt rotor aircraft. The results have evidenced the credibility of the aircraft design and the effectiveness of the flight control system for the tilt rotor working in the helicopter mode. A full envelope flight test is planned to carry out further researches on the flight control law.  相似文献   

电传操纵系统已经成为民用运输类飞机操纵系统的主流.现行适航规章与操稳特性相关的要求主要是基于机械操纵飞机制定的,而电传操纵系统可以设计成与机械操纵不同的操纵性和稳定性,使得适航规章要求与电传操纵飞机之间存在不一致.对波音和空客公司的电传操纵系统操稳设计特征进行了分析,对与适航性密切相关的几个关键问题进行了对比研究,包括主操纵装置型式、响应类型、稳定性特征、大迎角保护、操纵品质评价以及飞行控制律需求捕获与确认等问题,为电传操纵运输机的设计与适航审定提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

针对涡喷发动机起动控制规律的特点,将涡轮发动机加、减速控制规律设计的功率提取法模型,应用于航空涡喷发动机起动控制规律的设计.结合低转速部件特性预测方法和改进的功率提取法,给出了涡喷发动机起动控制规律设计的约束条件和设计步骤.该模型可以用于起动带转过程中起动机带转功率的预测,以及全包线范围内、全气候条件下的涡喷发动机起动控制规律的快速、准确设计.计算结果表明,根据功率提取法模型设计的起动控制规律与实际的发动机起动控制规律吻合较好,该方法具有较好的工程应用价值.   相似文献   

Among discrete galactic X-ray sources, Cyg X-1 has been noted for its peculiar features in several respects. It is one of the few sources with a hard power law spectrum extending beyond several hundred keV. Cyg X-1 also distinguishes itself by its profound time variability over a wide range of time scales. The most remarkable incident was that its optical identification with a spectroscopic binary HDE226868 has led to a presumption that it is a black hole. This possibility has induced continuous interests in the physical character of this source in conjunction with the nature of the black hole. The purpose of this paper is to summarize presently available pieces of knowledge on this source to help the design of future experimental and theoretical works, while the complexity of the source characteristics still has prevented us to construct a clear, coherent picture of this source in spite of the fact that numerous observational facts have been accumulated.  相似文献   

Differential-game-based guidance law using target orientation observations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Modern 4th generation air-to-air missiles are quite capable of dealing with today's battlefield needs. Advanced aerodynamics, highly efficient warheads and smart target acquisition systems combine to yield higher missile lethality than ever. However, in order to intercept highly maneuverable targets, such as future unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAV), or to achieve higher tracking precision for missiles equipped with smaller warheads, further improvement in the missile guidance system is still needed. A new concept is presented here for deriving improved differential-game-based guidance laws that make use of information about the target orientation, which is acquired via an imaging seeker. The underlying idea is that of using measurements of the target attitude as a leading indicator of target acceleration. Knowledge of target attitude reduces the reachable set of target acceleration, facilitating the computation of an improved estimate of the zero-effort miss (ZEM) distance. In consequence, missile guidance accuracy is significantly improved. The new concept is applied in a horizontal interception scenario, where it is assumed that the target maneuver direction, constituting a partial attitude information, can be extracted via processing target images, acquired by an imaging sensor. The derivation results in a new guidance law that explicitly exploits the direction of the target acceleration. The performance of the new guidance law is studied via a computer simulation, which demonstrates its superiority over existing state-of-the-art differential-game-based guidance laws. It is demonstrated that a significant decrease in the miss distance can be expected via the use of partial target orientation information.  相似文献   

In order to achieve accurate interception of high-speed maneuvering targets, this paper presents a relative Line-of-Sight (LOS) velocity based finite-time three-dimensional guidance law design framework, and discusses the application of fixed-time convergence disturbance observer in this framework. Firstly, a simple Lyapunov function is provided to show that the coupled terms in the relative kinematics can be ignored in the proposed guidance law design framework. Secondly, the realizations of several classical guidance laws are analyzed with the proposed framework, including TPN guidance law, finite-time Input-to-State Stability (ISS) guidance law, and sliding mode guidance law. Thirdly, fixed-time convergence disturbance observers are introduced to design the composite finite-time 3D guidance law, and Lyapunov method is employed to show the stability of the guidance system. Numerical simulations with different scenarios show that the proposed generalized guidance law performs high interception accuracy.  相似文献   

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