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The idea of extraterrestrial delivery of organic matter to the early Earth is especially attractive at present and is strongly supported by the detection of a large variety of organic compounds, including amino acids and nucleobases, in carbonaceous chondrites. Whether these compounds can be delivered by other space bodies is unclear and depends primarily on capability of the biomolecules to survive high temperatures during atmospheric deceleration and impacts to the terrestrial surface. In the present study we estimated survivability of simple amino acids (alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, L-alanine, L-valine and L-leucine), purines (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidines (uracil and cytosine) under rapid heating to temperatures of 400 to 1000 degrees C under N2 or CO2 atmosphere. We have found that most of the compounds studied cannot survive the temperatures substantially higher than 700 degrees C; however at 500-600 degrees C, the recovery can be at a per cent level (or even 10%-level for adenine, uracil, alanine, and valine). Implications of the data for extraterrestrial delivery of the biomolecules are discussed.  相似文献   

The superficial cells of dark-grown moss shoots give rise to negatively gravitropic protonemata, whatever the orientation of the shoot. Shoot orientation, however, does affect from which side of the shoot the protonemata form and the direction of their growth. Protonemata from horizontal shoots grow out at a near-right angle to their supporting axes and are initiated more or less evenly along the upper side of the stem. Protonemata arising from vertically-oriented shoots in either an upright or an inverted position grow straight at an acute angle to the stem axis. The difference in the growth direction of the protonemata seems to be conditioned by the different position of the growth zone of the protonemal outgrowths, and subsequently that of the apical protonemal cells, with respect to the gravity vector. Observations suggest that the shoot protonemata, in conditions of clinorotation, persist in their original growth direction. Results also indicate that, in darkness, gravity determines only the site of protonemata initiation, not the process of initiation itself. Light, by contrast, by acting through both phytochrome and high-energy reaction systems, triggers the initiation process and defines the location of protonemata.  相似文献   

Advances in the theory and technology of artificial neural networks provide the potential for new approaches to the problems of control, identification, and diagnosis for large, complex systems. However, these approaches must be validated for specific applications before they can be exploited effectively. Because of the unique capabilities they offer, neural networks should play an important role in space exploration systems operations. After a brief introduction to neural networks is presented, some applications of neural networks to identification and control of space systems are described and discussed. They span the spectrum of relatively straightforward to rather complex applications. An explanation of how neural networks can be applied to such important tasks as fault diagnosis and accommodation is presented. Neural networks are shown to be part of the hierarchy of intelligent control where a higher order decision element monitors and supervises lower order elements for sensing and actuation.  相似文献   

To increase the degree of closure of biological life support systems of a new generation, we used vermicomposting to involve inedible phytomass in the intra-system mass exchange. The resulting product was a soil-like substrate, which was quite suitable for growing plants (Manukovsky et al. 1996, 1997). However, the soil like substrate can be regarded as a candidate for inclusion in a system only after a comprehensive examination of its physical, chemical, and other characteristics. An important criterion is the ability of the soil-like substrate to supply the necessary mineral elements to the photosynthesizing component under the chosen cultivation conditions. Thus, the purpose of this work was to study the feasibility of enhancing the production activity of wheat and radish crops by varying the intensity of photosynthetically active radiation, without decreasing the harvest index. The increase of light intensity from 920 to 1150 micromoles m-2 s-1 decreased the intensity of apparent photosynthesis of the wheat crops and slightly increased the apparent photosynthesis of the radish crops The maximum total and grain productivity (kg/m2) of the wheat crops was attained at the irradiance of 920 micromoles m-2 s-1. Light intensity of 1150 micromoles m-2 s-1 decreased the productivity of wheat plants and had no significant effect on the productivity of the radish crops (kg/m2) as compared to 920 micromoles m-2 s-1. The qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora of the watering solution and substrate was determined by the condition of plants, developmental phase and light intensity. By the end of wheat growth under 1150 micromoles m-2 s-1 the numbers of bacteria of the coliform family and phytopathogenic bacteria in the watering solution and substrate were an order of magnitude larger than under other illumination conditions. The obtained data suggest that the cultivation of plants in a life support system on soil-like substrate from composts has a number of advantages over the cultivation on neutral substrates, which require continual replenishment of the plant nutrient solution from the system's store to complement the macro- and micro-elements. Yet, a number of problems arise, including those related to the controlling of the production activity of the plants by the intensity of photosynthetically active radiation. It is essential to understand why the intensity of production processes is limited at higher irradiation levels and to overcome the factors responsible for this, so that the soil-like substrate could have an even better chance in the competition for the best plant cultivation technology to be used in biological life support systems.  相似文献   

The understanding of the radiobiological action of heavy ions requires the knowledge of the dependence of the inactivation probability on the distance between the particle's trajectory and the biological test organism (the impact parameter). Spores of Bacillus subtilis with a cytoplasmic core of about 0.22 micrometer cross section are suitable test objects for the study of this radial inactivation probability in its microscopic details. The spores are irradiated at low fluences of some 10(6) ions/cm2 with very heavy ions at different specific energies up to 10 MeV per atomic mass unit u while in fixed contact with visual nuclear track detectors. The methods are described by which the biological response of individual cells can be evaluated and the impact parameter be determined with an accuracy typically better than 0.2 micrometer. The results demonstrate that the common characteristics of inactivation, e.g., an effective range of inactivation extending to at least 3 micrometers, a nonmonotonic dependence of the inactivation probabilities on the radial distance, and the fact that the inactivation probability even for direct central hits on the cytoplasmic core is substantially below one, are nearly independent of the particle energy and type. The results are incompatible with the assumption that the radiobiological effectiveness can be attributed to the dose of secondary electrons as currently understood. They also demonstrate that the widely held notion of an "overkill" at low impact parameters does not apply for the spores even with the most densely ionizing ions.  相似文献   

The hypothesis on exogenous origin of organic matter on the early Earth is strongly supported by the detection of a large variety of organic compounds (including amino acids and nucleobases) in carbonaceous chondrites. Whether such complex species can be successively delivered by other space bodies (comets, asteroids and interplanetary dust particles) is unclear and depends primarily on capability of the biomolecules to survive high temperatures during atmospheric deceleration and impacts to the terrestrial surface. Recent simulation experiments on amino acid and nucleic acid base pyrolysis under oxygen-free atmosphere demonstrated that simple representatives of these (considered thermally unstable) compounds can survive at 1-10% level a rapid heating at 500-600 degrees C. In the present work, we report on new data on the pyrolysis of amino acids and their homopolymers and discuss implications of their thermal behavior for extraterrestrial delivery.  相似文献   

With the currently available geological record at band, the existence of life on this planet as from at least 3.8 Gyr ago seems so firmly established as to be virtually unassailable. Specifically, various disparate lines of evidence have merged to indicate (1) that the surface of the Archaean Earth had hosted prolific microbial ecosystems as is testified by a quasi-continuous record of microbialites ("stromatolites") and associated microfossils of prokaryotic affinity over 3.5, if not 3.8 Gyr of geological history, and (2) that the sedimentary carbon record has preserved the isotopic signature of autotrophic (notably photosynthetic) carbon fixation over the same time span. With the observed enrichment of isotopically light carbon in sedimentary organic matter largely consonant with the bias in favor of 12C during photosynthesis, the mainstream of the carbon isotope record can be best explained as geochemical manifestation of the isotope discriminating properties of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase reaction of the Calvin cycle suggesting an extreme degree of evolutionary conservatism in the biochemistry of autotrophic carbon fixation. As a consequence, partial biological control of the geochemical carbon cycle was established already during Early Archaean times and fully operative by the time of formation of the Earth's earliest sediments.  相似文献   

Caryopses and isolated embryos from Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and Tobacco seeds (Nicotiana tabacum L. variety Xanthi) were studied in the Biobloc III container aboard the Soviet orbital space station SALYUT 7. The recovery from radiation damage under conditions of space flight was observed for rice caryopsis and embryos gamma irradiated (Co 60, 50 grays) prior to launch. There was a large decrease in the percentage of germinating seeds from the Tobacco strain tested when the seeds were exposed to heavy ions. Among the germinating plantlets there were few morphological anomalies. Furthermore, there was a significant greater amount of genetic change in those samples held in grids as compared to those in bags.  相似文献   

All radiations originate in space, and the spectrum of radiations reaching the troposphere is limited only because of their range and absorption by the ozone layer above the atmosphere. Ultraviolet-C and the very heavy ions are therefore produced on earth only artificially, by special lamps and in accelerators. The range of biological effects of the different UV radiations and low and high LET radiations have been studied extensively, yet only recently new facts such as the production of DNA strand breaks by long wave UV light were established, adding to the various points of encounter existing between ionizing and nonionizing radiations. There are some similarities in radiation products, and the resulting effects of insult by radiation on biological systems very often are similar, if not the same. A common phenomenon that exists in all healthy biological cells is the ability to repair damage to DNA and thus either survive or mutate, and although the specific mechanisms of repair are somewhat different, the end result is the same. Recently a mechanism of improved radioprotection was found to involve an effect of certain radioprotective compounds on DNA repair. It is suggested that improved, and nontoxic, modes of protection may be offered by employing such compounds as biological response modifiers and natural substances. Further research is needed and is under way.  相似文献   

Biological dosimetry has provided experimental proof of the high sensitivity of the biologically effective UVB doses to changes in atmospheric ozone and has thereby confirmed the predictions from model calculations. The biological UV dosimeter 'biofilm' whose sensitivity is based on dried spores of B. subtilis as UV target weights the incident UV radiation according to its DNA damaging potential. Biofilm dosimetry was applicated in space experiments as well as in use in remote areas on Earth. Examples are long-term UV measurements in Antarctica, measurements of diurnal UV profiles parallel in time at different locations in Europe, continuous UV measurements in the frame of the German UV measurement network and personal UV dosimetry. In space biofilms were used to determine the biological efficiency of the extraterrestrial solar UV, to simulate the effects of decreasing ozone concentrations and to determine the interaction of UVB and vitamin D production of cosmonauts in the MIR station.  相似文献   

The parallels between the challenges facing bioregenerative life support in artificial closed ecological systems and those in our global biosphere are striking. At the scale of the current global technosphere and expanding human population, it is increasingly obvious that the biosphere can no longer safely buffer and absorb technogenic and anthropogenic pollutants. The loss of biodiversity, reliance on non-renewable natural resources, and conversion of once wild ecosystems for human use with attendant desertification/soil erosion, has led to a shift of consciousness and the widespread call for sustainability of human activities. For researchers working on bioregenerative life support in closed systems, the small volumes and faster cycling times than in the Earth's biosphere make it starkly clear that systems must be designed to ensure renewal of water and atmosphere, nutrient recycling, production of healthy food, and safe environmental methods of maintaining technical systems. The development of technical systems that can be fully integrated and supportive of living systems is a harbinger of new perspectives as well as technologies in the global environment. In addition, closed system bioregenerative life support offers opportunities for public education and consciousness changing of how to live with our global biosphere.  相似文献   

During the years 2002 and 2003, three closed system experiments were carried out in the "Laboratory Biosphere" facility located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The program involved experimentation of "Hoyt" Soy Beans, (experiment #1) USU Apogee Wheat (experiment #2) and TU-82-155 sweet potato (experiment #3) using a 5.37 m2 soil planting bed which was 30 cm deep. The soil texture, 40% clay, 31% sand and 28% silt (a clay loam), was collected from an organic farm in New Mexico to avoid chemical residues. Soil management practices involved minimal tillage, mulching, returning crop residues to the soil after each experiment and increasing soil biota by introducing worms, soil bacteria and mycorrhizae fungi. High soil pH of the original soil appeared to be a factor affecting the first two experiments. Hence, between experiments #2 and #3, the top 15 cm of the soil was amended using a mix of peat moss, green sand, humates and pumice to improve soil texture, lower soil pH and increase nutrient availability. This resulted in lowering the initial pH of 8.0-6.7 at the start of experiment #3. At the end of the experiment, the pH was 7.6. Soil nitrogen and phosphorus has been adequate, but some chlorosis was evident in the first two experiments. Aphid infestation was the only crop pest problem during the three experiments and was handled using an introduction of Hyppodamia convergens. Experimentation showed there were environmental differences even in this 1200 cubic foot ecological system facility, such as temperature and humidity gradients because of ventilation and airflow patterns which resulted in consequent variations in plant growth and yield. Additional humidifiers were added to counteract low humidity and helped optimize conditions for the sweet potato experiment. The experience and information gained from these experiments are being applied to the future design of the Mars On Earth(R) facility (Silverstone et al., Development and research program for a soil-based bioregenerative agriculture system to feed a four person crew at a Mars base, Advances in Space Research 31(1) (2003) 69-75; Allen and Alling, The design approach for Mars On Earth(R), a biospheric closed system testing facility for long-term space habitation, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc., IAC-02-IAA.8.2.02, 2002).  相似文献   

Monitoring of spatial and temporal distribution of chlorophyll (Chl-a) concentrations in the aquatic milieu is always challenging and often interesting. However, the recent advancements in satellite digital data play a significant role in providing outstanding results for the marine environmental investigations. The present paper is aimed to review ‘remote sensing research in Chinese seas’ within the period of 24 years from 1978 to 2002. Owing to generalized distributional pattern, the Chl-a concentrations are recognized high towards northern Chinese seas than the southern. Moreover, the coastal waters, estuaries, and upwelling zones always exhibit relatively high Chl-a concentrations compared with offshore waters. On the basis of marine Chl-a estimates obtained from satellite and other field measured environmental parameters, we have further discussed on the applications of satellite remote sensing in the fields of harmful algal blooms (HABs), primary production and physical oceanographic currents of the regional seas. Concerned with studies of HABs, satellite remote sensing proved more advantageous than any other conventional methods for large-scale applications. Probably, it may be the only source of authentic information responsible for the evaluation of new research methodologies to detect HABs. At present, studies using remote sensing methods are mostly confined to observe algal bloom occurrences, hence, it is essential to coordinate the mechanism of marine ecological and oceanographic dynamic processes of HABs using satellite remote sensing data with in situ measurements of marine environmental parameters. The satellite remote sensing on marine environment and HABs is believed to have a great improvement with popular application of technology.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effects of orbit progression on the exposures within a Space Station Freedom module in a 51.6-degree inclined orbit at 450 km. The storm evolution is modeled after the November 1960 event, and the solar proton flux evolution is taken from the August 1972 solar proton event. The effects of a strong magnetic shock, such as was observed during the October 1989 event, is also modeled. The statistics on hourly average storm fields for the last forty years reveal that the largest geomagnetic storms approach a Dst value of -500 nanotesla at the storm peak. Similarly, one of the largest satellite-measured proton flux (> 10 MeV) for space exposures is the event of August 1972. The effects of orbit progression (advance of the line of nodes) is examined for the above conditions to study the variation of exposures under differing times of occurrence of the solar proton peak intensity, attainment of geomagnetic storm maximum, and the location of the line of nodes of the last geomagnetically protected orbit. The impact of the inherent inhomogeneity of the space station module is examined as a limiting factor on exposure with regard to the need of additional parasitic shielding.  相似文献   

The influence of microgravity on lymphocyte activation is central to the understanding of immunological function in space. Moreover, the adaptation of groundbased technologies to microgravity conditions presents opportunities for biotechnological applications including high efficiency production of antibody forming hybridomas. Because the emerging technology of microgravity hybridoma generation is dependent upon activation and cultivation of B lymphocytes during flight, we have adapted mitogen-driven B lymphocyte stimulation and culture that allows for the in vitro generation of large numbers of antibody forming cells suitable for cell fusion over a period of 1-2 weeks. We believe that this activation and cultivation system can be flown on near-term space flights to test fundamental hypotheses about mammalian cell activation, cell fusion, metabolism, secretion, growth, and bio-separation.  相似文献   

Liposomes are 5 to 50 micron vesicles with an internal aqueous environment, whose amphiphilic lipidic components self-assemble into systems with at least one double-layered membrane. Liposomes have been suggested as possible models of precellular systems formed in the early Archean Earth from lipids of non-enzymatic origin. Since it is generally accepted that RNA molecules preceded double-stranded DNA molecules as genetic material, we have studied the encapsulation of polyribonucleotides within liposomes made from dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, and from egg yolk phosphatidylcholine to which cholesterol was added in some cases. The liposomes were prepared under anoxic conditions following the reverse phase evaporation method described by Szoka and Papahadjopoulos. Quantitative determinations show that approximately 50% of the available lipids form liposomes, and that up to 5% of the polyribonucleotides can be entrapped by them. We have also studied the encapsulation of polyribonucleotides in the presence of 1) urea and cyanamide, two non-electrolytes that have been used as prebiotic condensing agents, and 2) of Zn++ and Pb++, two cations employed in the non-enzymatic template-directed synthesis of polyribonucleotides from activated nucleotides.  相似文献   

In Urodele amphibians, the tail regenerates after section. This regeneration, including tissues as different as bone (vertebrae), muscle, epidermis and central nervous system (spinal cord), was studied in adult Pleurodeles sent aboard the russian satellite Bion 10 and compared with tail regeneration in synchronous controls. Spinal cord, muscle and cartilage regeneration occurred in space animals as in synchronous controls. One of the most important differences between the two groups was the pigmentation of the blastemas: it was shown in laboratory, to be not due to a difference in light intensity.  相似文献   

‘Onion-peeling’ is a very common technique used to invert Radio Occultation (RO) data in the ionosphere. Because of the implicit assumption of spherical symmetry for the electron density (N(e)) distribution in the ionosphere, the standard Onion-peeling algorithm could give erroneous concentration values in the retrieved electron density profile. In particular, this happens when strong horizontal ionospheric electron density gradients are present, like for example in the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) region during high solar activity periods. In this work, using simulated RO Total Electron Content (TEC) data computed by means of the NeQuick2 ionospheric electron density model and ideal RO geometries, we tried to formulate and evaluate an asymmetry level index for quasi-horizontal TEC observations. The asymmetry index is based on the electron density variation that a signal may experience along its path (satellite to satellite link) in a RO event and is strictly dependent on the occultation geometry (e.g. azimuth of the occultation plane). A very good correlation has been found between the asymmetry index and errors related to the inversion products, in particular those concerning the peak electron density NmF2 estimate and the Vertical TEC (VTEC) evaluation.  相似文献   

The Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System (C.E.B.A.S.) is an artificial aquatic ecosystem which contains teleost fishes, water snails, ammonia oxidizing bacteria and edible non-gravitropic water plants. It serves as a model for aquatic food production modules which are not seriously affected by microgravity and other space conditions. Its space flight version, the so-called C.E.B.A.S. MINI-MODULE was already successfully tested in the STS-89 and STS-90 (NEUROLAB) missions. It will be flown a third time in space with the STS-107 mission in January 2003. All results obtained so far in space indicate that the basic concept of the system is more than suitable to drive forward its development. The C.E.B.A.S. MINI-MODULE is located within a middeck locker with limited space for additional components. These technical limitations allow only some modifications which lead to a maximum experiment time span of 120 days which is not long enough for scientifically essential multi-generation-experiments. The first necessary step is the development of "harvesting devices" for the different organisms. In the limited space of the plant bioreactor a high biomass production leads to self-shadowing effects which results in an uncontrolled degradation and increased oxygen consumption by microorganisms which will endanger the fishes and snails. It was shown already that the latter reproduce excellently in space and that the reproductive functions of the fish species are not affected. Although the parent-offspring-cannibalism of the ovoviviparous fish species (Xiphophorus helleri) serves as a regulating factor in population dynamics an uncontrolled snail reproduction will also induce an increased oxygen consumption per se and a high ammonia concentration in the water. If harvesting locks can be handled by astronauts in, e. g., 4-week intervals their construction is not very difficult and basic technical solutions are already developed. The second problem is the feeding of the animals. Although C.E.B.A.S.-based aquaculture modules are designed to be closed food loop systems (edible herbivorous fish species and edible water plants) which are already verified on Earth this will not be possible in space without devices in which the animals are fed from a food storage. This has to be done at least once daily which would waste too much crew time when done by astronauts. So, the development of a reliable automated food dispenser has highest priority. Also in this case basic technical solutions are already elaborated. The paper gives a comprehensive overview of the proposed further C.E.B.A.S.-based development of longer-term duration aquatic food production modules.  相似文献   

Our current understanding of hypogravity-induced atrophy of skeletal muscles is based primarily on studies comparing pre- and post-flight properties of muscles. Interpretations are necessarily qualified by the assumption that the stress of reentry and readjustment to terrestrial gravity do not alter the parameters being analyzed. The neuromuscular system is highly responsive to changes in functional demands and capable of rapid adaptation, making this assumption questionable. A reexamination of the changes in the connective tissue and synaptic terminals of soleus muscles from rats orbited in biosatellites and sampled postflight indicates that these structural alterations represent adaptative responses of the atrophic muscles to the increased workload of returning to 1 G, rather than hypogravity per se. The atrophy of weightlessness is postulated to result because muscles are both underloaded and used less often. Proper testing of this hypothesis requires quantitation of muscle function by monitoring electromyography, force output and length changes during the flight. Experiments conducted in space laboratories, like those being developed for the Space Shuttle, will avoid the complications of reentry before tissue sampling and allow time course atudies of the rate of development of adaptive changes to zero gravity. Another area of great importance for future studies of muscle atrophy is inflight measurement of plasma levels of hormones and tissue receptor levels. Glucocorticoids, thyroid hormone and insulin exert dramatic regulatory influences on muscle structure. Prevention of neuromuscular atrophy becomes increasingly more important as spaceflights increase in duration. Definition of the atrophic mechanism is essential to developing means of preventing neuromuscular atrophy.  相似文献   

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