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Lunar soil and certain meteorites contain noble gases trapped from the solar wind at various times in the past. The progress in the last decade to decipher these precious archives of solar history is reviewed. The samples appear to contain two solar noble gas components with different isotopic composition. The solar wind component resides very close to grain surfaces and its isotopic composition is identical to that of present-day solar wind. Experimental evidence seems by now overwhelming that somewhat deeper inside the grains there exists a second, isotopically heavier component. To explain the origin of this component remains a challenge, because it is much too abundant to be readily reconciled with the known present day flux of solar particles with energies above those of the solar wind. The isotopic composition of solar wind noble gases may have changed slightly over the past few Ga, but such a change is not firmly established. The upper limit of ~5% per Ga for a secular increase of the 3He/4He ratio sets stringent limits on the amount of He that may have been brought from the solar interior to the surface (cf. Bochsler, 1992). Relative abundances of He, Ne, and Ar in present-day solar wind are the same as the long term average recorded in metallic Fe grains in meteorites within error limits of some 15-20%. Xe, and to a lesser extent Kr, are enriched in the solar wind similar to elements with a first ionisation potential < 10 eV, although Kr and Xe have higher FIPs. This can be explained if the ionisation time governs the FIP effect (Geiss and Bochsler, 1986). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this chapter, I present a summary of observational tests of the basic picture of disk accretion. An emphasis is placed on tests relevant to black holes, but many of the fundamental results are drawn from studies of other classes of systems. Evidence is discussed for the basic structures of accretion flows. The cases of systems with and without accretion disks are discussed, as is the evidence that disks actually form. Also discussed are the hot spots where accretion streams impact the disks, and the boundary layers in the inner parts of systems where the accretors are not black holes. The nature of slow, large amplitude variability is discussed. It is shown that some of the key predictions of the classical thermal-viscous ionization instability model for producing outbursts are in excellent agreement with observational results. It is also show that there are systems whose outbursts are extremely difficult to explain without invoking variations in the rate of mass transfer from the donor star into the outer accretion disk, or tidally induced variations in the mass transfer rates. Finally, I briefly discuss recent quasar microlensing measurements which give truly independent constraints on the inner accretion geometry around black holes.  相似文献   

Wieler  R.  Heber  V.S. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,106(1-4):197-210
We discuss some of the major noble gas components on the Moon and their implications on the history of Moon and Sun. He, Ar, and Rn have been detected in the tenuous lunar atmosphere. The Ar and Rn abundances suggest that a sizeable fraction of the lunar interior presently loses all its freshly produced radiogenic noble gases. Part of the radiogenic Ar and Xe (the latter from now extinct radioactive isotopes of I and Pu) outgassed from the lunar interior later became retrapped in the dust grains on the lunar surface. These “parentless” gases may also be used to constrain the degassing history of the Moon, although a quantitative understanding is lacking. The dust layer on the lunar surface contains large amounts of noble gases implanted by the solar wind. The lunar regolith therefore constitutes the best available archive of the solar history of the past four billion years. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Basic properties of the unique object SS 433 are described. Observational spectroscopic and photometric manifestations of a precessing accretion disk around a relativistic object in this X-ray binary system are presented.  相似文献   

Models for the mechanisms of accretion of the terrestrial planets are re-examined using the experimental technique of high-precision isotope ratio mass spectrometry of tungsten (W). The decay of 182Hf to 182W (via 182Ta) provides a new kind of radiometric chronometer of planet formation processes. Hafnium and W, the parent and daughter trace elements, are highly refractory; however, Hf is lithophile and strongly partitioned into the silicate portion of a planet, whereas W is moderately siderophile and preferentially partitioned into a coexisting metallic phase. More than 90% of terrestrial W has gone into the Earth's core during its formation. The residual silicate portion, the Earth's primitive mantle, has a Hf/W ratio in the range 10−40, an order of magnitude higher than chondritic (∼1.3). Tungsten isotopic data for the Earth and the Moon suggest that we can date a major event of planet formation: The Moon formed about 50 Myrs after the start of the solar system, providing strong support for the Giant Impact Theory of lunar origin. Recent simulations of this event imply that the Earth was probably only half formed at the time. From this we can deduce the planetary accretion rate. Tungsten isotope data for Mars provide evidence of a much shorter accretion interval, perhaps as little as 10 Myrs, but the rates for the Earth over the same time interval could have been comparable. The large W isotopic heterogeneities on Mars could only have been produced within the first 30 Myrs of the solar system. Large-scale mixing, e.g. from convective overturn, as is thought to drive the Earth's plates, must be absent from Mars. Limitations of the method such as 1) cosmogenic 182Ta effects on lunar samples, 2) incomplete mixing of debris to cause W isotope heterogeneity on the Moon, and 3) initial 182Hf/180Hf heterogeneities of the early solar system are critically discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

某型航空发动机涡轮盘结构可靠度计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统涡轮盘确定性应力和寿命计算上对参数分散性考虑的不足,采用应力—强度干涉法和模糊概率积分法(FPI)计算某型航空发动机涡轮盘关键位置的结构可靠度,将两种方法结果进行对比分析,说明FPI方法的有效性和快速性,并分析了干涉法计算中的某些近似对可靠度计算结果带来的影响,最后采用FPI方法计算了整个涡轮盘的结构可靠度分布,该结果对掌握整个涡轮盘的可靠度水平及对涡轮盘进一步设计具有参考价值。   相似文献   

We discuss data of light noble gases from the solar wind implanted into a metallic glass target flown on the Genesis mission. Helium and neon isotopic compositions of the bulk solar wind trapped in this target during 887 days of exposure to the solar wind do not deviate significantly from the values in foils of the Apollo Solar Wind Composition experiments, which have been exposed for hours to days. In general, the depth profile of the Ne isotopic composition is similar to those often found in lunar soils, and essentially very well reproduced by ion-implantation modelling, adopting the measured velocity distribution of solar particles during the Genesis exposure and assuming a uniform isotopic composition of solar wind neon. The results confirm that contributions from high-energy particles to the solar wind fluence are negligible, which is consistent with in-situ observations. This makes the enigmatic “SEP-Ne” component, apparently present in lunar grains at relatively large depth, obsolete. 20Ne/ 22Ne ratios in gas trapped very near the metallic glass surface are up to 10% higher than predicted by ion implantation simulations. We attribute this superficially trapped gas to very low-speed, current-sheet-related solar wind, which has been fractionated in the corona due to inefficient Coulomb drag.  相似文献   

Until pristine samples can be returned from cometary nuclei, primitive meteorites represent our best source of information about organic chemistry in the early solar system. However, this material has been affected by secondary processing on asteroidal parent bodies which probably did not affect the material now present in cometary nuclei. Production of meteoritic organic matter apparently involved the following sequence of events: Molecule formation by a variety of reaction pathways in dense interstellar clouds; Condensation of those molecules onto refractory interstellar grains; Irradiation of organic-rich interstellar-grain mantles producing a range of molecular fragments and free radicals; Inclusion of those interstellar grains into the protosolar nebula with probable heating of at least some grain mantles during passage through the shock wave bounding the solar accretion disc; Agglomeration of residual interstellar grains and locally produced nebular condensates into asteroid-sized planetesimals; Heating of planetesimals by decay of extinct radionuclides; Melting of ice to produce liquid water within asteroidal bodies; Reaction of interstellar molecules, fragments and radicals with each other and with the aqueous environment, possibly catalysed by mineral grains; Loss of water and other volatiles to space yielding a partially hydrated lithology containing a complex suite of organic molecules; Heating of some of this organic matter to generate a kerogen-like complex; Mixing of heated and unheated material to yield the meteoritic material now observed. Properties of meteoritic organic matter believed to be consistent with this scenario include: Systematic decrease of abundance with increasing C number in homologous series of characterisable molecules; Complete structural diversity within homologous series; Predominance of branched-chain isomers; Considerable isotopic variability among characterisable molecules and within kerogen-like material; Substantial deuterium enrichment in all organic fractions; Some fractions significantly enriched in nitrogen-15; Modest excesses of L-enantiomers in some racemisation-resistant molecules but no general enantiomeric preference. Despite much speculation about the possible role of Fischer-Tropsch catalytic hydrogenation of CO in production of organic molecules in the solar nebula, no convincing evidence for such material has been found in meteorites. A similarity between some meteoritic organics and those produced by Miller-Urey discharge synthesis may reflect involvement of common intermediates rather than the operation of electric discharges in the early solar system. Meteoritic organic matter constitutes a useful, but not exact, guide to what we shall find with in situ analytical and sample-return missions to cometary nuclei. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

On the Slow Solar Wind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fisk  L.A.  Schwadron  N.A.  Zurbuchen  T.H. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,86(1-4):51-60
A theory for the origin of the slow solar wind is described. Recent papers have demonstrated that magnetic flux moves across coronal holes as a result of the interplay between the differential rotation of the photosphere and the non-radial expansion of the solar wind in more rigidly rotating coronal holes. This flux will be deposited at low latitudes and should reconnect with closed magnetic loops, thereby releasing material from the loops to form the slow solar wind. It is pointed out that this mechanism provides a natural explanation for the charge states of elements observed in the slow solar wind, and for the presence of the First-Ionization Potential, or FIP, effect in the slow wind and its absence in fast wind. Comments are also provided on the role that the ACE mission should have in understanding the slow solar wind. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

J. Smak 《Space Science Reviews》1989,50(1-2):107-116
Basic theoretical concepts concerning formation and properties of disks in close binary systems are reviewed and compared with observations of Algols.  相似文献   

J. Smak 《Space Science Reviews》1989,49(3-4):107-116
Basic theoretical concepts concerning formation and properties of disks in close binary systems are reviewed and compared with observations of Algols.  相似文献   

Although the average composition of solar energetic particles (SEPs) and the bulk solar wind are similar in a number of ways, there are key differences which imply that solar wind is not the principal seed population for SEPs accelerated by coronal mass ejection (CME) driven shocks. This paper reviews these composition differences and considers the composition of other possible seed populations, including coronal material, impulsive flare material, and interplanetary CME material.  相似文献   

利用UG对两级涡轮轮盘/叶片进行三维实体建模,导入ANSYS构建其耦合振动分析的有限元模型,以静强度分析为基础,主要对比了有无温度场情况下,盘/叶耦合系统的振动特性差异,计算中考虑了温度场和离心载荷的影响,使计算结果更接近于实际情况,结果表明,温度不是影响涡轮盘/叶振动特性的主要因素。此外,从叶盘耦合谐振图可以看出,在工作转速下涡轮叶盘没有发生共振的危险;在起动时,只需快速的跨过一些共振区就能很好的避免耦合共振的情况发生,就振动设计而言,该型涡轮的设计是合理的。  相似文献   

某型燃气轮机封严盘疲劳裂纹机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了系统研究某型燃气轮机封严盘疲劳故障的现象、机理、特点和原因,进行了封严盘故障损伤痕迹、断口形貌、材料成分、金相组织等分析;同时进行了强度(应力)和模态振动特性方面的有限元计算研究,在此基础上进行了共振特性分析。分析结果表明:该封严盘结构设计存在薄弱环节,其均压孔孔边径向应力水平高,孔边表面状态不佳,在一定振动应力作用下,均压孔边容易产生高周性质的疲劳裂纹。对防止某型燃气轮机封严盘产生疲劳裂纹失效提出修理和使用中应控制的要点。  相似文献   

This review presents an introduction to the theory of accretion disks. After explaining the importance of accretion disks in stellar X-ray sources, it considers observational and theoretical indications of the formation of accretion disks in close binary systems. The simple Shakura and Sunyaev model and its problems are discussed. A survey of other models that try to improve upon this model is given (in Table III), and critically discussed.  相似文献   

枞树形榫连结构接触应力的有限元分析及建模研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用有限元法对赫兹接触问题进行了分析,计算结果同解析解吻合很好,进而明确了有限元法求解接触问题的一般流程及难点。以某发动机涡轮盘三齿枞树形榫齿,榫槽连接结构作为研究对象,分析其接触应力。计算结果表明,接触区边缘存在较高的应力梯度,接触应力的有限元解同网格疏密度密切相关。通过建立一系列不同密度网格模型开展了有限元建模研究。以改善接触应力的求解精度.同时得出了一些具有工程指导意义的结论。  相似文献   

The climate response to changes in radiative forcing depends crucially on climate feedback processes, with the consequence that solar and greenhouse gas forcing have both similar response patterns in the troposphere. This circumstance complicates significantly the attribution of the causes of climate change. Additionally, the climate system displays a high level of unforced intrinsic variability, and significant variations in the climate of many parts of the world are due to internal processes. Such internal modes contribute significantly to the variability of climate system on various time scales, and thus compete with external forcing in explaining the origin of past climate extremes. This highlights the need for independent observations of solar forcing including long-term consistent observational records of the total and spectrally resolved solar irradiance. The stratospheric response to solar forcing is different from its response to greenhouse gas forcing, thus suggesting that stratospheric observations could offer the best target for the identification of the specific influence of solar forcing on climate.  相似文献   

Standard solar models, although they are free from the influence of much of the fluid motion that is bound to be present in the Sun, have been shown by helioseismology to represent the spherically averaged structure of the Sun amazingly well. This state of affairs has come about after painstaking refinements by a great many people of the pertinent microphysics, including that which controls the equation of state, the opacity, the nuclear reaction rates and the diffusion that inhibits gravitational segregation of chemical elements. It has instilled confidence in the modellers in being able to predict the composition of the solar interior. But there are consequences of the flow, related particularly to redistribution of chemical species, that can be difficult to identify observationally, yet which may degrade any inferences we might make. Their potential presence must at least be acknowledged by anyone who tries to asses the reliability of the models. This report summarizes the discussions in the preceding pages of this volume of the current theoretical and observational status of the subject, pointing to many of the caveats that have been raised, and attempting at the same time to put them into a seemingly coherent discourse in the context of our present understanding of the workings of the solar interior. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Verma  V.K. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,97(1-4):205-210
In the paper we have investigated the periodicity of high speed solar wind (HSSW) streams using the technique of power spectrum analysis. The data for HSSW streams has been taken from the papers by Lindblad and Lundstedt (1981, 1983) and Lindblad et al. (1989) The power spectrum analysis of the daily HSSW streams events for the period 1964–1975 (solar cycle 20) shows peaks of 14, 7, 2.9 and 2.6 days, and daily HSSW events for the period 1976–1982 (solar cycle 21) shows peaks of 15.4, 7, 2.9 and 2.6 days. The HSSW events for period 1964–1982 (solar cycles 20-21) shows peaks of 15.4, 7, 3.7, 2.9 and 2.6 days. The common periods from above study are 7, 2.9 and 2.6 days. The 2.9, 2.6 days and other periods are folding frequency. The 7 days periodicity is close to the th of solar rotation which may be the time for energy build up for coronal holes to produce HSSW streams. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Verbunt  Frank 《Space Science Reviews》2000,92(3-4):614-614
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