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阐述利用太阳源法测量遥测系统品质因数G/T的原理,提出可用于工程实际的实现方法,重点对太阳流量密度、K1因子、K2因子等参数进行分析,给出工程应用计算方法。最后,以某遥测系统为例,给出了采用太阳源法和信标塔法的测量值,并对测试结果进行比对分析。实测结果分析表明,太阳源法测得的G/T重复测试精度小于0.4 dB,与信标塔法测试结果相差小于0.6 dB。因此,太阳源法合理可行,可广泛应用于遥测系统指标测试。  相似文献   

 A closed-form approximate maximum likelihood (AML) algorithm for estimating the position and velocity of a moving source is proposed by utilizing the time difference of arrival (TDOA) and frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) measurements of a signal received at a number of receivers. The maximum likelihood (ML) technique is a powerful tool to solve this problem. But a direct approach that uses the ML estimator to solve the localization problem is exhaustive search in the solution space, and it is very computationally expensive, and prohibits real-time processing. On the basis of ML function, a closed-form approximate solution to the ML equations can be obtained, which can allow real-time implementation as well as global convergence. Simulation results show that the proposed estimator achieves better performance than the two-step weighted least squares (WLS) approach, which makes it possible to attain the Cram閞-Rao lower bound (CRLB) at a sufficiently high noise level before the threshold effect occurs.  相似文献   

This article presents a method to adapt the lunar production function, i.e. the frequency of impacts with a given size of a formed crater as discussed by Neukum et al. (2001), to Mars. This requires to study the nature of crater-forming projectiles, the impact rate difference, and the scaling laws for the impact crater formation. These old-standing questions are reviewed, and examples for the re-calculation of the production function from the moon to Mars are given.  相似文献   

李金洲  郭福成 《航空学报》2011,32(8):1497-1505
传感器自身的位置误差对辐射源的无源定位精度可能有较大影响,详细分析并推导了在存在传感器位置误差条件下,仅使用到达频率差(FDOA)参数对辐射源定位时,定位精度的克拉美罗下限(CRLB)和均方误差(MSE).在传感器位置误差条件下,提出仅用FDOA来同时估计辐射源和传感器位置的泰勒级数方法,并证明该定位方法理论上的MSE...  相似文献   

日前,联想首款基于英特尔至强5500平台的服务器--万全T260G2正式对外发布.万全T260 G2服务器是一款为中小型网络应用量身定做的高性价比双路服务器,具备领先的标准化产品设计理念和灵活易用的产品特质.  相似文献   

陈少昌  贺慧英  禹华钢 《航空学报》2013,34(5):1165-1173
 现代定位系统中,传感器往往被安放在运动平台上,其位置无法精确得知,存在估计误差,将严重影响对目标的定位精度。针对这一问题,提出基于约束总体最小二乘(CTLS)的到达时差(TDOA)定位算法。首先通过引入中间变量,将非线性TDOA定位方程转化为伪线性方程,再利用CTLS技术,全面考虑伪线性方程所有系数中的噪声。在此基础上推导了定位方程的目标函数,再根据牛顿迭代方法,进行数值迭代,快速得到精确解。采用一阶小噪声扰动分析方法,对该算法的理论性能进行了分析,证明了算法的无偏性和逼近克拉美-罗下限(CRLB)。仿真实验表明,该算法克服了现有总体最小二乘(TLS)算法不能达到CRLB、两步加权最小二乘(two-step WLS)算法在较高噪声时性能发散的缺陷,在较高噪声时定位精度仍然能达到CRLB。  相似文献   

G/T是天线的一项重要技术指标,在综合考虑测地VLBI(Very Long Baseline Interferometry,甚长基线干涉测量)和航天器VLBI观测两者需求的基础上,提出了深空干涉测量天线的G/T指标设计方法.首先根据射电源的空间分布以及流量密度特性,确定了测地VLBI和航天器VLBI观测模式下射电源流量密度的要求.在此基础上建立了2种观测模式下时延误差与深空干涉测量天线G/T之间的关系模型.最后参考目前国际国内测地VLBI观测中的通用参数设置以及月球探测任务中航天器VLBI观测的参数设置,对不同观测任务、不同观测模式下的G/T要求进行仿真分析.综合测地VLBI和航天器VLBI观测仿真分析的结果,S频段G/T建议不小于32 dB/K,X频段G/T建议不小于43 dB/K.仿真分析结果可以作为后续深空干涉测量天线G/T设计的参考.  相似文献   

绕月探测器的自主光学导航研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙军伟  崔平远  黄翔宇 《航空学报》2006,27(6):1145-1149
提出了一种利用高斯-马尔科夫过程和Unscented卡尔曼滤波的绕月探测器自主光学导航算法。针对很难事先确定精确地绕月探测器轨道动力学模型问题,提出利用高斯-马尔科夫过程来近似轨道动力学中的无模型加速度,进而提高了轨道动力学模型的精度;考虑到基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的轨道确定存在的问题,提出利用基于Unscented卡尔曼滤波来估计探测器的位置、速度及无模型加速度,提高了轨道估计精度和保证了算法的稳定性。最后,通过数学仿真验证了自主光学导航算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The geology of the decade of Apollo and Luna probably will become one of the fundamental turning points in the history of all science. For the first time, the scientists of the Earth have been presented with the opportunity to interpret their home planet through the direct investigations of another. Mankind can be proud and take heart in this fact. The interpretive evolution of the Moon can be divided now into seven major stages beginning sometime near the end of the formation of the solar system. These stages and their approximate durations in time are as follows:
  1. The Beginning — 4.6 billion years ago.
  2. The Melted Shell — 4.6–4.4 billion years ago.
  3. The Cratered Highlands — 4.4–4.1 billion years ago.
  4. The Large Basins — 4.1–3.9 billion years ago.
  5. The Light-colored Plains — 3.9–3.8 billion years ago.
  6. The Basaltic Maria — 3.8–3.0 (?) billion years ago.
  7. The Quiet Crust — 3.0 (?) billion years ago to the present.
The Apollo and Luna explorations that permit us to study these stages of evolution each have contributed in progressive and significant ways. Through them we now can look with new insight into the early differentiation of the Earth, the nature of the Earth's protocrust, the influence of the formation of large impact basins in that crust, the effects of early partial melting of the protomantle and possibly the earliest stages of the breakup of the protocrust into continents and ocean basins.  相似文献   

本文着重研究了通过计算机对已按某种优先规则排好的/n/m/G/Fmax类作业进度计划,自动进行优化的问题。  相似文献   

A new form of the probabilistically strongest neighbor filter (PSNF) algorithm taking into account the number of validated measurements is proposed. The probabilistic nature of the strongest neighbor (SN) measurement in a cluttered environment is shown to be varied with respect to the number of validated measurements. Incorporating the number of validated measurements into design of the PSNF produces a consistent and cost effective data association method. Simulation studies show that the new filter is less sensitive to the unknown spatial clutter density and is more reliable for practical target tracking in nonhomogeneous clutter than the existing PSNF. It has similar performances to the probabilistic data association filter amplitude information (PDAF-AI) with much less computational complexities.  相似文献   

小推力航天器的地月低能转移轨道   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
徐明  徐世杰 《航空学报》2008,29(4):781-787
 在限制性四体模型下研究基于小推力方式的地月低能转移问题,通过借助于平动点轨道的相空间结构来揭示小推力转移的机理。重点研究了小推力转移自由飞行段的构造:经由LL1点穿越获得最小能量的低能转移;而经由LL1点Halo轨道穿越,得到(M,N)圈穿越轨道;由于Halo轨道相对于平动点增加了一维度的选择,根据(2,2)圈穿越轨道构造该转移的自由飞行段。在地球势阱逃逸和月球势阱捕获段,分别设计了合适的小推力的控制律及发动机开/关机时间,成功实施近地球段的小推力加速和近月球段的减速。尽管未对所得到的结果进行优化,所得转移轨道的燃料消耗也与类似边界条件的SMART-1轨道基本一致。  相似文献   

Stevanović  J.  Teanby  N. A.  Wookey  J.  Selby  N.  Daubar  I. J.  Vaubaillon  J.  Garcia  R. 《Space Science Reviews》2017,211(1-4):525-545
Space Science Reviews - In 2018, NASA will launch InSight, a single-station suite of geophysical instruments, designed to characterise the martian interior. We investigate the seismo-acoustic...  相似文献   

T/R组件是有源相控阵雷达的核心部件,能否实现T/R组件的深修精修将直接决定整部相控阵雷达的修理成本。本文从T/R组件组装密度、微组装工艺、气密性封装、组装无铅化以及一体化集成等方面介绍了T/R组件工艺集成技术的发展趋势,分析了这些技术对修理检测、修理工艺的影响,并对T/R组件的深修精修进行了探讨。  相似文献   

针对光纤陀螺SINS(捷联惯性导航系统)与GNSS(全球卫星导航系统)组合导航产品高动态性能测试难的问题,本文研究了一种组合导航测试系统,并对捷联惯导模拟源进行了重点研究.首先以捷联惯导解算算法为基础逆推出了捷联惯导模拟源算法,然后对捷联惯导模拟源进行了功能实现,可以与导航卫星信号模拟源同步向组合导航计算机发送数据用于组合导航解算.最后对捷联惯导模拟源的功能与性能进行了验证.结果表明,捷联惯导模拟源功能正常,模拟数据的精度达到设计要求.利用此惯导模拟源与导航卫星信号模拟源配套使用,将可满足后续SINS/GNSS组合导航系统的相关性能测试或验证要求.  相似文献   

In the past several years growing emphasis on the environment has generated a minor revolution in the field of air quality instrumentation. New instruments have been appearing steadily and will no doubt continue to do so in the near future. While this new generation of instrumentation is being field tested, refined, and applied to air quality measurement problems, development of more sensitive and versatile techniques continues. This paper gives an overview of the new generation of air quality monitoring instruments, comparing them with some more traditional methods.  相似文献   

采用压机压制工艺方法研制了T700/3234 管件,对其进行了拉伸、压缩和弯曲试验。结果表明,
T700/3234 管件胶接长度对于拉伸试验结果影响较大,安装记忆合金环有助于提高管件的抗拉伸性能,有记忆
合金环试样可承受的最大拉伸载荷较无记忆合金环试样提高10. 1%;压缩性能试验单独管件与不加记忆合金
样可承受的最大压缩载荷、压缩强度较无记忆合金环试样提高10. 0% 以上,但压缩模量较无记忆合金环试样
无变化;有记忆合金环试样可承受的最大弯曲载荷可达20. 433 kN,较无记忆合金环试样提高5. 5%;为高性能

正"湾流"G500/G550飞机是美国湾流航宇公司在"湾流"V公务机的基础上,改进研制的远程双发涡扇公务机。机翼(包括机翼上的操纵面)由沃特飞机工业公司和日本新明和工业公司负责设计和制造;荷兰斯托克航宇集团负责制造尾翼和后部地板;发动机由英国罗耳斯·罗伊斯德国公司提供;  相似文献   

直升机旋翼和机身子系统以及其耦合系统的导纳是用动柔度匹配法确定直升机旋翼 /机身耦合系统固有频率必要的数据 ,我们已推导了它们的分析表达式 ,为验证分析表达式的可用性 ,须进行试验测试与研究。由于旋翼的转动 ,给实测带来困难 ,作为起步 ,从模型试验开始。本文介绍旋翼 /机身耦合系统模型及其子系统的导纳的测试方案、试验程序 ,综述以作者自行设计的旋翼 /机身耦合系统模型进行试验所得到的结果及其与理论计算结果的比较。结果表明 ,测试方案与试验方法是可行的 ,理论分析计算公式是正确的  相似文献   

Laser velocimetry is an optical technique used to make local measurements of mean velocity and turbulence in fluid flows without disturbing them. Laser velocimetry principles are briefly recalled; the optical and mechanical elements making up a velocimeter are described. Their purpose is to create two laser beams of equal intensity which are focused and crossed in a probe volume ? where a fringe pattern is formed; the light scattered by submicron particles passing through ? is collected by an optics rigidly connected to the emitting optics and focused on a photomultiplier. Among the various signal processing techniques, counters are now widely used, in connection with minicomputers. The different means used to determine the velocity sign and to measure simultaneously two components of the velocity are described; the simultaneous measurement of the three velocity components is more a matter of technology and cost than a theoretical problem. The modular operational velocimeter developed at ONERA is described; as examples of application, some typical results obtained in different aerodynamic flows are reported.  相似文献   

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