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The two TAROT (Télescopes à Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires; Rapid Action Telescopes for Transient Objects) installations are fully robotic optical observatories with optimized observation scheduling, data processing and archiving. Zadko is a 1 m telescope in Western Australia. The fully robotisation of the Zadko telescope has just been completed; it is now included in the TAROT network. In this paper we provide an overview of this international network of robotic optical telescopes. We discuss the advantages of using the network to participate in a satellite and space debris tracking program. This network will access almost all geostationary belt objects, and provide the first real-time satellite positioning capability. The inclusion of the 1 m Zadko telescope into the network significantly extends the efficiency and sensitivity of the existing two telescope configuration.  相似文献   

用于灵巧手的新型两自由度关节机构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出并设计完成了一种用于灵巧手的两自由度关节机构,该机构用于连接灵巧手的下指节与掌骨节,使得下指节相对掌骨节同时实现屈曲和侧展2个运动.在完成两自由度关节机构设计的基础上,对该机构进行了运动学分析,并应用虚拟样机技术进行了验证.两自由度关节机构的应用将对提高灵巧手的动力学特性和简化灵巧手的结构设计起到重要的作用.   相似文献   

在硬手指接触模型下应用6维力传感器测量值计算接触点位置时,有可能出现无解现象.针对这一问题,分析和证明了硬手指和软手指接触模型下解的存在性和相容性,指出当测量力和力矩正交时,硬手指算法有实根,且符合相容性,反之则不然.当测量力和力矩非正交时,对任意非零接触力旋量,软手指算法存在唯一实数解.因此在实际测量过程中,可通过判断测量力和力矩是否正交,作为选择使用两种算法的依据,以确保测量结果和控制系统稳定可靠.通过实验对上述方法进行了验证.   相似文献   

为了完成航天员的出舱活动任务,必须建设可以验证航天员出舱活动适应性的地面试验设备。文章描述了航天员出舱活动地面试验设备的系统构成、性能指标以及实现方法,给出了航天员出舱活动试验过程的实际过程曲线。试验结果表明:该地面试验设备可以满足航天员出舱活动试验任务的要求,拓宽了空间环境地面试验的领域范围,提升了空间环境地面模拟的能力,并为后续有人参与的空间环境地面试验提供了能力保证。  相似文献   

天基朗缪尔探针传感器设计与仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朗缪尔探针是进行空间等离子体电子密度和温度就位测量的重要仪器, 在电离层卫星探测和火箭探测中应用十分广泛. 传感器设计的合理与否是影响朗缪尔探针探测结果的关键因素之一. 朗缪尔探针传感器的结构本身比较简单, 但传感器的设计要受到多种物理条件及工程条件的限制, 其中, 有些限制条件相互制约甚至相互矛盾, 必须综合进行考虑. 从传感器形状、大小和表面材料的选取三个方面分析了朗缪尔探针的各种限制条件, 给出了一种原型朗缪尔探针的设计, 并通过仿真计算验证了该设计.  相似文献   

温场可编程控制的小型空间晶体炉设计与测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了一台温场可编程控制的小型空间晶体炉。其工作原理是,在计算机控制下,炉膛温场发生有序地变化,完成晶体生长过程。由于没有机械运动部件,从而彻底消除了机械振动对微重力环境的干扰。此炉是为返回式卫星搭载试验而设计,配备以Intel80c31为核心的计算机温度控制及数据采集系统。该系统采用数字PID方式独立调节加热器中7个结构相同的加热单元的温度,可以编程实现多种温场变化模式。  相似文献   

我国空间生命科学的探索起源于20世纪60年代,1981年随着空间生命专业委员会的正式成立,依托此专业的学术交流平台,空间生命科学进入多学科并进多机构建设的新阶段.随着中国载人航天及空间探索研究的深入发展,以分支学科或重大问题为牵引,我国在空间生命科学的几个重要领域取得了一系列关键成果.本文从发展历程、研究成果、平台模型、重大项目与后续展望等方面综述了我国空间生命科学40年的发展历程与标志性成果,为后续发展提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

针对空间相机桁架式支撑结构在设计过程中难以同时保证重量轻且刚度高的问题, 提出了采用满应力方法对桁架杆截面进行优化设计的思想. 以桁架杆重量最低为优化目标, 桁架杆自重变形和桁架的一阶固有频率为约束条件, 桁架杆截面的内外径为优化变量, 建立了基于满应力准则的优化模型. 经过优化, 桁架杆截面的外径为50mm, 内径40mm, 质量6.1kg, 一阶固有频率121Hz. 采用有限元法对优化结果进行模态校核和重力变形校核, 同时为检验碳纤维复合材料的热稳定性, 对桁架组件进行了热变形分析, 得到次镜的偏心和偏转均满足光学设计要求. 对优化设计出的桁架组件进行了0.2g扫频试验以及尺寸稳定性试验. 试验结果表明, 桁架组件一阶固有频率119Hz 与理论分析结果基本吻合; 在45N外力载荷和15°C均匀温升载荷的作用下, 桁架稳定性能良好, 次镜的偏心和偏转均小于5", 满足光学设计要求. 优化设计出的桁架支撑结构具有刚度高、尺寸稳定等特点, 这为实现空间相机向大口径、长焦距、轻型化方向发展奠定了研究基础.  相似文献   

The Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse is a unique research facility dedicated to the study of greenhouse engineering and autonomous functionality under extreme operational conditions, in preparation for extraterrestrial biologically-based life support systems. The Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse is located at the Haughton Mars Project Research Station on Devon Island in the Canadian High Arctic. The greenhouse has been operational since 2002. Over recent years the greenhouse has served as a controlled environment facility for conducting scientific and operationally relevant plant growth investigations in an extreme environment. Since 2005 the greenhouse has seen the deployment of a refined nutrient control system, an improved imaging system capable of remote assessment of basic plant health parameters, more robust communication and power systems as well as the implementation of a distributed data acquisition system. Though several other Arctic greenhouses exist, the Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse is distinct in that the focus is on autonomous operation as opposed to strictly plant production. Remote control and autonomous operational experience has applications both terrestrially in production greenhouses and extraterrestrially where future long duration Moon/Mars missions will utilize biological life support systems to close the air, food and water loops. Minimizing crew time is an important goal for any space-based system. The experience gained through the remote operation of the Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse is providing the experience necessary to optimize future plant production systems and minimize crew time requirements. Internal greenhouse environmental data shows that the fall growth season (July–September) provides an average photosynthetic photon flux of 161.09 μmol m−2 s−1 (August) and 76.76 μmol m−2 s−1 (September) with approximately a 24 h photoperiod. The spring growth season provides an average of 327.51 μmol m−2 s−1 (May) and 339.32 μmol m−2 s−1 (June) demonstrating that even at high latitudes adequate light is available for crop growth during 4–5 months of the year. The Canadian Space Agency Development Greenhouse [now operational] serves as a test-bed for evaluating new systems prior to deployment in the Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse. This greenhouse is also used as a venue for public outreach relating to biological life support research and its corresponding terrestrial spin-offs.  相似文献   

叙述了500kHz全通型带阻晶体滤波器的设计原理,电路元件值的计算公式。通过实例描述了设计过程和调试方法。  相似文献   

在分析地球同步轨道目标光学特性和位置特性的基础上, 确定了天基可见光(Space-Based Visible, SBV)传感器监视整个地球同步带目标的搜索栅栏位置以及搜索策略, 导出搜索栅栏与观测时间和观测次数之间的关系. 根据航天任务需求和SBV传感器特性, 确定了监视轨道的类型和参数约束条件, 给出了约束条件下监视轨道的选取范围, 并对其轨道观测效能进行仿真分析. 仿真结果表明, 通过适当选取监视轨道参数, 监视轨道对地球同步带的覆盖率均可达到90%以上. 如果SBV传感器视场达到4°×4°以上或搜索栅栏宽度大于40°, 其覆盖率高达95%以上.  相似文献   

针对20kg微纳遥感卫星相机主承力构件的轻量化需求,以转接环、次镜环和主背板三个主承力构件为研究对象,开展面向选区激光熔化增材制造技术的结构设计与制造关键技术研究。结果表明,设计的0.5mm折边结构具有良好的抗压缩和扭转等力学性能,在实现轻量化的同时,可显著提升构件的支撑强度。通过45°斜壁与微桁架结构,实现无辅助支撑增材制造。从能量输入、结构微调及加快热传导三个方面入手,有效解决了打印过程尖角变形难题。最终获得了质量分别为89g、87g和546g的三个轻量化主承力构件。搭载原理样机开展系统装调与地面力学试验,通过了8G重力加速度测试,实现了卫星相机大型复杂结构主承力构件的高承载和轻量化制造。  相似文献   

从自主运行需求获取、自主运行策略设计、自主运行任务实现3个方面对"嫦娥4号"自主运行任务进行研究。通过在轨飞行验证,"嫦娥4号"自主运行任务的实现除了完善自我诊断及重构能力,还增强了对未知风险的应对能力,增加核心设备的自主管理能力,保证关键事件完成的可靠性与精准性。不仅总结了重要的工程经验而且为未来深空自主运行任务的设计实现提供了直接而有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

Instruments and methods recently used for space radiation dosimetry are reviewed for the purposes of comparison and reference. Passive detection methods mentioned include track-etch, luminescent, nuclear emulsion, and metal foil detectors. These can provide a reliable source of data for all types of radiation, but often require processing that cannot occur in space. Experimental methods of LET determination using TLDs, such as the high temperature peak ratio (HTR) method, are also discussed. Portable readout passive detectors including Pille, MOSFET, and bubble detector systems provide a novel alternative to traditional passive detectors, but research is more limited and their widespread use has yet to be established. Active detectors including DOSTEL, CPDS, RRMD-III, TEPC, R-16, BBND, and the Liulin series are examined for technical details. These instruments allow the determination of dose in real-time, and some can determine LET of incident particles by measuring energy deposition over a known path-length, but size and power consumption limit their practical use for dosimetry. Improved neutron dosimetry and development of a small active or portable readout personnel dosimeter capable of accurate LET determination are important steps for managing the effects of long-term exposure to the space radiation environment.  相似文献   

Based on the orbital resonance model, we study the two-dimensional phase plane structure of the motion of space debris orbiting the geosynchronous ring under the combined effects of the tesseral harmonics J22, J31 and J33 of the Earth’s gravitational field. We present the main characteristic parameters of the two-dimensional phase plane structure. We also analyze the stability of the two-dimensional phase plane structure with numerical method. Our main findings indicate that the combined effects of the tesseral harmonics J22, J31 and J33 fully determine the two-dimensional phase plane structure of the space debris, and it remains robust under the effect of the Earth’s actual gravitational field, the luni-solar perturbations and the solar radiation pressure with the normal area-to-mass ratios.  相似文献   

在灵巧手主从抓持规划系统中,一项重要的研究内容是获取人手的运动信息.利用计算机双目立体视觉系统作为灵巧手主从操作的人机接口,研究人手指尖运动实时跟踪和识别的方法,提出了一种人手指尖位置的动态识别算法及其实验系统.利用本实验系统,完成左右两像面4个目标点所用的最长识别时间为0.4ms,且人手在正常运动速度时,识别率达100%,表明本算法同时满足实时性和识别率的要求.   相似文献   

The Earth orbital environment is drastically changing due to an intensification of the space activities. In particular, several projects of large constellations, proposed for the next years for communications purpose like global internet access, Internet of Things, or for Earth observations, will lead to the deployment of several thousands of new satellites at an unprecedented rate. It is a crucial challenge for space traffic management, which will deal with a great number of satellite conjunctions, potentially causing a collision with damaging consequences for the constellation itself and the space environment sustainability.In this paper, we investigate the close approach frequency and the cumulative collision probability for each referenced constellation. For this purpose, we compute the orbital evolution of satellites in different constellations during the lifecycle, from the deployment to the decommissioning, and we apply the CUBE algorithm and the Foster method to assess the collision probability with the background space debris population assuming a constant uncertainty in position. We show the variation of risk defined by the close approach frequency and the cumulative collision probability as a function of the proposed configuration. In particular, satellites of the Iridium and Kuiper constellation, but also satellite of the Telesat constellation on polar orbits are the most exposed at a collision. Moreover, the decommissioning phase contribute for a major part to the final cumulative collision probability.  相似文献   

卫星数传分系统通用地检测试中频接收机设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为满足卫星数传分系统测试任务需求,提出一种通用性、灵活性强的地检测试中频接收机设计方案.采用软件无线电设计思想,设计基于PXIe总线的模块化平台,通过FPGA进行硬件实现,符合CCSDS标准.经过工程实践,所提出的地检测试中频接收机方案已应用于工程型号,并成功执行各阶段测试工作.  相似文献   

家庭安全监控的实时异常检测与分类算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
同时具有好的实时性和稳健性是基于视频的安全监控系统异常检测算法的难点问题.在家庭安全监控系统中同时利用像素的亮度分量和色度分量检测变化像素,解决摄像镜头由于大尺寸对象闯入引起的图像背景变化造成运动对象检测失败的问题;提出一种实时运动对象分类算法,综合利用开关灯检测、运动距离分析和皮肤探测多种方法,区分是否出现影响家庭安全的事件;提出3关键值背景维护算法,用于消除背景振动像素,减少虚假报警.实验表明,本文异常探测算法对视频监控系统异常探测和消除虚假异常报警具有较好的实时性和稳健性.   相似文献   

In view of the concern for the health of astronauts that may one day journey to Mars or the Moon, we investigated the effect that space radiation and microgravity might have on DNA damage and repair. We sent frozen human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells to the International Space Station where they were maintained under frozen conditions during a 134-day mission (14 November 2008 to 28 March 2009) except for an incubation period of 8 days under 1G or μG conditions in a CO2 incubator. The incubation period started after 100 days during which the cells had been exposed to 54 mSv of space radiation. The incubated cells were then refrozen, returned to Earth, and compared to ground control samples for the determination of the influence of microgravity on cell survival and mutation induction. The results for both varied from experiment to experiment, yielding a large SD, but the μG sample results differed significantly from the 1G sample results for each of 2 experiments, with the mean ratio of μG to 1G being 0.55 for the concentration of viable cells and 0.59 for the fraction of thymidine kinase deficient (TK) mutants. Among the mutants, non-loss of zygosity events (point mutations) were less frequent (31%) after μG incubation than after 1G incubation, which might be explained by the influence of μG on cellular metabolic or physiological function. Additional experiments are needed to clarify the effect of μG interferes on DNA repair.  相似文献   

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