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Sea level changes are threatening the human living environments, particularly along the European Coasts with highly dense population. In this paper, coastal sea level changes in western and southern Europe are investigated for the period 1993–2011 using Global Positioning System (GPS), Tide Gauge (TG), Satellite Altimetry (SA), Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and geophysical models. The mean secular trend is 2.26 ± 0.52 mm/y from satellite altimetry, 2.43 ± 0.61 mm/y from TG+GPS and 1.99 ± 0.67 mm/y from GRACE mass plus steric components, which have a remarkably good agreement. For the seasonal variations, annual amplitudes of satellite altimetry and TG+GPS results are almost similar, while GRACE Mass+Steric results are a little smaller. The annual phases agree remarkably well for three independent techniques. The annual cycle is mainly driven by the steric contributions, while the annual phases of non-steric (mass component) sea level changes are almost a half year later than the steric sea level changes.  相似文献   

Measuring ground deformation underwater is essential for understanding Earth processes at many scales. One important example is subduction zones, which can generate devastating earthquakes and tsunamis, and where the most important deformation signal related to plate locking is usually offshore. We present an improved method for making offshore vertical deformation measurements, that involve combining tide gauge and altimetry data. We present data from two offshore sites located on either side of the plate interface at the New Hebrides subduction zone, where the Australian plate subducts beneath the North Fiji basin. These two sites have been equipped with pressure gauges since 1999, to extend an on-land GPS network across the plate interface. The pressure series measured at both sites show that Wusi Bank, located on the over-riding plate, subsides by 11 ± 4 mm/yr with respect to Sabine Bank, which is located on the down-going plate. By combining water depths derived from the on-bottom pressure data with sea surface heights derived from altimetry data, we determine variations of seafloor heights in a global reference frame. Using altimetry data from TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2 and Envisat missions, we find that the vertical motion at Sabine Bank is close to zero and that Wusi Bank subsides by at least 3 mm/yr and probably at most 11 mm/yr.  相似文献   

Both single and dual frequency GPS relative navigation filters may benefit from proper predictions of single differenced ionospheric delays. In this article, the single differenced ionospheric delays of GPS observations are predicted for the GRACE formation during the switch manoeuvre.Two prediction methods are considered. The first is based on a Taylor expansion to first order of a mapping function that maps slant total electron content measurements to vertical total electron content estimates. The second method fits a shape profile through undifferenced ionospheric data available. It then raytraces through this profile to estimate the difference in total electron content along the path of the GPS signals.Continuously changing ionospheric conditions hamper the assessment of the quality of the predictions. Comparison of both methods shows that the raytracing method performs better. The difference of predictions and measurements generally shows a smaller RMS than the measurements alone. However, both methods suffer from a number of systematically unpredicted observations, which arise from small unaccounted differential variations in electron densities along the path of the GPS signals. These prediction methods perform better when spacecraft separation is small. Baselines considered here range from tens of kilometres down to several hundred metres. When smallest spacecraft separation occurs (0.4 km), the single differenced ionospheric delays exhibit RMS values of 0.0089 m. The first method shows a difference between measurements and predictions with an RMS of 0.0081 m. For the second method the difference RMS is found to be 0.0067 m.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the estimation of changes of a GPS-based crustal deformation field as function of the observing session duration. This investigation was carried out on the Marmara Continuous GPS Network (Marmara region) by using GPS data collected on a set of 10 stations during the period 2002.50–2005.47 The GPS observations were processed in the ITRF 2005 reference frame using Bernese v5.0 software.  相似文献   

Gravity missions are equipped with onboard Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers for precise orbit determination (POD) and for the extraction of the long wavelength part of the Earth’s gravity field. As positions of low Earth orbiters (LEOs) may be determined from GPS measurements at each observation epoch by geometric means only, it is attractive to derive such kinematic positions in a first step and to use them in a second step as pseudo-observations for gravity field determination. The drawback of not directly using the original GPS measurements is, however, that kinematic positions are correlated due to the ambiguities in the GPS carrier phase observations, which in principle requires covariance information be taken into account. We use GRACE data to show that dynamic or reduced-dynamic orbit parameters are not optimally reconstructed from kinematic positions when only taking epoch-wise covariance information into account, but that essentially the same orbit quality can be achieved as when directly using the GPS measurements, if correlations in time are taken into account over sufficiently long intervals. For orbit reconstruction covariances have to be considered up to one revolution period to avoid ambiguity-induced variations of kinematic positions being erroneously interpreted as orbital variations. For gravity field recovery the advantage is, however, not very pronounced.  相似文献   

Several years of hourly daily GPS measurements of the vertical total electron content (TEC) and of the equivalent slab thickness made at different European locations are analysed by using the linear regression technique to demonstrate the response of these two ionospheric parameters to seasonal variations. It is found that both TEC and slab thickness are highly correlated with season. Analytical relationships are determined expressing the seasonal dependence of the vertical TEC and of the equivalent slab thickness as a function of the seasonal parameter cos χ at noon in each location.  相似文献   

The Valles Marineris Region of Mars is located on the eastern flank of the Tharsis bulge which exhibits dramatic landforms that relate in origin to tectonic, volcanic, and geomorphic processes. Tectonic activity due to crustal extension related to the Tharsis-Syria rise (regional doming or lithospheric response to volcanic loading) appears to be the fundamental influence on the canyon formation and evolution. Tectonic activity contributed to deepen the canyon system and competed with erosional and depositional processes that caused canyon to broaden and fill. The primary tectonic processes appear to have been vertical adjustments of crustal blocks under the influence of N-S and E-W extensional stresses. Canyon wall erosional features and landslide morphologies indicate that materials have been transported from the walls to the floor essentially by mass wasting and downfaulting. However, seepage of liquid water or sublimation of ground ice could have contributed to the enlargement of the tributary canyons, thus suggesting that variations in climatic conditions could have accounted for the morphologic evolution of the canyon system.  相似文献   

The Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) is one of the major scientific infrastructures, mainly using Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements, to monitor crustal deformation in the Chinese mainland. In this paper, decade-long coordinate time series of 26 continuous GPS sites of CMONOC are analyzed for their noise content using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). We study the noise properties of continuous GPS time series of CMONOC for the unfiltered, filtered solutions and also the common mode signals in terms of power law plus white noise model. In the spatial filtering, we remove for every time series a common mode error that was estimated from a modified stacking of position residuals from other sites within ∼1000 km of the selected site. We find that the common mode signal in our network has a combination of spatially correlated flicker noise and a common white noise with large spatial extent. We demonstrate that for the unfiltered solutions of CMONOC continuous GPS sites the main colored noise is a flicker process, with a mean spectral index of ∼1. For the filtered solutions, the main colored noise is a general power law process, indicating that a major number of the filtered regional solutions have a combination of noise sources or local effects. The velocity uncertainties from CMONOC continuous GPS coordinate time series may be underestimated by factors of 8–16 if a pure white noise model is assumed. In addition, using a white plus flicker noise model, the median values of velocity errors for the unfiltered solutions are 0.16 (north), 0.17 (east) and 0.58 (vertical) mm/yr, and the median values for the filtered solutions are 0.09 (north), 0.10 (east) and 0.40 (vertical) mm/yr.  相似文献   

Global positioning system (GPS) observations can be used to estimate the geocenter motion, but are subjected to large uncertainties and effects due to uneven distribution of GPS stations and high-degree aliasing errors. In this paper, uncertainties and effects on geocenter motion estimates from global GPS observations are investigated and assessed with different truncated degrees and selected GPS network distributions based on different plate motion models, including NUVEL-1A, MORVEL56 and ITRF08. Results show that the selected GPS stations have no big effects on geocenter motion estimates based on different plate motion models, while large uncertainties are found at annual and semi-annual components when using different truncated degrees. Correlations of geocenter motion estimates from selected GPS networks with GRACE and SLR are better with truncated degree 3, and higher truncated degrees will degrade geocenter estimates. Smaller RMS also shows better results with the truncated degree 3 and the NUVEL1A has the worse results because more GPS sites are eliminated. For annual signal with truncated degree 3, four GPS strategies can reduce annual amplitudes by about 29.2% in X, 5.6% in Y, and 27.9% in Z with respect to truncated degree 1. Annual phases of all GPS solutions from MORVEL56 and ITRF08 are almost close to the GRACE solution with truncated degrees from 3 to 10, while the semi-annual signals are relatively weaker for all cases.  相似文献   

In recent years non-tidal Time Varying Gravity (TVG) has emerged as the most important contributor in the error budget of Precision Orbit Determination (POD) solutions for altimeter satellites’ orbits. The Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission has provided POD analysts with static and time-varying gravity models that are very accurate over the 2002–2012 time interval, but whose linear rates cannot be safely extrapolated before and after the GRACE lifespan. One such model based on a combination of data from GRACE and Lageos from 2002–2010, is used in the dynamic POD solutions developed for the Geophysical Data Records (GDRs) of the Jason series of altimeter missions and the equivalent products from lower altitude missions such as Envisat, Cryosat-2, and HY-2A. In order to accommodate long-term time-variable gravity variations not included in the background geopotential model, we assess the feasibility of using DORIS data to observe local mass variations using point mascons. In particular, we show that the point-mascon approach can stabilize the geographically correlated orbit errors which are of fundamental interest for the analysis of regional Mean Sea Level trends based on altimeter data, and can therefore provide an interim solution in the event of GRACE data loss. The time series of point-mass solutions for Greenland and Antarctica show good agreement with independent series derived from GRACE data, indicating a mass loss at rate of 210 Gt/year and 110 Gt/year respectively.  相似文献   

A newtork of VLBI and GPS sites in Canada will provide a framework for precise geodetic and geodynamic observations to study continent-wide crustal deformations, post-glacial uplift and plate tectonics. The VLBI component will consist of three permanent stations with a 3000-km baseline located on the geologically stable Canadian Shield as the principal calibration line; it will facilitate continuous monitoring of the earth's rotational dynamics and by means of collocated GPS receivers will serve to maintain the accuracy and the long-term stability of GPS satellite orbit computations. A mobile VLBI system will be used to establish fiducial points with a spacing of about 1000-km to provide a reference for high-precision regional GPS surveys. The unique Canadian VLBI data acquisition and processing system features time-domain multiplexing, a wave-front clock and 24 Mb/sec data recording on standard video cassettes. High-precision differential GPS positions with uniform spacing of about 500-km will complement the VLBI network; these will be reoccupied at regular intervals to facilitate construction of a strain map of Canada. Absolute gravity observations will be carried out at most VLBI and GPS sites to provide additional constraints for geophysical interpretation.1  相似文献   

In order to obtain deformation parameters in each block of Sichuan-Yunnan Region (SYG) in China by stages and establish a dynamic model about the variation of the strain rate fields and the surface expansion in this area, we taken the Global Positioning System (GPS) sites velocity in the region as constrained condition and taken advantage of the block strain calculation model based on spherical surface. We also analyzed the deformation of the active blocks in the whole SYG before and after the Wenchuan earthquake, and analyzed the deformation of active blocks near the epicenter of the Wenchuan earthquake in detail. The results show that, (1) Under the effects of the carving from India plate and the crimping from the potential energy of Tibetan Plateau for a long time, there is a certain periodicity in crustal deformation in SYG. And the period change and the earthquake occurrence have a good agreement. (2) The differences in GPS velocity fields relative Eurasian reference frame shows that the Wenchuan earthquake and the Ya'an earthquake mainly affect the crustal movement in the central and southern part of SYG, and the average velocity difference is about 4–8?mm/a for the Wenchuan earthquake and 2–4?mm/a for the Ya'an earthquake. (3) For the Wenchuan earthquake, the average strain changed from 10 to 20 nanostrian/a before earthquake to 40–50 nanostrian/a after the earthquake, but before and after the Ya’an earthquake, the strain value increased from about 15 nanostrian/a to about 30 nanostrian/a. (4) The Wenchuan earthquake has changed the strain parameter of each active block more or less. Especially, the Longmen block and Chengdu block near the epicenter. The research provides fundamental material for the study of the dynamic mechanism of the push extrusion from the north-east of the India plate and the crimp from Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and it also provides support for the study of crustal stress variation and earthquake prediction in Sichuan Yunnan region.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that with the availability of high-quality CHAMP and GRACE gravity field models, it is feasible to determine accurate non-gravitational accelerations for low Earth orbiting satellites indirectly from precise GPS satellite-to-satellite observations. Possible applications of this so-called GPS-based accelerometry approach consist of accelerometer calibration and atmospheric density and wind computations. With the growing number of high-quality space-borne GPS receivers, this method could be applied to a large range of satellites. In this paper an extensive simulation study has been carried out, based on real accelerometer data from the GRACE mission, in order to determine the optimal processing strategy and the resulting accuracy of the estimated non-gravitational accelerations. It is shown that the optimal processing strategy consists of a piecewise linear parameterization of the estimated empirical accelerations, together with short 6-h orbit arcs. The GPS-based accelerometry approach makes use of triple-differenced GPS observations and the impact of considering the correlated observation noise was found to be marginal in the presence of other error sources such as GPS ephemeris errors. Using a priori non-gravitational force models improves the recovery of low temporal resolution accelerations, except during huge geomagnetic storms. With this strategy, non-gravitational accelerations can be recovered during high solar activity with an accuracy of better than 10% of the total signal in along-track direction and around 25–40% in cross-track direction, at time resolutions of around 8–20 min. During solar minimum conditions, the relative recovery error will increase to approximately 50% in along-track direction and around 60–70% in cross-track direction, due to the reduced atmospheric drag signal. Unfortunately, GPS-based accelerometry is hardly sensitive in the radial direction.  相似文献   

The ionosphere is a dispersive medium for radio waves with the refractive index which is a function of frequency and total electron content (TEC). TEC has a strong diurnal variation in addition to monthly, seasonal and solar cycle variations and small and large scale irregularities. Dual frequency GPS observations can be utilized to obtain TEC and investigate its spatial and temporal variations. We here studied short term TEC variations over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). A regional GPS network is formed consisting of 16 sites in and around KSA. GPS observations, acquired between 1st and 11th February 2009, were processed on a daily basis by using the Bernese v5.0 software and IGS final products. The geometry-free zero difference smoothed code observables were used to obtain two hour interval snapshots of TEC and their RMS errors at 0.5 × 0.5 degree grid nodes and regional ionosphere models in a spherical harmonics expansion to degree and order six. The equatorial ionized anomaly (EIA) is recovered in the south of 20°N from 08:00 to 12:00 UT. We found that day-by-day TEC variation is more stable than the night time variation.  相似文献   

Presently, the ionosphere effect is the main source of the error in the Global Positioning System (GPS) observations. This effect can largely be removed by using the two-frequency measurements, while to obtain the reasonable results in the single-frequency applications, an accurate ionosphere model is required. Since the global ionosphere models do not meet our needs everywhere, the local ionosphere models are developed. In this paper, a rapid local ionosphere model over Iran is presented. For this purpose, the GPS observations obtained from 40 GPS stations of the Iranian Permanent GPS Network (IPGN) and 16 other GPS stations around Iran have been used. The observations have been selected under 2014 solar maximum, from the days 058, 107, 188 and 271 of the year 2014 with different geomagnetic activities. Moreover, ionospheric observables based on the precise point positioning (PPP) have been applied to model the ionosphere. To represent our ionosphere model, the B-spline basis functions have been employed and the variance component estimation (VCE) method has been used to regularize the problem.To show the efficiency our PPP-derived local ionosphere model with respect to the International GNSS Service (IGS) global models, these models are applied on the single point positioning using single-frequency observations and their results are compared with the precise coordinates obtained from the double-differenced solution using dual-frequency observations. The results show that the 95th percentile of horizontal and vertical positioning errors of the single-frequency point positioning are about 3.1 and 13.6?m, respectively, when any ionosphere model are not applied. These values significantly improve when the ionosphere models are applied in the solutions. Applying CODE’s Rapid Global ionosphere map (CORG), improvements of 59% and 81% in horizontal and vertical components are observed. These values for the IGS Global ionosphere map (IGSG) are 70% and 82%, respectively. The best results are obtained from our local ionosphere model, where 84% and 87% improvements in horizontal and vertical components are observed. These results confirm the efficiency of our local ionosphere model over Iran with respect to the global models. As a by-product, the Differential Code Biases (DCBs) of the receivers are also estimated. In this line, we found that the intra-day variations of the receiver DCBs could be significant. Therefore, these variations must be taken into account for the precise ionosphere modeling.  相似文献   

Following previous findings from ongoing GPS research in Thailand since 2004 we continue to exploit the GPS technique to monitor and model land motions induced by the Sumatra–Andaman Earthquake. Our latest results show that up to the end of 2010, Thailand has been co-seismically displaced and is subsequently undergoing a post-seismic horizontal deformation with total displacements (co-seismic plus post-seismic) ranging from 10.5 to 74.7 cm. We observed the largest horizontal displacements in the southern part of Thailand and moderate and small displacements in the central and northern parts. In addition to horizontal displacements throughout Thailand, continuous GPS measurements show that large parts of Thailand are subsiding at rates up to 1 cm/yr. It is the first time that such vertical post-seismic deformations at large distances (650–1500 km away from the Earthquake’s epicentre) have been recorded. We have investigated the physical processes leading to the observed subsidence. While after-slip on the subduction interface induces negligible or even slightly positive vertical motions, relaxation in the asthenosphere is associated with a sizable subsidence. Predictions from a 3D finite element model feature an asthenosphere with an effective viscosity of the order of 3 * 1018 Pas, fit the horizontal post-seismic data and the observed subsidence well. This model is then used to predict the subsidence over the whole seismic cycle. The subsidence should go on with a diminishing rate through the next two decades and its final magnitude should not exceed 10 cm in the Bangkok area.  相似文献   

Considering the limitations related to the landslide monitoring by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique, the method of integration of Globe Positioning System (GPS) with Corner Reflector Interferometric SAR (CR-InSAR) techniques is proposed in this paper. Firstly, deformation in radar line-of-slight (LOS) direction is optimized by introducing the GPS-measured height and atmospheric delay products into the CR-InSAR model. Then, GPS-measured horizontal deformation and CR-InSAR measured LOS deformation are combined to produce the more accurate vertical deformation. Finally, high precision three-dimensional deformation (N, E, U) is projected to the along-slope direction to monitor the actual movement of landslide. In order to test this method, four X-band stripmap-mode TerraSAR images, eight Trihedral Corner Reflectors (TCR) data and eight GPS observed data are collected to monitor the deformation of three potential landslide fields located at the north of Shaanxi province, China. The detailed analysis demonstrates that the estimated precision of along-slope direction is about two times better for proposed method (±1.1 mm) versus GPS (±2.1 mm) in this case. Meanwhile, our result indicates that almost all of the monitoring points present the trends of sliding down along the slope at the different levels from April 9 2011 to August 30 2011, showing the certain instability. Further investigation of the relationship between the magnitudes of displacement at CR points and the implementation of early control reflects the rationality of our result. Our proposed method could provide of the strong support in the high precision landslide deformation monitoring.  相似文献   

GPS observations from EUREF permanent GPS network were used to observe the response of TEC (Total Electron Content) to the total solar eclipse on October 3, 2005, under quiet geomagnetic conditions of the daytime ionosphere. The effect of the eclipse was detected in diurnal variations and more distinctly in the variations of TEC along individual satellite passes. The trough-like variations with a gradual decrease and followed by an increase of TEC at the time of the eclipse were observed over a large region. The depression of TEC amounted to 3–4 TECU. The maximum depression was observed over all stations located at the maximum path of the solar eclipse. The delay of a minimum level of TEC with respect to the maximum phase of the eclipse was about 20–30 min.  相似文献   

This paper presents the vertical total electron content vTEC variations for three African stations, located at mid-low and equatorial latitudes, and operating since more than 10 years. The vTEC of the middle latitude GPS station in Alexandria, Egypt (31.2167°N; 29.9667°E, geographic) is compared to the vTEC of two others GPS stations: the first one in Rabat/Morocco (33.9981°N; 353.1457°E, geographic), and the second in Libreville/Gabon (0.3539°N; 9.6721°E, geographic). Our results discussed the diurnal, seasonal, and solar cycle dependences of vTEC at the local ionospheric conditions, during different phases of solar cycle in the light of the classification of Legrand and Simon. The vTEC over Alexandria exhibits the well-known equinoctial asymmetry which changes with the phases of the solar cycle; the spring vTEC is larger than that of autumn during the maximum, decreasing and minimum phases of solar cycle 23. During the increasing phase of solar cycle 24, it is the contrary. The diurnal variation of the vTEC presents multiple maxima during the equinox from 2005 to 2008 and during the summer solstice from 2006 to 2012. A nighttime vTEC enhancement and winter anomaly are also observed. During the deep solar minimum (2006–2009) the diurnal variation of the vTEC observed over Alexandria is similar to the diurnal variation observed during quiet magnetic period at equatorial latitudes. We observed also that the amplitude of vTEC at Libreville is larger than the amplitude of vTEC observed at Alexandria and Rabat, indeed Libreville is near the southern crest of the Equatorial Ionization anomaly. Finally, the correlation coefficient between vTEC and the sunspot number Rz is high and changes with solar cycle phases.  相似文献   

Satellite gravity field missions such as CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE are designed as low Earth orbiting spacecraft (LEO) with orbit heights of about 250–500 km. The challenging mission objectives require a very precise knowledge of the satellite orbit position in space. For these missions precise orbit information is typically provided by GPS satellite-to-satellite tracking (SST) observations supported by satellite laser ranging (SLR).  相似文献   

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