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当前,"新帝国论"(或"新帝国主义论")甚嚣尘上."新帝国"究竟所指为何?它是怎样出笼的?本质是什么?小布什的新帝国主义外交给世界带来了哪些影响?  相似文献   

石涛所论“蒙养”是其?画语录?重要概念,“蒙养”说是其画学理论体系的重要组成部分,也是画家论及其创作主体构成论的重要内容。“蒙养”在“蒙以养正”内涵基础上扩大延伸为性灵颖悟、思想品德、社会人生、艺术素养等要素构成的主体心智结构,分别从“蒙养之灵”、“蒙养生活之权”、“蒙养之道”形成“蒙养”说理论构成,特别从“蒙养”与“资任”关系讨论中展现“蒙养之功”、“蒙养之任”、“蒙养以仁”、“蒙养生活之操”、“蒙养生活之理”等理论实践价值与现实意义。  相似文献   

先秦至宋,在古代文体理论发展、?论语?社会地位沉浮及其命名解释的多重影响下,?论语?简称经历了从“论”到“语”的演变,反映了文体、社会和语言发展的相互影响关系。  相似文献   

撩起“人性自私论”的面纱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国社会改革的深入,“人性论”之争再次成为理论界关注的热点,这一争论,实质上是关系“举什么旗,走什么路”的问题。由于争论双方对“自私”含义的不同理解,往往使得争论成了两股道上跑的车。因此,撩起“人性自私论”的面纱,科学界定并明晰“自私”内涵,不仅是理论界统一思想,科学认识“人性”的前提,而且也是引导社会形成正确的价值理念,自觉抵制“人性自私论”侵蚀的重要保证。  相似文献   

进入80年代以来,美国、苏联及其它装备导弹的国家,越来越重视生存能力问题。因为不论是提高第一次核打击能力,还是提高第二次核打击能力,首先是要保存自己。当前,战略导弹核武器日益趋向“四化”(机动化、固体化、小型化、自动化)“五高”(高超压、高突防技术、高综合抗核能力、高快速反应能力、高指挥能力),其中最重要的目的首先就是提高生存能力。 那么,进入80年代以来,以至本世纪末和下一世纪,战略导弹面临着和即将面临哪些新威胁?对于这些新威胁,美国、苏联和装备战略导弹的国家应当采取哪些新对策?  相似文献   

知识资料窗中国航天事业的创立20世纪50年代,世界上几个主要大国已进入了“原子时代”和“喷气时代”,航天技术也进入了一个新的发展时期,而当时我国还处在帝国主义的封锁、包围和威胁之下,经济十分落后,工业基础和科学技术力量也很薄弱。为了摆脱这种受制于人的...  相似文献   

1961年4月12日,尤里加加林成为了世界上家喻户晓的人。但过了不到七年,他却不幸死于一次飞行事故。对于这次事故的原因,众说纷纭,“阴谋论”、“醉酒论”、“高空气球碰撞论”……,今年6月,美国航天网站(americaspace.com)刊载文章提出了不同观点,特进行编译整理,以飨读者。  相似文献   

引言 2008年,李家祥局长对民航系统提出了贯彻落实“科学发展观”,牢固树立“持续安全理念”的要求,并通过三论“持续安全”,系统闸述了其科学内涵、理论框架和根本要求,全民航自上而下都在学习和落实“持续安全理念”。“持续安全”的最后一道把关者是一线的员工,就民航空管而言,如何在管制一线落实“持续安全”,成为了必须要思考和解决的问题。  相似文献   

与传统的以“科学需求牵引”为主的空间计划相比,美国的“新盛世”计划是以“技术演示推动”为主的空间计划。“新盛世”计划将研制一系列空探测器和地球卫星,其任务是以演示试验空间新技术为主,而以科学探测为辅。“新盛世”计划将需要开发演示的新技术划分为6个领域,即微电子系统、自主、通信、仪器技术与结构、原位仪器与微机电系统、模块化多功能系统。本文介绍微电子系统领域的发展思路和“新盛世”计划的第一个航天器“深  相似文献   

“北约”在北欧和中欧部署了7,000辆主战坦克,而“华约”则拥有21,100辆。面对这种数量上的绝对优势,“北约”确实感到反坦克战的严重性。苏联坦克大规模强行突入西德的可能性长时间来一直困扰着“北约”中部前线的指挥官们。“北约”能否阻止苏联坦克的进攻?或迫使其放慢进攻的速度,以待“北约”援军的到来?地雷应敷设在何处?使用哪种武器最为有效?“北约”怎样部署其数量有限的反击力量才能  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1987,15(9):725-729
During the next eight years the United States, European countries within the European Space Agency, Canada, and Japan will engage in the design and construction of facilities included in the current conceptual design of the U.S./International Space Station. The object will be to build a manned space facility capable of supporting scientific research, technological development, and commercial operations. This paper is directed towards an overview of the essential requirements for successful scientific use of the Space Station. Because specific supporting technologies will change so drastically before heavy use can begin, it is important to discuss the most fundamental aspects of user requirements; namely, (1) What are the characteristics of a remote, manned space facility that can promote first rate scientific use? (2) What does it take to achieve such a facility, and (3) What guidelines can be given such that once the facility is in operation it attracts the best possible scientific talent?  相似文献   

The ultimate goal of a comprehensive life detection strategy is never to miss life when we encounter it. To accomplish this goal, we must define life in universal, that is, non-Earthcentric, measurable terms. Next, we must understand the nature of biosignatures observed from the measured parameters of life. And finally, we must have a clear idea of the end-member states for the search--what does life, past life, or no life look like (in terms of the measured parameters) at multiple spatial and temporal scales? If we can approach these problems both in the laboratory and in the field on Earth, then we have a chance of being able to detect life elsewhere in our solar system. What are the required limits of detection at each of those scales? What spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions are necessary to detect life? These questions are actively being investigated in our group, and in this report, we present our strategy and approach to non-Earthcentric life detection.  相似文献   

This report highlights the major conclusions and outcomes from a workshop held 28–29 June 2010 at Resources for the Future in Washington, DC, on methodological frontiers and new applications of valuing information and its social benefit. The participants provided answers to a series of questions: what is meant by “value of information”? When does information have value? What are state-of-the-practice methods to ascribe value to information? Participants also identified steps to ascribe, measure, and communicate value. The workshop included identification of five discrete approaches at the frontier of methodological advances: price- and cost-based derivation; Bayesian belief networks; regulatory cost-effectiveness evaluation; econometric modeling and estimation; and simulation modeling and estimation.  相似文献   

If the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence succeeds on detecting evidence of it, it will have immense repercussions. Two documents consider what should be done to validate and announce the evidence, and to consider a reply if the evidence is in radio form. What legal status should such materials be given? The author argues that it is not too early to consider formulating a treaty.  相似文献   

The French space adventure started more than 40 years ago. Its rich and long scientific and technical tradition made France able to occupy the place which is hers today. But what does happen to the world of arts, to which the French culture brought so much? Beyond some French artists belonging to the community of the space artists, do arts constitute a true dimension of the French space activity? Conversely, did space influence the national artistic culture? This paper proposes to tackle these questions according to a retrospective historical glance and to offer some prospective reflexions.  相似文献   

The space insurance industry has suffered serious financual setbacks in recent years. These setbacks, amounting to a net cash outflow of hundreds of millions of dollars, have resulted in substantial increases in insurance rates and the withdrawal of a number of firms from the launch insurance market. After two decades of commerial space activity a number of questions may be raised: What has been learned from the experience to date? What are the causes of the poor performance of the space insurance industry? What can be done to improve performance? What are the likely prospects of the insurance industry and the likely impacts on the communications satellite industry? In order to answer these questions several examples are considered and analytic approaches discussed. The implications of mission modes, failure/recovery paths and multiple correlated payloads are considered, and analytic approaches based upon computer simulation techniques are described which are required to understand the complex insurance environment and the setting of policies and rate structures.  相似文献   

人生境界是人在其生命展开过程中所达到的认识和实践层面,它有精神境界和现实境界两个基本维度。人生的现实境界是指个人的现实实践及其过程所达到的层面,或者说是一个人的功德境界。精神境界,不论如何具有超越性,它也不能代替人生现实境界,它也只能是人生之过去的世界、现实的世界、未来的世界和心灵世界等四个世界的一个维度。传统圣人境界是精神境界和现实境界在至高处的完满统一,仅仅升华精神境界是成就不了圣人的。现实中的任何个人要提升自己的人生境界,不仅需要升华自己的精神境界,更要创造自己的现实境界,而且精神境界只有在现实境界的发展中才能得到真正的升华和充分的展现。人们不是首先以一个人的精神境界来肯定他的人生境界,而是由他的现实境界来评判其精神境界。因此,人生境界必须有现实境界维度。  相似文献   

Why has the sun burnt for billions of years? What is the mechanism of combustion? What will happen to the trend of solar combustion? Modern humans have only just begun their close-up exploration of the sun. By studying the sun, we can learn more about other stars. The more we understand other stars, the more we will know about the universe in the end. The exploration of the origin of solar energy will help people to deepen their understanding of the origin of the universe as well as the development of the universe. Solar probes will help us further understand the characteristics of the sun, validate relevant theories and make new discoveries.  相似文献   

Saara Reiman   《Space Policy》2009,25(2):81-87
Expanding the human sphere of influence beyond Earth presents philosophical questions that also have important practical applications. Do we need to worry about the moral implications of our actions in the vastness of space? What kind of explorers will we be - and what kind of explorers should we be? The answers to these basic questions depend greatly on what moral status is assigned to space; how it is conceptualized. This article sets forth arguments both for and against considering space as an environment, that is, as a place deserving of ethical treatment in the same way that terrestrial environments are valued and respected in environmental ethics. It sketches some answers to how space exploration could meet high ethical standards and puts forward the notion of environmental ‘virtue ethics’.  相似文献   

国企改制是一个复杂的社会问题,容易导致各种利益冲突.面对改制中的各种纷争政府应如何面对?在国企改制中政府应当做什么以及不应当做什么?本文结合国企改制中发生的一起案件,探究国企改制中政府行为存在的问题及应对措施,准确定位政府在国企改制中的角色,规范政府行为.  相似文献   

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