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The interstellar cloud surrounding the solar system regulates the galactic environment of the Sun, and determines the boundary conditions of the heliosphere. Both the Sun and interstellar clouds move through space, so these boundary conditions change with time. Data and theoretical models now support densities in the cloud surrounding the solar system of n(H0)=0.22±0.06 cm−3, and n(e−)∼0.1 cm−3, with larger values allowed for n(H0) by radiative transfer considerations. Ulysses and Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite He0 data yield a cloud temperature of 6400 K. Nearby interstellar gas appears to be structured and inhomogeneous. The interstellar gas in the Local Fluff cloud complex exhibits elemental abundance patterns in which refractory elements are enhanced over the depleted abundances found in cold disk gas. Within a few parsecs of the Sun, inconclusive evidence for factors of 2–5 variation in Mg+ and Fe+ gas phase abundances is found, providing evidence for variable grain destruction. In principle, photoionization calculations for the surrounding cloud can be compared with elemental abundances found in the pickup ion and anomalous cosmic-ray populations to model cloud properties, including ionization, reference abundances, and radiation field. Observations of the hydrogen pile up at the nose of the heliosphere are consistent with a barely subsonic motion of the heliosphere with respect to the surrounding interstellar cloud. Uncertainties on the velocity vector of the cloud that surrounds the solar system indicate that it is uncertain as to whether the Sun and α Cen are or are not immersed in the same interstellar cloud. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Burlaga  L. F.  Ness  N. F. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,83(1-2):105-121
The latitudinal structure of the heliospheric magnetic field during much of the solar cycle is determined by a "sector zone", in which both positive and negative magnetic polarities are observed, and by the unipolar regions above and below the sector zone. Distinct corotating streams and interactions regions are found primarily in the sector zone during the declining phase of the solar cycle. Within a few AU, the streams and interaction regions are distinct and are related to solar features. A restructuring of the solar wind occurs between 1 AU and 15 AU, in which the isolated streams, interaction regions and shocks merge to form compound streams and merged interaction regions ("MIRs"). Memory of the source conditions is lost in this process. In the region between 30 AU and the termination shock (the "distant heliosphere"), the pressure of interstellar pickup protons dominates that of the magnetic field and solar wind particles and largely controls the dynamical processes. During 1983 and 1994, corotating streams and corotating interaction regions were observed at 1 AU. Merged interaction regions were observed at 15 AU in 1983, but not at 45 AU during 1994. This result suggests a further restructuring of the solar wind in the distant heliosphere, but variations from one solar cycle to the next might also contribute to the result. Approaching solar minimum in 1996, the latitudinal extent of the sector zone decreased, and Voyager 2 gradually entered the unipolar region below it. The speed was lower in the sector zone than below it. At Voyagers 1 and 2, the change in cosmic ray intensity is related to the magnetic field strength during each year from 1983 through 1996. The magnetic field strength has a multifractal distribution throughout the heliosphere. This fundamental symmetry of the heliosphere has not been incorporated explicitly in cosmic ray propagation models.  相似文献   

This chapter covers the theory of physical processes in the outer heliosphere that are particularly important for the IBEX Mission, excluding global magnetohydrodynamic/Boltzmann modeling of the entire heliosphere. Topics addressed include the structure and parameters of the solar wind termination shock, the transmission of ions through the termination shock including possible reflections at the shock electrostatic potential, the acceleration and transport of suprathermal ions and anomalous cosmic rays at the termination shock and in the heliosheath, charge-exchange interactions in the outer heliosphere including mass and momentum loading of the solar wind, the transport of interstellar pickup ions, and the production and anticipated intensities of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) in the heliosphere.  相似文献   

We discuss the structure and evolution of CIRs and their successors in the outer heliosphere. These structures undergo significant evolution as they are convected to greater heliocentric distances. A progression of different types of structure are observed at increasing distance from the Sun. Similar structures are observed at similar heliocentric distance at different portions of the solar cycle. CIRs and their successors are associated with many important physical processes in the outer heliosphere. We discuss the relationship between these structures and recurrent phenomena such as cosmic ray variations, and review some of the associated theoretical models on the role of corotating structures and global merged interaction regions (GMIRs) in global cosmic ray modulation. We also discuss some outstanding questions related to the origin of non-dispersive quasi-periodic particle enhancements associated with CIRs and their successors in the outer heliosphere. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The solar wind evolves as it moves outward due to interactions with both itself and with the circum-heliospheric interstellar medium. The speed is, on average, constant out to 30 AU, then starts a slow decrease due to the pickup of interstellar neutrals. These neutrals reduce the solar wind speed by about 20% before the termination shock (TS). The pickup ions heat the thermal plasma so that the solar wind temperature increases outside 20–30 AU. Solar cycle effects are important; the solar wind pressure changes by a factor of 2 over a solar cycle and the structure of the solar wind is modified by interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) near solar maximum. The first direct evidences of the TS were the observations of streaming energetic particles by both Voyagers 1 and 2 beginning about 2 years before their respective TS crossings. The second evidence was a slowdown in solar wind speed commencing 80 days before Voyager 2 crossed the TS. The TS was a weak, quasi-perpendicular shock which transferred the solar wind flow energy mainly to the pickup ions. The heliosheath has large fluctuations in the plasma and magnetic field on time scales of minutes to days.  相似文献   

The Solar Wind in the Outer Heliosphere and Heliosheath   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The solar wind environment has a large influence on the transport of cosmic rays. This chapter discusses the observations of the solar wind plasma and magnetic field in the outer heliosphere and the heliosheath. In the supersonic solar wind, interaction regions with large magnetic fields form barriers to cosmic ray transport. This effect, the “CR-B” relationship, has been quantified and is shown to be valid everywhere inside the termination shock (TS). In the heliosheath, this relationship breaks down, perhaps because of a change in the nature of the turbulence. Turbulence is compressive in the heliosheath, whereas it was non-compressive in the solar wind. The plasma pressure in the outer heliosphere is dominated by the pickup ions which gain most of the flow energy at the TS. The heliosheath plasma and magnetic field are highly variable on scales as small as ten minutes. The plasma flow turns away from the nose roughly as predicted, but the radial speeds at Voyager 1 are much less than those at Voyager 2, which is not understood. Despite predictions to the contrary, magnetic reconnection is not an important process in the inner heliosheath with only one observed occurrence to date.  相似文献   

Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) propagate into the outer heliosphere, where they can have a significant effect on the structure, evolution, and morphology of the solar wind, particularly during times of high solar activity. They are known to play an important role in cosmic ray modulation and the acceleration of energetic particles. ICMEs are also believed to be associated with the large global transient events that swept through the heliosphere during the declining phases of solar cycles 21 and 22. But until recently, little was known about the actual behavior of ICMEs at large heliographic latitudes and large distances from the Sun. Over the past decade, the Ulysses spacecraft has provided in situ observations of ICMEs at moderate heliographic distances over a broad range of heliographic latitudes. More recently, observations of alpha particle enhancements, proton temperature depressions, and magnetic clouds at the Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft have begun to provide comparable information regarding the behavior of ICMEs at extremely large heliocentric distances. At the same time, advances in modeling have provided new insights into the dynamics and evolution of ICMEs and their effects on cosmic rays and energetic particles.  相似文献   

Interstellar material (ISMa) is observed both inside and outside of the heliosphere. Relating these diverse sets of ISMa data provides a richer understanding of both the interstellar medium and the heliosphere. The galactic environment of the Sun is dominated by warm, low-density, partially ionized interstellar material consisting of atoms and dust grains. The properties of the heliosphere are dependent on the pressure, composition, radiation field, ionization, and magnetic field of ambient ISMa. The very low-density interior of the Local Bubble, combined with an expanding superbubble shell associated with star formation in the Scorpius-Centaurus Association, dominate the properties of the local interstellar medium (LISM). Once the heliosphere boundaries and interaction mechanisms are understood, interstellar gas, dust, pickup ions, and anomalous cosmic rays inside of the heliosphere can be directly compared to ISMa outside of the heliosphere. Our understanding of ISMa at the Sun is further enriched when the circumheliospheric interstellar material is compared to observations of other nearby ISMa and the overall context of our galactic environment. The IBEX mission will map the interaction region between the heliosphere and ISMa, and improve the accuracy of comparisons between ISMa inside and outside the heliosphere.  相似文献   

Balogh  A. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,83(1-2):93-104
The structure of Heliospheric Magnetic Field (HMF) is a function of both the coronal conditions from which it originates and dynamic processes which take place in the solar wind. The division between the inner and outer regions of the heliosphere is the result of dynamic processes which form large scale structures with increasing heliocentric distance. The structure of the HMF is normally described in the reference frame based on Parker's geometric model, but is better understood as an extension of potential field models of the corona. The Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS) separates the two dominant polarities in the heliosphere; its large scale geometry near solar minimum is well understood but its topology near solar maximum remains to be investigated by Ulysses. At solar minimum, Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) dominate the near-equatorial heliosphere and extend their influence to mid-latitudes; the polar regions of the heliosphere are dominated by uniform fast solar wind streams and large amplitude, long wavelength, mostly transverse magnetic fluctuations. Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) introduce transient variability into the large scale heliospheric structure and may dominate the inner heliosphere near solar maximum at all latitudes.  相似文献   

We discuss the solar wind parameters measured in the distant heliosphere from the Voyager 2 spacecraft. Periodic variations in the speed of the wind observed at roughly the solar rotation period may correspond to interaction regions between slower and faster streams of wind. Since the interplanetary magnetic field is enhanced in such regions, they are important for the study of modulation of cosmic rays. Unfortunately, direct observation of the enhanced magnetic field from Voyager 2 has been made difficult by spacecraft-associated noise since 1989.  相似文献   

Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are observed at all latitudes and distances from which data are available. We discuss the radial evolution of ICMEs out to large distances and ICME properties at high latitudes. The internal pressure of ICMEs initially exceeds the ambient solar wind pressure and causes the ICMEs to expand in radial width to about 15~AU. Large ICMEs and series of ICMEs compress the leading plasma and form merged interaction regions (MIRs) which dominate the structure of the outer heliosphere at solar maximum. The distribution of high-latitude ICMEs is solar cycle dependent. A few overexpanding ICMEs are observed at high-latitude near solar minimum. Near solar maximum ICMEs are observed at all latitudes, but those above 40° do not have high charge states.  相似文献   

This paper provides a brief summary on the current knowledge of the properties of the Circum-Heliospheric Interstellar Medium (CHISM). It discusses what can be learnt on the parameters of CHISM’s components from analysis of measurements performed inside the heliosphere. The analysis is based on the kinetic-gasdynamic models of the solar wind/interstellar medium interaction. We focus the analysis on three types of diagnostics: 1) interstellar H atom number density at the heliospheric termination shock inferred from pickup ion measurements, 2) the location and time of the Voyager 1 and 2 termination shock crossings, 3) the deflection of the interstellar H atom flow inside the heliosphere as been measured by SOHO/SWAN. From these results estimations of the unknown local interstellar parameters are deduced. The parameters are the number densities of interstellar H+ and H and the magnitude and direction of the interstellar magnetic field in the vicinity of the solar system.  相似文献   

A simple model has been developed that demonstrates that heliospheric X-ray emission can account for about 25%–50% of observed soft X-ray background intensities. Similar to cometary soft X-ray emission, these X-rays are thought to be produced in the heliosphere due to charge transfer collisions between heavy solar wind ions and interstellar neutrals. A more complex model has now been developed to take into account temporal and spatial variations of the solar wind and interstellar neutrals. Measured time histories of the solar wind proton flux are used in the model and the results are compared with the ‘long-term enhancements’ in the soft X-ray background measured by ROSAT for the same time period. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We discuss the interstellar magnetic field and its measurement in the different phases of the interstellar medium. The measurement techniques include Faraday rotation, Zeeman splitting, linear polarization from aligned dust grains, and the Chandrasekhar-Fermi method. The phases include the classical ones: molecular clouds, the Cold and Warm Neutral Media, the Warm and Hot Ionized Media. We also include a less well-known phase, the Warm Partially Ionized Medium, which can be surprisingly prominent in Faraday rotation.  相似文献   

The mosaic structure of the magnetic field in the heliosphere is described. It is formed by multiple corotating and propagating magnetic domains which are especially numerous during solar maximum years. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We review observations from Voyager 2 of CIRs and merged CIRs in the outer heliosphere. The rather simple characteristics of the CIR-associated changes in plasma, magnetic field, and particles become more complex as observations are made at greater and greater distances. Pickup ions from charge exchange undoubtedly play an important role in the structure, but the full details are not yet understood. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The rapidly rotating giant planets of the outer solar system all possess strong dynamo-driven magnetic fields that carve a large cavity in the flowing magnetized solar wind. Each planet brings a unique facet to the study of planetary magnetism. Jupiter possesses the largest planetary magnetic moment, 1.55×1020 Tm3, 2×104 times larger than the terrestrial magnetic moment whose axis of symmetry is offset about 10° from the rotation axis, a tilt angle very similar to that of the Earth. Saturn has a dipole magnetic moment of 4.6×1018 Tm3 or 600 times that of the Earth, but unlike the Earth and Jupiter, the tilt of this magnetic moment is less than 1° to the rotation axis. The other two gas giants, Uranus and Neptune, have unusual magnetic fields as well, not only because of their tilts but also because of the harmonic content of their internal fields. Uranus has two anomalous tilts, of its rotation axis and of its dipole axis. Unlike the other planets, the rotation axis of Uranus is tilted 97.5° to the normal to its orbital plane. Its magnetic dipole moment of 3.9×1017 Tm3 is about 50 times the terrestrial moment with a tilt angle of close to 60° to the rotation axis of the planet. In contrast, Neptune with a more normal obliquity has a magnetic moment of 2.2×1017 Tm3 or slightly over 25 times the terrestrial moment. The tilt angle of this moment is 47°, smaller than that of Uranus but much larger than those of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn. These two planets have such high harmonic content in their fields that the single flyby of Voyager was unable to resolve the higher degree coefficients accurately. The four gas giants have no apparent surface features that reflect the motion of the deep interior, so the magnetic field has been used to attempt to provide this information. This approach works very well at Jupiter where there is a significant tilt of the dipole and a long baseline of magnetic field measurements (Pioneer 10 to Galileo). The rotation rate is 870.536° per day corresponding to a (System III) period of 9 h 55 min 26.704 s. At Saturn, it has been much more difficult to determine the equivalent rotation period. The most probable rotation period of the interior is close to 10 h 33 min, but at this writing, the number is still uncertain. For Uranus and Neptune, the magnetic field is better suited for the determination of the planetary rotation period but the baseline is too short. While it is possible that the smaller planetary bodies of the outer solar system, too, have magnetic fields or once had, but the current missions to Vesta, Ceres and Pluto do not include magnetic measurements.  相似文献   

During the solar journey through galactic space, variations in the physical properties of the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM) modify the heliosphere and modulate the flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) at the surface of the Earth, with consequences for the terrestrial record of cosmogenic radionuclides. One phenomenon that needs studying is the effect on cosmogenic isotope production of changing anomalous cosmic ray fluxes at Earth due to variable interstellar ionizations. The possible range of interstellar ram pressures and ionization levels in the low density solar environment generate dramatically different possible heliosphere configurations, with a wide range of particle fluxes of interstellar neutrals, their secondary products, and GCRs arriving at Earth. Simple models of the distribution and densities of ISM in the downwind direction give cloud transition timescales that can be directly compared with cosmogenic radionuclide geologic records. Both the interstellar data and cosmogenic radionuclide data are consistent with two cloud transitions, within the past 10,000 years and a second one 20,000–30,000 years ago, with large and assumption-dependent uncertainties. The geomagnetic timeline derived from cosmic ray fluxes at Earth may require adjustment to account for the disappearance of anomalous cosmic rays when the Sun is immersed in ionized gas.  相似文献   

Magnetic effects are ubiquitous and known to be crucial in space physics and astrophysical media. We have now the opportunity to probe these effects in the outer heliosphere with the two spacecraft Voyager 1 and 2. Voyager 1 crossed, in December 2004, the termination shock and is now in the heliosheath. On August 30, 2007 Voyager 2 crossed the termination shock, providing us for the first time in-situ measurements of the subsonic solar wind in the heliosheath. With the recent in-situ data from Voyager 1 and 2 the numerical models are forced to confront their models with observational data. Our recent results indicate that magnetic effects, in particular the interstellar magnetic field, are very important in the interaction between the solar system and the interstellar medium. We summarize here our recent work that shows that the interstellar magnetic field affects the symmetry of the heliosphere that can be detected by different measurements. We combined radio emission and energetic particle streaming measurements from Voyager 1 and 2 with extensive state-of-the art 3D MHD modeling, to constrain the direction of the local interstellar magnetic field. The orientation derived is a plane ~60°–90° from the galactic plane. This indicates that the field orientation differs from that of a larger scale interstellar magnetic field, thought to parallel the galactic plane. Although it may take 7–12 years for Voyager 2 to leave the heliosheath and enter the pristine interstellar medium, the subsonic flows are immediately sensitive to the shape of the heliopause. The flows measured by Voyager 2 in the heliosheath indicate that the heliopause is being distorted by local interstellar magnetic field with the same orientation as derived previously. As a result of the interstellar magnetic field the solar system is asymmetric being pushed in the southern direction. The presence of hydrogen atoms tend to symmetrize the solutions. We show that with a strong interstellar magnetic field with our most current model that includes hydrogen atoms, the asymmetries are recovered. It remains a challenge for future works with a more complete model, to explain all the observed asymmetries by V1 and V2. We comment on these results and implications of other factors not included in our present model.  相似文献   

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