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The role of Ca2+ in the gravitropic perception and/or response mechanism of Coprinus cinereus was examined by treating stipes with inhibitors of Ca2+ transport and calmodulin. Inhibitors had no effect on gravity perception but significantly diminished gravitropism. It is concluded that, under the conditions tested, Ca2+ is not involved in gravity perception by Coprinus stipes, but does contribute to transduction of the gravitropic impulse. The results would be consistent with regulation of the gravitropic bending process requiring accumulation of Ca2+ within a membrane-bound compartment. Treatment of stipes with an actin inhibitor caused a significantly delayed response, a result not observed with the Ca2+ inhibitors. This suggests that cytoskeletal elements may be involved directly in perception of gravity by Coprinus stipes while Ca(2+)-mediated signal transduction may be involved in directing growth differentials.  相似文献   

The negative gravitropic response of cut flower stalks is a complex multistep process that requires the participation of various cellular components acting in succession or in parallel. The process was particularly characterized in snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.) spikes with regard to (1) gravity stimulus perception associated with amyloplast reorientation; (2) stimulus transduction mediated through differential changes in the level, action and related genes of auxin and ethylene and their possible interaction; (3) stimulus response associated with differential growth leading to stalk curvature; (4) involvement of cytosolic calcium and actin cytoskeleton. Results show that the gravity-induced amyloplast reorientation, differential over-expression of two early auxin responsive genes and asymmetrical distribution of free IAA are early events in the bending process. These precede the asymmetrical ethylene production and differential stem growth, which was derived from initial shrinkage of the upper stem side and a subsequent elongation of the lower stem side. Results obtained with various calcium- and cytoskeleton-related agents indicate that cytosolic calcium and actin filaments may play essential roles in gravitropism-related processes of cut flower stalks. Therefore, modulators of these two physiological mediators may serve as means for controlling any undesired gravitropic bending.  相似文献   

Gravitropic bending of the winter mushroom Flammulina velutipes is achieved by differential growth of the apical part of the stem, the transition zone. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that bending is due to the relaxation of tissue tensions at the lower flank of the stem where hyphal extension growth is promoted in contrast to the upper flank. Extension of lower flank hyphae is preceded by a conspicuous accumulation of microvesicles in the cytosol and their subsequent fusion with the vacuolar compartment, leading to a large volume increase. The hypothesis is put forward that all hyphae in the transition zone are capable of gravisensing. It is derived from experiments with transition zone segments, which exhibit negative gravitropic response independent from their origin within the stem. A model is presented which connects individual gravisensing of the hyphae with a cooperative response within the stem or small segments of the stem. An essential step is the transmission of positional information, by each hypha with respect to the gravitational vector, to the surroundings. The existence of a soluble growth regulator, which is enriched at the lower flank of the stem, is discussed. A gradient could be formed which precedes the gradient of microvesicle formation, and thereby determines the change of growth direction.  相似文献   

The plagiogravitropic growth stage usually occurring after gravitropic stimulation can be explained if 1) the liminal angle is interpreted as the angle to which the gravitropic response system tends to react after displacement and 2) the liminal angle is assumed to be labile, tending to equalise itself with the actual apex angle from the gravity vector. The process of equalisation may be interpreted as adaptation of gravity-receptors to exposure angle. Based on these assumptions, an adaptational model of the gravitropic response was proposed. It is in agreement with experimental data and describes adequately the plagiogravitropic growth stage occurring after gravitropic stimulation. It is supposed that such a mechanism acts in cooperation with others for initiation and maintenance of plagiogravitropic growth.  相似文献   

The superficial cells of dark-grown moss shoots give rise to negatively gravitropic protonemata, whatever the orientation of the shoot. Shoot orientation, however, does affect from which side of the shoot the protonemata form and the direction of their growth. Protonemata from horizontal shoots grow out at a near-right angle to their supporting axes and are initiated more or less evenly along the upper side of the stem. Protonemata arising from vertically-oriented shoots in either an upright or an inverted position grow straight at an acute angle to the stem axis. The difference in the growth direction of the protonemata seems to be conditioned by the different position of the growth zone of the protonemal outgrowths, and subsequently that of the apical protonemal cells, with respect to the gravity vector. Observations suggest that the shoot protonemata, in conditions of clinorotation, persist in their original growth direction. Results also indicate that, in darkness, gravity determines only the site of protonemata initiation, not the process of initiation itself. Light, by contrast, by acting through both phytochrome and high-energy reaction systems, triggers the initiation process and defines the location of protonemata.  相似文献   

The initial event of gravity perception by plants is generally thought to occur through sedimentation of amyloplasts in specialized sensory cells. In the root, these cells are the columella which are located toward the center of the root cap. To define more precisely the contribution of columella cells to root gravitropism, we used laser ablation to remove single columella cells or groups of these cells and observed the effect of their removal on gravity sensing and response. Complete removal of the cap or all the columella cells (leaving peripheral cap cells intact) abolishes the gravity response of the root. Removal of stories of columella revealed differences between regions of the columella with respect to gravity sensing (presentation time) versus graviresponse (final tropic growth response of the root). This fine mapping revealed that ablating the central columella located in story 2 had the greatest effect on presentation time whereas ablating columella cells in story 3 had a smaller or no effect. However, when removed by ablation the columella cells in story 3 did inhibit gravitropic bending, suggesting an effect on translocation of the gravitropic signal from the cap rather than initial gravity perception. Mapping the in vivo statolith sedimentation rates in these cells revealed that the amyloplasts of the central columella cells sedimented more rapidly than those on the flanks do. These results show that cells with the most freely mobile amyloplasts generate the largest gravisensing signal consistent with the starch statolith hypothesis of gravity sensing in roots.  相似文献   

Gravitropism of plant organs such as roots, stems and coleoptiles can be separated into four distinct phases: 1. perception (gravity sensing), 2. transduction of a signal into the target region and 3. the response (differential growth). This last reaction is followed by a straightening of the curved organ (4.). The perception of the gravitropic stimulus upon horizontal positioning of the organ (1.) occurs via amyloplasts that sediment within the statocytes. This conclusion is supported by our finding that submerged rice coleoptiles that lack sedimentable amyloplasts show no graviresponse. The mode of signal transduction (2.) from the statocytes to the peripheral cell layers is still unknown. Differential growth (3.) consists of a cessation of cell expansion on the upper side and an enhancement of elongation on the lower side of the organ. Based on the facts that the sturdy outer epidermal wall (OEW) constitutes the growth-controlling structure of the coleoptile and that growth-related osmiophilic particles accumulate on the upper OEW, it is concluded that the differential incorporation of wall material (presumably glycoproteins) is causally involved. During gravitropic bending, electron-dense particles ('wall-loosening capacity') accumulate on the growth-inhibited upper OEW. It is proposed that the autotropic straightening response, which is in part due to an acceleration of cell elongation on the curved upper side, may be attributable to an incorporation of the accumulated particles ('release of wall-loosening capacity'). This novel mechanism of autotropic re-bending and its implications for the Cholodny-Went hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Shoots of higher plants exhibit negative gravitropism. However, little is known about the site of gravity perception in shoots and the molecular mechanisms of shoot gravitropic responses. Our recent analysis using shoot gravitropism 1(sgr1)/scarecrow(scr) and sgr7/short-root (shr) mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana indicated that the endodermis is essential for shoot gravitropism and strongly suggested that the endodermis functions as the gravity-sensing cell layer in dicotyledonous plant shoots. In this paper, we present our recent analysis and model of gravity perception and gravitropic response of inflorescence stems in Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

Three main phases are discerned in the gravitropic reaction: perception of a gravitational stimulus, its transduction, and fixation of the reaction resulting in bending of an organ. According to the starch-statolith hypothesis of Nemec and Haberlandt, amyloplasts in the structurally and functionally specialized graviperceptive cells (statocytes) sediment in the direction of a gravitational vector in the distal part of a cell while a nucleus is in the proximal one. If amyloplasts appear to act as gravity sensors, the receptors, which interact with sedimented amyloplasts, and next signaling are still unclear. An analysis of the structural-functional organization of cells in different root cap layers of such higher plants as pea, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Brassica rapa grown under 1 g, on the clinostats, and in microgravity, allows us to support the hypothesis that amyloplasts function as statoliths in statocytes, but they may not be only the passive statolithic mass. We propose that amyloplasts fulfill a more complex function by interacting with a receptor, which is a nucleus, in transduction of some signal to it. Gravity-induced statolith movement in certain order leads to a new functional connection between gravity susceptors--amyloplasts and a receptor--a nucleus receiving some signal presumedly of a mechanical or biochemical nature from the amyloplasts. During gravitropism, sugar signaling could induce expression of genes encoding auxin transport proteins in a nucleus giving the nucleus an intermediate role in signal trunsduction following perception.  相似文献   

Research on gravity responses in plants has mostly focused on primary roots and shoots, which typically orient to a vertical orientation. However, the distribution of lateral organs and their characteristically non-vertical growth orientation are critical for the determination of plant form. For example, in Arabidopsis, when lateral roots emerge from the primary root, they grow at a nearly horizontal orientation. As they elongate, the roots slowly curve until they eventually reach a vertical orientation. The regulation of this lateral root orientation is an important component affecting overall root system architecture. We found that this change in orientation is not simply due to the onset of gravitropic competence, as non-vertical lateral roots are capable of both positive and negative gravitropism. Thus, the horizontal growth of new lateral roots appears to be determined by what is called the gravitropic set-point angle (GSA). This developmental control of the GSA of lateral roots in Arabidopsis provides a useful system for investigating the components involved in regulating gravitropic responses. Using this system, we have identified several Arabidopsis mutants that have altered lateral root orientations but maintain normal primary root orientation.  相似文献   

To respond to gravity a biological system must: First, perceive the stimulus; and, second transduce the stimulus into an appropriate response. This laboratory has studied a system of perception and transduction involving the gravity-induced asymmetric distribution of a plant growth hormone. From these studies we have developed a working theory which states as its postulates that: a) The perception of the gravitational stimulus involved a perturbation of the plant's bio-electric field; and b) that the transduction of the stimulus involved voltage-gating of hormone movement from the plant's vascular tissue into the hormone responsive growing tissue. These studies may provide the simplest system for studing the mechanism whereby the gravity signal is translated into a biological response.  相似文献   

The manifestation of gravitropic reaction in plants has been considered from the phylogenetic point of view. A chart has been suggested according to which it is supposed that the first indications of the ability to identify the direction of the gravitational vector were inherent in the most ancient eukaryotes, which gave rise to green, brown, yellow-green, golden and diatomaceous algae as well as fungi. The experiments on the role of gravity in plant ontogenesis are being continued. The sum total of the data obtained in a number of experiments in space shows that under these conditions a structurally modified but normally functioning gravireceptive apparatus is formed. The data confirming the modification, under changed gravity, of the processes of integral and cellullar growth of the axial organs of seedlings as well as of the anatomo-morphological structure and developmental rates of plants during their prolonged growth in space are presented. It is assumed that this fact testifies to the presence of systems interacting with gravity during plant ontogenesis. At the same time the necessity for further experiments in order to differentiate an immediate biological effect of gravity from the ones conditioned by it indirectly due to the changes in the behavior of liquids and gases is pointed out. The methodological aspects of biological experiments in space as the main source of reliable information on the biological role of gravity are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant roots must sense and respond to a variety of environmental stimuli as they grow through the soil. Touch and gravity represent two of the mechanical signals that roots must integrate to elicit the appropriate root growth patterns and root system architecture. Obstacles such as rocks will impede the general downwardly directed gravitropic growth of the root system and so these soil features must be sensed and this information processed for an appropriate alteration in gravitropic growth to allow the root to avoid the obstruction. We show that primary and lateral roots of Arabidopsis do appear to sense and respond to mechanical barriers placed in their path of growth in a qualitatively similar fashion. Both types of roots exhibited a differential growth response upon contacting the obstacle that directed the main axis of elongation parallel to the barrier. This growth habit was maintained until the obstacle was circumvented, at which point normal gravitropic growth was resumed. Thus, the gravitational set-point angle of the primary and lateral roots prior to encountering the barrier were 95 degrees and 136 degrees respectively and after growing off the end of the obstacle identical set-point angles were reinstated. However, whilst tracking across the barrier, quantitative differences in response were observed between these two classes of roots. The root tip of the primary root maintained an angle of 136 degrees to the horizontal as it traversed the barrier whereas the lateral roots adopted an angle of 154 degrees. Thus, this root tip angle appeared dependent on the gravitropic set-point angle of the root type with the difference in tracking angle quantitatively reflecting differences in initial set-point angle. Concave and convex barriers were also used to analyze the response of the root to tracking along a continuously varying surface. The roots maintained the a fairly fixed angle to gravity on the curved surface implying a constant resetting of this tip angle/tracking response as the curve of the surface changed. We propose that the interaction of touch and gravity sensing/response systems combine to strictly control the tropic growth of the root. Such signal integration is likely a critical part of growth control in the stimulus-rich environment of the soil.  相似文献   

We measured changes in length on the two opposite sides of the red-light-grown oat (Avena sativa L.) coleoptiles subjected to either gravitropic or phototropic stimulation and subsequently rotated on a horizontal clinostat. The length measurement was conducted using three 5 mm-long zones delimited by ink markers from the tip. Curvature of each zone was analyzed from the length difference between the two sides. Gravitropism was induced by displacing the seedling from the vertical by 30 degrees or 90 degrees for 25 min. Phototropism was induced by exposing the coleoptile to unilateral blue light for 30 s, which provided a fluence (1.0 micromoles m-2) optimal for the pulse-induced positive phototropism or a lower, suboptimal fluence (0.03 micromoles m-2). After negatively gravitropic bending, the upper two zones straightened rapidly at either displacement angle. After positively phototropic bending, straightening occurred, but only in the top zone and at the lower fluence. The upper two zones straightened rapidly, however, when bilateral blue light (30 s; 15 micromoles m-2 from either direction) was applied 25 min after unilateral stimulation at the higher fluence. Bilateral blue light alone induced no curvature. These results confirm that the straightening of gravitropically bent coleoptiles is autonomic, and suggest that a similar autonomic response participates in the straightening of phototropically bent coleoptiles. Suppression of elongation on the concave side of the coleoptile mainly accounted for gravitropic and phototropic curvatures. The concave side of the top zone shrank during both tropisms. This shrinkage progressed at a high rate from the beginning of curvature response, suggesting that a drop in turgor pressure is the main and direct cause of the shrinkage.  相似文献   

Moss protonemata are among the few cell types known that both sense and respond to gravity and light. Apical cells of Ceratodon protonemata grow by oriented tip growth which is negatively gravitropic in the dark or positively phototropic in unilateral red light. Phototropism is phytochrome-mediated. To determine whether any gravitropism persists during irradiation, cultures were turned at various angles with respect to gravity and illuminated so that the light and gravity vectors acted either in the same or in different directions. Red light for 24h (> or = l40nmol m-2 s-1) caused the protonemata to be oriented directly towards the light. Similarly, protonemata grew directly towards the light regardless of light position with respect to gravity indicating that all growth is oriented strictly by phototropism, not gravitropism. At light intensities < or = l00nmol m-2 s-1, no phototropism occurs and the mean protonemal tip angle remains above the horizontal, which is the criterion for negative gravitropism. But those protonemata are not as uniformly upright as they would be in the dark indicating that low intensity red light permits gravitropism but also modulates the response. Protonemata of the aphototropic mutant ptr1 that lacks a functional Pfr chromophore, exhibit gravitropism regardless of red light intensity. This indicates that red light acts via Pfr to modulate gravitropism at low intensities and to suppress gravitropism at intensities < or = 140nmol m-2 s-1.  相似文献   

Gravitropically tip-growing cell types are attractive unicellular model systems for investigating the mechanisms and the regulation of gravitropism. Especially useful for studying the mechanisms of positive and negative gravitropic tip-growth are characean rhizoids and protonemata. They originate from the same cell type, show the same overall cell shape, cytoplasmic zonation, arrangement of actin and microtubule cytoskeleton, use statoliths for gravisensing, but show opposite gravitropism. In both cell types, actin microfilaments are complexly organized in the apical dome,where a dense spherical actin array is colocalized with spectrin-like epitopes and a unique endoplasmic reticulum aggregate, the structural center of the Spitzenk?rper. The opposite gravitropic responses seem to be based on differences in the actin-organized anchorage of the Spitzenk?rper and the actin-mediated transport of statoliths. In negatively gravitropic (upward bending) protonemata, the statoliths-induced drastic upward shift of the cell tip is preceded by a relocalization of dihydropyridine-binding calcium channels and of the apical calcium gradient to the upper flank (bending by bulging). Such relocalizations have not been observed in positively gravitropically responding (downward growing) rhizoids in which statoliths sedimentation is followed by differential flank growth (bending by bowing). This paper reviews the current knowledge and hypotheses on the mechanisms of the opposite gravitropic responses in characean rhizoids and protonemata.  相似文献   

In Zea mays L., changes in orientation of stems are perceived by the pulvinal tissue, which responds to the stimulus by differential growth resulting in upward bending of the stem. Gravity is perceived in the bundle sheath cells, which contain amyloplasts that sediment to the new cell base when a change in the gravity vector occurs. The mechanism by which the mechanical signal is transduced into a physiological response is so far unknown for any gravity perceiving tissue. It is hypothesized that this involves interactions of amyloplasts with the plasma membrane and/or ER via cytoskeletal elements. To gain further insights into this process we monitored amyloplast movements in response to gravistimulation. In a pharmacological approach we investigated how the dynamics of plastid sedimentation are affected by actin and microtubule (MT) disrupting drugs. Dark grown caulonemal filaments of the moss Physcomitrella patens respond to gravity vector changes with a reorientation of tip growth away from the gravity vector. MT distributions in tip cells were monitored over time and MTs were seen to accumulate preferentially on the lower flank of the tip 30 min after a 90 degree turn. Using a self-referencing Ca2+ selective ion probe, we found that growing caulonemal filaments exhibit a Ca2+ influx at the apical dome, similar to that reported previously for other tip growing cells. However, in gravistimulated Physcomitrella filaments the region of Ca2+ influx is not confined to the apex, but extends about 60 micrometers along the upper side of the filament. Our results indicate an asymmetry in the Ca2+ flux pattern between the upper and side of the filament suggesting differential activation of Ca2+ permeable channels at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In higher plants, gravity is a major environmental cue that governs growth orientation, a phenomenon termed gravitropism. It has been suggested that gravity also affects other aspects of morphogenesis, such as circumnutation and winding movements. Previously, we showed that these aspects of plant growth morphology require amyloplast sedimentation inside gravisensing endodermal cells. However, the molecular mechanism of the graviresponse and its relationship to circumnutation and winding remains obscure. Here, we have characterized a novel shoot gravitropic mutant of morning glory, weeping2 (we2). In the we2 mutant, the gravitropic response of the stem was absent, and hypocotyls exhibited a severely reduced gravitropic response, whereas roots showed normal gravitropism. In agreement with our previous studies, we found that we2 mutant has defects in shoot circumnutation and winding. Histological analysis showed that we2 mutant forms abnormal endodermal cells. We identified a mutation in the morning glory homolog of SHORT-ROOT (PnSHR1) that was genetically linked to the agravitropic phenotype of we2 mutant, and which may underlie the abnormal differentiation of endodermal cells in this plant. These results suggest that the phenotype of we2 mutant is due to a mutation of PnSHR1, and that PnSHR1 regulates gravimorphogenesis, including circumnutation and winding movements, in morning glory.  相似文献   

There has been no convincing explanation on a mechanism inducing plagiogravitropism of lateral roots. The present work deals with gravitropic features of Vignaangularis lateral roots during the course of their growth and morphometric analysis of root caps, columella cells and amyloplasts. Regardless of the magnitude of deviation of the primary root axis from the gravity vector, the newly emerging lateral roots tended to keep a constant angle to the gravity vector. They modified gravireaction several times during the course of their development: a first horizontal-growth stage when they grow in the cortex of primary roots (stage I), a sloping-down growth stage from their emergence to a length of about 1 mm (stage II), a second horizontal-growth stage from a length of about 1 mm to that of over 4 mm (stage III) and a curving-down stage thereafter (stage IV). The columella cells with amyloplasts large enough to sediment were not fully differentiated in the stage I but the turning point from the stage I to II was associated with the development of amyloplasts which were able to sediment toward the distal part of the cell. Amyloplasts were significantly small in the lateral roots over 10 mm long compared with those in ones 0–10 mm long, suggesting that they rapidly develop immediately after the lateral roots emerge from primary roots and then gradually decrease their size when the lateral roots grow over 10 mm long. This dimensional decrease of amyloplasts may be partially involved in weak gravireaction in the stage III. Evidence was not presented indicating that a switchover from the stage III to IV was connected with the dimension of root caps, the number of columella cells and the development of amyloplasts. Some factors at the molecular level rather than at the cellular and tissue levels are probably dominant to induce the stage IV.  相似文献   

采用谱配置方法对具有高斯分布的波状扰动激发重力波过程中的能量传播和转换特性进行数值研究.模拟结果表明:初始时刻单一的水平风、垂直风、密度或温度的波状扰动都可以激发出两支重力波波包,其中一文向上传播,而另一支则向下传播;在相同的波参数下,4种波状扰动所激发的重力波波包的能量传播路径几乎完全一致,与线性理论给出的射线路径却有些差异.进一步的数值分析则表明:4种波状扰动转化为波动的特征时间基本相等,约为2个波动周期,但是在这个转换过程中,不同扰动的能量转换效率却差别很大.  相似文献   

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