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Energetic particle signatures of geoeffective coronal mass ejections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have studied statistically associations of moderate and intense geomagnetic storms with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and energetic particle events. The goal was to identify specific energetic particle signatures, which could be used to improve the predictions of the geoeffectiveness of full and partial halo CMEs. Protons in the range 1–110 MeV from the ERNE experiment onboard SOHO are used in the analysis. The study covers the time period from August 1996 to July 2000. We demonstrate the feasibility of energetic particle observations as an additional source of information in evaluating the geoeffectiveness of full and partial halo CMEs. Based on the observed onset times of solar energetic particle (SEP) events and energetic storm particle (ESP) events, we derive a proxy for the transit times of shocks driven by the interplanetary counterparts of coronal mass ejections from the Sun to the Earth. For a limited number of geomagnetic storms which can be associated to both SEP and ESP signatures, we found that this transit time correlates with the strength of geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

We report the statistical properties of narrow coronal mass ejections (CMEs, angular width < 20°) withparticular emphasis on comparison with normal CMEs. We investigated 806 narrow CMEs from an online LASCO/CME catalog and found that (1) the fraction of narrow CMEs increases from 12% to 22% towards solar maximum, (2) during the solar maximum, the narrow CMEs are generally faster than normal ones, (3) the maximum speed of narrow CMEs (1141 km s−1) is much smaller than that of the normal CMEs (2604 km s−1). These results imply that narrow CMEs do not form a subset of normal CMEs and have a different acceleration mechanism from normal CMEs.  相似文献   

The current paradigm for the source of large, gradual solar energetic particle (SEP) events is that theyare accelerated in coronal/interplanetary shocks driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Early studies established that there is a rough correlation between the logs of the CME speed and the logs of the SEP intensities. Here I review two topics challenging the basic paradigm, the recent discovery that CMEs are also associated with impulsive, high-Z rich SEP events and the search for gradual SEP sources other than CME-driven shocks. I then discuss three topics of recent interest dealing with the relationship between the shock or CME properties and the resulting SEP events. These are the roles that CME accelerations, interactions between fast and preceding slow CMEs, and widths of fast CMEs may play in SEP production.  相似文献   

Solar filament eruptions play a crucial role in triggering coronal mass ejections (CMEs). More than 80% of eruptions lead to a CME. This correlation has been studied extensively during the past solar cycles and the last long solar minimum. The statistics made on events occurring during the rising phase of the new solar cycle 24 is in agreement with this finding. Both filaments and CMEs have been related to twisted magnetic fields. Therefore, nearly all the MHD CME models include a twisted flux tube, called a flux rope. Either the flux rope is present long before the eruption, or it is built up by reconnection of a sheared arcade from the beginning of the eruption.  相似文献   

We have selected 57 limb coronal mass ejections observed by LASCO during the period of January1997 to April 2001. We used the related EIT activity close to the limb to define these CMEs as “limbs”. We measured the radial speed of the leading edge close to the center of these CMEs and the lateral expansion speed of the structures. Comparison of both speeds revealed a high correlation between them, the radial speed being around 88% of the expansion speed of the CME. The expansion speed can also be measured for halo CMEs so that it can be used to infer their radial speed toward earth, which is otherwise inaccessible.  相似文献   

The main properties of 11622 coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) mission’s Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO-C2) from January 1996 through December 2006 are considered. Moreover, the extended database of solar proton enhancements (SPEs) with proton flux >0.1 pfu at energy >10 MeV measured at the Earth’s orbit is also studied. A comparison of these databases gives new results concerning the sources and acceleration mechanisms of solar energetic particles. Specifically, coronal mass ejections with width >180° (wide) and linear speed >800 km/s (fast) seem they have the best correlation with solar proton enhancements. The study of some specific solar parameters, such as soft X-ray flares, sunspot numbers, solar flare index etc. has showed that the soft X-ray flares with importance >M5 may provide a reasonable proxy index for the SPE production rate. From this work, it is outlined that the good relation of the fast and wide coronal mass ejections to proton enhancements seems to lead to a similar conclusion. In spite of the fact that in the case of CMEs the statistics cover only the last solar cycle, while the measurements of SXR flares are extended over three solar cycles, it is obvious for the studied period that the coronal mass ejections can also provide a good index for the solar proton production.  相似文献   

This work reports the investigation of two coronal mass ejections (CME) observed in white light, H, EUV and X-ray by various instruments both in space and on ground on February 18, 2003 and January 19, 2005, respectively. The white light coronal images show that the first CME began with the rarefaction of a region above the solar limb and was followed by the formation of its leading edge at the boundary of the rarefying region at altitude of 0.46 R from the solar surface. The rarefaction coincided the slow rising phase of the filament eruption, and the CME leading edge was observed to form as the filament eruption started to accelerate apparently. In the early stage of the second CME, a bright loop was first observed above the solar limb with height of 0.37 R in EUV images. We found that the more gradual CMEs initial process, the larger the timing difference between CMEs and their associated flares. The lower part of the filament brightened in H images as the filament rose to a certain height. These brightenings imply that the filament may be heated by magnetic reconnection below the filament in the early stage of the eruption. We suggest that the possible mechanism which led to the formation of the CME leading edge and cavity is magnetic reconnection which occurred under the filament when it reached a certain height.  相似文献   

We study the short-term topological changes of equatorial and polar coronal hole (CH) boundaries, such as a variation of their area and disintegration, associated to reconnection with nearby (within 15° distance) quiescent prominence magnetic fields leading to eruptions and subsequent Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). The examples presented here correspond to the recent solar minimum years 2008 and 2009. We consider a temporal window of one day between the CH topological changes and the start and end times of prominence eruptions and onset of CMEs. To establish this association we took into account observational conditions related to the instability of prominence/filaments, the occurrence of a CME, as well as the subsequent evolution after the CME. We found an association between short-term local topological changes in CH boundaries and the formation/disappearance of bright points near them, as well as, between short-term topological changes within the whole CH and eruptions of nearby quiescent prominences followed by the appearance of one or more CMEs.  相似文献   

A small coronagraph has been placed in orbit to monitor the sun's outer corona from 2.5 to 10.0 solar radii, and five years of nearly continuous synoptic observations have now been completed. Rapid and sensitive image processing techniques have been developed to screen the data for transient phenomena, particularly coronal mass ejections (CMEs). About 50,000 coronal images have been examined, out of a five-year total of 68,000, and a standardized listing of more than 1,200 coronal transients for the period 1979–1982 has been prepared. These data have been analysed in the light of other available information, particularly on conditions in the interplanetary plasma. The dynamical characteristics of the active corona, as they are beginning to emerge from the data, are presented. We find that coronal mass ejections exercise significant influence on the interplanetary solar wind. They are the source of disturbances that are frequent and energetic, that tend to be somewhat focussed, that often reach shock intensity, and that propagate to large heliocentric distances, sometimes causing major geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

We investigate the forms of the solar driver which cause the destabilization of helmet streamers. Two forms of solar drivers are considered; (i) emergence of a flux-rope from sub-photospheric levels and (ii) application of a photospheric shear motion to a streamer-flux rope system. Numerical results showed that both cases exhibit the characteristics of commonly observed coronal mass ejections (CMEs), but the propagation speed of the CME is higher than the background solar wind speed when the solar driver is the emerging magnetic flux and is the same as the solar wind speed when the photospheric shear is used as the solar driver. The energy constraint allowing the magnetic field transition from a closed to an open configuration is also addressed.  相似文献   

Using the proton intensity and X-ray flux data from the GOES, combined with the observations of the associated solar eruptions by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment (LASCO) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), 14 large SEP events occurring in the period 2000 January–2002 April have been studied. It is found that: (1) events with the SEPs increasing shortly after the maximum of their parent flares (<1 h; hereafter prompt events) have rapid and great (up to four orders of magnitude) SEP increments in high-energy channels (> ∼100 MeV); however, for events whose onset of the SEP injection lags the flare maximum for a long time (>3 h; hereafter delayed events), the high-energy SEPs show no obvious enhancements (within one order of magnitude); (2) peak intensity of the prompt events is distinctly larger than that of the delayed events; (3) CMEs associated with the poorly magnetically connected events (source region <W30°) in our survey are all halo CMEs. From these observational differences, we propose a special scenario of the production of the largest SEP events: both CMEs and flares are induced in the same coronal process; high-energy particles accelerated in the reconnection region can escape easily from the open field lines and/or be transported by fast CMEs into interplanetary space, indicating a direct impulsive component in large gradual SEP events. Meanwhile, the broad width of the associated CMEs implies that the CME width is more important in SEP events production than previously considered.  相似文献   

The Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) on the NASA Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) mission is a suite of remote sensing instruments consisting of an extreme ultraviolet imager, two white light coronagraphs, and a heliospheric imager. Two spacecraft with identical instrumentation will obtain simultaneous observations from viewpoints of increasing separation in the ecliptic plane. In support of the STEREO mission objectives, SECCHI will observe coronal mass ejections from their birth at the Sun, through the outer corona, to their impact at Earth. The SECCHI program includes a coordinated effort to develope magneto-hydrodynamic models and visualization tools to interpret the images that will be obtained from the two spacecraft viewpoints. The resulting three-dimensional analysis of CMEs will help to resolve some of the fundamental outstanding questions in solar physics.  相似文献   

Coronal hole jets are fast ejections of plasma occurring within coronal holes, observed at Extreme-UltraViolet (EUV) and X-ray wavelengths. Recent observations of jets by the STEREO and Hinode missions show that they are transient phenomena which occur at much higher rates than large-scale impulsive phenomena like flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). In this paper we describe some typical characteristics of coronal jets observed by the SECCHI instruments of STEREO spacecraft. We show an example of 3D reconstruction of the helical structure for a south pole jet, and present how the angular distribution of the jet position angles changes from the Extreme-UltraViolet-Imager (EUVI) field of view to the CORonagraph1 (COR1) (height ∼2.0 R heliocentric distance) field of view. Then we discuss a preliminary temperature determination for the jet plasma by using the filter ratio method at 171 and 195 Å and applying a technique for subtracting the EUV background radiation. The results show that jets are characterized by electron temperatures ranging between 0.8 and 1.3 MK. We present the thermal structure of the jet as temperature maps and we describe its thermal evolution.  相似文献   

We have established a data set of 58 major hybrid SEP events associated with meter-to-decahectometer wavelength (m-to-DH) type II bursts, solar flares, and radio-load CMEs during the period of 1997–2014. The main focus of our study is to address the following two questions: Does the interaction of CMEs play a role in the enhancement of SEP intensity? Is there any difference in the seed population, and parent eruptions in the SEP events with and without CME interactions? Hence, the sample of 58 events is classified into two sets: (i) 35 non-interacting-CME-associated SEP events; (ii) 23 interacting-CME-associated SEP events. All the characteristics of SEPs, their associated CMEs/flares and the relationships between them are statistically analyzed and compared. Some of the basic attributes and relative elemental abundances (Fe/O ratios) of the both the sets are also compared. The results indicate that the seed particles in non-interacting-CME-associated SEP events are mostly from solar wind/coronal materials. But in the case of interacting-CME-associated SEP events, it may be associated with both flare material from preceding flares and coronal materials from solar wind/preceding CMEs. The correlation studies reveal that there are clear correlations between logarithmic peak intensity of SEP events and properties of CMEs (space speed: cc?=?0.56) and solar flares (peak intensity: cc?=?0.40; integrated flux: cc?=?0.52) for non-interacting-CME-associated SEP events. But these correlations are absent for the interacting-CME-associated events. In addition, the results suggest that interaction of primary CMEs with their preceding CMEs plays an important role in the enhancement of peak intensity of SEPs at least for a set of m-to-DH type II bursts associated SEP events.  相似文献   

The Space Weather Explorer – KuaFu mission will provide simultaneous, long-term, and synoptic observations of the complete chain of disturbances from the solar atmosphere to the geospace. KuaFu-A (located at the L1 liberation point) includes Coronal Dynamics Imagers composed of a Lyman-α coronagraph (from 1.15 to 2.7 solar radii) and a white light coronagraph (out to 15 solar radii), in order to identify the initial sources of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and their acceleration profiles. The difficulty of observing the lower corona should not be underestimated since instrumental stray light remains a critical issue in the visible because of the low contrast of the corona with respect to the Sun. Observing the corona in the Lyman-α line is a valid alternative to white light observations. This approach takes advantage of both the intrinsic higher contrast of the corona with respect to the solar disk in this line compared to the visible, and the absence of F-corona at 121.6 nm. Furthermore, it has been convincingly shown that the coronal structures seen in Lyman-α correspond to those seen in the visible and which result from Thomson scattering of the coronal ionized gas. This is because the plasma is still collisional in the lower corona so that the hydrogen neutral atoms are coupled to the protons. A classical, all-reflecting internally-occulted Lyot coronagraph is required so as to preserve the image quality down to the inner limit of the field-of-view. A narrow band interference filter located in a collimated beam allows isolating the Lyman-α line. The visible coronagraph will adopt the approach of a single instrument having a large field-of-view extending from 2.5 to 15 solar radii. Such a design is based on refractive externally-occulted coronagraphs built for recent past missions, essentially the LASCO-C2 and C3 instruments and the SECCHI/COR 2 of the STEREO mission, which is itself a combination of the C2 and C3 instruments.  相似文献   

The relationship between active regions (ARs) and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is studied. For this purpose a statistical analysis of 694 CMEs associated with ARs was carried out. We considered the relationship between properties of the CMEs and ARs characterized using the McIntosh classification. We demonstrated that CMEs are likely to be launched from ARs in the mature phase of their evolution when they have complex magnetic field. The fastest and halo CMEs can be ejected only from the most complex ARs (when an AR is a bipolar group of spots with large asymmetric penumbras around the main spot with many smaller spots in the group). We also showed that the wider events have a tendency to originate from uncomplicated magnetic structures. This tendency was used for estimation of the real angular widths of the halo CMEs. The probability of launching of fast CMEs increases together with increase of the complexity and size of ARs. The widest, but slow, CMEs originate from the simplest magnetic structure which are still able to produce CMEs. Our results could be useful for forecasting of space weather.  相似文献   

Campaigns to investigate the solar coronal mass ejection (CME) onset have been run using the Solar andHeliospheric Observatory (SOHO) since 1996. These have included coronagraph and extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) disc imaging, along with magnetic mapping of the photosphere, in concert with EUV and UV spectroscopic observations. These campaigns have included co-ordination with ground-based observatories, and with other spacecraft, especially Yohkoh and the Transition Region and Corona Explorer (TRACE). This multi-instrument, multi-spacecraft effort has provided many rewards, with some spectacular observations of countless eruptions. It has included the discovery of unexpected phenomena such as EUV waves and groundbreaking work on coronal dimming, and the development of sigmoidal shaped structures. Much has been learnt about the CME onset yet the most basic questions still remain. We have an unprecedented view of CME eruptions, yet we are still unable to identify clearly the onset process and we do not fully understand the CME-flare relationship. With all of the campaigns producing excellent multi-wavelength observations of CMEs, how far have we progressed in the understanding of the CME onset and, in particular, the CME-flare relationship? Can we identify lines of research using the SOHO data, which will provide the answers we seek — or do we need fundamentally different observation scenarios? It is the author's opinion that we actually have the observational tools required to understand much about the onset process and the CME/flare links, and the emphasis should be on understanding the limitations of our instrumentation and on removing any preconceived ideas from our interpretations.  相似文献   

Employing coronagraphic and EUV observations close to the solar surface made by the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) mission, we determined the heliocentric distance of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) at the starting time of associated metric type II bursts. We used the wave diameter and leading edge methods and measured the CME heights for a set of 32 metric type II bursts from solar cycle 24. We minimized the projection effects by making the measurements from a view that is roughly orthogonal to the direction of the ejection. We also chose image frames close to the onset times of the type II bursts, so no extrapolation was necessary. We found that the CMEs were located in the heliocentric distance range from 1.20 to 1.93 solar radii (Rs), with mean and median values of 1.43 and 1.38 Rs, respectively. We conclusively find that the shock formation can occur at heights substantially below 1.5 Rs. In a few cases, the CME height at type II onset was close to 2 Rs. In these cases, the starting frequency of the type II bursts was very low, in the range 25–40 MHz, which confirms that the shock can also form at larger heights. The starting frequencies of metric type II bursts have a weak correlation with the measured CME/shock heights and are consistent with the rapid decline of density with height in the inner corona.  相似文献   

We have analysed energetic storm particle (ESP) events in 116 interplanetary (IP) shocks driven by front-side full and partial halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) with speeds >400 km s?1during the years 1996–2015. We investigated the occurrence and relationships of ESP events with several parameters describing the IP shocks, and the associated CMEs, type II radio bursts, and solar energetic particle (SEP) events. Most of the shocks (57 %) were associated with an ESP event at proton energies >1 MeV.The shock transit speeds from the Sun to 1 AU of the shocks associated with an ESP event were significantly greater than those of the shocks without an ESP event, and best distinguished these two groups of shocks from each other. The occurrence and maximum intensity of the ESP events also had the strongest dependence on the shock transit speed compared to the other parameters investigated. The correlation coefficient between ESP peak intensities and shock transit speeds was highest (0.73 ± 0.04) at 6.2 MeV. Weaker dependences were found on the shock speed at 1 AU, Alfvénic and magnetosonic Mach numbers, shock compression ratio, and CME speed. On average all these parameters were significantly different for shocks capable to accelerate ESPs compared to shocks not associated with ESPs, while the differences in the shock normal angle and in the width and longitude of the CMEs were insignificant.The CME-driven shocks producing energetic decametric–hectometric (DH) type II radio bursts and high-intensity SEP events proved to produce also more frequently ESP events with larger particle flux enhancements than other shocks. Together with the shock transit speed, the characteristics of solar DH type II radio bursts and SEP events play an important role in the occurrence and maximum intensity of ESP events at 1 AU.  相似文献   

It is common to use imaging instruments such as EUV and X-ray imagers and coronagraphs to study large-scale phenomena such as coronal mass ejections and coronal waves. Although high resolution spectroscopy is generally limited to a small field of view, its importance in understanding global phenomena should not be under-estimated. I will review current spectroscopic observations of large-scale dynamic phenomena such as global coronal waves and coronal mass ejections. The aim is to determine plasma parameters such as flows, temperatures and densities to obtain a physical understanding of these phenomena.  相似文献   

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