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当前我国商业广告存在着种种误区,而加入WTO要求我国企业尽快地提高广告管理水平。因此需要了解我国商业广告中存在的问题,掌握产生问题的原因,以求找出根治的对策。  相似文献   

我国股票市场现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国股票市场成长之快和成绩之卓著是令人瞩目的。但是由于发展时间短,制度不健全等原因,存在着诸多问题。通过对我国股票市场的现状的分析,总结了股票市场当前存在的问题,探索了产生问题的原因,并提出了解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

于一  沈振 《国际航空》2014,(4):76-78
我国现有和正在规划的通用机场。在投资主体、发展定位、经营环境和空域情况等方面存在着较大差异,运营模式也不尽相同。本文介绍了通用机场的3种主要运营模式,分析了这些模式的优缺点,并提出了推动我国通用机场建设的几点建议。  相似文献   

跑道视程应用实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跑道视程(咖在我国民航业已得到广泛的应用,为民航飞行安全、正常、效益发挥了积极的作用,但由于跑道视程应用在我国民航的应用实践不长,在日常使用过程中仍存在着许多问题,影响飞行安全,需要引起重视和加以解决。本文从提供跑道视程报告值的气象部门出发,探讨跑道视程应用实践过程中存在的问题,发挥跑道视程的应用给飞行安全、正常带来的积极作用。  相似文献   

我国部分上市公司中存在着大量闲置的财务资源,流动性水平居高不下,致使资金效率降低,损害股东利益和公司的可持续发展。从稳健财务思想出发,通过财务杠杆和经营杠杆的适当调整与搭配,理顺上市公司财务资源合理配置路径,为我国上市公司解决财务资源过剩和资本结构优化提供一些有价值的参考。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义商品经济发展到以销定产的买方市场阶段,企业广告活动的数量、范围都在大幅度地增长。但在快速增长的同时,也存在着一系列的问题,作者对这些问题加以分析。  相似文献   

宗剑 《民航管理》2023,(4):85-88
民航航线维护工作关系着行业形象和人民生命财产安全,做好航线维护安全工作,对促进民航企业发展和社会稳定具有十分重要意义。通过分析航线维护工作安全文化的主要作用,介绍我国民航航线维护工作发展现状和存在的主要矛盾,根据事故案例指出我国民航航线维护工作中安全文化建设存在的不足。据此提出通过加强航线维护工作的思想文化建设、精神文化建设、制度文化建设和物质文化建设来降低航线事故发生率,有效促进安全生产,同时为民航监管机构或民航机务保障部门制定相关安全制度提供参考。  相似文献   

从目前的国情来看,我国通用航空业大发展的市场环境正在形成,社会需求的呼声日渐增高,但在我国通用航空业的发展过程中仍然还存在着这样、那样的制约因素。要抓住发展机遇,不仅需要市场,需要合理的体制和与发展相适应的管理制度,同时还需要国家在政策上和经济上给予扶持和支持。本刊记者就我国通用航空运营业的发展,采访了中国民航总局运输司通用航空处孟平处长,并将采访纪要整理成文,以飨读者  相似文献   

试论提高我国农村居民消费水平的途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国农村居民增收缓慢,其中,存在着城乡差别、消费观念守旧,农村消费环境差等因素,使得农村居民的恩格尔系数偏高,消费结构不合理且升级速度缓慢,消费水平难以提升。事实证明,通过加强国家政策扶持,改善消费环境,更新消费观念,推进城市化进程等途径切实增加农民收入,增强购买力,是推动我国农业的可持续性发展,最终全面实现小康社会的必由之路。  相似文献   

中部地区可持续发展存在的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于长期以来存在的落后观念、粗放的经济增长方式和传统管理体制带来的弊端,我国中部地区可持续发展面临着自然资源对经济和社会发展的支撑能力下降、资源浪费严重、环境污染突出、自然灾害频繁、人口增长过快、总体素质较低等问题。因此,中部各省必须以科学发展观为指导,增强可持续发展意识,推行绿色改革,加强制度建设,大力发展循环经济,提高可持续发展能力,从而实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

数据采集系统对于电机智能制造数字化车间的实施是至关重要的环节。针对新能源汽车电机数字化车间,以组态软件为核心处理层,通过工业以太网络采集生产设备参数、生产人员信息、物料信息、质量数据等关键生产参数,构建出车间生产现场综合数据的交换。基于该数据采集系统,可为智能制造上层管理系统提供数据支撑,进而实现新能源汽车电机的智能制造。  相似文献   

Major recent electric vehicle (EV) programs in North America, Europe, and Japan are reviewed. The developments discussed include electric vehicles for fleet operation and electric passenger cars for urban transit. All major auto makers have had their own concept electric vehicle programs, targeted at commercial production in the late 1990s. It Is noted that, with different objectives for various electric vehicles, considerations such as cost, reliability, efficiency, maintenance, durability, weight, size, and noise level should be compromised for the propulsion system design. Consequently, DC motor drives, induction motor drives, and permanent magnet brushless DC motor drives will continually be used for EV propulsion systems in the future, with DC drives being gradually replaced by AC drives. The rapid advances in power semiconductor devices and microprocessors have made it possible to build reliable and cost-effective AC drive systems  相似文献   

New battery applications ranged from an implanted battery that powers an artificial heart, to powering a seismic sensor behind an oil-well drilling bit as it grinds through rock looking for oil-bearing structure. These applications require high reliability that justifies the cost of thorough qualification testing, production control, acceptance testing of every cell, and tracking every cell by its serial number through its lifetime. Electric vehicle developments ranged from electric scooters for commuting to work in Europe to electric cars connected to the electric grid when not being driven. Availability of their battery energy for carrying load peaks is so valuable that the electric utility being supported could offer to replace the vehicles batteries whenever they wear out, with no cost to the car owner.  相似文献   

范振伟  杨凤田  李亚东  项松  赵为平 《航空学报》2021,42(3):623972-623972
沈阳航空航天大学一直致力于新能源电动飞机的研制,某型双座轻型电动飞机于2012年6月立项研制,该型电动飞机采用一台40 kW稀土永磁同步直流电机作为动力装置,全复合材料机体和板簧起落架结构。巡航升阻比24.1,起飞总重500 kg,最大飞行速度160 km/h,巡航速度110 km/h。该型电动飞机具有零排放、低噪声、运行成本低、使用维护方便等特点。参照中国民航CCAR-21部和美国ASTM标准,完成了电动飞机型号设计批准书TDA和生产许可PC取证。  相似文献   

CubeSats have attracted more research interest recently due to their lower cost and shorter production time. A promising technology for CubeSat application is atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion, which can capture the atmospheric particles as propulsion propellant to maintain long-term mission at very low Earth orbit. This paper designs an atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion system for a 3 U CubeSat, which consists of an intake device and an electric thruster based on the inductively coupled plasma. The capture performance of intake device is optimized considering both particles capture efficiency and compression ratio. The plasma source is also analyzed by experiment and simulation. Then, the thrust performance is also estimated when taking into account the intake performance. The results show that it is feasible to use atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion technology for CubeSats to compensate for aerodynamic drag at lower Earth orbit.  相似文献   

The author discusses measures which can reduce petroleum consumption and reduce pollution. The topics discussed include: hybrid car propulsion; use of carbon-composite structures; electric vehicles production; and system engineering solutions  相似文献   

以执行导弹助推器战斗状态和保险状态转换装置的电动机构在生产中经常出现间隙性故障的处理为例,阐明了驻厂军代表坚持按"定位准确、机理清楚、问题复现、措施有效、举一反三"的五条归零原则,配合并督促生产部门以科学的态度有效地排除故障的具体实践过程.实践证明了推行"五条归零原则"对帮助军代表在生产监造中预防、纠正产品存在的质量问题,对保证装备出厂质量、保障部队使用的积极意义.  相似文献   

增材制造技术在航空航天金属构件领域的发展及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受传统制造工艺的限制,航空航天产品一直存在生产周期长、制造成本高、减重困难等问题,迫切需要开发出航空航天产品高效快速研制方法。与传统制造工艺相比,增材制造技术以其完全不同的制造理念迅速成为制造技术领域的新方向。阐述了金属增材制造(激光/电子束/电弧)技术种类、优势、深入研究和成果应用。  相似文献   

Advances in aluminum-air batteries are described. These include alloys that show higher efficiencies and therefore lower hydrogen evolution, low-cost air cathodes that can be fabricated in production quantities, and methods for handling the aluminum hydroxide reaction product. Emphasis is placed on the advances in air cathodes. The application of this technology to new products and the implications for electric vehicles are discussed  相似文献   

Auroral investigations by means of rockets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey of rocket experiments undertaken to study auroral zone events includes summary information about instrumentation and results in the field of energetic electrons and protons, of charged particle densities, of optical observations, of magnetic and electric fields, of bremsstrahlung X-rays, of thermal electrons, and of production rates. Other auroral investigations except those involving rockets have been largely ignored.  相似文献   

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