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2022年4月,王知津教授主编的《英汉信息管理大词典》由商务印书馆出版发行,它是我国信息管理辞书出版史上具有里程碑意义的辞书文献。文章在调查同领域辞书文献出版情况的基础上,介绍了该词典的编纂历程与内容体例,总结了编写理念、选词收词、释义编排等方面的学术特色,并从学术价值与精神价值两个层面进行了剖析。  相似文献   

《燃气涡轮试验与研究》是经国家科委批准的全国性正式期刊,系综合性技术刊物,由中国燃气涡轮研究院主办,向国内外公开发行。本刊以燃气涡轮技术为基础,重点报道航空动力装置试验研究、设计和制造行业中具有学术价值、工程应用价值和创造性的科技成果及其在国民经济领域的应用,  相似文献   

<正>《燃气涡轮试验与研究》是经原国家科委批准的正式期刊(双月刊),由中国航发四川燃气涡轮研究院主办,面向国内外公开发行。本刊以燃气涡轮技术为基础,重点报道航空动力装置试验研究、设计和制造行业中具有学术价值、工程应用价值和创造性的科技成果及其在国民经济领域的应用,以试验研究为特色。本刊的发行范围已涵盖航空科研院所、工厂、高校、航空发动机主管部门,  相似文献   

《燃气涡轮试验与研究》是经原国家科委批准的正式期刊(季刊),由中国燃气涡轮研究院主办,面向国内外公开发行。本刊以燃气涡轮技术为基础,重点报道航空动力装置试验研究、设计和制造行业中具有学术价值、工程应用价值和创造性的科技成果及其在国民经济领域的应用,以试验研究为特色;辟有专家论坛、试验与研究、试验设备与测试技术、设计与制造和科研管理等栏目。  相似文献   

危机管理的多重研究向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究危机管理,既要运用管理学的基本原理,又要借助多学科的思想方法。考虑到管理学的形成历史、美国杰出CEO的人格特征、企业的内外环境等因素,管理学、传记文学、军事学、心理学是值得关注的研究向度。相关学科的滋养和支撑,为危机管理提供了新的审视角度和研究策略,昭示出认知、反思、预测诸功能,契合人性、贴近理论、反哺实践,呈现独特的学术价值和应用价值。  相似文献   

《燃气涡轮试验与研究》是经原国家科委批准的正式期刊(季刊),由中国燃气涡轮研究院主办,面向同内外公开发行。本刊以燃气涡轮技术为基础,重点报道航空动力装置试验研究、设计和制造行业中具有学术价值、工程应用价值和创造性的科技成果及其在国民经济领域的应用,以试验研究为特色;辟有专家论坛、试验与研究、试验设备与测试技术、设计与制...  相似文献   

《燃气涡轮试验与研究》是经原国家科委批准的正式期刊(季刊),由中国燃气涡轮研究院主办,面向国内外公开发行。本刊以燃气涡轮技术为基础,重点报道航空动力装置试验研究、设计和制造行业中具有学术价值、工程应用价值和创造性的科技成果及其在国民经济领域的应用,以试验研究为特色;辟有专家论坛、试验与研究、试验设备与测试技术、设计与制...  相似文献   

<正>《燃气涡轮试验与研究》是经原国家科委批准的正式期刊(双月刊),由中国燃气涡轮研究院主办,面向国内外公开发行。本刊以燃气涡轮技术为基础,重点报道航空动力装置试验研究、设计和制造行业中具有学术价值、工程应用价值和创造性的科技成果  相似文献   

<正>《燃气涡轮试验与研究》是经原国家科委批准的正式期刊(双月刊),由中国燃气涡轮研究院主办,面向国内外公开发行。本刊以燃气涡轮技术为基础,重点报道航空动力装置试验研究、设计和制造行业中具有学术价值、工程应用价值  相似文献   

学术不端行为及其实时在线检测系统的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了国内外关于学术不端行为的基本定义和各种表现,概述了两种基于网络学术期刊库的实时在线学术不端文献检测系统:中国知网(CNKI)的"科技(社科)期刊学术不端文献检测系统"和中国科技信息研究所与北京万方数据的"科技创新辅助决策系统"的主要功能和特色.前者主要适用于高校期刊编辑部和杂志社;后者更适用于高校科研和教学管理部门,主要为项目申报、查新、结题、评奖等提供支持与服务.而将二者结合使用就更有利于全面的学术价值衡量和科技创新决策.  相似文献   

财经职业教育要求教师不仅具有系统的财经专业理论知识,而且,更应具有熟练的专业实践工作的动手操作能力。财经职业教育教师必须肩负教师和技师的双重角色,即“双师型”教师。  相似文献   

针对铆接工作过程中振动和噪声过大影响工作人员身体健康以及装配质量等严峻问题,介绍了阻尼减振降噪技术,探讨了铆接过程中阻尼减振降噪的可行性技术,并简要的介绍了国内外在这一方面的研究成果。最后,认为利用建模仿真模拟来优化阻尼结构的设计和开发以及确定阻尼敷设的最优位置等。并总结出如何设计阻尼器以及设计一款合适的阻尼器所必需具备的几个特性。  相似文献   

党内民主选举制度是党内民主建设的核心内容。发展党内民主最重要的是实现党内选举的科学化、民主化。党内选举制度的改革和完善,可以无情地斩断人身依附关系,彻底根治用人制度上的歪风,克服干部问题上的“近亲繁殖”弊病。完善党内选举制度需要健全和完善候选人提名方式,逐步扩大直接选举和差额选举,选举代表必须充分体现选举人的意志。其核心是把公平竞争引入党内选举,使党焕发青春和活力。  相似文献   

Land use conflicts are the typical example of spatial conflicts. They are intrinsically complex and require a comprehensive approach to their solutions. It is necessary to come to grips with the nature of their complexity to provide adequate support to deal with them. Development of land management plans through the participation of stakeholders is being appreciated and accepted as a requirement for sustainable land use. However, the involvement of stakeholders (participatory approach) gives rise to many questions. Who are the stakeholders? How to identify them? How to empower them? How to lead them through the process of negotiation? How to collate their interests to resolve the conflicts? How to facilitate this process? etc. This is an endeavour to answer the questions relevant to the support and facility that can be provided for conflict resolution by using the suitable techniques and technology. This paper introduces the concept of GIS-based collaborative decision-making and presents a general model that is developed on the basis of decision theory to support the process of conflict resolution in the context of sustainable land use.  相似文献   

With major emphasis on simulation, a university laboratory telerobotics facility permits problems to be approached by groups of graduate students. Helmet-mounded displays provide realism; the slaving of the display to the human operator's viewpoint gives a sense of `telepresence' that may be useful for prolonged tasks. Using top-down 3-D model control of distant images allows distant images to be reduced to a few parameters to update the model used for display to the human operator in a preview model to circumvent, in part, the communication delay. Also, the model can be used as a format for supervisory control and permit short-term local autonomous operations. Image processing algorithms can be made simpler and faster without trying to construct sensible images from the bottom. Control studies of telerobots lead to preferential manual control modes and, in this university environment, to basic paradigms for human motion and thence, perhaps, to redesign of robotic control, trajectory path planning, and rehabilitation prosthetics. Speculation as to future industrial drives for this telerobotic field suggests efficient roles for government agencies such as NASA  相似文献   

我国券商所遭遇的窘境是券商角色严重错位所致,过度膨胀的自营业务和理财业务导致券商资金“饥渴”。要摆脱所遭遇的窘境,应恢复券商从事产品创造和产品销售的本来面目,弱化资金博弈模型的买方业务,从资本和风险的角度综合安排融资结构和数量。正确处理做大与做强的关系,证券业的兼并重组如果不能体现优势互补、取长补短,并进行有效的资源整合和团队文化的融合,形成1+1〉2的效应,将难以达到预期效果。所以,不但要关注数量和规模指标,更要关注质量和效率指标;不仅要注重短期的盈利能力,更要注重风险防范和风险控制能力。制定符合企业自身资源优势的个性化竞争战略规划,通过业务创新改善盈利模式并构筑其核心竞争力,这才是券商摆脱目前困境的关键所在。  相似文献   

本文试图说明在喷气发动机上或燃气轮机的进气道内建立聚氧滞氮的流场,增加燃烧室氧的浓度,组织富氧燃烧.提高涡轮前的温度和整机热效率.加大喷气发动机的推力,降低航空煤油耗量,减少喷气尾气对大气的污染.对各种可能的聚氧滞氮的方案进行了初步探索.  相似文献   

Truly optimal weapon system performance is highly dependent on the level of man-machine cockpit integration resulting from the intelligent application of crew station technologies. Future cockpits will incorporate a wide range of enhancements. Heavy application of artificial intelligence techniques can be expected to encompass the entire spectrum of crew station technologies; from data fusion, to optimized display resource management, to real-time onboard maintenance and fault reporting, and even to the optimization of pilot physiological needs. Emphasis on exploiting applications of the ultimate human resource, the mind, can be expected through the use of biocybernetics; initially to control previously manual and/or automated cockpit functions, and eventually to allow bidirectional communications. Future enhancements can also be expected to improve aircrew performance by allowing the pilot to take full advantage of aircraft maneuvering capability, and to operate effectively in hostile chemical, biological and radiological environments. New high resolution, full color, three dimensional crew station display devices will complement enlarged sensor suites and enhance aircrew situational awareness. Does the pilot really need to see the outside world to fly and fight effectively? Or, can panoramic display techniques, in an encapsulated environment, coupled with 4? steradian sensor coverage, increase performance? This paper strives to illustrate some ``no holds barred' approaches to making future fighter cockpits an ``in-tune' extension of the operator, based on current and projected tactical needs.  相似文献   

为了给保险公司承保提供参考,在了解纺织企业生产工艺的基础上,对企业潜在风险进行了识别与分析。建立了纺织企业风险综合评价指标体系层次模型,应用模糊综合评价方法对其进行了风险综合评价。根据定量化的风险值,保险公司可做出调整保险费率、标准投保、拒绝投保等科学决策,企业可采取有效风险控制措施。有助于稳定保险公司经营,促进财产险健康发展,同时也是降低承保风险,减少企业事故损失的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

Compliant coating research is one of those areas which experienced its fair share of triumphs and debacles. For over forty years, the subject has fascinated, frustrated and occasionally gratified scientists and engineers searching for methods to delay laminar-to-turbulence transition, to reduce skin-friction drag in turbulent wall-bounded flows, to quell vibrations, and to suppress flow-induced noise. In its simplest form, the technique is passive, relatively easy to apply to an existing vehicle or device, and perhaps not too expensive. Through the years, however, claims for substantial drag and noise reductions were made, only to be later refuted when the results were more critically examined. There are several important issues with regard to the reliability of available analytical, numerical and experimental results. In this article, some of these issues, particularly as they relate to the search for drag-reducing compliant coatings, will be addressed with the objective of elucidating the potential pitfalls to newcomers to the field. Problem formulation with proper boundary conditions, impossibility of obtaining first-principles analytical solutions when the wall-bounded flow is turbulent, and limitations of existing numerical simulations will be elaborated. The effects of background turbulence in a wind or water tunnel, accurate drag measurements, compliant wall motion, and the geometry and properties of the coating used will be among the outstanding experimental issues discussed. Attempts will be made to explain some of the seemingly contradictory results available in the open literature.  相似文献   

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