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高校创新人才素质培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对知识经济时代对创新人才的呼唤,作为创新人才培养基地的高校必然关注大学生创新素质的培养.创新人才的创新素质包括创新动机、创新精神、创新思维和创新的知识基础四个方面.因此创新人才的培养应从四个维度展开,即:激发创新动机、培养创新精神、训练创新思维和构建创新知识.  相似文献   

科技、人才、教育是21世纪航空工业发展中举足轻重的三要素。科技的发展靠人才,人才的培养靠教育。继续教育作为教育的一部分,是培养高素质人才的重要途径。继续教育为我所培养了科研、生产、管理急需的人才。实施继续教育登记制度,是强化继续教育管理,激励专业技术人员主动参加继续教育的一种手段,有利于人才的培养和成长。  相似文献   

建设内陆开放型人才高地是中原经济区建设的一个重要任务.先进城市的人才建设经验主要有:引进与培养相结合、培养机制多元化、发挥高校的核心作用和理论联系实际.河南省的人才高地建设应由政府主导,完善人才引进机制;扶持重点产业,鼓励企业培养和吸引创新人才;改革高等教育,着力培养大批高素质的开放型人才;联系实际,实现人才本土化和国际化相结合.  相似文献   

根据未来先进战斗机发展的需要和飞机设计队伍的现状,指出了培养优秀飞机人才的紧迫性。论述了优秀飞机结构设计师应具备的基本素质、知识结构和专业技能。提高了改革人才培养机制,激励人才成长的建议。  相似文献   

<正>根据空管人才成长规律和军民航各级岗位需求,应创新空管教育培训模式,采取军民航交叉培训,强化院校和岗位合力育人,加强开放式培养力度,建立完善以提高能力为核心、培训与使用紧密结合的空管人才培养机制,为建立健全科学的军民航空管教育培训体系探索新路子,满足未来军民航空管人才需求,为国家航空事业的发展奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

科技创新人才的培养模式与管理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技创新人才分为杰出创新人才、拔尖创新人才和一般创新人才三类。建设优秀的教师队伍,培养创新实践能力,将人文教育与科学教育相结合,营造科技创新人才培养的环境,国际化培养科技创新人才是培养科技创新人才的五种重要模式。而实施素质教育、重视高等教育,营造良好环境、保障创新能力发挥,寻求有效激励方法、健全激励机制,不断完善科技创新人才评价体系则是管理科技创新人才的有效策略。  相似文献   

计算机和数字化网络技术的发展 ,对传统的教育体系带来了新的挑战 ,在分析高职高专院校培养应用性人才特点的基础上 ,提出高职高专院校实际的多媒体语音室构建比较方案 ,有利于高职高专院校的教学改革。  相似文献   

产学研三结合是培养学生工程实践能力和创新意识的有效途径.建立有效的管理培养机制,提供实践与科学研究环境,使大学生在校期间尽早地参与科研工作,最终提高教学质量,培养高质量的合格人才.文中给出了相关的实践方法和具体实例.  相似文献   

军民科技协同创新对于统筹利用军地科技资源、提高自主创新能力具有重要意义。基于协同创新网络理论,构建了网络关系、网络能力与军民科技协同创新绩效之间关系的理论模型,运用275份有效问卷检验了相关假设。结果表明,军民科技协同创新网络关系有利于提高各参与主体在任务目标、价值诉求、资源禀赋等方面匹配性,促进军民科技协同创新绩效;网络能力在网络关系与协同创新绩效间具有中介作用,其中在关系质量与协同创新绩效之间起部分中介作用;军民协调机制正向调节网络能力对协同创新绩效的影响,建立军民协调机制有利于各创新主体在协同新过程中发挥各自优势,从而提升军民科技协同创新绩效。研究结论对于发挥军民双方优势以实现高效协同创新具有一定的理论和实践参考价值。  相似文献   

高校创新创业教育是经济社会发展对教育提出的必然要求,是创新型国家建设、创业型经济发展以及和谐社会构建的人才源泉和先导性要素,也是高等教育主动适应经济社会发展需求以培养创新创业型人才为主要特征的一种新型教育模式.创新创业教育理论范式作为一种范式,具有规范化的功能,对高校创新创业教育的发展起着规范逻辑空间的作用,包括教育理念、理论基础、经验分析、存在问题以及路径选择.同时,创新创业教育的理论范式也有可能限定教育的创新,应随着创新创业教育实践的发展而不断变化和完善.  相似文献   

立体构成学习不再是简单的技能培训,也不是模仿性的学习,重点在于创造意识、创造能力的培养。本文阐述了立体构成中能力的培育、创造力的育成的新观点、新认识。  相似文献   

史忠科 《飞行力学》2000,18(2):55-58
针对现有神经网络逼近快变非线性函数能力低、结构复杂等问题,提出了复合正交多项式模型和一种改进的正匀多项式神经网络模型。这两种模型综合了正交级数和神经网络的结构特点,便于工程实现。理论研究和仿真计算表明,使用此模型构造快变非线性函数时,可使神经网络的节点数成倍减少,神经网络的训练次数成倍降低。飞行器非线性控制的应用表现,此方法可用来解决一般非线性系统的控制问题。  相似文献   

以学习语言的语法系统为中心的语法翻译法是外语教学界长期使用的传统教学法,它有着自己的可取之处,但随着社会的进步和理论的发展完善,传统的语法翻译法已不能适应时代的需要;作为语法翻译法对应物的交际法是一种以语言功能项目为纲,发展交际能力为目标的教学方法体系,它重视培养使用外语进行交际的能力,然而在实际运用中,交际法仍然存在一些不足并受到很多限制。采用折中法是目前外语教学领域中出现的一种普遍趋向。  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was conducted to evaluate the effect of symmetrical plasma actuators on turbulent boundary layer separation control at high Reynolds number. Compared with the traditional control method of plasma actuator, the whole test model was made of aluminum and acted as a covered electrode of the symmetrical plasma actuator. The experimental study of plasma actuators' effect on surrounding air, a canonical zero-pressure gradient turbulent boundary, was carried out using particle image velocimetry(PIV) and laser Doppler velocimetry(LDV) in the 0.75 m × 0.75 m low speed wind tunnel to reveal the symmetrical plasma actuator characterization in an external flow. A half model of wing-body configuration was experimentally investigated in the  3.2 m low speed wind tunnel with a six-component strain gauge balance and PIV. The results show that the turbulent boundary layer separation of wing can be obviously suppressed and the maximum lift coefficient is improved at high Reynolds number with the symmetrical plasma actuator. It turns out that the maximum lift coefficient increased by approximately 8.98% and the stall angle of attack was delayed by approximately 2° at Reynolds number2 ×10~6. The effective mechanism for the turbulent separation control by the symmetrical plasma actuators is to induce the vortex near the wing surface which could create the relatively largescale disturbance and promote momentum mixing between low speed flow and main flow regions.  相似文献   

There has been a remarkable discovery concerning particles that are accelerated in the solar wind. At low energies, in the region where the particles are being accelerated, the spectrum of the accelerated particles is always the same: when expressed as a distribution function, the spectrum is a power law in particle speed with a spectral index of ?5, and a rollover at higher particle speeds that can often be described as exponential. This common spectral shape cannot be accounted for by any conventional acceleration mechanism, such as diffusive shock acceleration or traditional stochastic acceleration. It has thus been necessary to invent a new acceleration mechanism to account for these observations, a pump mechanism in which particles are pumped up in energy through a series of adiabatic compressions and expansions. The conditions under which the pump acceleration is the dominant acceleration mechanism are quite general and are likely to occur in other astrophysical plasmas. In this paper, the most compelling observations of the ?5 spectra are reviewed; the governing equation of the pump acceleration mechanism is derived in detail; the pump acceleration mechanism is applied to acceleration at shocks; and, as an illustration of the potential applicability of the pump acceleration mechanism to other astrophysical plasmas, the pump mechanism is applied to the acceleration of galactic cosmic rays in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

为探究低温环境下单组元300N发动机的工作特性,揭示影响发动机低温性能的主要影响因素,以300N发动机为试验对象,开展了模拟飞行工况的发动机低温试验。给出了低温试验研究方法,分别从温度差异对发动机性能影响、催化剂活性差异对发动机低温启动特性影响和低温对电磁阀响应特性影响等方面获得研究结果。结果表明,低温是影响发动机低温性能的主要影响因素,-48℃条件催化剂无法完成推进剂的催化分解,发动机发生爆炸;-30℃条件下起活时间为80.5~87.5ms,发动机可正常启动,且启动温度与起活时间成指数关系;催化剂批次差异也对发动机低温工作性能产生一定影响,不同批次催化剂低温起活时间t10的差异可达91ms;低温试验过程中,电磁阀的关闭受到低温推进剂粘性和背压的影响,产生了明显的迟滞现象,延迟时间约100ms,对发动机在轨的精准控制存在一定影响。  相似文献   

提高实验技能和实验能力的几种方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合我院的具体情况。从提高实验技能和实验能力、增强实验规范化意识等方面入手,使他们初步掌握科学的思维方式、一般步骤和解决问题的方法;在层次上由验证型、设计型、综合型、研究型实验和形式上的计划实验到开放实验;激发学生学习的积极性、主动性、创造性;提高学生实验技能和增强实验安全与规范意识。从而形成了科学合理的实验教学管理体系和切实可行的实验教学运行机制。  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of the motion of a single axis rate gyroscope mounted in a space vehicle, which is simultaneously accelerating and spinning about the output and spin axis, respectively, of the gyro. The time-varying acceleration and deceleration ?x(t) and the spin rate ?z(t) of the vehicle are unknown but bounded functions of time t. It is shown that the motion of the gyro remains bounded if the bound ?*2 on the uncertainty in ?z(t) does not exceed some threshold ?*2 and that this threshold depends on the various parameters of the gyro. Furthermore, by a proper selection of the gyro parameters, its motion can be forced to remain in a small neighborhood (called region of ultimate boundedness) of the origin in ?-? plane after a certain finite interval of time for any bounded uncertain ?x(t) and ?z(t). Analytical relations are derived for the selection of gyro parameters to keep the error caused in the measurement of the input rate due to ?x and ?z within any given limit.  相似文献   

为支持地球红外背景的模拟研究,以天基观测为前提,计算了2个大气窗口下,4个具有典型大气和地表特征的区域在水云大气下的路径透过率和各成分辐射亮度。通过相对变化比例,讨论了地球背景模拟中水云与地表的图像区分以及地域的影响。结果表明,水云对地球背景辐射传输影响显著:云层下方辐射会被强烈衰减,同时观测路径中的散射辐射大幅增强。在同一选定区域下,积云大气的观测路径亮度相对无云大气下变化最大,在相同水云类型条件下,大气散射和太阳散射亮度在不同区域区别较大,说明在模拟水云地球背景时不能忽略地域的影响。计算和分析结果可为地球背景模拟中的水云红外图像生成提供一定的数据基础和技术支持。  相似文献   

The microstructural evolution mechanism and constitutive behavior of 2297 Al-Li alloy were studied via thermal compression test with the constant strain rates of 0.001–1 s−1 and the deformation temperatures ranging from 623 to 773 K. To verify the predictable ability of diverse constitutive models under different stress states, the hot compression experiments with stress triaxiality varying from −0.33 to 0.46 were conducted. The microstructures of the deformed specimens under diverse deformation conditions are probed to reveal the mechanism of hot deformation behavior. The experimental results indicate that the work-hardening and dynamic softening are competitive during the hot compression process, and the dynamic softening is more obvious under low deformation temperature and high strain rate. The microstructural analysis manifests that the dynamic recovery gets predominant at high deformation temperature to produce fine grains. Meanwhile, the dynamic recrystallization becomes more dominant as the strain rate decreases, which is sensitive to the stress triaxiality. In addition, both the modified Johnson-Cook model and strain-compensated Arrhenius-type function are suitable for describing the flow behavior of 2297 alloy, while the latter reveals a more accurate prediction. However, the predictability of the two kinds of models is worsened with the transformation of stress triaxiality, and the validity of the Arrhenius-type model is restricted by high stress triaxiality.  相似文献   

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