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Energetic ion measurements of GEOS-1 and ATS-6 are analysed for the period of geomagnetic activity following the arrival of a solar wind shock at 0027 UT on July 29, 1977. GEOS crossed the magnetopause at 6.9 R E and 0027 UT (1312 LT). Although the difference in local time to ATS at 6.6 R E is only 2 h ATS seems to remain well inside the magnetopause. During the second orbital pass on this day GEOS crossed the geostationary orbit at the onset time of a major substorm developing at 1120 UT. At this time the local time difference of GEOS and ATS was 12 h. The considerably different energy dispersions are discussed. An azimuthal anisotropy of approximately 20% observed in the GEOS data is interpreted to be the result of a particle density gradient.NOAA-SEL, Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.  相似文献   

A study, which is the first of its kind, uses information derived from simultaneously measured wave spectra and particle distributions as the input to a theoretical linear instability model of an electrostatic cyclotron harmonic wave event recorded on GEOS-1. The presence of a hot loss cone component of the particle distribution is established experimentally, and the model accounts reasonably for the observed frequencies and relative strengths of the (n+1/2)f c and upper hybrid emission features.  相似文献   

The ISEE-1 and 2 spacecraft contain two complementary experiments to measure the ambient electron density by radio techniques: a propagation experiment which measures the integrated electron density between ISEE-1 and 2, and a resonance sounder which measures the electron density in the vicinity of ISEE-1, and also provides AC electric field data. These experiments have been described elsewhere (Harvey et al., 1978). Results from these two experiments are presented here for the first time. The propagation experiment permits high time resolution studies of density fluctuations in the solar wind and magnetospheric frontier regions. The sounder experiment has detected for the first time plasma resonances in the solar wind and in the Earth's magnetosheath, as well as in the regions of the magnetosphere where resonances have already been observed by the spacecraft GEOS-1. We present here a preliminary review of the different types of electric field noise observed in the solar wind and magnetosheath, and discuss their relationship to the measured plasma density.CRPE/CNET, 92131 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.  相似文献   

After one year of operation the GEOS-1 Ion Composition Experiment has surveyed plasma composition at all local times in the L range 3 8 and the energy per charge range from thermal to 16 keV/e. From measurements made in the keV range during eleven magnetic storms we find that the percentage of heavy (M/Q > 1) ions present in the outer magnetosphere increases by a factor of 3 to 10 during disturbances. We conclude that two independent sources (solar wind, characterized by 4He2+, and ionosphere, characterized by O+) give on the average comparable contributions to injected populations, although in a single event one or the other source may dominate. However, in magnetically quiet periods protons are the dominant species with a few percent of heavy ions. With the help of special satellite manoeuvres magnetic field aligned fluxes of 0.05-3 keV/e H+, He+, O+ with traces of O2+ have been observed which may be related to ion beams found previously at lower altitudes in the auroral zone. At still lower energies ( 1 eV/e) the thermal plasma population is found to be made up of six ion species, three of which, D+, He2+ and O2+, were unknown in the magnetosphere prior to the GEOS-1 measurements. We present here a study of the evolution of doubly charged ions and their parent populations over four consecutive days. Various production mechanisms for doubly charged ions are discussed. We argue that ionization of singly charged ions by UV and energetic electrons and protons is the dominant process for plasmasphere production. Furthermore, the observed high concentrations of O2+ at high altitudes are a result of production in the upper ionosphere and plasmasphere combined with upward transport by thermal diffusion. Throughout the 1 year lifetime of GEOS-1 the ICE functioned perfectly and, because of its novel design, a short review of technical performance is included here.  相似文献   

The wave experiment on GEOS-1 is a cooperative enterprise involving six different European Institutes. The principle of this complex experiment is described, and the sensitivities attained for measuring electric and magnetic fields in the frequency range DC — 80 kHz are presented.  相似文献   

The plasma resonance phenomena observed at f pe, nf ce, and f qn by the GEOS-1 S-301 relaxation sounder are identified through a pattern recognition software process implemented in a mini-computer which receives on-line the compressed data. First, this processing system distributes in real time f pe and f ce measurements to the ground media. Second, it drives and controls automatically the S-301 on-board experiment by sending appropriate telecommands: the tracking of resonances is performed by shortening the frequency sweeps to a narrow range centered on the resonance location. Examples of such tracking sequences are presented, exhibiting sampling rates of the electron density measurements from once every 22 s (slowest rate) to once every 86 ms (highest rate available). The results give evidence of the existence of very small scale structures in the magnetospheric density, having characteristic sizes of the order of a few 102 m or/and a few 10-1 s. The relative amplitude of these density fluctuations is typically 1%. Because of satellite spinning, fixed frequency sounding sequences allow to measure in a few seconds the directivity features of the plasma resonance signals. Examples of directional patterns in the plane perpendicular to the geomagnetic field are presented: the electrostatic nature of the waves received at f pe, nf ce, and f qe being consistent with these patterns, the corresponding k vector orientations become available. The Bernstein modes properties are used to interpret the cf ce and f qe results.  相似文献   

Spherical double probes for measurements of electric fields on the GEOS-1, GEOS-2, and ISEE-1 satellites are described. An essential feature of these satellites is their conductive surfaces which eliminate errors due to differential charging and enable meaningful diagnostic experiments to be carried out. The result of these experiments is a good understanding of interactions between the plasma, the satellite and the probes, including photo-electron emission on satellite and probes. Electric field measurements are compared with measurements of plasma drift perpendicular to the magnetic field in the solar wind and the magnetosphere and the error bar for the absolute values of the electric field is found to be in the range ±(0.5–1.0) mV m-1 whereas relative variations can be determined with much better accuracy. A useful by-product from a spherical double probe system is the determination of satellite floating potential which is related to the plasma electron flux. This measurement allows high time resolution studies of boundary crossings. Examples of electric field measurements, which reflect the recent scientific results, are given for different regions of the magnetosphere from the bow shock, the inner magnetosphere and the tail. Several examples of simultaneous GEOS-ISEE observations are described.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe and discuss the occurrence of natural wave emissions detected by GEOS-1 at frequencies above the electron gyrofrequency. The bulk of the data presented comes from the first six months of satellite operation and thus concerns mainly dayside phenomena. The paper is arranged as follows:After some general remarks, a classification of the wave phenomena is developed in Section 2, and experimental evidence and morphological information relevant to this classification are contained in Section 3. Section 4 includes some preliminary comments on nightside observations. The results are discussed in Section 5, where it is argued that they can be understood as manifestations of electron cyclotron harmonic (Bernstein) wave emission in a plasma parameter range which has only very recently received any theoretical examinations. This theme is further developed in a comparison paper (Ronnmark et al., 1978).  相似文献   

Recordings of ELF/VLF radio signals were made, as a contribution to the International Magnetospheric Study, in Iceland (17 August to 5 September 1977) and Norway (21 October to 15 December 1977; and 11 January to 27 February 1978) by the Space Radio Physics group. The equipment used at each of three sites was a goniometer (direction finding) receiver. As an example of the results obtained, recordings of risers, occurring at a rate up to 10 min-1 and with frequencies (1.0 to 1.5 kHz) just greater than those of simultaneous hissy chorus signals, made between 10:20 and 11:00 UT on 31 August 1977, are discussed. These risers (downcoming whistler mode signals) are shown to have well defined exit points from the ionosphere which are located, to within an uncertainty of typically ±40 km, by triangulation. The observations are broadly consistent with there being a single exit point which, on this occasion, happens to be almost on the flux tube through the geomagnetic observatory at Leirvogur. Simultaneous ground-based magnetometer observations, and also wave and energetic charged particle observations made aboard GEOS-1, have been studied. The electron spectra and pitch angle distributions are as required for the operation of the electron cyclotron instability in which whistler mode signals are amplified.  相似文献   

The results are reported of the ATS-6/GEOS-3 and the ATS-6 NIMBUS-6 satellite-to-satellite orbit determination experiments. NASA intends to use the tracking data relay satellite system for operational orbit determination of NASA satellites. Hence, in the near future, satellite-to-satellite tracking data will be routinely processed to obtain orbits. The satellite-to-satellite tracking system used in the ATS-6/NIMBUS-6 and ATS-6/GEOS-3 experiments performed with a resolution of 1 to 2 m in range and less than 1 mm/s in range rate for a 10-s averaging. A Bayesian least squares estimation technique utilizing independent ranging to the synchronous relay satellite was determined to be the most effective procedure for estimating orbits from satellite-to-satellite tracking data. The use of this technique yields estimates of user satellite orbits which are comparable in accuracy to what is usually obtained from ground based systems.  相似文献   

针对某型号无线电引信接收机测试设备研制,对测试中遇到的技术难点进行了探讨,给出了解决途径。研制的难点体现在ns级高速度脉冲调制、ns级时序与宽度可调节多路脉冲生成,脉冲多普勒调制信号大范围量程调节与泄漏脉冲电路模拟。其中的泄漏脉冲叠加到脉冲多普勒信号的功能,成功地模拟了引信科研生产中特定现象,在测试设备研制中属首次。测试结果和使用情况表明,所研制的设备达到了预期的技术要求,满足使用。方法在类似型号无线电引信接收机测试测试中具有参考意义。  相似文献   

A new multipath mitigation technique is proposed for binary offset carrier (BOC) signals in global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) using the concept of gating function originally conceived for the GPS coarse-acquisition (C/A) code. Specially-tailored pulses are utilized to diminish the number of false-lock points of the code discriminator response and to improve the multipath mitigation capability. The code loop includes only four real correlators (two extra correlators are required for the simplified bump-jumping algorithm with BOC(n,n) signals). Results obtained with BOC(n,n) and BOC(2n,n) signals show that this technique eliminates the multipath ranging errors for reflected rays with relative delays typically above twenty percent of the spreading code chip duration, thus comparing favorably with the conventional receiver correlation techniques.  相似文献   

The mutual impedance experiment on GEOS-1 provides an original diagnostic of the thermal electron population. The electron density N e, and temperature T e, are derived from the plasma frequency and Debye length, the values of which determine the shape of the frequency dependent mutual impedance curves. The existing limits of the method are pointed out. They may be instrumental or arise from a lack of theoretical development, for instance when the steady magnetic field or the drift velocity of the plasma cannot be neglected. Nevertheless, first geophysical results have been derived, using measurements obtained on the dayside of the equatorial magnetosphere where most of the data enter within the above limits. In particular, we have drawn a map of the dayside magnetosphere, in terms of densities, Debye lengths, temperatures, at geocentric distances of 4 to 7 Earth radii. The conventional shape of the plasmasphere is recognized, but the temperatures obtained are lower than expected (2 eV at apogee, outside the plasmasphere). The influence of the magnetic activity on apogee measurements is reported: N e values and A m indices are shown to be correlated, but it is not the case for T e and A m. Finally, detailed T e and N e profiles are shown, and the presence of a plasmapause boundary is discussed.  相似文献   

Pulse train detection of fluctuating targets whose coherence time is long compared to the time between pulses and short compared to the pulse train duration is compared for two systems: (1) a recursive digital optimal receiver operating in conjunction with a coherent pulse train transmitter, and (2) a good (but not optimal) receiver operating with a block coherent frequency-hopping transmitter. The equivalence of this type of problem to noise-in-noise detection problems is demonstrated, the performance relations for both systems are derived and comparisons are made.  相似文献   

The Wave Experiment, F4, on the Swedish/German satelliteFreja, is designed to measure the electric wave fields up to 4 MHz, the magnetic wave fields up to 16 kHz and the plasma density and its relative variations up to 2 kHz. Six wave signals and four density probe signals can be measured simultaneously. The wave forms of all signals are transmitted to ground without any analysis onboard. The limited TM allocation does not allow continuous sampling of the wave signals, so normally the measurements are made in snapshots of various lengths dependent on sampling frequency, etc. Continuous sampling can be made for shorter time periods by using a 6 Mbyte memory as a buffer.  相似文献   

Some preliminary new results are presented of the keV plasma experiment on GEOS-1. Electrons and ions have been observed to stream along the magnetic field lines in the dayside magnetosphere from the ionospheric side of the satellite towards the equatorial plane during magnetic storms, with streaming velocities corresponding to a kinetic energy of the order of a keV. The opposite streaming velocity has also been seen, but primarily in the ions only and with a smaller flux ratio for the two opposite directions along the field lines. The transition between the two opposite streaming directions, as seen by the satellite, has been found to occur even in a fraction of a second.In magnetic storm conditions azimuthal asymmetries in ion fluxes corresponding to electric field intensities of several tens of millivolts per meter have been observed.  相似文献   

Measurements made with the charged particle spectrometer of the Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie onboard GEOS-1 were used to investigate the behaviour of energetic electrons and ions in the dusk sector of the magnetosphere. During substorms the integral ion flux ( 24 KeV) increased whereas the integral electron flux ( 20 KeV) first decreased and later on also increased. The dependences of these flux variations on pitch-angle and particle energy are described and discussed in terms of particle drift in the geomagnetic and geoelectric fields and adiabatic energy variations. The results also provide some information on the source region of the drifting particles.  相似文献   

The optimum system for intercepting frequency-hopped signals uses a channelized receiver and a likelihood-ratio test (LRT). Previous results on the performance of the optimum system have been based on Gaussian assumptions, which are generally valid for transmissions having large time-bandwidth areas. Results, obtained by Monte Carlo simulation, for relatively small time-bandwidth transmissions are given here. The signal model is a simple one known as “pure frequency hopping.” Comparisons with the LRT show that energy detection loss increases when the time-bandwidth product of the transmission is increased by increasing the number of frequencies, even when the number of pulses is also increased. The loss decreases when only the number of pulses is increased. Over the parameter range observed, binary detection loss tends to increase with the number of pulses and decrease with the number of frequencies. Results are included for a moving-window version of the LRT. A parameter of the LRT is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The effect of using a design value not equal to the true SNR is shown  相似文献   

黄宇  刘锋  王泽众  向崇文 《航空学报》2013,34(2):393-400
 特征分析是雷达信号分选识别的基础,利用稀疏分解思想对新体制雷达信号进行特征提取是一个新的研究方向。本文以分数阶Fourier变换的核函数作为稀疏分解的chirp基函数,将具有相近特征参数的chirp基函数构成基函数族用于稀疏分量提取,推导了在分数阶Fourier域基于匹配跟踪的chirp基函数族稀疏分解公式,然后利用chirp基稀疏分量的调频率和初始频率构成特征参数序列,将雷达信号脉冲分成5大类进行分选和识别,仿真分析验证了推导结果的有效性。结果表明对于具有线性或曲线时频特征的雷达信号在信噪比为-3 dB,采样频率为500 MHz,观测时间为2 μs,调频率不超过100 MHz/μs时,仍然具有95%的正确分选概率。  相似文献   

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