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社会转型给我国经济带来了发展,同时也深深地冲击和影响着人们的风俗习惯、价值观念,使我国国民社会情绪出现了复杂的状况.本文通过转型期国民社会情绪的分析,以及不良社会情绪对社会发展稳定的影响,提出了国民社会健康的维护方法.  相似文献   

利用卫星传输技术发展电视教育,在中国取得了明显的社会和经济效益,已经成了一种重要的教育形式。我国的卫星电视教育收转网已初具规模。本文主要介绍了中国卫星电视教育在培训师资、发展广播电视院校以及提高国民文化素质等方面的发展情况和今后的发展规划。  相似文献   

正卫星作为空间信息系统的基础,广泛应用在国防军事和国民社会各领域,对国家安全和经济社会发展具有极其重要作用,普遍受到各国重视。卫星应用产业作为重要的战略性高科技产业,已进入产业化、系统化、规模化高速发展阶段。正确认识世界卫星应用发展变化特点,准确把握全球卫星产业未来发展趋势和方向,有助于认清当前我国卫星应用总体水平及世界地位。  相似文献   

作为高等教育主力军的高职高专教育,其教学质量直接关系到国民高等教育的质量和水平,并因其职业性的特点,在很大程度上决定了社会的生产发展速度。因此,探寻在现有教育资源的基础上如何保证高职高专教育的有效性,成为高职高专教育的长期发展的根本保证。  相似文献   

作为高等教育主力军的高职高专教育,其教学质量直接关系到国民高等教育的质量和水平,并因其职业性的特点,在很大程度上决定了社会的生产发展速度.因此,探寻在现有教育资源的基础上如何保证高职高专教育的有效性,成为高职高专教育的长期发展的根本保证.  相似文献   

论文对情绪与体育教学的关系作了研究与分析.研究表明:情绪的变化对体育教学的效果有非常大的影响,同样,体育教学的内容、方法、氛围等因素也会引起学生课堂情绪的变化.正确认识、处理好两者的关系,能更好地提高教学效率,发展学生的身体素质,达到新课程标准的教学要求,更能切实地贯彻落实阳光体育工程.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,社会对市场营销人才的需求日益增大,对其要求也日益提高。如何办好高校的市场营销专业,使其适应经济的发展、满足社会的需要,培养出合格的市场营销专业人才,成为当前影响市场营销专业发展的重要问题。  相似文献   

通过分析加入WTO对我国注册会计师行业的影响,提出了作为社会中介机构的会计事务所如何提高市场竞争力、应对入世的发展对策。  相似文献   

市场营销专业的发展趋势及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济的发展,社会对市场营销人才的需求日益增大,对其要求也日益提高.如何办好高校的市场营销专业,使其适应经济的发展、满足社会的需要,培养出合格的市场营销专业人才,成为当前影响市场营销专业发展的重要问题.  相似文献   

二、我国航天立法存在的问题及原因(一)存在的问题1.航天立法位阶不高,与航天产业的整体地位不对称我国目前已有的两部航天活动行政法规《空间物体登记管理办法》和《民用航天发射项目许可证管理暂行办法》,是由当时的国防科学技术工业委员会(简称国防科工委)制定发布并负责解释的,立法位阶不高、立法空白之处甚多,无法满足我国从航天大国向航天强国发展过程中对国民支持、政策重视、资金投入的需要。  相似文献   

公款行贿已经渗透到社会生活的各个方面,并且呈现出新的特征,给社会、国家带来极大的危害.必须正确认识这些特征和原因,采取有效措施加大打击力度,从源头上遏制和预防.  相似文献   

This article reports on a major survey of American attitudes towards the space programme in general, and the Shuttle in particular. The survey was carried out in three waves: before the January 1986 Challenger accident, immediately afterwards, and five months later. It was found that the net effect of the accident was a strong shift of public sentiment in favour of the space programme and the Shuttle. Expectation was high for a timely resumption of Shuttle flights, although there was a delayed recognition that the impact of the accident on the space programme was more significant than originally thought by most Americans. There was a shift towards a more positive assessment of the benefits and costs of space exploration. Positive attitudes towards funding increased even more markedly. These shifts were of a magnitude rarely found in studies of public attitudes.  相似文献   

基本公共服务均等化是当前社会经济生活中的热点,本文结合廊坊市对基本公共服务均等化建设的实际,分析了目前廊坊市在推进基本公共服务均等化工作中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了进一步完善的建议。  相似文献   

图书馆所固有的性质和职能决定着其社会公益性特性,决定着其担负着提供公共产品或公共服务的根本属性和职能,公共图书馆理所当然应由政府把它作为一项公共产品提供给社会。以营利为目的所运营的任何产品都不是"公共产品",也都不具有社会公益性。  相似文献   

我国学生贷款基本上适应高等教育从精英化向大众化全面转型的要求,成为力度最大、覆盖范围最广的高校学生资助方式。然而,目前学生贷款与征信系统个人信息不对等,致使学生贷款的发展空间严重受阻。我国应在借鉴国外成功经验的基础上,充分发挥政府的主导作用,在社会信用体系的覆盖范围还很有限的情况下,进行有效的模式选择,克服学生贷款与征信系统的信息障碍,约束学生贷款各方的失信行为,从而达到学生贷款的可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于离散对数问题的椭圆曲线公钥系统的一种快速算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
椭圆曲线公钥系统可以缓解传统公钥系统中大计算复杂度的瓶颈问题。本文提出了基于离散对数问题的椭圆曲线公钥系统的一种快速算法。通过对算法进行的运行数分析,可以看出新算法在较大程度上提高了计算效率  相似文献   

When will we see a Golden Age of Spaceflight?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gregg Maryniak   《Space Policy》2005,21(2):111-119
The supposed parallels between the development of aviation and of spaceflight are not as great as believed. The most significant differences are the public expectation that spaceflight, unlike aviation, is a matter for governments and the notion that, because it is so technically challenging, it must always be expensive. Early aviation was massively spurred on by the offer of lucrative prizes for the achievement of certain feats and by the activities of private barnstormers. The successfully attained X Prize has been the first attempt to do the same for spaceflight. The creation of further prizes could be the best way of promoting greater public involvement in space and commercially developing the sector.  相似文献   

空间网络对抗研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
网络安全关系国家安全、社会稳定和人民利益,网络发展伴随网络对抗的展开,网络战是一种异常激烈的特殊形式的“战争”。从网络对抗的概念出发,介绍空间信息网络的发展,分析空间信息网络的特点,探讨空间网络对抗的途径,最后梳理空间网络对抗的关键技术。  相似文献   

Commentators on the social implications of detecting an extraterrestrial civilisation have stressed the need for community education and awareness during the SETI search, and for public sources of accurate, authoritative information if and when a signal is detected. Museums have a role in community education and are recognised by the community as authoritative sources of expert information. They are, therefore, well placed to be important conduits through which information on the progress of SETI programs and any signal detection can be channelled to the public. Via both exhibitions and in-house educational activities, museums are able to provide long-term community education and awareness programs and can respond quickly with detailed and accurate information in the event of a detection. This paper will consider the role of museums in educating the public about SETI. It will present suggestions for ways in which SETI researchers can develop mutually profitable relationships with museums, and also consider some of the reasons why museums might choose not to become involved with SETI, because of the wildly sensationalised and often mis-informed controversy which has surrounded it.  相似文献   

Historically, advocates of solar system exploration have disagreed over whether program goals could be entirely satisfied by robotic missions. Scientists tend to argue that robotic exploration is most cost-effective. However, the human space program has a great deal of support in the general public, thereby enabling the scientific element of exploration to be larger than it might be as a stand-alone activity. A comprehensive strategy of exploration needs a strong robotic component complementing and supporting human missions. Robots are needed for precursor missions, for crew support on planetary surfaces, and for probing dangerous environments. Robotic field assistants can provide mobility, access to scientific sites, data acquisition, visualization of the environment, precision operations, sample acquisition and analysis, and expertise to human explorers. As long as space exploration depends on public funds, space exploration must include an appropriate mix of human and robotic activity.  相似文献   

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