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随着飞行器数据规模扩大,数据存储成为核心技术。针对某飞行器地面自主保障信息系统海量数据存储需求,通过软件定义虚拟化存储,设计了一种采用完全对称架构和改进哈希算法的数据存储系统,系统无单点故障,具有很高的数据存储安全性,存储架构对称,容量可无限扩展,算法改进后,读写速度和负载均衡性能明显提高。  相似文献   

异构存储系统的文件迁移策略要求迁移代价小、执行快,有较强的系统适应能力.研究异构存储系统文件迁移策略的特点,提出了一种基于能量的文件迁移策略.通过建立能量模型体现存储单元上文件访问的频繁程度,通过设计基于概率的迁移触发函数减少访问文件倾向性对异构存储单元间负载平衡性能的负面影响,通过文件迁移与用户访问操作的复合减少了系统调整开销.实验证明,基于能量模型的文件迁移策略比传统的磁盘冷却算法在请求平均处理时间、系统吞吐率方面有15%~20% 的提高.   相似文献   

并发多媒体负载访问存储系统的模型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多媒体应用要求存储系统提供满足服务质量QoS(Quality of Service)需求的数据访问服 务,反应时间超过截止期限的访问请求必须小于一定的比例.在开放环境下,并发多媒体负载中访问请求的随机性增加了实现这一目标的难度.并发多媒体应用的访问请求经汇聚后到达存储系统的过程服从泊松分布,存储系统的服务时间服从指数分布;并发多媒体负载访问存储系统的过程用M/M/1排队论模型描述.通过对该模型的分析推导出构成并发负载的多媒体应用数量N与负载中访问请求的响应时间分布之间的关系.仿真试验的结果证明该模型对于保证并发多媒体应用的QoS是非常有效的.  相似文献   

针对J2EE信息系统开发阶段从性能优化的角度实现了数据访问层的设计和一个简易的性能监测工具.首先在数据访问层设计阶段,兼顾考虑开发效率和性能问题提供专门的数据访问操作方法;利用面向方面编程(AOP,Aspect-Oriented Programming)技术对系统数据库访问操作及性能指标进行监视,帮助开发者在系统调试运行阶段根据SQL语句执行情况发现数据访问过程中影响性能的因素;开发根据具体的情况调整数据访问的源代码,然后对造成系统性能瓶颈的SQL语句进行性能调优,并替换数据访问层中低效的SQL语句,最终达到优化系统数据访问性能的目的.   相似文献   

科技资源具有地理分布广、异构、复杂、海量的特点,为了高效查找和使用科技资源,提出了实现科技资源组织、表示、传输和访问的有效方法.设计了数据层、数据连接层和表示层3层体系架构,使检索系统具有开放性和扩展性.利用元数据技术实现科技资源的统一组织和表示,并基于轻量级目录访问协议LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)的目录服务机制实现了科技资源元数据的存储和访问.提出了科技资源信息检索的多级缓冲机制和结果排序模型,对数据查询的性能进行了分析和优化,提高了查询速度,并可优先返回价值高的查询结果.   相似文献   

图像采集系统负责监控和记录运载器上多个重要点位的视频信息。文中介绍了一种基于网络架构的箭载通用图像采集系统,负责采集高清图像并无损存储在图像压缩器内,将高清图像压缩后经遥测传输至地面,由于带宽有限,可实时切换下传的图像信息,同时支持通过网络实时访问箭上图像信息和事后图像数据回读功能,为评估箭上的工作状态或分析故障提供了保障。  相似文献   

基于Web服务的E-Police系统架构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统电子警察系统由于过分依赖单一服务器,在系统运算、网络传输以及存储容量上难以满足海量数据的需求.将Web Service技术应用到电子警察系统,设计了各前端节点对等的集群式服务器加单一后端客户处理机模式的E-Police电子警察系统架构,提出了计算服务、存储服务和查询服务;松散耦合的E-Police系统以3种服务的实现为核心,系统依靠大量前端节点承担主要工作,提高了资源利用率;通过Web服务的准备、发布和建立3步流程,实现了一套完整的任务、资源和数据流管理方案,解决了传统系统计算性能、存储容量与图像质量三者难以平衡的问题.   相似文献   

基于兴趣划分的内容发布订阅系统关键算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在基于内容发布订阅系统中,将订阅兴趣在多个代理之间划分是代理负载均衡的重要方法.提出了基于事件空间的K-D树划分方法.通过将事件空间划分成负载相同的区域,优化了系统负载均衡的性能.基于逻辑空间最短距离的概念提出了与划分相关的事件和兴趣路由算法以及单播和多播混和的通知路由方法.两种路由算法减少了事件匹配操作,提高了路由的效率.利用事件空间的区域合并和分裂实现了系统的自组织.实验和与相关工作比较表明,划分方法及其相关算法的引入提高了系统的可伸缩、容错和负载均衡性能.   相似文献   

基于远程渲染的三维模型发布系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前三维模型在Internet上的应用越来越广,但先下载再显示的传统发布方式也一直受到安全性、网络带宽和客户端机器的图形性能3方面的制约.结合三维模型化简和远程渲染技术提出了一种新的三维模型发布系统.系统把高精度模型保存在渲染服务器上,客户端的三维浏览器只提供大幅精简的粗糙模型.用户可以在客户端对粗糙模型进行缩放、平移和旋转等操作,选择最佳的观察视点.当用户停止操作时,客户端向服务器发送一个渲染请求,该请求中包含用户当前的视点、方向和光照条件等信息.服务器根据客户端请求进行渲染并返回高精度模型的图像.因为敏感的高精度模型保存在服务器端,因此该系统具有先天的安全性优势;因为客户端和服务器之间只在用户停止操作时传输平均大小为30 kByte的图像,因此系统对网络带宽要求很低;此外客户端只需要渲染极为简单的精简版模型,所以不需要很高的图形性能.   相似文献   

无人直升机系统CAN总线应用层协议设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了将CAN(Controller Area Network)总线应用于无人直升机系统,设计一种具有通用性的CAN应用层协议.针对CANaerospace V1.7版协议在无人直升机系统应用的数据定义、测控带宽等问题进行改进.重新设计定义了基本帧格式和数据标识号,提出一种适用无人直升机系统应用的CANauh协议.为了对CANauh协议进行验证,以一种基于CAN总线的无人直升机航空电子系统为对象进行CAN总线数据内容、调度表、总线负载的设计和CANoe数字仿真.CANauh协议在10 ms基本周期的总线负载为40.83%,数据可扩展定义空间为67.4%,测控系统带宽具有66.7%的占空比,满足无人直升机系统的指标要求.CANauh协议可以促进CAN总线在无人直升机系统中的应用,避免重复性设计,增加各个系统间的互操作性,降低开发维护成本.   相似文献   

Huge magnetic clouds of plasma emitted by the Sun dominate intense geomagnetic storm occurrences and simultaneously they are correlated with variations of spectra of particles and nuclei in the interplanetary space, ranging from subtermal solar wind ions till GeV energy galactic cosmic rays. For a reliable and fast forecast of Space Weather world-wide networks of particle detectors are operated at different latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes. Based on a new type of hybrid particle detector developed in the context of the International Heliophysical Year (IHY 2007) at Aragats Space Environmental Center (ASEC) we start to prepare hardware and software for the first sites of Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network (SEVAN). In the paper the architecture of the newly developed data acquisition system for SEVAN is presented. We plan to run the SEVAN network under one-and-the-same data acquisition system, enabling fast integration of data for on-line analysis of Solar Flare Events. An Advanced Data Acquisition System (ADAS) is designed as a distributed network of uniform components connected by Web Services. Its main component is Unified Readout and Control Server (URCS) which controls the underlying electronics by means of detector specific drivers and makes a preliminary analysis of the on-line data. The lower level components of URCS are implemented in C and a fast binary representation is used for the data exchange with electronics. However, after preprocessing, the data are converted to a self-describing hybrid XML/Binary format. To achieve better reliability all URCS are running on embedded computers without disk and fans to avoid the limited lifetime of moving mechanical parts. The data storage is carried out by means of high performance servers working in parallel to provide data security. These servers are periodically inquiring the data from all URCS and storing it in a MySQL database. The implementation of the control interface is based on high level web standards and, therefore, all properties of the system can be remotely managed and monitored by the operators using web browsers. The advanced data acquisition system at ASEC in Armenia was started in November, 2006. The reliability of the multi-client service was proven by continuously monitoring neutral and charged cosmic ray particles. Seven particle monitors are located at 2000 and 3200 m above sea level at a distance of 40 and 60 km from the main data server.  相似文献   

面向航天器综合测试系统的Web缓存替换策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
航天器一般为复杂系统,其作为典型安全苛刻系统,在综合测试过程中会产生大量测试数据。在查询这些测试数据时,现有的B/S数据查询技术,每次查询时采用从数据库服务器中获取数据的方式,极大地消耗了数据库服务器的资源,占用了大量的网络带宽,导致系统的整体性能下降,用户体验不佳。通过对安全苛刻系统综合测试数据特点和用户查询特征的分析,基于经典Web缓存替换算法GDSF,提出一种适用于B/S数据查询系统的Web缓存替换算法GDSF-STW。该算法是在GDSF算法的基础上,引入了数据流挖掘中的时间衰减模型,并采用滑动时间窗口的思想,提高缓存命中率,从而提高系统的性能,改善用户体验。通过GDSF-STW与LRU、LFU、LFU-DA、GDSF等经典算法进行实验对比,结果表明,GDSF-STW算法具有更好的缓存命中率。   相似文献   

How are accretion disks in Seyfert Galaxies oriented relative to the disk of the spiral galaxy which hosts them? This angle, β, serves as a link between the innermost workings of the black hole plus fueling accretion disk and the larger galaxy, either as the memory of the activity-provoking event, or as a diagnostic for the structure of the accretion disk.A sample culled from the literature shows that there is no tendency for accretion disks to align with the host galaxy disk and, in addition, there appears to be a zone of avoidance, where the accretion disks of no or very few active spirals are aligned within 20 degrees of the normal to the host galaxy disk. These results seem counter intuitive given the strong influence of angular momentum of the galaxy disk on material in that disk.  相似文献   

Our current theoretical and observational understandings of the accretion disks around Galactic black-holes are reviewed. Historically, a simple phenomenological accretion disk model has been used to interpret X-ray observations. Although such a phenomenological interpretation is still useful, high quality X-ray data from contemporary instruments allow us to test more realistic accretion disk models. In a simple and ideal case, the standard optically thick accretion disk model is successful to explain observations, such that the inner disk radius is constant at three times the Schwarzschild radius over large luminosity variations. However, when disk luminosity is close to or exceeds the Eddington luminosity, the standard disk model breaks, and we have to consider the “slim disk” solution in which radial energy advection is dominant. Recent observations of Ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs), which may not be explained by the standard disk model, strongly suggest the slim disk solution. We compare theoretical X-ray spectra from the slim disk with observed X-ray spectra of ULXs. We have found that the slim disk model is successful to explain ULX spectra, in terms of the massive stellar black-holes with several tens of solar mass and the super-Eddington mass accretion rates. In order to explain the large luminosities (>1040 ergs s−1) of ULXs, “intermediate black-holes” (>100M) are not required. Slim disks around massive stellar black-holes of up to several tens of solar mass would naturally explain the observed properties of ULXs.  相似文献   

We present the results of 2.5-dimensional MHD simulations for jet formation from accretion disks in a situation such that the magneto-rotational instability is occurring in the disk. When there is no initial perturbation in the disk, the surface layer falls faster than the equatorial part to make a surface avalanche and associated jets. However, if we input an initially large perturbation (> 10% of sound speed) in the disk, the dense region of the disk falls on an orbital time scale to make a more violent accretion and jet. In this case, the accretion rate and mass loss rates are an order of magnitude larger than those in the case without initial perturbation. The speed of the jet is of order the Keplerian velocity of the disk regardless of the instability.  相似文献   

The collapse of a protogalaxy composed of dark matter and primordial gas has been investigated by numerical simulations and analytical multi-zone modelling in an attempt to examine the early evolution of disk galaxies. The importance of ample interstellar matter existing in young galactic disks has been highlighted. Confrontation of the theoretical results with the available observational data has led to a new picture for disk galaxy evolution, in which the bulge is the secondary object formed from disk matter. Occurrence of quasar activity is also discussed in relation to the dynamical evolution of the host galaxy.  相似文献   

In this paper, questions on development, implementation, and operation of RadioAstron project Data Processing Center (DPC) are reviewed. The main components of the dedicated DPC are the computer complex with 1 TFlops/s performance, storage with memory capacity of approximately 10 PB, the network infrastructure, and the corresponding communication channels. Performance enhancement methods and resolution of information storage, archiving, and process problems of space VLBI high-speed digital data flows are analyzed. It is shown that successful operation of DPC is mainly provided by optimal organization of computer system structure, storage, and networking transmission. Some of the important key features of RadioAstron project DPC and its comparative differences from the standard VLBI procedures are considered.  相似文献   

We study the possible origin of hydrodynamic turbulence in cold accretion disks such as those in star-forming systems and quiescent cataclysmic variables. As these systems are expected to have neutral gas, the turbulent viscosity is likely to be hydrodynamic in origin, not magnetohydrodynamic. Therefore, MRI will be sluggish or even absent in such disks. Although there are no exponentially growing eigenmodes in a hydrodynamic disk because of the non-normal nature of the eigenmodes, a large transient growth in the energy is still possible, which may enable the system to switch to a turbulent state. For a Keplerian disk, we estimate that the energy will grow by a factor of 1000 for a Reynolds number close to a million.  相似文献   

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