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正1商业航天市场态势分析商业航天是按市场化机制开展的航天活动,在新兴技术持续突破、"太空+互联网"跨界融合、新兴航天企业蓬勃发展、商业资本涌入的促动下,全球即将进入新太空时代。随着航天技术的发展,微小卫星业务应用日趋成熟。对比2013年前后数据,微小卫星技术试验应用占比从55%降为20%,而对遥感、通信等领域业务应用占比由12%增长为52%。微小卫星已成为商业航天应用的重要一环。  相似文献   

龚燃 《国际太空》2016,(5):24-27
商业化是美国国家航天政策中非常重要的一部分,对地观测商业化更是整个商业航天领域非常重要的部分,有着广阔的前景和广泛的应用。经过数次重大修改和不断的补充完善,美国商业对地观测数据政策已形成较为成熟的体系,为美国对地观测卫星应用和产业化发展提供了强有力的支持。  相似文献   

正商业航天是采用市场化手段,运用市场机制或按市场规律开展的航天活动,具有产业链条长、服务领域广、带动作用强等特点[1-2]。当前,全球商业卫星及应用产业正处于能力和市场快速发展的鼎盛时期,各种火箭和星座计划百花齐放[3-4]。测控的主要功能包括跟踪测量卫星,确定其运行轨道;接收、处理卫星的遥测数据,  相似文献   

<正>近年来,世界航天加速发展。除了各主要航天国家外,拥有航天抱负的各国政府也在不遗余力地支持本国发展自己的航天技术;随着私营资本进入航天领域并取得成功,越来越多的人开始关注商业航天。最为关键的是,各国科研人员已经在商用器件(COTS)宇航应用、  相似文献   

<正>自国务院发布《2016中国的航天》白皮书以后,我国商业航天领域开始呈现蓬勃发展的态势,以商业遥感卫星星座、商业微小SAR卫星星座、低轨互联网卫星、商业运载火箭等为代表的商业航天各领域迅速发展,推动我国航天产业呈现新的发展态势。在航天技术进步的驱动下,商业航天规模化生产成为可能,发展商业航天产业,提升航天技术水平,对支撑我国成为航天强国具有重要意义。商业卫星产业是现代航天产业发展的时代所需,引领了一种全新的卫星研制生产和运营模式:(1)卫星研制周期短;(2)多星组网运行,快速部署,需求量大;(3)成本可控。电源系统是航天器的主要系统之一,为航天器的工作提供能量,是航天器的“心脏”,随着商业卫星有效载荷能力不断提升,电源分系统技术发展和生产更要适应新模式[1-3]。  相似文献   

正开发低成本航天器、开放航天基础设施、开展航天保险业务是商业航天不可或缺的三个必要条件。当前我国的低成本航天器全面开花,航天基础设施也在逐步向商业领域倾斜,航天保险却相对发展滞后。航天和保险原本是并不相干的两个领域,但基于航天器固有的高投资、高风险属性,要想吸引社会资本开展商业化运作就必须建立起一套行之有效的风险损失管控机制。目前我国正处于航天大国向航天强国迈进的关键历  相似文献   

正商业航天是指按照市场规则配置技术、资金、人才等资源要素,以盈利为目的、独立的非政府航天活动。美国在太空发射与运输领域的立法基本反映了美国太空发射商业化历程,而美国太空发射与运输领域的商业化历程基本也可以反映美国整个商业航天的发展历程。在美国一系列促进太空商业化的法规政策支持下,太空探索技术公司、蓝色起源等商业公司的  相似文献   

4 月 23 日,2021 年中国航天大会航天产业发展与商业航天国际论坛在江苏南京举办.论坛以"创新机遇稳步发展"为主题,探讨火箭制造、卫星研制与生产、航天保险与融资,以及中美商业航天等多个领域的前沿技术和应用理念,研讨产业融合的思路、布局和途径,搭建航天产业与商业航天沟通交流平台.  相似文献   

正2020年中国航天大会除主论坛外,还开设和举办了商业航天产业国际论坛、卫星应用论坛、人工智能赋能航天控制发展论坛、中美商业航天研讨会等多个分论坛和研讨会,多位航天相关领域的专家在论坛和研讨会上,就热点和前沿问题发表权威论断或独到见解。未来5~10年,国内商业小卫星发射需求预计超4000颗  相似文献   

本文结合当前商业航天的发展情况,着眼于商业航天公司的战略选择,重点考虑可预见性和可塑性两大因素,以稳定型、调整型、愿景型、塑造型四大战略为基础,旨在探讨不同定位的商业公司在发展航天业务过程中所应采取的发展战略,并重点分析了塑造型战略的重要意义,为有意进入商业航天领域的企业家提出参考建议。  相似文献   

The space radiobiology program in Russia is aimed at obtaining fundamental data for developing radiation safety criteria. These criteria are necessary for long-term space missions. This program includes : -substantiation of radiation hazard estimation principles based on the radiation risk conception, -investigation of the radiation affection regularities under the combined influence of the spaceflight factors, -experimental investigation of the HZE-particle delayed effects and acute somatic effects induced by protons and electrons, -individual radiosensitivity investigation, -mathematic modeling of radiobiological effects , -radiobiological basis of control and forecast of radiation influence in space, -development of methods and means of an organism's radioresistance increase.  相似文献   

Japanese treefrogs (Hyla japonica) are planned to be sent to the space station MIR. Experimental system was developed to observe their behaviors under microgravity.  相似文献   

The Space Life Sciences Training Program (SLSTP) is an intensive, six-week training program held every summer since 1985 at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC). A major goal of the SLSTP is to develop a cadre of qualified scientists and engineers to support future space life sciences and engineering challenges. Hand-picked, undergraduate college students participate in lectures, laboratory sessions, facility tours, and special projects: including work on actual Space Shuttle flight experiments and baseline data collection. At NASA Headquarters (HQ), the SLSTP is jointly sponsored by the Life Sciences Division and the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs: it has been very successful in attracting minority students and women to the fields of space science and engineering. In honor of the International Space Year (ISY), 17 international students participated in this summer's program. An SLSTP Symposium was held in Washington D.C., just prior to the World Space Congress. The Symposium attracted over 150 SLSTP graduates for a day of scientific discussions and briefings concerning educational and employment opportunities within NASA and the aerospace community. Future plans for the SLSTP include expansion to the Johnson Space Center in 1995.  相似文献   

The Gas-Grain Simulation Facility (GGSF) is a multidisciplinary experiment laboratory being developed by NASA at Ames Research Center for delivery to Space Station Freedom in 1998. This facility will employ the low-gravity environment of the Space Station to enable aerosol experiments of much longer duration than is possible in any ground-based laboratory. Studies of fractal aggregates that are impossible to sustain on Earth will also be enabled. Three research areas within exobiology that will benefit from the GGSF are described here. An analysis of the needs of this research and of other suggested experiments has produced a list of science requirements which the facility design must accommodate. A GGSF design concept developed in the first stage of flight hardware development to meet these requirements is also described.  相似文献   

Bubble detectors--a new development in radiation detection--has only recently been used for radiation measurements in space. One important characteristic of the bubble detector is that it operates on a phenomenon which bears considerable resemblance to biological response. Recent experimental results from irradiating bubble detectors with high-energy heavy ions point to the need to re-examine the methodology used for assessing space radiation and the relevance of conventional quantities such as dose equivalent for space dosimetry. It may be that biological hazard associated with the intensely ionizing events--associated with nuclear fragmentation but delivering relatively small dose equivalent--may be much more important than that associated with lightly ionizing events which comprise the bulk of the conventional radiation dose equivalent.  相似文献   

正奥巴马政府中止了重返月球的载人航天计划以后,其提出的载人登火星构想给美国载人航天出了一个大难题。虽然咬住了低地球轨道以远的大方向未曾放松,但遥远的火星如何去,美国经历了关于未来载人航天的争论和艰难抉择。现在,以载人登火星为背景的小行星探索计划又遇到了新问题—2016年4月提出的"太空复兴"法案对该计划提出了质疑,特朗普政府的决策仍很艰难。1"灵活性途径"显示美国低地球轨道以远载人航天的无奈过渡  相似文献   

谢懿 《太空探索》2011,(1):58-61
如果你认为和一个正在太阳系中遨游的探测器通话是一项挑战的话,那么你可以想象一下和30个探测器保持联系会是什么样的情景。美国航宇局的这些远征军究竟是如何往家里"打电话"的呢……  相似文献   

An extensive model analysis of plastic track detector measurements of high-LET particles on the Space Shuttle has been performed. Three shuttle flights: STS-51F (low-altitude, high-inclination), STS-51J (high-altitude, low-inclination), and STS-61C (low-altitude, low-inclination) are considered. The model includes contributions from trapped protons and galactic cosmic radiation, as well as target secondary particles. Target secondaries, expected to be of importance in thickly shielded space environments, are found to be a significant component of the measured LET (linear energy transfer) spectra.  相似文献   

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