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F2层对地磁扰动的响应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用37个电离层垂直探测站1974-1986年的数据,采用f0F2与地磁ap指数相关分析的方法,首次得到一个太阳活动周期各年东亚-澳大利亚扇区,欧洲-非洲扇区和美洲-东太平洋扇区F2层对地磁扰动响应随地磁纬度的分布.结果指出,地磁高纬和中纬地区为负响应,低纬和赤道地区为正响应,大约在±30°附近换向.最大正响应在磁赤道附近,最大负响应在地磁纬度±50°附近,最大负响应的幅度大于最大正响应的幅度.存在明显的经度差别和南北半球不对称性.  相似文献   

利用CHAMP卫星数据,对2002-2008年12个不同强度磁暴事件期间的热层大气密度变化特征进行分析,并研究对应磁暴期间大气模式NRLMSISE-00分布特征.结果表明,大磁暴期间日侧大气密度峰值从高纬到低纬的时间延迟为2h,中小磁暴期间的延迟时间为3~4h;春秋季暴时大气密度分布基本呈南北对称分布,而夏冬季大气密度的分布是夏半球大于冬半球,春秋季暴时大气密度大于夏冬季;NRLMSISE-00大气模式得到的热层大气密度很好的体现了半球分布以及季节分布的特征,但模式模拟结果偏小;Dst指数峰值比ap指数峰值更能反应大气密度的变化情况.  相似文献   

利用中国中低纬台站漠河(53.5°N,122.3°E)、北京(40.3°N,116.2°E)、武汉(30.5°N,114.2°E)和三亚(18.3°N,109.6°E)的电离层观测数据,对比分析了4个台站电离层参数在2015年不同季节4个地磁扰动事件期间的变化特征.结果表明,4个磁暴事件期间电离层的响应特征并不完全一致,有着明显的季节特征,春季、夏季和秋季电离层以负相扰动为主,冬季以正相扰动为主.分析发现,中性成分O/N2的降低与电离层负相扰动有关,但三亚地区的负相扰动还与扰动发电机电场相关.正相扰动的机制在不同事件中并不相同,穿透电场可能是引起春季磁暴事件期间电离层短时正暴效应的原因,而冬季长时间的正暴效应则是扰动电场和中性风共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

The results of modeling of ionospheric disturbances observed in the East Asian region during moderate storms are presented. The numerical model for ionosphere–plasmasphere coupling developed at the ISTP SB RAS is used to interpret the data of observations at ionospheric stations located in the longitudinal sector of 90–130°E at latitudes from auroral zone to equator. There is obtained a reasonable agreement between measurements and modeling results for winter and equinox. In the summer ionosphere, at the background of high ionization by the solar EUV radiation in the quiet geomagnetic period the meridional thermospheric wind strongly impacts the electron concentration in the middle and auroral ionosphere. The consistent calculations of the thermospheric wind permit to obtain the model results which are closer to summer observations. The actual information about the space-time variations of thermosphere and magnetosphere parameters should be taken into account during storms.  相似文献   

In our study we analyze and compare the response and behavior of the ionospheric F2 and of the sporadic E-layer during three strong (i.e., Dst?<??100nT) individual geomagnetic storms from years 2012, 2013 and 2015, winter time period. The data was provided by the state-of the art digital ionosonde of the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory located at midlatitude, Nagycenk, Hungary (IAGA code: NCK, geomagnetic latitude: 46.17° geomagnetic longitude: 98.85°). The local time of the sudden commencement (SC) was used to characterize the type of the ionospheric storm (after Mendillo and Narvaez, 2010). This way two regular positive phase (RPP) ionospheric storms and one no-positive phase (NPP) storm have been analyzed. In all three cases a significant increase in electron density of the foF2 layer can be observed at dawn/early morning (around 6:00 UT, 07:00 LT). Also we can observe the fade-out of the ionospheric layers at night during the geomagnetically disturbed time periods. Our results suggest that the fade-out effect is not connected to the occurrence of the sporadic E-layers.  相似文献   

利用2003-2016年期间子午工程海南站(19.5°N,109.1°E)数字测高仪观测到的电离层等离子体漂移数据,分析了高低两种太阳活动条件下纬向和垂直向漂移对近磁静、中等磁扰和强磁扰三种地磁活动水平的响应特性.结果表明:日间纬向漂移各季节均以西向为主,随地磁活动无明显变化,白天日出附近和夜间漂移在各季节均以东向为主,随地磁活动增强而减弱,减弱程度在分季最大,在夏季最小;日间垂直漂移在零值附近变化,且不受地磁活动和季节影响,日落附近漂移仅在分季受到地磁活动的抑制,午夜前垂直漂移在分季受到抑制,在冬季因强磁扰而反向,夏季无明显规律,子夜至日出后垂直漂移在各季节随地磁活动增强而减小.与赤道区Jicamarca相比,两地漂移对地磁活动的响应相近,但在幅度和相位上存在差异,这可能是两地区的地理位置、背景电场和风场结构等不同造成的.  相似文献   

磁暴期间的地磁导航精度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地磁导航是无源自主导航技术研究的新方向. 分析了地磁导航的基本原理, 描述了典型磁暴过程, 并针对地磁导航在磁暴环境中的适用性进行了研究. 在采用曲面样条方法对实测地磁场数据建立观测模型的基础上, 结合广义卡尔曼滤波方法讨论了磁暴不同阶段对地磁导航精度造成的影响. 分别采用理论典型磁暴数据以及实测磁暴数据进行仿真, 仿真结果表明, 在磁暴的初相、恢复相的中后时段以及中等强度以下的磁暴全过程仍然可以采用地磁来进行导航定位, 导航精度在200 m以内, 满足飞行器中程制导的精度要求.  相似文献   

磁暴对赤道地区L波段电离层闪烁的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用赤道地区Vamimo站闪烁数据, 选取两次典型大磁暴时段重点分析, 对比磁暴发生前、发生时以及发生后连续几天电离层幅度闪烁强度和发生率的变化, 引入瑞利elax-elax泰勒不稳定性(Rayleigh-Taylor, R-T不稳定性)线性增长率γ0, 对磁暴影响闪烁的机制进行初步探讨. 结果表明, 磁暴可能触发闪烁发生, 也可能抑制闪烁发生, 这既与观测季节有关, 也与磁暴不同发展阶段的地方时有关. 触发发生于闪烁少发季节磁暴主相所在的午夜至黎明时段, 可能是磁层穿透电离层的东向电场所致; 抑制发生于闪烁多发季节磁暴恢复相所在的午夜前时段, 可能是西向电场作用的结果. 磁暴发生时的电场变化可能是抑制或触发闪烁的主导因素, 但仍需进一步分析研究.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the response of the near equatorial and low latitude ionosphere of the South American sector to the geomagnetic storm occurred on 17 March 2015. Ionosonde data from Ramey (18.5° N, 292.9° E), Jicamarca (12.0° S, 283.2° E), Boa Vista (2.8° N, 299.3° E), Sao Luis (2.6° S, 315.8° E), Fortaleza (3.9° S, 321.6° E) and Cachoeira Paulista (22.7° S, 315.0° E) are used for the study. The results show negative disturbances in foF2 at low latitudes during the main phase of the storm, which were attributed to prompt penetration electric fields. Thus, the Equatorial Anomaly (EA) started to reduce their structure in this sector since on 17 March. During the recovery phase (on 18 March), positive disturbances were observed at low, mid-low latitudes (in the post-midnight – predawn hours), which can be mainly attributed to enhanced storm-time neutral winds and composition changes (i.e., increase in the O/N2 ratio). Disturbance dynamo electric fields would also contribute in modulating the electron density of the EA during this storm period.  相似文献   

This work studies the variations of HF characteristics and ionospheric parameters recorded over mid-latitude paths in the Russian East-Siberian region during magnetic storms on May 15, 1997, and September 24, 2006. The sharp wave-like changes in maximum observed frequencies (MOF) were recorded during the main phase of the investigated storms. Assuming that observed MOF variations can be produced by ionospheric disturbances propagating from the northern to the southern latitudes, a simulation of HF propagation conditions was carried out.  相似文献   

地磁暴是空间天气预报的重要对象.在太阳活动周下降年和低年,冕洞发出的高速流经过三天左右行星际传输到达地球并引发的地磁暴占主导地位.目前地磁暴的预报通常依赖于1AU处卫星就位监测的太阳风参数,预报提前量只有1h左右.为了增加地磁暴预报提前量,需要从高速流和地磁暴的源头即太阳出发,建立冕洞特征参数与地磁暴的定量关系.分析了2010年5月到2016年12月的152个冕洞-地磁暴事件,利用SDO/AIA太阳极紫外图像提取了两类冕洞特征参数,分析了其与地磁暴期间ap,DstAE三种地磁指数的统计关系,给出冕洞特征参数与地磁暴强度以及发生时间的统计特征,为基于冕洞成像观测提前1~3天预报地磁暴提供了依据.  相似文献   

地磁场与电离层异常现象及其与地震的关系   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
利用中国地磁台网与电离层台站资料,总结了大地震前出现的地磁低点位移、地磁日变异常及电离层f0F2(F2层临界频率)异常现象.对比研究了1997年11月8日玛尼7.5级与2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级地震前磁场与电离层异常分布及特征.结果显示,两次巨大地震前磁场与电离层短临异常时空分布特征有较好的一致性,震中周围出现日变异常、拉萨台出现电离层f0F2明显异常;震前约1个月出现地磁低点位移,其突变分界线通过震中地区.  相似文献   

This paper presents simulated results of the ionospheric behavior during few geomagnetic storms,which were occurred in the different seasons. The numerical model for ionosphere-plasmasphere coupling was used to interpret the observed variation of ionosphere structure. Reasons why the positive storms are dominant in the winter whereas the negative ones are dominant in the summer season present the special interest for the mid-latitude ionosphere. A theoretical analysis of the processes controlling the ionospheric response to the geomagnetic storms has showed a good agreement between the simulated results and measurements, as well as the crucial role of the neutral composition variations to fit the calculated and the observed ionospheric parameters.  相似文献   

基于高纬度芬兰Mäntsälä地区近两个太阳活动周期(1999—2017年)天然气传输管道的地磁感应电流(GIC,IGIC)观测数据,统计研究了GIC扰动的分布特征以及强GIC扰动与磁暴和地磁亚暴的相关性.研究发现:95.83%时间段的GIC强度分布在0~1A之间.定义:若某个时间段|IGIC|max> 1A,则认为发生GIC扰动;|IGIC|max>10A,则认为发生强GIC扰动事件.GIC扰动在磁地方时夜侧附近发生的概率最高,这主要与地磁亚暴发生期间电离层电流最剧烈的变化发生在磁地方时夜侧附近有关;强GIC扰动经常爆发式出现,且都发生在磁暴期间,但大多数磁暴并不伴随强GIC扰动事件发生.磁暴急始驱动的强GIC扰动事件较少,由磁层压缩引起地磁场突然增强驱动的强GIC扰动事件持续时间较短;强GIC扰动事件主要发生在磁暴主相和恢复相,由环电流变化驱动的强GIC扰动事件一般持续时间较长且强度较大.  相似文献   

利用中国区域内9个垂测站1976---1987年一个太阳活动周期的电离层暴时f0F2数据, 统计分析了电离层暴事件的等级, 以及不同等级的电离层暴随季节和地磁纬度的分布特征. 研究发现, 中小型电离层暴在春秋季发生的概率较大, 不同季节的发生次数与地磁纬度具有明显的关系. 利用STORM模型对电离层暴时f0F2和大型及特大型电离层暴时f0F2的预测值与月中值进行了比较. 结果表明, 除了冬季误差增大外, 发生电离层暴时STORM模型能够有效地改善月中值模型. 增加中国的暴时数据, 并提高对冬季的暴时参数f0F2的预测是改善STORM模型的重要因素. 建立合适的暴时指数来预测f0F2是未来研究的重点.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of interplanetary inhomogeneities generating long-lasting mid-latitude Pc1, 2 geomagnetic pulsations. The data from the Wind and IMP 8 spacecrafts, and from the Mondy and Borok midlatitude magnetic observatories are used in this study. The pulsations under investigation develop in the maximum and early recovery phase of magnetic storms. The pulsations have amplitudes from a few tens to several hundred pT andlast more than seven hours. A close association of the increase (decrease) in solar wind dynamic pressure (Psw) with the onset or enhancement (attenuation or decay) of these pulsations has been established. Contrary to high-latitude phenomena, there is a distinctive feature of the interplanetary inhomogeneities that are responsible for generation of long-lasting mid-latitude Pc1, 2. It is essential that the effect of the quasi-stationary negative Bz-component of the interplanetary magnetic field on the magnetosphere extends over 4 hours. Only then are the Psw pulses able to excite the above-mentioned type of mid-latitude geomagnetic pulsations. Model calculations show that in the cases under study the plasmapause can form in the vicinity of the magnetic observatory. This implies that the existence of an intense ring current resulting from the enhanced magnetospheric convection is necessary for the Pc1, 2 excitation. Further, the existence of the plasmapause above the observation point (as a waveguide) is necessary for long-lasting Pc1 waves to arrive at the ground.   相似文献   

From September 7 to 8, 2017, a G4-level strong geomagnetic storm occurred, which seriously impacted on the Earth’s ionosphere. In this work, the global ionospheric maps released by Chinese Academy of Sciences are used to investigate the ionospheric responses over China and its adjacent regions during the strong storm. The prominent TEC enhancements, which mainly associated with the neutral wind and eastward prompt penetration electric field, are observed at equatorial ionization anomaly crests during the main phase of the storm on 8 September 2017. Compared with those on 8 September, the TEC enhancements move to lower-latitude regions during the recovery phase on 9 September. A moderate storm occurred well before the start of the strong storm causes similar middle-latitude TEC enhancements on 7 September. However, the weak TEC depletion is observed at middle and low latitude on 9–10 September, which could be associated with the prevailing westward disturbance electric field or storm-time neural composition changes. In addition, the storm-time RMS and STD values of the ionospheric TEC grids over China increase significantly due to the major geomagnetic storm. The maximum of the RMS reaches 12.0 TECU, while the maximum of the STD reaches 8.3 TECU at ~04UT on 8 September.  相似文献   

利用全球分布的GPS原始观测数据提取的电离层总电子含量(TEC)分析了2004年11月6日至12日期间全球电离层暴的形态特点与发展过程.结果表明,11月8日磁暴主相期间电离层暴以大范围的强烈正暴为主,在11月10日的恢复相,Dst又一次降到最低值前后期间,电离层再次受到很强的扰动,大范围的正暴和负暴交替出现.这次磁暴期间夏季半球的负暴更加强烈,反映出负暴偏向于在夏季半球发生的季节变化特点.另外,磁暴期间,夜晚TEC值普遍比磁暴前的平静期要低,具体是什么机制导致还需要进一步收集数据和分析.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the modified GSM TIP model to explore how the thermosphere–ionosphere system in the American longitudinal sector responded to the series of geomagnetic storms on September 9–14, 2005. Comparison of modeling results with experimental data at Millstone Hill, USA (42.6°N, 71.5°W), Ramey, Puerto Rico (18.3°N, 66.8°W) and Jicamarca, Peru (11.9°S, 76.9°W) has shown a good agreement of ionospheric disturbances in the F-region maximum height. We examine in detail the formation mechanisms of these disturbances at different latitudes and describe some of the important physical processes affecting the behavior of the F-region. In addition, we consider the propagation of thermospheric wind surge and the formation of additional layers in the low-latitude ionosphere during geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

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