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暗物质粒子探测卫星是2015年12月发射的中国自主设计建造的空间天文实验卫星,主要包括塑闪阵列探测器、硅阵列探测器、BGO量能器与中子探测器四个探测器.BGO量能器是暗物质粒子探测卫星的核心探测器,主要任务是精密测量高能宇宙线粒子的能量,并通过比较簇射沉积能量的空间分布,进行粒子种类鉴别.本文结合BGO量能器工作原理,分析了BGO量能器热控设计需求与约束,进行了单机热控设计.根据热控设计方案,进行有限元仿真分析,开展了单机飞行件的真空热平衡试验.分析与试验结果表明,热控设计方案合理有效,能够满足需求.   相似文献   

暗物质粒子探测卫星的集中式载荷管理系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
暗物质粒子探测卫星有效载荷由4种探测器组成,探测器的电子学前端共有28台设备.针对载荷设备数量多、接口复杂的特点,设计了一种通过载荷数管系统进行集中式载荷管理的方案,实现对探测器电子学前端的遥测、遥控、数据采集和二次电源供配电.同时,载荷数管系统具有大容量数据存储和高速数据复接功能,可分区存储科学数据和工程参数,在进入地面接收站时,将存储的科学数据和工程参数组成符合CCSDS协议的传输帧,经RS编码和加扰后发送给数传发射机.解决了突发式、多信源科学数据采集、存储,探测器在轨自主探测管理,大功率、低噪声二次电源配电等关键技术.该系统经过了在轨考核验证,结果表明控制和信息体系合理,自主探测管理和健康管理措施有效.   相似文献   

□□中国探测-1卫星于1月3日开始向地面传回数据。科学家对数据分析后发现,探测-1首次探测到了一种陌生的空间现象,即在其轨道运行空间内有一种新的高能电子分布规律,这在以往的空间探测中从未发现过。探测数据显示,在距离地球比较远的时候,高能电子探测器探测到的电子分布状况  相似文献   

深空探测对探测器有效载荷电子学及数管的轻小型化和自主能力提出了更高要求.将各载荷电子学与传统的载荷数管集成一体化设计,构建新型高度集成的载荷数管体系结构,可以实现资源集约利用,提高信息融合能力,利于实施自主管理.本文介绍了嫦娥系列探测器载荷电子学及数管设计的现状;提出两种新型一体化载荷数管体系结构,其中第一种低成本集成化方案已应用在中国首次火星探测任务中;通过对未来深空探测载荷数管的技术需求进行分析,对载荷数管发展趋势进行了展望.   相似文献   

9月中旬,我国第二颗月球探测卫星嫦娥二号成功从172万千米外深空,传回第一批科学探测数据。这些数据是嫦娥二号从月球飞往日地拉格朗日L2点过程中,太阳风离子探测器、太阳高能粒子探测器、γ射线谱仪等三种有效载荷开机,所获取的空间环境探测数据。根据工程总体安排,将于近日择机再次开启  相似文献   

FY-3A卫星与NOOA系列卫星高能带电粒子实测结果的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FY-3A卫星是运行于830 km高度的太阳同步轨道气象卫星,其搭载的空间环境监测器可观测3~300 MeV的高能质子和0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子.FY-3A卫星在轨工作期间,太阳活动处于由谷年向峰年过渡期,空间环境非常平静,探测结果显示3~300 MeV的高能质子分布主要集中在南大西洋辐射带异常区,0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子分布区域除南大西洋异常区外,还分布在南北两极高纬区域.FY-3A与NOAA卫星测量结果反映出带电粒子强度及分布区域随投掷角变化的空间各向异性特征.本文在充分考虑了带电粒子时间、空间分布差异以及比对探测器之间自身设计差异的前提下,经过归一化处理后,首次对两颗卫星同期探测结果进行相关性分析,验证了两颗卫星相同时空条件下高能带电粒子通量分布的一致性;说明FY-3A空间环境监测器不仅具备空间带电粒子辐射监测能力,且探测结果有效可靠,可用作辐射带环境数据源的组成部分,为发展新的模型,深入研究辐射带高能粒子的分布、起源和传输等提供新的观测依据.  相似文献   

FY-3A卫星与NOAA系列卫星高能带电粒子实测结果的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
FY-3A卫星是运行于830 km高度的太阳同步轨道气象卫星, 其搭载的空间环境监测器可观测3~300 MeV的高能质子和0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子. FY-3A卫星在轨工作期间, 太阳活动处于由谷年向峰年过渡期, 空间环境非常平静, 探测结果显示3~300 MeV的高能质子分布主要集中在南大西洋辐射带异常区, 0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子分布区域除南大西洋异常区外, 还分布在南北两极高纬区域. FY-3A与NOAA卫星测量结果反映出带电粒子强度及分布区域随投掷角变化的空间各向异性特征. 本文在充分考虑了带电粒子时间、空间分布差异以及比对探测器之间自身设计差异的前提下, 经过归一化处理后, 首次对两颗卫星同期探测结果进行相关性分析, 验证了两颗卫星相同时空条件下高能带电粒子通量分布的一致性; 说明FY-3A空间环境监测器不仅具备空间带电粒子辐射监测能力, 且探测结果有效可靠, 可用作辐射带环境数据源的组成部分, 为发展新的模型, 深入研究辐射带高能粒子的分布、起源和传输等提供新的观测依据.   相似文献   

据称,日本的"月女神"(SELENE,又译作"月球学和工程探测器")探测器是阿波罗时代之后最复杂的月球探测任务. 该探测器包括主轨道器和2颗子卫星[Rstar中继卫星(即RSAT卫星)和Vstar卫星(即VRAD卫星)].  相似文献   

硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT)卫星是中国首个专门进行天文探测的空间科学实验卫星,运行于高度约550km、倾角约43°的低地球轨道.星载空间环境监测器为星上科学任务开展提供背景辐射实测资料.该监测器采用固体探测器望远镜系统和扇形阵列全新组合设计,可获取轨道空间高能质子和高能电子能谱、方向综合动态结果,给出更为全面的粒子辐射分布图像.初步探测结果显示,卫星运行轨道遭遇的带电粒子辐射集中分布在经度80°W-20°E,纬度0°-40°S的南大西洋异常区,粒子辐射在该区域表现出不同程度的方向差异分布,高能电子方向差异分布显著强于高能质子.2017年9月空间环境扰动期间,爆发的太阳质子事件并未对该轨道粒子辐射产生影响,而地磁活动导致该轨道穿越经度120°W-60°E,纬度40°-43°N的北美上空和经度60°-120°E,纬度43°-40°S的澳大利亚西南区域时遭遇增强粒子辐射影响,增强的粒子辐射表现出极强的方向分布.   相似文献   

嫦娥三号探测器首次实现了中国月球软着陆和月面巡视探测,完成三类科学探测任务.嫦娥三号探测器分为着陆器和巡视器,在着陆器上配置了地形地貌相机、月基光学望远镜、极紫外相机和降落相机四种有效载荷.着重介绍了着陆器有效载荷研制过程中进行的探测能力地面模拟试验验证情况,包括试验项目、试验方案、试验结果和分析.  相似文献   

The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) mission is one of the five scientific space science missions within the framework of the Strategic Pioneer Program on Space Science of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) approved in 2011. The main scientific objective of DAMPE is to detect electrons and photons in the range of 5GeV-10TeV with unprecedented energy resolution (1.5% at 100GeV) in order to identify possible Dark Matter (DM) signatures. It will also measure the flux of nuclei up to above 500TeV with excellent energy resolution (40% at 800GeV), which will bring new insights to the origin and propagation high energy cosmic rays. With its excellent photon detection capability, the DAMPE mission is well placed for new discoveries in high energy-ray astronomy as well.   相似文献   

The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is China's first astronomical satellite dedicated to the indirect detection of dark matter particles and the study of high-energy astrophysics. It can measure high-energy electrons and gamma-rays up to 10 TeV with unprecedentedly high energy resolution and low background. Cosmic ray nuclei up to 100 TeV can also be measured. DAMPE was launched on December 17, 2015, and has been operating smoothly in space for more than two years since then. The first results about the precise measurements of the electron plus positron spectrum between 25 GeV and 4.6 TeV have been reported.   相似文献   

The question of the origin of cosmic rays and other questions of astroparticle and particle physics can be addressed with indirect air-shower observations above 10 TeV primary energy. We propose to explore the cosmic ray and γ-ray sky (accelerator sky) in the energy range from 10 TeV to 1 EeV with the new ground-based large-area wide angle (ΔΩ ∼ 0.85 sterad) air-shower detector HiSCORE (Hundredi Square-km Cosmic ORigin Explorer). The HiSCORE detector is based on non-imaging air-shower Cherenkov light-front sampling using an array of light-collecting stations. A full detector simulation and basic reconstruction algorithms have been used to assess the performance of HiSCORE. First prototype studies for different hardware components of the detector array have been carried out. The resulting sensitivity of HiSCORE to γ-rays will be comparable to CTA at 50 TeV and will extend the sensitive energy range for γ-rays up to the PeV regime. HiSCORE will also be sensitive to charged cosmic rays between 100 TeV and 1 EeV.  相似文献   

The high precision gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS) is scheduled to be launched on the lunar polar orbiter of the SELENE mission in 2007. The GRS consists of a large Ge crystal as a main detector and massive bismuth germanate crystals as an anticoincidence detector. A Stirling cryocooler was adopted in cooling the Ge detector. The flight model of SELENE GRS has been completed and an energy resolution of 3.0 keV (FWHM) at 1.332 MeV has been achieved. The spectrometer aims to observe nuclear line gamma rays emitted from the lunar surface in a wide energy range from 100 keV to 12 MeV for one year and more to obtain chemical composition on the entire lunar surface. The gamma-ray data enable us to study lunar geoscience problems including crust and mantle composition, and volatile reservoirs at polar regions.  相似文献   

PAMELA is a satellite-borne experiment which will measure the antiparticle component of cosmic rays over an extended energy range and with unprecedented accuracy. The apparatus consists of a permanent magnetic spectrometer equipped with a double-sided silicon microstrip tracking system and surrounded by a scintillator anticoincidence system. A silicon–tungsten imaging calorimeter, complemented by a scintillator shower tail catcher, and a transition radiation detector perform the particle identification task. Fast scintillators are used for Time-of-Flight measurements and to provide the primary trigger. A neutron detector is finally provided to extend the range of particle measurements to the TeV region.PAMELA will fly on-board of the Resurs-DK1 satellite, which will be put into a semi-polar orbit in 2005 by a Soyuz rocket. We give a brief review of the scientific issues of the mission and report about the status of the experiment few months before the launch.  相似文献   

在1982年的气球飞行中, 球载塑料核径迹探测器CR-39在气球高度飞行了10小时.测得E>3.6GeV/n的银河宇宙线相对丰度, 结果与卫星探测数据基本一致.   相似文献   

The Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC) experiment is designed to investigate the charge composition and energy spectra of primary cosmic rays over the energy range from about 1011 to 1014 eV during Long Duration Balloon (LDB) flights from McMurdo, Antarctica. Currently, analysis from the ATIC-1 test flight and ATIC-2 science flight is underway and preparation for a second science flight is in progress. Charge identification of the incident cosmic ray is accomplished, primarily, by a pixilated Silicon Matrix detector located at the very top of the instrument. While it has been shown that the Silicon Matrix detector provides good charge identification even in the presence of electromagnetic shower backscatter from the calorimeter, the detector only measures the charge once. In this paper, we examine use of the top scintillator hodoscope detector to provide a second measure of the cosmic ray charge and, thus, improve the ATIC charge identification.  相似文献   

Studies of galactic cosmic ray intensity and composition by means of earth orbiting space vehicles often rely on the earth's magnetic field as a momentum analyzer or threshold energy indicator. We have determined, by the trajectory-tracing process, cosmic ray cutoff characteristics for a satellite at 400 km altitude. These calculations indicate that cosmic rays have direct access to the satellite from the magnetic west down to angles of 135° from the zenith. For spacecraft observations it is necessary to employ additional definitions of cutoff beyond the classical Stormer definition because there are regions with allowed orbits where the cutoff, in the classical sense, does not exist.  相似文献   

Space imaging of the aurora provides unique quantitative information on the instantaneous global distribution and pattern of the aurora - a direct result of particle acceleration and precipitation processes occurring throughout the magnetosphere. Techniques for imaging from space have usually involved systematically scanning a detector across the earth using some combination of satellite motion and spin, scanning mirrors, and/or electronic scanning. The recent advent of CCD image sensor arrays opens up possibilities for vastly improved sensitivity and resolution in satellite imagers, although scanning systems retain significant advantages in situations where scattered light is a problem and where narrow band optical interference filters are needed.A new type of imaging instrument being built in Canada for the Swedish Viking satellite will employ a two-dimensional CCD array detector which is fibre-optically coupled to a micro-channel plate intensifier. It will produce images of low light level auroral emissions at the rate of one image per spin of the satellite (20 seconds). The instrument operates in the vacuum ultraviolet and uses a fast inverse Cassegrain optical system. Charge is shifted in the CCD imaging array in synchronism with the moving image so that exposure times of approximately one second will be achieved.  相似文献   

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