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姜尚  田福庆  孙世岩  梁伟阁 《航空学报》2019,40(10):323101-323101
在大口径舰炮制导炮弹打击近岸机动目标的末段,考虑攻击角、控制受限、视线(LOS)角速率测量受限等约束,提出了一种基于块动态面与扩张状态观测器(BDSESO)的多约束空间导引与控制一体化设计(IGC)方法。构建了滚转制导炮弹的空间导引与控制一体化的严块反馈串级模型,运用扩张状态观测器估计视线角速率和目标机动、建模误差、风等系统内外不确定干扰。为了在有限时间内零化视线角跟踪误差与视线角速率,采用自适应指数趋近律设计非奇异终端滑模,通过自适应动态面控制有效镇定串级系统并避免微分膨胀,引入自适应Nussbaum增益函数补偿控制受限的饱和非线性。通过Lyapunov理论证明了视线角跟踪误差、视线角速率的有限时间收敛性与全系统状态的一致最终有界性。半实物仿真实验表明:该方法使制导炮弹在打击具有不同机动形式的目标时,均具备较好的末制导性能。  相似文献   

罗世彬  吴瑕  魏才盛 《航空学报》2021,42(11):524660-524660
针对可重复使用飞行器再入姿态跟踪控制问题,在考虑执行器饱和、气动参数摄动和外部扰动的情况下,提出了一种保性能姿态跟踪控制方案。通过构造预设性能函数,使姿态跟踪误差在预先设置的包络内演化,保证了系统的瞬态和稳态性能;其次,借助于高增益扩张状态观测器解决了气动参数摄动和外部扰动的问题;之后,基于反步控制框架,设计了一种低复杂度的输出反馈扰动补偿控制方法,保证跟踪误差的收敛性。与已有方法相比,所设计的方法不包含一些复杂的非线性动力学近似技术,如神经网络等,降低了参数调节的复杂性,且无需对虚拟控制律重复微分,避免了"微分爆炸"问题。同时,Lyapunov稳定性分析表明,该方法能够保证误差变量的预期收敛以及其他闭环系统信号的有界性。最后,通过对比仿真验证了所提方法的有效性及可行性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates a time-varying anti-disturbance formation problem for a group of quadrotor aircrafts with time-varying uncertainties and a directed interaction topology. A novel Finite-Time Convergent Extended State Observer(FTCESO) based fully-distributed formation control scheme is proposed to enhance the disturbance rejection and the formation tracking performances for networked quadrotors. By adopting the hierarchical control strategy, the multiquadrotor system is separated into two ...  相似文献   

路遥 《航空学报》2021,42(11):524737-524737
针对存在模型参数不确定和外部干扰的高超声速飞行器(HFV)跟踪控制问题,提出一种基于Backstepping方法的抗饱和非线性控制器。将飞行器纵向动力学模型分为速度子系统和航迹倾角子系统,然后针对每个子系统单独设计控制器。设计跟踪微分器获得信号的一阶导数,用以估计系统中的不确定干扰项和避免"微分项膨胀"问题。控制器设计过程考虑了控制量发生饱和的情况。基于Lyapunov理论证明了闭环系统信号的稳定性。与传统高超声速飞行器Backstepping方法相比,所设计的控制器采用待跟踪状态与理想控制指令之间的实际误差作为反馈量,放宽了对系统干扰项的限制,提高了控制器对控制增益变化的适应性,进而提高了闭环系统的跟踪控制性能。对比仿真结果验证了所设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   

研究一类非线性系统的输出反馈输出追踪控制问题。利用高增益观测器和反传设计方法,在非线性系统满足Lipschitz条件下,对任意给定的常数参考信号,设计了动态输出反馈控制器,使得闭环系统的输出指数渐进追踪参考信号。  相似文献   

In this work, a Revisited form of the so-called Model-Free Control (R-MFC) is derived. Herein, the MFC principle is employed to deal with the unknown part of a plant only (i.e., unmodeled dynamics, disturbances, etc.) and occurs beside an Interconnection and Damping Assignment-Passivity Based Control (IDA-PBC) strategy. Using the proposed formulation, it is shown that we can significantly improve the performance of the control through the reshaping properties of the IDA-PBC technique. Moreover, the control robustness level is increased via a compensation of the time-varying disturbances and the unmodeled system dynamics. This on-line compensation capability is provided by the MFC principle. The problem is studied in the case of Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) mechanical systems with an explicit application to a small Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) where a stability analysis is also provided. Numerical simulations have shown satisfactory results, in comparison with some other control strategies, where an in-depth discussion with respect to the control performance is highlighted by considering several scenarios and using several metrics.  相似文献   

王晶  顾维博  窦立亚 《航空学报》2020,41(z1):723758-723758
针对四旋翼无人机(UAV)群在轨迹跟踪过程中易受外界干扰而引起跟踪误差的问题,设计了基于Leader-Follower的多无人机协同编队轨迹跟踪控制方法。在该系统中,首先通过积分反步法(IBS)对所建四旋翼飞行器模型设计Leader无人机的轨迹跟踪控制器。其次设计了滑模控制(SMC)器,以控制Leader与Follower无人机实现期望的编队队形并同时跟踪参考轨迹。然后通过数值仿真验证了算法的有效性,仿真结果表明,系统具有良好的控制精度。最后通过视觉定位系统进行实验,结果表明所设计的控制器能够实现多个无人机轨迹跟踪和编队控制,所设计的算法具有可行性。  相似文献   

In recent times, multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are being widely utilized in several areas of applications such as agriculture, surveillance, disaster management, search and rescue operations. Degree of robustness of applied control schemes determines how accurate a swarm of UAVs accomplish group tasks. Formation and trajectory tracking controllers are required for the swarm of multiple UAVs. Factors like external environmental effects, parametric uncertainties and wind gusts make the controller design process as a challenging task. This article proposes fractional order formation and trajectory tacking controllers for multiple quad-rotors using Super Twisting Sliding Mode Control (STSMC) technique. To compensate the effects of the disturbances due to parametric uncertainties and wind gusts, Lyapunov function based adaptive controllers are formulated. Moreover, Lyapunov theorem is used to guarantee the stability of the proposed controllers. Three types of controllers, namely fixed gain STSMC and fractional order Adaptive Super Twisting Sliding Mode Control (ASTSMC) methods are tested for the swarm of UAVs by performing the numerical simulations in MATLAB/Simulink environment. From the presented results, it is verified that in presence of wind disturbances and parametric uncertainties, the proposed fractional order ASTSMC technique showed improved robustness as compared to the fixed gain STSMC and integer order ASTSMC.  相似文献   

In this paper, a robust adaptive controller is designed for a guided spinning rocket, whose dynamics presents the characteristics of pitch-yaw cross coupling, fast time-varying aerodynamics parameters and wide flight envelop. First, a coupled nonlinear six-degree-of-freedom equation of motion for a guided spinning rocket is developed, and the lateral acceleration motion is modeled as a control plant with time-varying matched uncertainties and unmodeled dynamics. Then, a robust adaptive control method is proposed by combining Bregman divergence and variational method to achieve fast adaption and maintain bounded tracking. The stability of the resulting closed-loop system is proved, and the ultimate bound and convergence rate are also analyzed. Finally, numerical simulations are performed for a single operating point and the whole flight trajectory to show the robustness and adaptability of the proposed method with respect to time-varying uncertainties and unmodeled dynamics.  相似文献   

多飞行器追踪动态目标是一个协同控制问题,需要根据目标飞行状态,协同各个追踪飞行器的飞行状态,最终能够在某动态的最佳点实现同时到达。考虑到目标具有较强的机动性,轨迹通常为非线性的,设计了一种基于非线性轨迹预测的、以剩余时间为控制变量的一致性控制方案。仿真结果表明,提出的控制方案能够实现空间位置相距较远的多飞行器动态追踪,具有较好的灵活性和收敛性,目标轨迹的预测结果与实际轨迹误差较小,恰当的轨迹估计有助于缩短追踪时间,提高追踪效率。  相似文献   

当飞机发生非对称结构损伤时,飞机的质量、重心位置和气动特性都会发生突变,飞机机体的对称性遭到破坏,致使飞机的横纵向间运动产生强烈的耦合。针对飞机发生非对称结构损伤时导致的飞行控制问题,建立了非对称结构损伤飞机的损伤模型,并基于一种新型鲁棒容损控制策略,采用非线性扩张状态观测器和非线性动态逆相结合的方法,对飞机的姿态控制器进行了设计,兼顾了飞机系统的性能和对损伤的鲁棒性。最后,基于NASA的通用运输机模型,对所设计控制器的控制效果进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明,设计的姿态控制器有效地抑制了非对称结构损伤给飞机控制系统带来的不确定性和扰动,具有较好的控制性能。  相似文献   

For flight control systems with time-varying delay, an H1 output tracking controller is proposed. The controller is designed for the discrete-time state-space model of general aircraft to reduce the ef...  相似文献   

徐喆垚  陈宇坤  齐乃明  阳勇 《航空学报》2016,37(5):1552-1562
航天器交会对接地面模拟系统用于研究航天器交会对接过程的动力学、导航与控制等方面的相关问题。模拟器通过气浮轴承悬浮在大理石平台上来模拟太空的无摩擦微重力环境。通常情况下要保证大理石平台足够水平,由于实际平台不可能完全水平,模拟器的重力分量会使模拟器产生下滑现象,这种现象对大型地面模拟器设备尤为严重。针对模拟器的逼近过程设计了轨迹规划。为了减小测量信号噪声的影响,采用跟踪微分器(TD)对整个逼近过程中的测量信号进行滤波。针对逼近过程中模拟器存在下滑力等干扰问题设计控制器,通过扩张状态观测器(ESO)实时估计干扰量,进而对干扰量进行补偿。对模拟器冷喷气推力系统制定了推力器分配策略,采用脉冲宽度调制(PWM)技术实现对推力的近似等效。提出的控制方法应用于航天器交会对接地面模拟系统,实验结果表明所提出的控制方法能有效消除下滑力等干扰的影响。  相似文献   

The acceleration autopilot design for skid-to-turn (STT) missile faces a great challenge owing to coupling effect among planes, variation of missile velocity and its parameters, inexistence of a complete state vector, and nonlinear aerodynamics. Moreover, the autopilot should be designed for the entire flight envelope where fast variations exist. In this paper, a design of inte-grated roll-pitch-yaw autopilot based on global fast terminal sliding mode control (GFTSMC) with a partial state nonlinear observer (PSNLO) for STT nonlinear time-varying missile model, is employed to address these issues. GFTSMC with a novel sliding surface is proposed to nullify the integral error and the singularity problem without application of the sign function. The pro-posed autopilot consisting of two-loop structure, controls STT maneuver and stabilizes the rolling with a PSNLO in order to estimate the immeasurable states as an output while its inputs are missile measurable states and control signals. The missile model considers the velocity variation, gravity effect and parameters’ variation. Furthermore, the environmental conditions’ dynamics are mod-eled. PSNLO stability and the closed loop system stability are studied. Finally, numerical simula-tion is established to evaluate the proposed autopilot performance and to compare it with existing approaches in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, formation tracking control problems for second-order multi-agent systems (MASs) with time-varying delays are studied, specifically those where the position and velocity of followers are designed to form a time-varying formation while tracking those of the leader. A neigh-boring relative state information based formation tracking protocol with an unknown gain matrix and time-varying delays is presented. The formation tracking problems are then transformed into asymptotically stable problems. Based on the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach, condi-tions sufficient for second-order MASs with time-varying delays to realize formation tracking are examined. An approach to obtain the unknown gain matrix is given and, since neighboring relative velocity information is difficult to measure in practical applications, a formation tracking protocol with time-varying delays using only neighboring relative position information is introduced. The proposed results can be used on target enclosing problems for MASs with second-order dynamics and time-varying delays. An application for target enclosing by multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is given to demonstrate the feasibility of theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the distributed fixed-time attitude coordinated control problem for multiple spacecraft subject to actuator saturation under the directed topology. First, a distributed fixed-time observer is presented for each follower spacecraft to estimate the leader spacecraft’s states. Compared with the commonly used fixed-time observer, the settling time of the proposed fixed-time observer can be easily adjusted by some free design parameters. Next, a distributed fixed-time control ...  相似文献   

针对拦截弹的攻击角约束制导问题,提出了一种基于反演滑模和扩张状态观测器(ESO)的制导控制一体化(IGC)设计方法。首先,基于弹目相对运动方程和拦截弹的非线性动力学方程,建立了拦截弹IGC模型,设计了ESO估计目标加速度和自动驾驶仪回路的干扰;在此基础上,基于干扰估计值和反演滑模方法,设计了IGC算法获取虚拟控制力矩,同时基于李雅普诺夫理论分析了闭环系统的稳定性;然后,利用动态控制分配技术将所获取的期望控制力矩分配到实际执行机构;最后,通过仿真结果验证了所设计的IGC+ESO算法的有效性。  相似文献   

孟淑平  郭宏  徐金全 《航空学报》2016,37(4):1336-1351
为了实现永磁同步电机低速段的高精度无传感器运行,系统地分析了绕组电阻和感应电动势、电流调节器、滤波器、电机暂态运行、注入高频电压的幅值与频率、多凸极效应、电流传感器精度以及A/D采样量化误差等因素对基于旋转高频电压注入法的低速无传感器控制方法转子位置估计精度的影响机理。在此基础上,提出了一种基于基波电流观测器和旋转高频电压注入法相结合的低速无传感器控制策略,消除了传统的无传感器控制方法中带通滤波器引起的转子位置估计误差,并降低了电机暂态运行引起的转子位置估计误差,有效地提高了低速无传感器控制方法的转子位置估计精度。仿真和实验结果表明,所提出的低速无传感器控制策略具有更高的转子位置估计精度和更宽的调速范围。  相似文献   

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