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Single-crystal superalloys are typical advanced materials used for manufacturing aeroengine turbine blades. Their unique characteristics of high hardness and strength make them exceedingly difficult to machine. However, a key structure of a turbine blade, the film-cooling hole,needs to be machined in a single-crystal superalloy; such machining is challenging, especially considering the increasing levels of machining efficiency and quality demanded by the aeroengine industry. Tube electrode high-speed electrochemical discharge drilling(TSECDD), a hybrid technique of high-speed electrical discharge drilling and electrochemical machining, provides high machining efficiency and accuracy, as well as eliminating the recast layer. In this study, TSECDD is used to machine a film-cooling hole in a nickel-based single-crystal superalloy(DD6). The Taguchi methods of experiment are used to optimise the machining parameters. Experimental results show that TSECDD can effectively drill the film-cooling hole; the optimum parameters that give the best performance are as follows: pulse duration: 12 ls, pulse interval: 30 ls, peak current:6 A, and salt solution conductivity: 3 m S/cm. Finally, a hole is machined by TSECDD, and the results are compared with those obtained by electrical discharge machining. TSECDD is found to be promising for improving the surface quality and eliminating the recast layer. 相似文献
Nickel-based superalloys are widely employed in modern aircraft engines because of their excellent material characteristics, particularly in the fabrication of film cooling holes. How-ever, the high machining requirement of a large number of film cooling holes can be extremely chal-lenging. The hybrid machining technique of tube electrode high-speed electrochemical discharge drilling (TEHECDD) has been considered as a promising method for the production of film cooling holes. Compared with any single machining process, this hybrid technique requires the removal of more complex machining by-products, including debris produced in the electrical discharge machin-ing process and hydroxide and bubbles generated in the electrochemical machining process. These by-products significantly affect the machining efficiency and surface quality of the machined prod-ucts. In this study, tube electrodes in different inner diameters are designed and fabricated, and the effects of inner diameter on the machining efficiency and surface quality of TEHECDD are inves-tigated. The results show that larger inner diameters could effectively improve the flushing condi-tion and facilitate the removal of machining by-products. Therefore, higher material removal efficiency, surface quality, and electrode wear rate could be achieved by increasing the inner diam-eter of the tube electrode. 相似文献
Because of several advantages, such as no tool wear, independence on the mechanical properties of the material, and high machining efficiency, electrochemical machining (ECM) has become a viable method for machining components in numerous industrial applications, particularly in the manufacture of typical aero-engine components with complex structures fabricated from materials that are difficult to cut. This paper highlights the current developments, new trends, and technological advances of key factors of ECM, such as electrochemical dissolution characteristics of novel difficult to cut materials which are often used in aero-engine, numerical simulation of electrochemical process, design for the complex profile and structure of cathode tool, flow field simulation and design for uniform electrolyte flow, and innovation of electrochemical machining or hybrid methods which reflect the state of the art in academic and industrial research on electrochemical machining in aero-engine manufacturing. 相似文献
Macro electromechanical milling has recently attracted increasing attention because numerous large thin-walled structures composed of difficult-to-cut materials are employed in the aerospace field.This paper reviews recent developments in state-of-the-art macro electromechanical milling.The fundamental aspects of material removal mechanisms,such as the generation and breakdown behaviors of passive oxide films of typical difficult-to-cut materials,were discussed.Rapid methods for breaking down passive films are summarized,and simulation methods for the machining process coupling multiple physical fields are introduced.Specific electrochemical milling methods,including fly mode electrochemical milling and sink electrochemical milling,are classified.Efforts made to improve process performance,such as the material removal rate,surface quality,and machining accuracy,are discussed.In addition,the main hybrid electrochemical milling meth-ods,including electrochemical discharge milling,mechano-electrochemical milling,and electro-chemical mill grinding,are also presented. 相似文献
针对节能电火花加工脉冲电源的设计过程中应用了有源功率因数校正技术,电源系统的性能通过工艺试验得到了验证,整个节能电源系统的功率因数提高到0.95。 相似文献
朱永伟%王占和%范仲俊 《宇航材料工艺》2008,38(5)
提出了制作微结构的超声复合加工方法,分析了超声、超声复合电火花、超声复合电解微细加工机理。用微细放电组合工艺制作了多种截形微细工具电极;完善试验系统,进行了多种材料、形状微结构超声复合加工试验。结果表明:超声加工是制作硬脆材料微结构的有效方法;超声复合电火花制作金属材料微结构有较好的精度及加工稳定性;超声复合电解加工兼有效率高、精度好的技术优势。 相似文献
Electrochemical milling is a modified technique of traditional electrochemical machining (ECM) that can be used to manufacture some helicopter transmission system parts. The use of rotary tools and an inner-jet electrolyte supply pattern can greatly improve the material removal rate (MRR) in a single pass. However, the feed speed is generally limited to minimize the tool wear. To increase the MRR, electrical discharge machining (EDM) is introduced into the electrochemical milling process. The tool rotation is employed to interrupt the discharge and the high-conductivity salt solution and non-pulsed direct current power supply are also adopted to increase ECM, eventually, a new machining method is proposed, which can be called rotary sinking electrochemical discharge milling (RSECD milling). The mechanism of it is explored in this study by analyzing the machined current, MRR, surface morphology, and tool wear at different applied voltages and feed speeds. Besides, the RSECD milling using the tool with a larger diameter is also conducted to further verify the effectiveness. In particular, the MRR can be increased by 742.5% when using the tool with a diameter of 20 mm at the applied voltage of 20 V. 相似文献
针对钼钛锆这一耐高温材料在航天动力系统中的特殊加工需求,开展了电火花加工钼钛锆合金的工艺特性研究.采用DOE的方法,设计了25-1析因试验对放电参数进行筛选,得到对加工效果有显著影响的3个参数;在此基础上设计了响应曲面试验,探讨了包括脉宽、占空比和峰值电流等放电参数对材料去除率和电极相对损耗率的影响,并且拟合得到了材料去除率和相对电极损耗率的推荐公式和响应曲面图.通过分析试验结果表明:(1)材料去除率受峰值电流变化的影响最明显,并且脉宽与占空比呈现一定的交互关系;(2)电极相对损耗率受峰值电流变化影响不明显,受脉宽和占空比变化影响大,而且两者呈现一定的交互关系. 相似文献
从电火花成形机床、高精度自动电极交换装置、脉冲电源系统、数控系统等几方面论述了提高电火花成形加工精度的关键因素,并通过引进、消化吸收、再创新的方式成功研究了高精度多轴数控电火花成形加工设备,并用典型加工实验验证了该设备达到的技术水平和丰富的功能,为高精度复杂模具和零件的电火花加工提供良好的加工设备。 相似文献
基于脉冲电源的MOSFET驱动电路研究及应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析了在电火花等精密加工中MOSFET驱动器的隔离技术及特点,提出了可靠驱动MOSFET的设计思路,并在实际中得到应用。 相似文献
为解决氙灯钨阳极表面密集环形微槽加工的技术问题,提出了采用RC电源,在超低电导率下电解电火花加工纯钨表面微沟槽的方法。研究在RC电源下,不同电解液类型下的电解电火花加工特性。首先,通过电化学工作站测量纯钨材料在不同电解液类型下的极化曲线,分析不同电解液类型的初腐蚀电位。为研究加工过程形成的气泡对加工的影响规律,通过高速摄像仪对不同工艺条件下加工区域的气泡形成与分布进行观察。最后,采用自主研制的试验装置开展了纯钨棒材表面环形微沟槽电解电火花加工工艺试验,分析工作液成分、电导率、转速和电压不同参数对加工特性的影响规律。在极间电压60V,转速500r/min,电导率为50μS/cm的NaOH电解液下加工了槽宽为50.97μm,槽深为17.31μm的微沟槽结构。 相似文献
Numerical control electrical discharge machining(NC EDM) is one of the most widely used machining technologies for manufacturing a closed blisk flow path, particularly for three-dimensional(3D) curved and twisted flow channels. In this process, tool electrode design and machining trajectory planning are the key factors affecting machining accessibility and efficiency. Herein, to reduce the difficulty in designing the electrode and its motion path in the closed curved and twisted channels, a heur... 相似文献
Titanium and its alloys have found very wide application in aerospace due to their excellent characteristics although their processing is still a challenge. Electrochemical machining is an important issue in the fabrication of titanium and titanium alloys. Wire electrochemical machining (WECM) is mainly used for workpiece cutting under the condition of different thickness plates. It has a great advantage over wire electro-discharge machining, which is the absence of heat-affected zone around the cutting area. Moreover, the wire electrode in WECM could be used repetitively because it is not worn out. Thus, much attention has been paid to WECM. The effective way of removing electrolysis products is of importance to WECM. In this paper, the axial electrolyte flushing is presented to WECM for removing electrolysis products and renewing electrolyte. The Taguchi experiment is conducted to optimize the machining parameters, such as wire feedrate, machining voltage, electrolyte concentration, etc. Experimental results show that WECM with axial electrolyte flushing is a promising issue in the fabrication of titanium alloy (TC1). The feasibility of multi-wire electrochemical machining is also demonstrated to improve the machining productivity of WECM. 相似文献
综述了精密机械加工、高能束加工、微细电火花加工、化学加工、电化学加工等多种精细金属网/栅制造方法的优缺点及其发展现状.因具有适用材料广泛、加工效率高、表面质量好、无机械切削应力、孔形不受限制等优点,掩模微细电解加工在精细金属网/栅制造方面潜力巨大. 相似文献
节能电火花加工脉冲电源放电电流闭环控制的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
节能电火花加工脉冲电源采用开关稳流电路和PWM电流闭环控制技术,达到脉冲电源输出放电电流在放电加工各个阶段动态调节的性能要求,实现稳定高效地电火花放电加工。 相似文献