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Uncertainty is common in the life cycle of an aircraft, and Robust Aerodynamic Optimization(RAO) that considers uncertainty is important in aircraft design. To avoid the curse of dimensionality in surrogate-based optimization, this study proposes an adjoint RAO technique called ‘‘R-Opt”. Polynomial Chaos Expansion(PCE) is coupled with the R-Opt technique to quantify uncertainty in the responses of the target(including its mean and standard deviation). Only one process of PCE model construction i...  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive review of Uncertainty-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (UMDO) theory and the state of the art in UMDO methods for aerospace vehicles. UMDO has been widely acknowledged as an advanced methodology to address competing objectives of aerospace vehicle design, such as performance, cost, reliability and robustness. However the major challenges of UMDO, namely the computational complexity and organizational complexity caused by both time-consuming disciplinary analysis models and UMDO algorithms, still greatly hamper its application in aerospace engineering. In recent years there is a surge of research in this field aiming at solving these problems. The purpose of this paper is to review these existing approaches systematically, highlight research challenges and opportunities, and help guide future efforts. Firstly, the UMDO theory preliminaries are introduced to clarify the basic UMDO concepts and mathematical formulations, as well as provide a panoramic view of the general UMDO solving process. Then following the UMDO solving process, research progress of each key step is separately surveyed and discussed, specifically including uncertainty modeling, uncertainty propagation and analysis, optimization under uncertainty, and UMDO procedure. Finally some conclusions are given, and future research trends and prospects are discussed.  相似文献   

应用复合形法的最优化方法,对实际测试获得的飞机杆力-杆位移采集数据,进行分段直线拟合绘制出杆力-杆位移特性曲线,并推导了过定点的最小二乘直线拟合公式。该方法允许参数初值选择范围宽,并具有算法简单、可靠,收敛速度快的优点。  相似文献   

An aeroelastic two-level optimization methodology for preliminary design of wing struc- tures is presented, in which the parameters for structural layout and sizes are taken as design vari- ables in the first-level optimization, and robust constraints in conjunction with conventional aeroelastic constraints are considered in the second-level optimization. A low-order panel method is used for aerodynamic analysis in the first-level optimization, and a high-order panel method is employed in the second-level optimization. It is concluded that the design of the abovementioned structural parameters of a wing can be improved using the present method with high efficiency. An improvement is seen in aeroelastic performance of the wing obtained with the present method when compared to the initial wing. Since these optimized structures are obtained after consideration of aerodynamic and structural uncertainties, they are well suited to encounter these uncertainties when they occur in reality.  相似文献   

分析了在概念设计阶段民用飞机总体设计工作内容和工作流程,并结合时下国外在用软件优缺点,构思了民用飞机总体设计参数综合优化的技术方案,包括优化设计架构、分析模型和优化算法等,为形成具有自主知识产权的民机总体设计综合分析和优化程序打下基础。  相似文献   

航空齿轮减速器通常对重量、强度、效率以及可靠性有极高的要求,考虑到其所处工况的随机性、工艺水平的差异性以及材料强度等力学性能参数的波动性,传统的确定性参数优化设计已不能满足工程实际的需求。在传统的确定性优化设计模型的基础上,基于6σ稳健设计基本理论建立齿轮传动系统的多目标稳健设计优化模型,并采用NSGA-Ⅱ多目标优化算法进行求解;以某航空齿轮减速器中单级斜齿圆柱齿轮系统为研究对象进行实例分析。结果表明:本文提出的基于6σ稳健设计理论的齿轮传动系统优化模型充分考虑了不确定性因素对优化的影响,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

针对孔加工过程中切削参数的合理选择,开发了切削参数优化系统,介绍了系统的结构、功能及系统开发的关键技术,最终在保证加工要求的前提下提高加工效率、降低成本。  相似文献   

涡轮叶片流固耦合协作优化方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对结构和流场相互影响的流固耦合多学科设计问题,提出一种耦合量曲面拟合的协作优化方法。其特点是用曲面函数拟合结构-流场界面耦合量(温度、气压和变形)的空间分布,并用曲面拟合参数的一致性代替原有耦合量界面分布的学科一致性。涡轮叶片的算例表明:曲面拟合函数可以表征结构和流场界面的耦合量;用拟合参数的一致性代替界面直接耦合是可行的;该协作优化方法是可以用来解决流固耦合多学科优化设计问题的。  相似文献   

涡扇发动机液压机械式自动加速器优化设计   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
吴文斐  郭迎清  陆军 《航空动力学报》2010,25(10):2379-2385
以某型涡扇发动机的液压机械式自动加速器为研究对象,以加速过程的上升时间、超调量和调节时间构造的评价函数为目标函数,并充分考虑加速过程中的约束条件,采用序列二次规划(SQP)算法对起决定作用的凸轮型面进行多目标优化设计.仿真结果表明优化设计后的自动加速器可使加速过程高压转子转速的超调量减小,调节时间缩短,加速性能得到明显改善,且涡轮前最高温度降幅较大,有利于延长涡轮等相关部件的使用寿命.   相似文献   

Hexapod平台参数设计优化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
夏禹  黄海 《航空学报》2008,29(5):1168-1173
 针对工程应用中的Hexapod平台参数设计优化问题进行研究。Hexapod的上下平台半径被选作设计变量,同时分析了其运动约束条件,包括杆作动器的伸缩范围,铰链转角,作动杆间的干涉条件等,其中对杆间干涉约束进行了简化处理。此外,设计变量上下限、各平移或转动自由度上的行程要求等也被作为约束考虑。目标函数以工作空间、承载能力和运动逆解精度等量度的加权形式表示,由此建立了参数优化问题的模型,该问题用遗传方法求解。数值仿真表明,经参数优化后的Hexapod平台满足所有考虑的工程要求;对比等杆长的Cubic构形Hexapod,所设计的Hexapod平台在工作空间、承载能力方面具有明显优势,从而证明了该参数优化方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

This paper examines robust optimization design and analysis of a conformal expansion nozzle of flying wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) with the inverse-design idea.In view of flow features and stealth constraints, the inverse-design idea is described and the uncertainty-based robust design model is presented.A robust design system employs this model to combine deterministic optimization and robust optimization and is applied into design of a conformal expansion nozzle.The results indicate that design optimization can conform to the anticipation of the inversedesign idea and significantly improve the aerodynamic performance that meet the requirement of 6σ.The present method is a feasible nozzle design strategy that integrates robust optimization and inverse-design.  相似文献   

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) has emerged as a promising novel application for the Sixth-Generation(6G) wireless communication by leveraging more favorable Line-of-Sight(Lo S)propagation. However, the jamming resistance by exploiting UAV’s mobility is a new challenge in the UAV-ground communication. This paper investigates the trajectory planning problem in an UAV communication system, where the UAV is operated by a Ground Control Unit(GCU)to perform certain tasks in the presence of multiple jamm...  相似文献   

多用途战斗机/涡扇发动机一体化循环参数优化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 针对多用途战斗机的特点,发展了基于飞/发一体化的涡扇发动机循环参数优化设计模型和相应的计算程序,优化设计模型中包括双变量控制涡扇发动机特性计算模型、进排气系统安装特性计算模型、飞机气动特性分析模型、重量组成分析模型、任务剖面分析模型、约束分析与任务分析模型和优化计算模型等。重点研究了多用途战斗机约束边界的获得方法,利用多岛遗传算法和自适应模拟退火优化算法,分别对现役多用途战斗机、不加力超声速巡航多用途战斗机以及下一代先进多用途战斗机用涡扇发动机循环参数进行了优化计算,对计算结果进行了分析,获得了对多用途战斗机用涡扇发动机循环参数选择有指导意义的结论。  相似文献   

It is an inherent uncertainty problem that the application of laminar flow technology to the wing of large passenger aircraft is affected by flight conditions. In order to seek a more robust natural laminar flow control effect, it is necessary to develop an effective optimization design method. Meanwhile, attention must be given to the impact of crossflow(CF) instability brought on by the sweep angle. This paper constructs a robust optimization design framework based on discrete adjoint methods ...  相似文献   

The design optimization taking into account the impact of uncertainties favors improving the robustness of the design. A Surrogate-Assisted Gradient-Based(SAGB) method for the robust aerodynamic design optimization of turbomachinery blades considering large-scale uncertainty is introduced, verified and validated in the study. The gradient-based method is employed due to its high optimization efficiency and any one surrogate model with sufficient response accuracy can be employed to quantify the ...  相似文献   

To avoid the numerical complexities of the battery discharge law of electric-powered rotorcrafts,this study uses the Kriging method to model the discharge characteristics of Li-Po batteries under standard conditions.A linear current compensation term and an ambient temperature compensation term based on radial basis functions are then applied to the trained Kriging model,leading to the complete discharged capacity-terminal voltage model.Using an orthogonal experimental design and a sequential method,the coefficients of the current and ambient temperature compensation terms are determined through robust optimization.An endurance calculation model for electric-powered rotorcrafts is then established,based on the battery discharge model,through numerical integration.Laboratory tests show that the maximum relative error of the proposed discharged capacity-terminal voltage model at detection points is 0.0086,and that of the rotorcraft endurance calculation model is 0.0195,thus verifying their accuracy.A flight test further demonstrates the applicability of the proposed endurance model to general electric-powered rotorcrafts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Fuzzy Preference Function-based Robust Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (FPF-RMDO) methodology. This method is an effective approach to multidisciplinary systems, which can be used to designer experiences during the design optimization process by fuzzy preference functions. In this study, two optimizations are done for Predator MQ-1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV): (A) deterministic optimization and (B) robust optimization. In both problems, minimization of takeoff weight and drag is considered as objective functions, which have been optimized using Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA). In the robust design optimization, cruise altitude and velocity are considered as uncertainties that are modeled by the Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method. Aerodynamics, stability and control, mass properties, performance, and center of gravity are used for multidisciplinary analysis. Robust design optimization results show 46% and 42% robustness improvement for takeoff weight and cruise drag relative to optimal design respectively.  相似文献   

对双后掠布局无人机进行了结构设计,确定了翼面结构方案,并利用有限元软件MSC.Nastran进行应力变形分析,结果达到设计要求;同时为了节省计算周期,以布局外形参数设置为驱动参数,使用CAD软件Catia为结构建立了参数化模型,并将其作为结构优化的输入文件,通过Patran完成优化设置,用Nastran完成结构质量优化,这些工作为气动结构一体化设计奠定了基础。  相似文献   

磁化曲线是强非线性函数,提高磁化曲线的拟合精度对含有铁磁材料的电气设备建模准确性至关重要。提出了一种基于粒子群算法-最小二乘支持向量机(PSOLSSVM)算法的磁化曲线拟合方法。该方法用粒子群优化算法解决了最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)参数的选择问题。仿真结果显示PSOLSSVM算法能获得最优的LSSVM参数,且采用PSOLSSVM算法拟合的磁化曲线与实际测量的磁化曲线基本无偏差,拟合精度较高。  相似文献   

针对飞行器气动外形优化设计中的多设计点、多目标、多工程约束等多设计要求问题,提出了一种新优化设计方法——多设计要求快速优化设计方法。该方法立足于统计学中的偏相关性分析和线性回归理论,通过对设计变量和设计要求进行偏相关性分析,采用线性回归的方法构建设计变量与设计要求之间的转换模型,将多个设计要求转化为对设计变量的约束,从而简化了优化设计模型,减少了优化过程中调用求解器次数,提高了优化效率。利用该方法对RAE 2822和HSNLF(1)-0213翼型进行了多设计要求优化设计算例验证,并将优化结果与Pareto多目标优化方法结果进行对比,结果证明了本文方法的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

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