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This paper establishes and analyzes a high-fidelity nonlinear time-periodic dynamic model and the corresponding state observer for flapping vibration suppression of a novel tailless Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle(FWMAV), named NPU-Tinybird. Firstly, a complete modeling of NPU-Tinybird is determined, including the aerodynamic model based on the quasi-steady method, the kinematic and dynamic model about the mechanism of flapping and attitude control,combined with the single rigid body dynamic mod...  相似文献   

以二维刚性约束条件下的微型扑翼飞行器模型为研究对象,在动网格技术基础上,应用非定常数值分析手段对比分析了单翼/纵列翼布局的气动性能,深入研究了纵列翼缩减频率、扑翼—尾翼无量纲水平间距、来流攻角对其气动性能的影响.结果表明:①纵列翼尾翼对扑翼产生正效应干扰,相对于单翼布局,扑翼—尾翼无量纲水平间距为0.5倍翼型弦长时的纵列翼布局的推力系数和推进效率分别增加28.7%和5.7%;②缩减频率是影响推力的关键参数,随着缩减频率的增加,脱落涡的强度增加,推力系数增大.对于单翼、纵列翼两种布局模式,当缩减频率在1.0附近时推进效率达到最优;③对于纵列翼布局,在扑翼—尾翼无量纲水平间距为1.1倍翼型弦长时推进效率达到峰值;④在0°~20°来流攻角变化范围内,随着来流攻角的增加,升力系数增加,推力系数减小,当来流攻角大于9°时,两种布局的推力均为负值.   相似文献   

刘晶  汪超  谢鹏  周超英 《航空学报》2020,41(9):223678-223678
仿昆虫微型扑翼飞行器(FW-MAN)可以模仿昆虫悬停、垂直起飞以及侧飞等飞行姿态,从而适应复杂多障碍环境,具有广阔的应用前景。成功设计研制了一款重23.8 g,翼展18 cm,扑动幅值180°,扑动频率可达22 Hz的可垂直起飞的仿昆虫微型扑翼飞行器。采用曲柄摇杆与滑轮的组合机构作为样机扑动机构以解决原有样机扑动方案存在高摩擦及结构复杂等问题,样机翅翼设计为具有扭转角度的柔性翅翼从而使样机具有更高的气动效率。考虑到现有的姿态调节机制存在增加机构复杂度问题,基于翅翼扭转的姿态调节机制,设计了相应的控制调节机构,并搭建了样机气动力测量平台和姿态调节平台。气动升力与姿态力矩测量结果表明,样机翅翼可提供足够升力,姿态调节机制具有可行性。在此基础上,选取PD (Proportional Differential)控制律作为样机控制方式,为解决参数调定耗时及直接试飞样机不易观察控制效果问题,基于姿态调节平台获取了初始控制参数,然后对样机进行了多次试飞实验,并多次调定参数,最终实现了样机稳定垂直起飞。  相似文献   

Control techniques of tilt rotor unmanned aerial vehicle systems:A review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tilt rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (TRUAV) exhibits special application value due to its unique rotor structure. However, varying dynamics and aerodynamic interference caused by tiltable rotors are great technical challenges and key issues for TRUAV's high-powered flight con-trols, which have attracted the attention of many researchers. This paper outlines the concept of TRUAV and some typical TRUAV platforms while focusing on control techniques. TRUAV struc-tural features, dynamics modeling, and flight control methods are discussed, and major challenges and corresponding developmental tendencies associated with TRUAV flight control are summa-rized.  相似文献   

扑翼微型飞行器飞行姿态模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扑翼微型飞行器飞行质量主要取决于能否对其飞行姿态进行有效控制, 而建立准确的飞行姿态模型尤为重要.通过对鸟和昆虫的飞行机理尤其是其飞行过程中翅膀的运动规律进行研究, 并考虑机械设计方面的因素, 对扑翼微型飞行器的飞行姿态建立了较为完整的动力学模型和数学模型.由分析可知机身所受外力为空气动力、重力和机翼作用于机身的驱动力, 而采用扑动与扭转两个自由度飞行的机翼所产生的驱动力是由瞬时平移力和扭转循环力合成的瞬时空气动力.数值仿真证实了动力学模型的正确性.   相似文献   

仿昆扑翼飞行器的翅膀惯性力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用理论模化和仿真试验相结合的方法,研究了昆虫翅膀扑动产生的惯性力和惯性力矩.在昆虫扑翼飞行运动的仿生模拟基础上,研究了翅膀扑动过程中拍动幅度、拍动加(减)速周期、平动迎角和翻转加(减)速周期4个振翅运动参数对翅膀惯性力(矩)的影响.研究表明:微小尺度昆虫高频扑翅产生的惯性力幅值与气动力的幅值大致相当;昆虫翅膀的弦向转动惯量比展向转动惯量近似高一个数量级;翅膀拍动惯性力矩的影响远远高于翅膀转动惯性力矩的影响,而转动惯性力矩是可以忽略不计的;只要翅膀的拍动是对称的,就可认为翅膀的扑动是近似对称的;如果翅膀拍动对称的同时转动对称,就可认为翅膀的扑动是严格对称的,此时翅膀惯性力可以忽略.   相似文献   

提出了一种扑翼操控机制,用于解决微型仿昆扑翼飞行器悬停飞行的飞行动力问题。通过对扑翼运动参数对气动力及空气动力矩的作用进行理论和仿真分析,设计了一种采用可变幅值的周期函数调节扑翼运动的扑打角和旋转角变化的方法,实现对气动力和气动力矩进行独立控制的操控机制。仿真结果验证了此操控机制可以较好地解决仅一对翼的仿昆扑翼飞行器飞行动力问题。  相似文献   

飞翼布局无人机保形非对称S弯进气道设计及优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张乐  周洲  许晓平 《航空动力学报》2016,31(11):2682-2690
基于国产动力约束及隐身设计要求,针对飞翼布局无人机双发动机布局进行了保形S弯进气道设计,为进一步提高进气道性能,开展了进气道优化设计研究.首先利用CFD(计算流体动力学)方法对保形进气道风洞模型进行验证,然后结合参数化建模和网格自动生成技术进行CFD数值模拟,最后利用RBF(radial basis function neural network)代理模型及多岛遗传算法开展进气道优化设计.结果表明:①优化后进气道性能有所改善,尤其表现在4°迎角之后性能明显提升,Ma=0.6下4°迎角时总压恢复系数提高了5.46%,畸变指数降低了38.7%;②优化后进气道截面积分布相比初始构型在前段更缓和而后段略微升高,中心线则在前1/3段与初始构型基本一致,之后曲率变化更加平缓;③保形进气道在出口截面具有较强的二次流,侧滑角对于此类进气道在小迎角下影响较小而大迎角时影响较大,设计时应关注大迎角时侧滑特性.   相似文献   

一种仿生扑翼飞行器的设计及动力学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了提高仿生扑翼飞行器设计水平,弄清仿生扑翼飞行器的动力学特性、改善其飞行性能,设计了一种折展翼仿鸟扑动飞行样机,并对其动力学特性进行了分析。通过仿生方式设计了基于曲柄连杆的折展扑动机构,建立了扑翼机构的运动学模型,得到了相关运动学参数,并采用拉格朗日方法,推导出扑翼扑动时的动力学模型。基于条带方法对该扑翼的气动力、气动力矩载荷进行估算,分析了折展扑翼非对称扑动时翼翅气动力矩变化规律,结果表明:与一般直扑翼相比,折展翼在上扑阶段受到更小的阻力,因而扑翼扑动过程中能够获得更大的升力。基于ADAMS软件包,对扑动机构关键铰接位置的力学特性进行分析,为优化扑动机构、提高其结构强度提供重要参考。   相似文献   

基于飞翼布局无人机隐身与结构装载布置要求,保形设计了3种进气口形状的背负式S弯进气道,按照进口投影截面形状上、下底之比顺序排列,分别为三角形、梯形和矩形.利用数值模拟方法对无人机内外流场耦合流动进行计算分析,且基于射线弹跳(SBR)法对进气道电磁散射特性进行仿真研究,获得了飞翼无人机3种进气道的气动与隐身综合特性.研究结果表明:①矩形进气道模型升阻和纵向力矩特性表现均最好;②3种 进气道模型按顺序排列总压恢复系数逐渐增大,畸变指数逐渐减小,进气道沿程气流也逐渐顺畅,矩形进气道模型进气道内流特性最优;③0°迎角下3种进气道模型雷达散射截面(RCS)均值基本呈现先增大后减小的特征,进气道终端开放时矩形进气道模型隐身性能最好,而终端短路时三角形进气道模型隐身效果更优异.   相似文献   

Numerous investigations have been conducted to understand the wall effects on rotors. The purpose of this study is to further investigate the aerodynamic performance of revolving wings, especially when it is very close to the ground and ceiling (i.e., less than half the wingspan) at low Reynolds numbers. Hence, the ground and ceiling effect for hovering micro revolving wings at low Reynolds numbers are investigated by improving the theoretical models. The theoretical model for the ground effect is established based on the wall-jet assumption, and that for the ceiling effect is improved by considering the uneven spanwise distribution of induced velocity. These two models are validated by comparing the results of experiments and CFD simulations with the Lattice-Boltzmann Method (LBM). Both ground and ceiling effects are found helpful to enhance the thrust, especially with small wing-wall distances, by making a difference to the induced velocity and the pressure distribution. By comparing the thrust generation and aerodynamic efficiency between the ground and ceiling effects, the former is found more helpful to the thrust augmentation, and the latter is more beneficial for the aerodynamic efficiency promotion.  相似文献   

张乐  周洲  许晓平 《航空动力学报》2018,33(7):1612-1621
基于飞翼无人机(UAV)保形进气道和工程应用实例,进行了不同格栅间距的格栅设计。结合多层快速多极子方法(MLFMM)和混合网格计算方法,开展了保形进口格栅气动和隐身综合特性研究。结果表明:①随着格栅尺寸(间距)减小,格栅隐身效果逐渐增强;频率为1GHz下,格栅间距为波长的1/3时,格栅电磁屏蔽效率约为48.93%,而当格栅间距达到波长的1/6时,接近于完全屏蔽;②保形进口格栅对无人机翼面上流动干扰较小而对进气道内流特性影响明显;③随着格栅尺寸减小,全机升阻特性逐渐略微下降,进气道出口截面总压恢复逐渐降低而畸变指数逐渐增大。   相似文献   

The analysis of the passive rotation feature of a micro Flapping Rotary Wing(FRW)applicable for Micro Air Vehicle(MAV) design is presented in this paper. The dynamics of the wing and its influence on aerodynamic performance of FRW is studied at low Reynolds number(~10~3).The FRW is modeled as a simplified system of three rigid bodies: a rotary base with two flapping wings. The multibody dynamic theory is employed to derive the motion equations for FRW. A quasi-steady aerodynamic model is utilized for the calculation of the aerodynamic forces and moments. The dynamic motion process and the effects of the kinematics of wings on the dynamic rotational equilibrium of FWR and the aerodynamic performances are studied. The results show that the passive rotation motion of the wings is a continuous dynamic process which converges into an equilibrium rotary velocity due to the interaction between aerodynamic thrust, drag force and wing inertia. This causes a unique dynamic time-lag phenomena of lift generation for FRW, unlike the normal flapping wing flight vehicle driven by its own motor to actively rotate its wings. The analysis also shows that in order to acquire a high positive lift generation with high power efficiency and small dynamic time-lag, a relative high mid-up stroke angle within 7–15° and low mid-down stroke angle within -40° to -35° are necessary. The results provide a quantified guidance for design option of FRW together with the optimal kinematics of motion according to flight performance requirement.  相似文献   

张威  刘光泽  张博利 《航空学报》2018,39(9):421966-421979
以"Sparrow"微小仿生扑翼飞行器(FWMAV)为基础,提出了3种带弹性元件的扑动机构构型。对原构型和3种弹性构型进行的理论研究及仿真试验发现,安装有弹性元件的仿生扑翼机构不仅可以在很大程度上减小电机输入的峰值转矩,而且能凭借减小峰值转矩的最优构型提高能量利用率。同时,原模型在翅翼下扑阶段所产生的冲击力大而上扑阶段所产生的冲击力小,电机因负载不均在快速运转时易受冲击。引入弹性元件后,可有效减小电机所受到的冲击力,降低机体材料的冲击及疲劳损伤,延长其使用寿命;对峰值力的优化还可以降低噪声,减小飞行时被发现的几率,提高其在战场环境中的生存率。这将为扑翼飞行器由理论向工程应用过渡提供基础。  相似文献   

A novel framework is established for accurate modeling of Powered Parafoil Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (PPUAV). The model is developed in the following three steps: obtaining a linear dynamic model, simplifying the model structure, and estimating the model mismatch due to model variance and external disturbance factors. First, a six degree-of-freedom linear model, or the structured model, is obtained through dynamic establishment and linearization. Second, the data correlation analysis is adopted to determine the criterion for proper model complexity and to simplify the structured model. Next, an active model is established, combining the simplified model with the model mismatch estimator. An adapted Kalman filter is utilized for the real-time estimation of states and model mismatch. We finally derive a linear system model while taking into account of model variance and external disturbance. Actual flight tests verify the effectiveness of our active model in different flight scenarios.  相似文献   

This article studies the elastic properties of several biomimetic micro air vehicle (BMAV) wings that are based on a dragonfly wing. BMAVs are a new class of unmanned micro-sized air vehicles that mimic the flapping wing motion of flying biological organisms (e.g., insects, birds, and bats). Three structurally identical wings were fabricated using different materials: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), polylactic acid (PLA), and acrylic. Simplified wing frame structures were fabricated from these materials and then a nanocomposite film was adhered to them which mimics the membrane of an actual dragonfly. These wings were then attached to an electromagnetic actu-ator and passively flapped at frequencies of 10–250 Hz. A three-dimensional high frame rate imag-ing system was used to capture the flapping motions of these wings at a resolution of 320 pixels × 240 pixels and 35000 frames per second. The maximum bending angle, maximum wing tip deflection, maximum wing tip twist angle, and wing tip twist speed of each wing were measured and compared to each other and the actual dragonfly wing. The results show that the ABS wing has considerable flexibility in the chordwise direction, whereas the PLA and acrylic wings show better conformity to an actual dragonfly wing in the spanwise direction. Past studies have shown that the aerodynamic performance of a BMAV flapping wing is enhanced if its chordwise flexibility is increased and its spanwise flexibility is reduced. Therefore, the ABS wing (fabricated using a 3D printer) shows the most promising results for future applications.  相似文献   

六转子微型飞行器及其低雷诺数下的旋翼气动性能仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种新结构的六转子无人飞行器的概念,该飞行器可以在空间任意方向飞行,甚至可以在地面上滚动前进。分析了其可能的三种构型并给出了各自的运动方程,给出了三轴解耦时该飞行器的配置方式及转子空间位置。由于该飞行器具有小尺寸外形、低重量和飞行速度慢的特点,根据转子速度、弦长和飞行模态,计算得该飞行器的雷诺数变化范围为1×104到12.8×104。以选用的Eppler 387翼型作为分析对象,采用正投影混合网格方法对其在低雷诺数下的气动性能进行研究,得到了雷诺数分别为1×104,2×104,3×104和6×104下对应不同迎角的升力系数、阻力系数和升阻比,并对雷诺数为6×104下的升力系数仿真结果同试验结果进行了对比,二者具有较好的一致性。制作了六转子微型飞行器样机,实现了垂直起降及慢速前飞。  相似文献   

Topology optimization is an effective method to obtain a lightweight structure that meets the requirements of structural strength. Whether the optimization results meet the actual needs mainly depends on the accuracy of the material properties and the boundary conditions, especially for a tiny Flapping-wing Micro Aerial Vehicle(FMAV) transmission system manufactured by 3D printing. In this paper, experimental and numerical computation efforts were undertaken to gain a reliable topology optimizat...  相似文献   

一种两侧布局的亚声速无人机进气道流场特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
蒋武根  彭云晖  李博 《航空动力学报》2011,26(11):2549-2555
对一种两侧布局的亚声速无人机进气道进行了气动设计和数值模拟研究,得到了该进气道的工作特性.结果表明,进气道唇口、两侧管道的汇合段、以及发动机轮毂对进气道流场和性能影响较大,发动机轮毂能改善进气道出口流场品质,降低流场畸变.在所有状态下,该进气道的总压恢复系数大于0.97,畸变指数小于0.15,满足发动机的工作要求.   相似文献   

建立了适当的三维仿鸟柔性扑翼模型,并以配平重力和平衡阻力为条件,数值计算了它的低雷诺数非定常流场.研究揭示了翼面初始扭转角度、动态俯仰幅度等重要设计参数与飞行性能的关系,表明扑翼平面的初始扭转程度、扑翼柔性材料的选择以及两者之间的合理搭配对扑翼机的成功飞行至关重要.研究分析了仿鸟扑翼的流场涡结构、升力推力产生原理,下扑过程附着上翼面的前缘涡是升力产生的重要机制.对扑翼气动功率的比较分析也发现,人造扑翼机需要的气动功率明显高出同等大小的鸟类,在效率方面尚不及扑翼飞行生物.  相似文献   

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