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Heavy ions in the magnetosphere   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For purposes of this review heavy ions include all species of ions having a mass per unit charge of 2 AMU or greater. The discussion is limited primarily to ions in the energy range between 100 eV and 100 keV. Prior to the discovery in 1972 of large fluxes of energetic O+ ions precipitating into the auroral zone during geomagnetic storms, the only reported magnetosphere ion species observed in this energy range were helium and hydrogen. More recently O+ and He+ have been identified as significant components of the storm time ring current, suggesting that an ionosphere source may be involved in the generation of the fluxes responsible for this current. Mass spectrometer measurements on board the S3-3 satellite have shown that ionospheric ions in the auroral zone are frequently accelerated upward along geomagnetic field lines to several keV energy in the altitude region from 5000 km to greater than 8000 km. These observations also show evidence for acceleration perpendicular to the magnetic field and thus cannot be explained by a parallel electric field alone. This auroral acceleration region is most likely the source for the magnetospheric heavy ions of ionospheric origin, but further acceleration would probably be required to bring them to characteristic ring current energies. Recent observations from the GEOS-1 spacecraft combined with earlier results suggest comparable contributions to the hot magnetopheric plasma from the solar wind and the ionosphere.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

This paper is a continuation of the review (Shabansky, 1968), which is quoted here as I. This paper considers the problems related to the processes of the interaction of charged particles with the geomagnetic field, and also contains the original results obtained by the author (1, 2.1; 2.2; 2.3.4; 2.4; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4.3). The problems under discussion in the Sections 1; 2.1; 2.2 were partly dealt with in the end of paper I. However, the equations of motion for the two-and three-component plasma shortly represented in 1.1, 1.2, take into account the inertial terms in distinction to paper I. The ionospheric current induction (1.4), the transition layer (2.1) and the magnetotail rotation (2.2) are considered in more detail than in I.The references are divided into 2 parts: the papers published in Soviet magazines are listed separately, using the Cyrillic alphabet.  相似文献   

Recent progress in astrophysical hydromagnetic turbulence is being reviewed. The physical ideas behind the now widely accepted Goldreich–Sridhar model and its extension to compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence are introduced. Implications for cosmic ray diffusion and acceleration is being discussed. Dynamo-generated magnetic fields with and without helicity are contrasted against each other. Certain turbulent transport processes are being modified and often suppressed by anisotropy and inhomogeneities of the turbulence, while others are being produced by such properties, which can lead to new large-scale instabilities of the turbulent medium. Applications of various such processes to astrophysical systems are being considered.  相似文献   

The study of ULF waves in space has been in progress for about 12 years. However, because of numerous observational difficulties the properties of the waves in this frequency band (10-3 to 1 Hz) are poorly known. These difficulties include the nature of satellite orbits, telemetry limitations on magnetometer frequency response and compromises between dynamic range and resolution. Despite the paucity of information, there is increasing recognition of the importance of these measurements in magnetospheric processes. A number of recent theoretical papers point out the roles such waves play in the dynamic behavior of radiation belt particles.At the present time the existing satellite observations of ULF waves suggest that the level of geomagnetic activity controls the types of waves which occur within the magnetosphere. Consequently, we consider separately quiet times, times of magnetospheric substorms and times of magnetic storms. Within each of these categories there are distinctly different wave modes distinguished by their polarization: either transverse or parallel to the ambient field. In addition, these wave phenomena occur in distinct frequency bands. In terms of the standard nomenclature of ground micropulsation studies ULF wave types observed in the magnetosphere include quiet time transverse — Pc 1, Pc 3, Pc 4, Pc 5 quiet time compressional — Pc 1 and Pi 1; substorm compressional Pi 1 and Pi 2; storm transverse — Pc 1; storm compressional Pc 4, 5. The satellite observations are not yet sufficient to determine whether the various bands identified in the ground data are equally appropriate in space.Publication No. 982. Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. 90024.  相似文献   

The study of Extremely-Low-Frequency (ELF) and Very-Low-Frequency (VLF) waves in space has been intensively pursued in the past decade. Search coil magnetometers, magnetic loop antennas, and electric dipole antennas have been carried on board many spacecraft. The measurements performed by these instruments have revealed a multitude of wave phenomena, whose study in turn is providing a wealth of information on the physics of the magnetospheric and ionospheric plasma. Two classes of wave phenomena are observed: whistlers and emissions. The observed whistler phenomena include: multiple hop ducted whistlers, ion-cutoff whistlers, ion cyclotron whistlers, subprotonospheric whistlers, magnetospherically reflected whistlers and walking trace whistlers.The emissions observed at high altitudes near the magnetic equator differ in many respects from those observed at low altitudes near the ionosphere. At high altitudes, inside the plasmasphere ELF hiss is the dominant emission and outside the plasmasphere chorus is the dominant emission. Also seen is a sub-LHR hiss band in the outer plasmasphere near the equator, and high pass noise and broadband noise in the outer nightside magnetosphere. At low altitude both ELF hiss and chorus are present but, here, ELF hiss is the dominant emission even outside the plasmasphere. Additional emissions, specific to low altitudes, such as VLF hiss and LHR noise are also observed. Although the observations of these phenomena by spacecraft have been complemented by many ground-based and rocket borne studies as well as by spacecraft observations of man-made signals, this paper reviews only satellite observations of signals of natural origin.  相似文献   

A review is given on the distribution and origin of the large-scale electric field in the magnetosphere and its influence on the dynamical behavior of the magnetospheric plasma. Following a general discussion on the gross structure of the magnetosphere and its tail, two principal electric field systems are deduced from ground-based geomagnetic variations. One is responsible for the polar substorm, the DP 1 field, which is closely associated with the activation of the auroral electrojet. The other is responsible for the twin current vortices, the DP 2 field, and this represents the general convective system set up in the magnetospheric plasma.The origin of these magnetospheric electric fields is possibly resided in the domain of the solar wind interacting with the outer geomagnetic field. However, the mechanism, in which the energy is transferred, is still quite controversial. Several theories so far proposed are re-examined, and some modification of them are suggested to have a consistent understanding of these two types of electric fields. The effects of electric fields on magnetospheric plasma dynamics are described, such as the formation of the plasmapause, the acceleration and diffusion of energetic particles in the radiation belt.  相似文献   

Different models of the magnetosphere are discussed critically. It is pointed out that there is a principal difference between the case when the impinging interplanetary plasma has no initial magnetization, B 0 = 0, (as in the Chapman-Ferraro theory), and the case when the plasma is initially magnetized, B 0 0, even if B 0 is very small.In the former case the plasma remains unmagnetized (like a superconductor) and cannot penetrate into the magnetosphere. Therefore the plasma is separated by a sharp boundary from the magnetosphere, (closed magnetosphere model).In the latter case when the plasma is magnetized (which is more realistic) there is a possibility that field lines run from the earth to infinity (open magnetosphere model). Particles from the interplanetary space may penetrate into the magnetosphere. At the same time there may be a number of discontinuity surfaces of different character, such as the Cahill discontinuity.It is important to make terrella experiments in order to study the complicated phenomena occurring when a magnetized plasma penetrates into a dipole field.  相似文献   

Energy flow in various large-scale processes of the Earth's magnetosphere is examined. This energy comes from the solar wind, via the dawn-to-dusk convection electric field, a field established primarily by magnetic merging but with viscous-like boundary interaction as a possible contributor. The convection field passes about 5 × 1011 W to the near-Earth part of the plasma sheet, and also moves the plasma earthward. In addition, 1–3 × 1011 W are given to the complex system of the Birkeland currents: about 4 × 1010 of this, on the average, goes to parallel acceleration, chiefly of auroral electrons, about 2–3 times that amount to joule heating of the ionosphere, and the rest heats the ring current. The ring current stores energy (mainly as kinetic energy of particles) of the order of 2 × 1015 J, and this value rises and decays during magnetic storms, on time scales ranging from a fraction of a day to several days. The tail can store comparable amounts as magnetic energy, and appreciable fractions of its energy may be released in substorms, on time scales of tens of minutes. The sporadic power level of such events reaches the order of 3 × 1012 W. The role of magnetic merging in such releases of magnetic energy is briefly discussed, as is the correlation between properties of the solar wind and magnetospheric power levels.  相似文献   

The Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer aboard the SMM detected gigantic arches in the corona which are formed or, if preexisting, become excited after major two-ribbon flares. They are seen in 3.5–8 keV X-rays and extend along the H = 0 line to altitudes between 105 and 2 × 105 km. These arches are stationary and form the base of a stationary type I radio noise storm initiated by the flare. They are visible in X-rays for ten hours or more and may be revived, in temperature, density, and brightness, if another two-ribbon flare appears below them. We suggest that they are built-up through reconnection process during the flare from the upper reconnected loops in the Kopp and Pneuman model. These loops become interconnected along the H = 0 line in consequence of great shear of the reconnecting loops. Obviously, the coronal transient associated with such flares must be either accomplished prior to the formation of the arch, or it must be formed through a process different from the Anzer-Kopp-Pneuman mechanism. Striking brightness variations occur quasi-periodically in the corona below and above the arch a few hours after the flare. These variations are seen at about the same time in soft X-rays, hard X-rays, and on centimeter microwaves in the low corona, as well as at metric waves in the type I noise-storm region. In spite of their flare-like intensity, however, the variations have little response in the transition layer (O v line) and no response at all in the chromosphere (Hα). We suggest that these semi-periodic brightenings are due to repetitive acceleration processes in plasmoids that encircle the arch perpendicular to the H = 0 line from the low corona through the noise storm region, being completely detached from the lower atmospheric layers.  相似文献   

In several regions of the magnetosphere, perpendicular and/or parallel electric fields are found to be orders-of-magnitude larger than expected from simple considerations. Problems associated with these large fields that may be amenable to study through computer simulations are discussed. Regions in which large electric fields are observed include: a) The auroral ionosphere, where Langmuir soliton-like structures have been measured to contain plasma frequency oscillations as large as 500 mV/m, the envelopes of which have parallel electric fields of 100 mV/m lasting for fractions of a millisecond; b) The auroral acceleration region, where electrostatic shocks have been observed to contain perpendicular fields as large as 1000 mV/m and parallel fields as large as 100 mV/m, and where double layers having parallel fields up to 10 mV/m have been observed; c) The high latitude boundary of the plasma sheet, where turbulent electric fields as large as 100 mV/m have been seen along with quasi-static fields of 5–10 mV/m; d) Inside the plasma sheet, where fields of 5–10 mV/m have frequently been observed; e) The bow shock, where turbulent fields as large as 100 mV/m and d.c. fields of 5 mV/m normal to the shock have been seen.also Physics Department  相似文献   

Among the various plasma instabilities that exert influence on the dynamic equilibrium state of the magnetosphere, the cyclotron-resonance interaction appears to be the most accessible to artificial stimulation. The strength of the interaction is sensitive to both the background magnetoplasma parameters and the hot energetic particle distribution. Thus, proper modification of one or more conditions can induce significant wave amplification at the expense of hot plasma energy density. Several methods of hot and cold plasma injection have been investigated with the linear theory to assess their effectiveness as a means of stimulating amplification.Only the interaction of VLF waves (3–30 kHz) with hot electrons (0.1–100 keV) is treated here. The injection of a dense jet of barium that travels upward along the geomagnetic field causes appreciable amplification when the jet is within 30° of the geomagnetic equator. Injection of a geosynchronous lithium cloud stimulates amplification of both VLF and ULF waves, but the magnitude depends critically on the state of geomagnetic activity. Conventional hot electron beams may also amplify narrow frequency bands, but the net wave energy is severely limited by the beam energy.Although the cyclotron-resonance is recognized as a dominant interaction in magnetospheric dynamics, its properties have never been confirmed quantitatively by appropriate spacecraft experiments. Controlled injections would provide important insight into this fundamental process because the induced amplification has a well-defined signature.  相似文献   

Space Science Reviews - Many of the significant theoretical advances in understanding the origin and behaviour of low frequency hydromagnetic waves originating in the magnetosphere in the last...  相似文献   

The behaviour of continuous pulsations pc 2–5 observed on the ground has been known for some time. They seldom occur at night, their amplitudes generally increase towards the auroral zones and the sense of rotation of their polarisation often agrees with surface waves on the magnetopause. Recently ULF sonagrams for middle latitudes have shown systematic behaviour and dominant periods. Theoretical study of normal modes for symmetrical models is also well established. If the wave depends on longitude like e im , modes with large m are quasi-transverse and these are likely to be excited and will be emphasised.The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability has recently been studied in a general formulation. For given fields and plasma properties on both sides of the boundary, a plot of critical wind speed against the direction of the wave fronts shows a cusp, meaning that for most directions of the wind the onset of instability will correspond to the cusp and the nature of the waves can be predicted from this. Almost circularly polarised waves are predicted confirming an earlier heuristic suggestion.Magnetic data from Explorer 33 shows rather irregular disturbance near the magnetopause, but an integration designed to show the sense of rotation of the polarisation shows clear agreement. The disturbance outside the magnetopause also shows the predicted polarisation, indicating that a substantial part of it must be due to surface waves, whereas previously it was believed to be the turbulence of the magnetosheath.Bounce resonance has also been invoked to excite ULF waves, particularly those observed at the geostationary orbit, which may also correspond to pg at the ground. They are remarkably regular and quite strictly transverse, suggesting large m. Energetic particles may then see a higher frequency as a result of their drift. A simple picture of the exchange of energy is obtained using a frame rotating with the wave and it is seen that the wave can be driven by a spatial gradient in the energetic particles. The most important mechanism is due to the tilting of the field lines and the growth rate can be large. The reflection by the ionosphere requires further study.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection can lead to the formation of observed boundary layers at the dayside magnetopause and in the nightside plasma sheet of the earth's magnetosphere. In this paper, the structure of these reconnection layers is studied by solving the one-dimensional Riemann problem for the evolution of a current sheet. Analytical method, resistive MHD simulations, and hybrid simulations are used. Based on the ideal MHD formulation, rotational discontinuities, slow shocks, slow expansion waves, and contact discontinuity are present in the dayside reconnection layer. Fast expansion waves are also present in the solution of the Riemann problem, but they quickly propagate out of the reconnection layer. Our study provides a coherent picture for the transition from the reconnection layer with two slow shocks in Petschek's model to the reconnection layer with a rotational discontinuity and a slow expansion wave in Levy et al's model. In the resistive MHD simulations, the rotational discontinuities are replaced by intermediate shocks or time-dependent intermediate shocks. In the hybrid simulations, the time-dependent intermediate shock quickly evolves to a steady rotational discontinuity, and the contact discontinuity does not exist. The magnetotail reconnection layer consists of two slow shocks. Hybrid simulations of slow shocks indicate that there exists a critical number,M c, such that for slow shocks with an intermediate Mach numberM IM c, a large-amplitude rotational wavetrain is present in the downstream region. For slow shocks withM I<M c, the downstream wavetrain does not exist. Chaotic ion orbits in the downstream wave provide an efficient mechanism for ion heating and wave damping and explain the existence of the critical numberM c in slow shocks.  相似文献   

This article reviews theories and observations related to effects produced by finite (and large) Larmor radii of charged particles in the magnetosphere. The FLR effects depend on =r H /L, wherer H is the Larmor radius andL is the spatial scale for field/plasma inhomogeneity. The parameter is a basic expansion parameter for most equations describing plasma dynamics in the magnetosphere. The FLR effects enter naturally the drift approximation for particle motion and represent also non-ideal MHD terms in the fluid formalism. The linear and higher order terms in lead to charge separation, energization of particles, and produce viscosity without collisions. The FLR effects introduce also important corrections to the dispersion relations for MHD waves and drift instabilities. Expansion of plasma into magnetic field leads to filamentation of the plasma boundary and to creation of structures with thickness less than an ion gyroradius. Large Larmor radius effects (1) in curved magnetic field geometry lead to stochastic behaviour of particle trajectories and to deterministic chaos. The tiny scale of the electron and ion gyroradii does not necessarily mean that FLR/LLR phenomena have negligible effect on the macroscopic dynamics and energetics of the whole magnetosphere. On the contrary, the small scale gyro-effects may provide the physical mechanism for gyroviscous coupling between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, the mechanism for triggering disruption of the magnetotail current layer, and the mechanism for parallel electric field that accelerate auroral particles.  相似文献   

In this paper we review low altitude observations of the high latitude convection electric field as obtained with a variety of instruments including polar orbiting spacecraft, barium, incoherent and coherent scatter radars, and ground-based magnetometers. There still appears to be some contradiction in the observations particularly with regard to plasma flow into and out of the polar cap. Also, there does not appear to be any simple relationship between the sign of B y and the local time location of the throat region. Rather, under active conditions, it appears that the plasma entry and exit regions rotate towards earlier times and there is a significant component of dawn-dusk flow across the polar cap. Superimposed on this may be some B y-dependence of the plasma entry region.  相似文献   

Whistler-mode waves injected into the magnetosphere from ground sources (e.g., lightning discharge, vlf transmitters) are used to probe the distribution of ions and electrons in the magnetosphere. They also cause wave growth (vlf emissions) and precipitation of electrons. Bursts of X-rays (> 30 keV) and enhancements of D-region ionization are examples of precipitation effects caused by lightning-generated waves. Growing narrowband wave trains are triggered by manmade coherent waves. Growth rates of 100 dB s-1 and total growths up to 30 dB have been measured using 5.5 kHz signals transmitted from Siple Station, Antarctica. Another source of coherent wave input to the magnetosphere are the harmonics from commercial power line systems. Power line harmonic radiation may suppress triggered emissions or change their frequency-time slope. Exponential growth of narrowband emissions is explained in terms of cyclotron resonance between the waves and trapped energetic electrons, with feedback included. Applications of wave injection experiments include: (1) study of emission mechanisms, (2) control of energetic particle precipitation, (3) diagnostics of cold and hot plasma, and (4) vlf communications.  相似文献   

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