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This paper provides general models of radar echoes from a target. The rationale of the approach is to consider the echoes as the output of a linear dynamic system driven by white Gaussian noise (WGN). Two models can be conceived to generate N target returns: samples generated as a batch, or sequentially generated one by one. The models allow the accommodation of any correlation between pulses and nonstationary behavior of the target. The problem of deriving the optimum receiver structure is next considered. The theory of "estimator-correlator" receiver is applied to the case of a Gaussian-distributed time-correlated target embedded in clutter and thermal noise. Two equivalent detection schemes are obtained (i. e., the batch detector and the recursive detector) which are related to the above mentioned procedures of generating radar echoes. A combined analytic-numeric method has been conceived to obtain a set of original detection curves related to operational cases of interest. Finally, an adaptive implementation of the proposed processor is suggested, especially with reference to the problem of on-line estimation of the clutter covariance matrix and of the CFAR threshold. In both cases detection loss due to adaptation has been evaluated by means of a Monte Carlo simulation approach. In summary, the original contributions of the paper lie in the mathematical formulation of a powerful model for radar echoes and in the derivation of a large set of detection curves.  相似文献   

An adaptive detection procedure is described by which the detection threshold is so adjusted as to provide an asymptotic false-alarm probability PFA that is approximately invariant with changes in radar clutter return amplitude probability density functions (pdf's) in a broad class. The class includes Rayleigh, chi, Weibull, and lognormal pdf's. The receiver noise is also taken into account. The clutter-plus-noise pdf is approximated by a truncated generalized Laguerre series, the coefficients of which are estimated from the radar returns using "cell averaging" techniques. This estimation is assumed to be perfect. The results obtained indicate that the "bias" error, defined as the normalized difference between the design PFA and the asymptotic PFA corresponding to the computed threshold, lies within a fraction of an order of magnitude for 10-3?PFA ? 10-6. For PFA ?10-6 the bias error is more than an order of magnitude. These results are for the case when a single independent radar return is processed at a time. The bias error decreases as the number of postdetection integrations of independent returns increases.  相似文献   

Simple Procedures for Radar Detection Calculations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The literature of radar contains results of Rice, Marcum, Swerling, and Schwartz in several families of curves, which permit radar engineersto estimate the signal energy ratio required for a given level of detectionperformance. The variety of radar problems, however, makes itimpractical to construct curves for all combinations of radar and targetparameters. The concept of detector loss is used here to evaluate lossesattributable to integration and collapsing, with an accuracy of ±0.3 dBon steady targets. This is added to a separate fluctuation loss, modifiedfor diversity effects, to obtain results on all Swerling target modelsand also on partially correlated targets. The accuracy of the combinedlosses is ±0.5 dB for a wide range of detection and false-alarm probabilities.Starting from the basic single-sample detection curves, onlythree additional graphs are needed to find the energy ratio for givendetection performance in any of these cases. Examples are given whichshow the ease with which different radar options may be compared asto performance on an arbitrary type of target.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the special considerations that characterize the design of an UWB radar for the detection of low-altitude missiles over the sea. It discusses the factors which enter into the choice of frequency, and the selection of the transmitter, antenna, and receiver. Reviewed are signal processing issues concerning detection of UWB signals in noise and clutter, nondoppler MTI based on the pulse-to-pulse change in range due to target motion, measurement of target height based on multipath time delay, and target recognition. As the investigation progressed, the authors became disappointed with the available UWB technology, but encouraged about the potential advantages of UWB for this application. The chief limitation of UWB radar that must be overcome before applications are viable is its poor electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)  相似文献   

In low pulse-repetition frequency (PRF) pulse radars, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is usually calculated on a per pulse basis and this value is then multiplied by the number of pulses integrated to obtain the SNR for a given duration of target illumination. In high PRF pulse Doppler radars, SNR is usually calculated by using the centerline power of the transmitted signal spectrum as the target return power because the centerline is kept in the receiver and returns of the PRF lines are notched out [1]. We show here that both methods of SNR calculations are entirely equivalent for matched transmit-receive radar systems.  相似文献   

Radar target probing and measurement are challenging tasks for Radio Frequency Simulation (RFS) with pulse radar signal. Due to the long-time duration of pulse radar signal and the limited space of anechoic chamber, the reflected signal returns before pulse radar signal is fully transmitted in RFS. As a consequence, the transmitted and reflected signals are coupled at the receiver. To handle this problem, the Interrupted Transmitting and Receiving (ITR) experiment system is constructed in this paper by dividing the pulse radar signal into sub-pulses. The target echo can be obtained by transmitting and receiving the sub-pulses intermittently. Furthermore, the principles of ITR are discussed and the target probing experiments are performed with the ITR system. It is demonstrated that the ITR system can overcome the coupling between the reflected and transmitted signals. Based on the target probing results, the performance of pulse radar target probing and measurement can be verified in RFS with the ITR system.  相似文献   

A new approach is described for combining range and Doppler data from multiple radar platforms to perform multi-target detection and tracking. In particular, azimuthal measurements are assumed to be either coarse or unavailable, so that multiple sensors are required to triangulate target tracks using range and Doppler measurements only. Increasing the number of sensors can cause data association by conventional means to become impractical due to combinatorial complexity, i.e., an exponential increase in the number of mappings between signatures and target models. When the azimuthal resolution is coarse, this problem will be exacerbated by the resulting overlap between signatures from multiple targets and clutter. In the new approach, the data association is performed probabilistically, using a variation of expectation-maximization (EM). Combinatorial complexity is avoided by performing an efficient optimization in the space of all target tracks and mappings between tracks and data. The full, multi-sensor, version of the algorithm is tested on simulated data. The results demonstrate that accurate tracks can be estimated by exploiting spatial diversity in the sensor locations. Also, as a proof-of-concept, a simplified, single-sensor range-only version of the algorithm is tested on experimental radar data acquired with a stretch radar receiver. These results are promising, and demonstrate robustness in the presence of nonhomogeneous clutter.  相似文献   

A technique is presented for determining the ideal detection threshold when Gaussian noise and Weibull distributed clutter returns are present on a radar receiver and neither is dominant. Quantitative data is presented for several clutter types and false alarm probabilities  相似文献   

A single (quadrature) channel moving target indicator (MTI) radar system employing a tapped delay line filter is analyzed. The point of view taken is that of optimal clutter rejection in conjunction with subsequent receiver decision operations. The random nature of the spread of target Doppler shifts is taken into account. Based on the above, a procedure is presented by means of which the detection probability can be numerically evaluated for an optimized filter frequency response.  相似文献   

曾涛  龙腾 《航空学报》2000,21(2):138-141
分析了准连续波三通道雷达接收机的特点,提出了一种先进的雷达数字信号处理机的实现方案。该方案采用了中频采样、高速 DSP和并行体系结构等先进技术。在系统实现层次上,分析了一些中频采样实现方法的局限,进而提出了适合准连续波雷达回波特点的采样滤波器的设计方法和采样频率选择公式。在硬件设计上,本系统采用了32位浮点 DSP--ADSP21060和相应的并行结构。  相似文献   

Coherent signal detection in non-Gaussian interference is presently of interest in adaptive array applications. Conventional array detection algorithms inherently model the interference with a multivariate Gaussian random vector. However, non-Gaussian interference models are also under investigation for applications where the Gaussian assumption may not be appropriate. We analyze the performance of an adaptive array receiver for signal detection in interference modeled with a non-Gaussian distribution referred to as a spherically invariant random vector (SIRV). We first motivate this interference model with results from radar clutter measurements collected in the Mountain Top Program. Then we develop analytical expressions for the probability of false alarm and the probability of detection for the adaptive array receiver. Our analysis shows that the receiver has constant false alarm rate (CFAR) performance with respect to all the interference parameters. Some illustrative examples are included that compare the detection performance of this CFAR receiver with a receiver that has prior knowledge of the interference parameters  相似文献   

Detection of Target Multiplicity Using Monopulse Quadrature Angle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The feasibility of using the indicated quadrature angle of arrival of a monopulse radar to discriminate a single target from multiple targets, separated in angle within a radar resolution cell, is investigated. The analysis is performed for steady (fixed) and Rayleigh fluctuating targets which cover a broad range of target characteristics. In both cases, the interfering signals due to noise and clutter in the sum and difference monopulse channels are assumed to be independent, zero-mean Gaussian processes. Detection and false alarm probabilities are evaluated analytically and the receiver operating characteristics are obtained for both fixed and fluctuating target cases. It is shown that multiple targets can be discriminated from a single target condition by integrating the indicated monopulse quadrature angle of arrival from several independent pulses. It is also shown that the probability of detecting multiple targets increases as the fluctuation in the target radar cross section decreases, approaching the fixed amplitude case in the limit.  相似文献   

An ultrawideband (UWB) random-noise radar operating in the 1-2 GHz frequency band has been developed and held-tested at a 200 m range at the University of Nebraska. A unique heterodyne correlation technique based on a delayed transmitted waveform using a photonic delay line has been used to inject coherence within this system. The performance of this radar, assuming a point target, has been investigated from a statistical point of view by developing the theoretical basis for the system's receiver operating characteristics (ROC). Explicit analytical expressions for the joint probability density function (pdf) of the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of the receiver output have been derived under the assumption that the input signals are partially correlated Gaussian processes. The pdf and the complementary cumulative distribution function (cdf) for the envelope of the receiver output are also derived. These expressions are used to relate the probability of detection (Pd) to the probability of false alarm (Pf ) for different numbers of integrated samples, and the results are analyzed  相似文献   

In this paper discrete likelihood ratio computational algorithms resulting from recent studies in detection theory are applied to the general radar detection problem in which it is desired to detect the presence or absence of a sinusoidal pulse with unknown time of arrival, frequency, and phase. The resulting optimum digital receiver structure isdetermined and computer simulation results presented.  相似文献   

The performance of a radar target discrimination technique using multiple-frequency scattering amplitude without phase data is investigated. Based on the concept of natural resonance frequencies, the technique is aspect independent so that a priori information of the aspect angle is not necessary. The radar cross sections (RCSs) of spheroids are calculated numerically to simulate the received radar returns for distinguishing different spheroids and wires in the resonance frequency range by the proposed technique. By Monte Carlo simulation, the discrimination error rate is estimated as a function of the standard deviation of added noise. The numerical results show that the discrimination algorithm works well under moderately noisy situations and can be applied even in a high-resonance frequency range  相似文献   

Adaptive Detection Algorithms for Multiple-Target Situations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The performance of a mean-level detector is considered for the case where one or more interfering target returns are present in the set of cells used in estimating the clutter-plus-noise level. A serious degradation of detection probability is demonstrated for all of the single-pulse Swerling target fluctuation models (i. e., cases 0, 2, and 4). Indeed, for fixed mean radar cross sections of the primary and interfering targets, the probability of detecting the primary target is asymptotic to values significantly less than unity as the signal-to-noise ratios of the returns approach infinity. A class of alternative adaptive detection procedures is proposed and analyzed. These procedures, based on ranking and censoring techniques, maintain acceptable performance in the presence of interfering targets, and require only a minor addition in hardware to a conventional mean-level detector.  相似文献   

A technique for suppressing second-time-around radar returns using pulse-repetition interval (PRI) modulation is presented and analyzed. It is shown that a staggered PRI radar system can offer considerable improvement over a nonstaggered radar system in rejecting second-time-around returns which cause false alarms. This improvement is a function of detector implementation (noncoherent integrator or binary integrator), the number of staggered PRIs, the quiescent false alarm number, the Swerling number of the false return, the transmitted signal power, the second-time-around noise power, and the quiescent noise power of the radar. Small changes in transmitted signal power can be traded off with the quiescent false alarm number to suppress the bogus return significantly. In addition, for a noncoherent integrator, all other parameters being equal, if the second-time-around return is a Swerling case II or IV target, then there is an optimum number of staggered PRIs that can be chosen to minimize the likelihood of its detection. It is also shown that the binary integrator significantly reduces the number of second-time-around return detections when compared with the noncoherent integrator. However, there is an accompanying loss of detection  相似文献   

Unresolved Rayleigh target detection using monopulse measurements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
When the returns from two or more targets interfere (i.e., the signals are not resolved in the frequency or time domains) in a monopulse radar system, the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimate indicated by the monopulse ratio can wander far beyond the angular separation of the targets. Generalized maximum likelihood (GML) detection of the presence of unresolved Rayleigh targets is developed with probability density functions (pdfs) conditioned on the measured amplitude of the target echoes. The Neyman-Pearson detection algorithm uses both the in-phase and quadrature portions of the monopulse ratio and requires no a priori knowledge of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or DOA of either target. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are given along with simulation results that illustrate the performance and application of the algorithm  相似文献   

SAR ATR performance using a conditionally Gaussian model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A family of conditionally Gaussian signal models for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery is presented, extending a related class of models developed for high resolution radar range profiles. This signal model is robust with respect to the variations of the complex-valued radar signals due to the coherent combination of returns from scatterers as those scatterers move through relative distances on the order of a wavelength of the transmitted signal (target speckle). The target type and the relative orientations of the sensor, target, and ground plane parameterize the conditionally Gaussian model. Based upon this model, algorithms to jointly estimate both the target type and pose are developed. Performance results for both target pose estimation and target recognition are presented for publicly released data from the MSTAR program  相似文献   

Hardware-in-the-loop(HWIL) simulation technology can verify and evaluate the radar by simulating the radio frequency environment in an anechoic chamber. The HWIL simulation technology of wide-band radar targets can accurately generate wide-band radar target echo which stands for the radar target scattering characteristics and pulse modulation of radar transmitting signal. This paper analyzes the wide-band radar target scattering properties first. Since the responses of target are composed of many separate scattering centers, the target scattering characteristic is restructured by scattering centers model. Based on the scattering centers model of wide-band radar target, the wide-band radar target echo modeling and the simulation method are discussed. The wide-band radar target echo is reconstructed in real-time by convoluting the transmitting signal to the target scattering parameters. Using the digital radio frequency memory(DRFM) system,the HWIL simulation of wide-band radar target echo with high accuracy can be actualized. A typical wide-band radar target simulation is taken to demonstrate the preferable simulation effect of the reconstruction method of wide-band radar target echo. Finally, the radar target time-domain echo and high-resolution range profile(HRRP) are given. The results show that the HWIL simulation gives a high-resolution range distribution of wide-band radar target scattering centers.  相似文献   

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