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<正>本文以东北地区航班量最大且空域严重受限的大连机场为例,从空域分布特点、航班流向、管制运行限制及新航行技术引用等角度出发,对空域受限的繁忙机场如何突破空域"瓶颈",实施进离场航线分离进行探讨。一、大连机场空管运行基本概况(一)航班量及流向分布大连机场2012年旅客吞吐量为1334万人次,起降航班100 231架次,日均起降274架次,高峰日起降411架次,高峰小时36架次。大连机场进出港航班流向不均衡,北京方向占35%、华东方向占47%、日韩方向占11%、东北方向占6%、北部方向占1%。  相似文献   

以可变的优先级作为调配手段,针对航班的进离场序列建立了一种动态优化模型.首先,根据不同进离场阶段的航空器燃油消耗率和安全系数,进行航班初始优先级分配;然后,考虑机场的空中等待航班数量、空域容量、场面容量以及机场的起飞需求,对航班优先级进行二次调配.以总耗油量为目标函数,引入合作型协同进化遗传算法,设计了令一对代表个体形成合作团体的新的代表个体选择方案,改善传统遗传算法中存在的种群多样性低、易早熟等问题.仿真结果表明,在机场容量限制下,该模型仍可以实现流量的动态调配,并有效降低燃油消耗,缓解机场空域及场面的运行压力.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2001,3(3-4):161-162
Environmental issues, such as noise and exhaust gas emissions, will have a major impact upon the design and development of future-generation aircraft propulsion systems. The key objective of the European aero-engine industry is to strengthen competitiveness whilst ensuring that sustainable market growth is achieved with due consideration to environmental and safety issues. For this aim to be achieved, future aircraft gas turbine engines must provide increasing cycle performance at reduced weight (i.e. increased thrust-to-weight ratio) in order to minimise fuel consumption and consequently reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses. It is therefore vitally important that the European aero-engine industry is able to optimise its research and technology resources through an integrated approach.  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2001,3(3-4):163-165
Future aero engines will need to be more reliable, have lower operating costs and have significantly lower environmental impact than those currently in-service. The EEFAE technology platform will test advanced technologies capable of providing significant improvement in future generations of aero engines  相似文献   

多机场终端区进离场交通流协同排序方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大都市及都市圈飞行冲突、空域拥堵和航班延误日益严峻的现状,研究了多机场终端区进离场交通流协同排序问题。综合考虑尾流间隔、跑道间隔、时间窗、进离场容量等约束限制,从时空多维角度引入航班满意度概念,建立了多机场终端区进离场交通流协同排序模型,设计了带精英策略的非支配排序多目标遗传算法(NSGA-II),寻求多机场终端区进离场排序问题的Pareto最优解。实例验证表明,所提方法可对多机场终端区进离场交通流进行优化排序,有效降低航班延误总时间,显著提高航班总满意度,并实现多机场系统对终端区空域资源的公平均衡使用。与经典的先到先服务策略相比,协同排序策略的整体优化效果较为显著,其中航班延误时间得到了一定的降低。  相似文献   

一、PBN的概念 基于性能的导航(performance based navigation,PBN)是国际民航组织在结合各国区域导航(RNAV)和所需性能导航(RNP)的运行实践和技术标准的基础上,提出的一种新型的运行概念。它将航空器机载设备能力和卫星导航及其他技术相结合,涵盖了航路、终端区进离场、进近、离场等飞行的各个阶段,提供更加精确、安全的飞行方法和更加高效的空中交通管理模式。  相似文献   

袁俊 《飞机工程》2007,(2):53-55,76
结合军用飞机研制,探讨型号综合标准化的工作方法,强调应树立标准研究、制订、实施和监督一体化的思想,来开展这一工作。  相似文献   

LONworks节点开发方法与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了LONworks的基本技术和节点开发方法,并根据导弹综合测试需求,设计了基于LONworks技术的导弹综合测试节点.  相似文献   

根据北斗卫星系统工作原理,提出了北斗卫星通信导航信号激励器的方案设计和在直升机型号设计中的应用。该激励器具有模拟北斗卫星通信导航信号的功能,其作用是在航电系统地面综合联试中,为机载北斗接收机和组合导航系统提供激励信号。  相似文献   

主要通过对武器装备研制项目管理的研究,在分析对比了武器装备研制项目管理和一般项目管理的联系与区别的基础上,提出了基于武器装备全寿命周期、全过程、全方位管理所需的武器装备研制项目管理知识体系的框(WE-PMBOK),该体系框架具有模块化、结构化的特点。  相似文献   

对航空项目管理规范制定和实施的分析与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要通过对项目管理规范所必须遵循准则的简要分析,从项目管理的完备性和信息管理手段等方面对航空项目管理规范的制订方法进行了探讨,并提出了在制订规范过程中应该充分注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

Radiometric dating shows that the earliest steps in forming the substance of meteorites and assembling it into planetesimals occurred in a very short interval of time, 1–2 Ma. This study shows that rapid formation is also dictated by the need to use short-lived 26Al (half-life T 1/2=0.74 Ma) as a heat source to metamorphose and in some cases melt the meteorite parent bodies after they accreted. The earliest events in solar system history dated by cosmochemists, formation at high temperatures of the Ca,Al-rich inclusions that occur in chondritic meteorites, probably occurred during the most energetic stage of protosolar disk evolution, as the protosun neared its present mass and infall drew to a close. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

SOHO: The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), together with the Cluster mission, constitutes ESA's Solar Terrestrial Science Programme (STSP), the first Cornerstone of the Agency's long-term programme Space Science — Horizon 2000. STSP, which is being developed in a strong collaborative effort with NASA, will allow comprehensive studies to be made of the both the Sun's interior and its outer atmosphere, the acceleration and propagation of the solar wind and its interaction with the Earth. This paper gives a brief overview of one part of STSP, the SOHO mission.  相似文献   

The review of research avenues for working processes (ignition, combustion, etc.) in hybrid rocket engines (HRE), for thermal protection and power characteristics is stated. Based on conducted design and exploratory studies and design developments, the reasonable fields of application of HRE to launch systems for orbit insertion of payload are determined.  相似文献   

The Power-Inversion Adaptive Array: Concept and Performance   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The use of a power-inversion adaptive array to improve the signal-to-interference ratio in a communication system is described. "Power inversion" refers to the ability of an adaptive array to invert the power ratio of two received signals. The power-inversion ion technique is useful because it does not require detailed ledgeknow about desired-signal structure or arrival angle. The perform ance attainable with a power-inversion array is described and typical al design curves are presented.  相似文献   

In the past several years, X-ray observations of the Sun made from rockets and satellites have demonstrated the existence of high temperature (20 × 106 – 100 × 106 K), low density plasmas associated with solar flare phenomena. In the hard X-ray range ( < 1 ), spectra of the flaring plasma have been obtained using proportional and scintillation counter detectors. It is possible from these data to determine the evolution of the hard X-ray flare spectrum as the burst progresses; and by assuming either a non-thermal or thermal (Maxwellian) electron distribution function, characteristic plasma parameters such as emission measure and temperature (for a thermal interpretation) can be determined. Thermal interpretations of hard X-ray data require temperatures of 100 × 106 K.In contrast, the soft X-ray flare spectrum (1 <<30 ) exhibits line emission from hydrogen-like and helium-like ions, e.g. Ne, Mg, Al, Si,... Fe, that indicates electron energies more characteristic of temperatures of 20 × 106 K. Furthermore, line intensity ratios obtained during the course of an event show that the flare plasma can only be described satisfactorily by assuming a source composed of several different temperature regions; and that the emission measures and temperatures of these regions appear to change as the flare evolves. Temperatures are determined from line ratios of hydrogen-like to helium-like ions for a number of different elements, e.g., S, Si, and Mg, and from the slope of the X-ray continuum which is assumed to be due to free-free and free-bound emission. There is no obvious indication in soft X-ray flare spectra of non-thermal processes, although accurate continuum measurements are difficult with the data obtained to date because of higher order diffraction effects due to the use of crystal spectrometers.Soft X-ray flare spectra also show satellite lines of the hydrogen-like and helium-like ions, notably the 1s 22s 2 S-1s2s2p 2 P transition of the lithium-like ion, and support the contention that in low density plasmas these lines are formed by dielectronic recombination to the helium-like ion. Also, series of allowed transitions of hydrogen-like and helium-like ions are strong, e.g., the Lyman series of S up to Lyman-, and ratios of the higher member lines to the Lyman- line can be compared with theoretical calculations of the relative line strengths obtained by assuming various processes of line formation.This review will discuss the X-ray spectrum of solar flares from 250 keV to 0.4 keV, but will be primarily concerned with the soft X-ray spectrum and the interpretation of emission lines and continuum features that lie in this spectral range.  相似文献   

A didactic introduction to current thinking on some aspects of the solar dynamo is given for geophysicists and planetary scientists.  相似文献   

欧美两家著名高等学府正在 NASA 的资助下从事一项高效、静音飞机研究计划。目前研究人员共研究了两种设计方案,一种为 SAX-40,另一种为降低风险方案 SAX-L/R1。欧美打算在2025年联合发起一种具有高效静音特性的采用翼身融合体设计布局的民用客机。它的启用对降低未来航空器的噪声污染,为人类营造更加宁静的生活环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

当今世界,知识经济已露端倪,竞争也日趋激烈,人类正在经历一场全球性的科学技术革命。在科技发展日新月异的今天,以基础研究及其所孕育的高新技术的原始创新为主要标志的科技自主创新能力的竞争,已成为世界科技竞争的制高点,乃至国家间竞争成败的分水岭。航空工业在一个国家整体经济发展和科技进步中巨大的牵引作用,早已成为世界各国政府高层的共识,而航空航天技术所带来的丰厚社会和经济利益也是传统产业无法企及的。为此,如今无论是老牌的经济发达国家,还是新兴的有科  相似文献   

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