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今年2月下旬以来,如果天气晴好,在远离城市光污染的郊外,一晚一早,用双简望远镜或小型天文望远境就可以看到两颗亮度达到肉眼可见程度的大彗星,一颗是实现中国天文爱好者零的突破的池谷-张彗星,另一颗就是本文的主角,大名鼎鼎的林尼尔彗星,不过不是世纪末的林尼尔彗星(C/1999 S4),也不是新世纪第一颗肉眼可见的林尼尔彗星(C/2001A2),而是又一颗肉眼可见的林尼尔彗星(C/2000WM1)。  相似文献   

雨水 《太空探索》2008,(1):58-59
2007年10月24日18时05分,从中国西昌卫星发射中心传来喜讯——长征三号甲运载火箭将我国自行研制的第一颗月球探测卫星——嫦娥一号送入太空.11月26日,嫦娥一号卫星发回了第一幅月面照片,这标志我国首次探月工程圆满成功.  相似文献   

10月1日注定个好日子.清晨,新中国的第61个生日刚刚在举国欢庆的气氛中拉开帷幕,即将发射嫦娥二号卫星的西昌卫星发射中心传来喜讯:连日来阴雨绵绵的天气突然放晴,灿烂的阳光重新照耀竖立着长三丙火箭的2号塔架.这里,航天人将送给祖国一份厚重的礼物.  相似文献   

庞征 《太空探索》2012,(3):44-47
推迟多年的欧洲"伽利略"导航卫星项目的首批2颗"伽利略-在轨验证"导航卫星于2011年10月21日由俄新型的联盟-2-1b火箭(也称联盟VS01)送至距地球23600千米的轨道,这也是俄罗斯火箭首次在法国库鲁航天中心发射升空。2颗卫星分别以欧盟举办的伽利略儿  相似文献   

诸葛 《国际太空》2016,(10):26-34
深空探测能够帮助人类研究太阳系及宇宙的起源、演变和现状,认识空间现象和地球自然系统之间的关系,并为人类今后开拓更为广阔的疆域打下基础,是了解地球、太阳系和宇宙,进而考察、勘探和驻留在太阳系内其他天体的第一步。  相似文献   

嫦娥工程技术发展路线   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
月球是距离地球最近的天体,以其独特的空间位置、广阔的科学探索前景,成为人类地外天体探测和资源利用的首选目标和持续选择。简要总结世界各主要航天大国的探月发展历程和后续计划,详细介绍了我国探月工程(嫦娥工程)"绕""落""回"三步走的发展思路和技术路线,分析了后续的发展方向,提出了2030年前月球机器人科研站任务设想。  相似文献   

<正>与嫦娥一号、二号相比,嫦娥三号探测器的技术跨度大、设计约束多,结构也更为复杂,由着陆器和巡视器组成,总重近3.8吨。特点:"四新两多两难一紧"作为中国首个在地球以外天体实施软着陆的航天器,嫦娥三号探测器具有"四新两多两难一紧"的鲜明特点。"四新"是指面临月面温度、月尘、月壤、月面地形地貌、1/6g重力环境等新环境;鉴定设备占80%以上的全新研制平台;为新科学探测配备的没有继承性的全新载荷设备以及工作关系耦合度高、产品集成度高的新模式。"两多"主要是以着陆导航敏感器、  相似文献   

二近月宫充当先遣侦察员 与2007年首次奔月的嫦娥一号一样,嫦娥二号依然是一颗绕月探测卫星.虽然她们姊妹俩是双胞胎孪生姐妹.然而,老二与老大的使命却不尽相同.  相似文献   

2100年,月球被人类开发,三分之一的人类住进了月球,而10年后,2110年,我要代表全地球的记者,去采访一下嫦娥,看看这段日子月球的生活是怎样的。乘载着"嫦娥12号"飞船,我成功登陆了月球,并来到了嫦娥的住所——  相似文献   

紫晓 《太空探索》2007,(12):38-41
如何通过“嫦娥工程”进一步激发全国人民的爱国主义精神,增强民族凝聚力?如何配合卫星科学探测,普及科学知识?国防科工委有关部门经过精心的策划,决定配合“嫦娥一号”卫星执行绕月飞行和科学考察任务,一方面,通过群众喜爱的语音形式,歌唱我们伟大的祖国,振奋民族精神,弘扬民族文化,另一方面,将结合飞行任务适时地向公众普及有关知识、  相似文献   

中国月球探测进展(2011-2020年)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
回顾2011至2020年10年来中国月球探测的进展,重点介绍嫦娥三号和嫦娥四号任务工程实施情况以及取得的主要科学探测成果,展望中国月球和行星探测的未来发展.  相似文献   

Eight lunar areas, each ∼200 km in diameter, are identified as targets for coordinated science and instrument calibration for the orbital missions soon to be flown. Instrument teams from SELENE, Chang’E, Chandrayaan-1, and LRO are encouraged to participate in a coordinated activity of early-release data that will improve calibration and validation of data across independent and diverse instruments. The targets are representative of important lunar terrains and geologic processes and thus will also provide a broad introduction to lunar science for new investigators. We briefly identify additional cross-calibration issues for instruments that produce time series data rather than maps.  相似文献   

The measurement of the rotation of the Moon is one of the key techniques to get the information of the internal structure. For this purpose, we proposed a small telescope experiment on the surface of the Moon in which motion of stars are utilized for the estimation of the rotation parameter. This paper describes results of simulation of observation, in which star trajectories observed are decomposed to librations, polar motion, and the precession and the amplitude and phase of each component are estimated. The standard deviation of the parameter estimation becomes nearly 1 ms of arc, which will be better than the Lunar Laser Ranging observation. From the viewpoints of accuracy of observation, thermal condition, and electric power generation, the instrument should be placed where the much sunshine is achieved on the lunar polar region.  相似文献   

嫦娥二号的发射成功拉开了中国探月二期工程的序幕,如果用一个字来形容探月二期工程,那就是"落".  相似文献   

夏丹 《太空探索》2010,(7):20-25
世界月球会议期间,本刊有幸对嫦娥一号月球探测工程首席科学家欧阳自远院士做了一次专访。谈到月球探测,欧阳院士就像一个母亲谈到了自己的孩子,有说不完的话题。从世界各国对月球探测的计划,到月球探测的深刻意义和未来月球探测的发展方向,都做了详尽的解析。下面,让记者带您走进欧阳院士的月球世界。  相似文献   

In accordance with its charter, the International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) reports to COSPAR, and a summary was given at the Beijing COSPAR 2006 Assembly on ILEWG activities conducted since the previous COSPAR 2004 assembly held in Paris. This included reports from the 6th and 7th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilization of the Moon, held respectively in Udaipur, India on 22–26 November 2004 (ICEUM6) and in Toronto, Canada on 18–23 September 2005 (ICEUM7). We give in this issue of Advances in Space Research the “lunar declarations” from these ICEUM conferences, as well as for the ICEUM8 conference held in Beijing immediately after the 2006 COSPAR Assembly. One year after the COSPAR Beijing assembly, the 9th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilization of the Moon (ICEUM9), was held in Sorrento, Italy on 18–23 September 2007. We report also in this issue the “Sorrento Lunar Declaration” in advance of the ILEWG formal report to be given at the COSPAR Assembly to be held in Montreal, Canada in July 2008.  相似文献   

相对差分单向测距(△DOR)是一种高精度测角技术,在深空探测任务的高精度测定轨方案中得到广泛应用.介绍了△DOR测量的基本原理及CCSDS(国际空间数据系统委员会)关于△DOR测量的相关标准.针对中国探月工程月面软着陆任务提出的高精度测定轨要求,分析了△DOR测量的信号形式、工作模式以及测量精度,推导了解模糊过程.研究表明,△DOR测角精度达到25nrad,对应到月球上的距离约为10m.  相似文献   

给出了基于轨道根数的跟踪与数据中继卫星(TDRS)对月球探测器的可视算法,分析和比较了地面站和TDRS对月球探测器的测控跟踪能力.结果表明,与依靠地面站相比,使用TDRS后,在不考虑月球遮挡情况下,对环月探测器的测控覆盖率可由50%提高到99%.存在最大月球遮挡时也能达到60%,大大提高了对环月探测器的测控能力.最后讨论了TDRS跟踪环月探测器对TDRS卫星平台的要求,提出了地面站与TDRS相结合的测控方案.在当前TDRS天线运动范围受限情况下,仍能实现对月球探测器的大范围测控覆盖率.  相似文献   

One of the highest-priority issues for a future human or robotic lunar exploration is the lunar dust. This problem should be studied in depth in order to develop an environment model for a future lunar exploration. A future ESA lunar lander mission requires the measurement of dust transport phenomena above the lunar surface. Here, we describe an instrument design concept to measure slow and fast moving charged lunar dust which is based on the principle of charge induction. LDX has a low mass and measures the speed and trajectory of individual dust particles with sizes below one micrometer. Furthermore, LDX has an impact ionization target to monitor the interplanetary dust background. The sensor consists of three planes of segmented grid electrodes and each electrode is connected to an individual charge sensitive amplifier. Numerical signals were computed using the Coulomb software package. The LDX sensitive area is approximately 400 cm2. Our simulations reveal trajectory uncertainties of better than 2° with an absolute position accuracy of better than 2 mm.  相似文献   

China has carried out four unmanned missions to the Moon since it launched Chang'E-1, the first lunar orbiter in 2007. With the implementation of the Chang'E-5 mission this year, the three phases of the lunar exploration program, namely orbiting, landing and returning, have been completed. In the plan of follow-up unmanned lunar exploration missions, it is planned to establish an experimental lunar research station at the lunar south pole by 2030 through the implementation of several missions, laying a foundation for the establishment of practical lunar research station in the future. China successfully launched its first Mars probe on 23 July 2020, followed in future by an asteroid mission, second Mars mission, and a mission to explore Jupiter and its moons.  相似文献   

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