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Spores of different strains of Bacillus subtilis and the Escherichia coli plasmid pUC19 were exposed to selected conditions of space (space vacuum and/or defined wavebands and intensities of solar ultraviolet radiation) in the experiment ER 161 "Exobiological Unit" of the Exobiology Radiation Assembly (ERA) on board of the European Retrievable Carrier (EURECA). After the approximately 11 months lasting mission, their responses were studied in terms of survival, mutagenesis in the his (B. subtilis) or lac locus (pUC19), induction of DNA strand breaks, efficiency of DNA repair systems, and the role of external protective agents. The data were compared with those of a simultaneously running ground control experiment. The survival of spores treated with the vacuum of space, however shielded against solar radiation, is substantially increased, if they are exposed in multilayers and/or in the presence of glucose as protective, whereas all spores in "artificial meteorites", i.e. embedded in clays or simulated Martian soil, are killed. Vacuum treatment leads to an increase of mutation frequency in spores, but not in plasmid DNA. Extraterrestrial solar ultraviolet radiation is mutagenic, induces strand breaks in the DNA and reduces survival substantially; however, even at the highest fluences, i.e. 3 x 10(8) J m-2, a small but significant fraction of spores survives the insolation. Action spectroscopy confirms results of previous space experiments of a synergistic action of space vacuum and solar UV radiation with DNA being the critical target.  相似文献   

In connection with planetary quarantine, we have been studying the survival rates of nine species of terrestrial microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, yeasts, fungi, etc.) under simulated interstellar conditions. If common terrestrial microorganisms cannot survive in space even for short periods, we can greatly reduce expenditure for sterilizing space probes. The interstellar environment in the solar system has been simulated by low temperature, high vacuum (77 k, 4 x 10(-6) torr), and protons irradiation from a Van de Graaff generator. After exposure to a barrage of protons corresponding to about 250 years of irradiation in solar space, Tobacco mosaic virus, Bacillus subtilis spores, Aspergillus niger spores and Clostridiun mangenoti spores showed survival rates of 82%, 45%, 28%, and 25%, respectively. Furthermore. pathogenic Candida albicans showed 7% survival after irradiation corresponding to about 60 years in space.  相似文献   

During the early evolution of life on Earth, before the formation of a protective ozone layer in the atmosphere, high intensities of solar UV radiation of short wavelengths could reach the surface of the Earth. Today the full spectrum of solar UV radiation is only experienced in space, where other important space parameters influence survival and genetic stability additionally, like vacuum, cosmic radiation, temperature extremes, microgravity. To reach a better understanding of the processes leading to the origin, evolution and distribution of life we have performed space experiments with microorganisms. The ability of resistant life forms like bacterial spores to survive high doses of extraterrestrial solar UV alone or in combination with other space parameters, e.g. vacuum, was investigated. Extraterrestrial solar UV was found to have a thousand times higher biological effectiveness than UV radiation filtered by stratospheric ozone concentrations found today on Earth. The protective effects of anorganic substances like artificial or real meteorites were determined on the MIR station. In the experiment EXOBIOLOGIE of the French PERSEUS mission (1999) it was found that very thin layers of anorganic material did not protect spores against the deleterious effects of energy-rich UV radiation in space to the expected amount, but that layers of UV radiation inactivated spores serve as a UV-shield by themselves, so that a hypothetical interplanetary transfer of life by the transport of microorganisms inside rocks through the solar system cannot be excluded, but requires the shielding of a substantial mass of anorganic substances.  相似文献   

The survivability of resistant terrestrial microbes, bacterial spores of Bacillus subtilis, was investigated in the BIOPAN facility of the European Space Agency onboard of Russian Earth-orbiting FOTON satellites (BIOPAN I -III missions). The spores were exposed to different subsets of the extreme environmental parameters in space (vacuum, extraterrestrial solar UV, shielding by protecting materials like artificial meteorites). The results of the three space experiments confirmed the deleterious effects of extraterrestrial solar UV radiation which, in contrast to the UV radiation reaching the surface of the Earth, also contains the very energy-rich, short wavelength UVB and UVC radiation. Thin layers of clay, rock or meteorite material were shown to be only successful in UV-shielding, if they are in direct contact with the spores. On Mars the UV radiation climate is similar to that of the early Earth before the development of a protective ozone layer in the atmosphere by the appearance of the first aerobic photosynthetic bacteria. The interference of Martian soil components and the intense and nearly unfiltered Martian solar UV radiation with spores of B. subtilis will be tested with a new BIOPAN experiment, MARSTOX. Different types of Mars soil analogues will be used to determine on one hand their potential toxicity alone or in combination with solar UV (phototoxicity) and on the other hand their UV protection capability. Two sets of samples will be placed under different cut-off filters used to simulate the UV radiation climate of Mars and Earth. After exposure in space the survival of and mutation induction in the spores will be analyzed at the DLR, together with parallel samples from the corresponding ground control experiment performed in the laboratory. This experiment will provide new insights into the principal limits of life and its adaptation to environmental extremes on Earth or other planets which and will also have implications for the potential for the evolution and distribution of life.  相似文献   

We reported previously that emerged amoebae of Dictyostelium (D.) discoideum grew, aggregated and differentiated to fruiting bodies with normal morphology in space. Here, we investigated the effects of space radiation and/or microgravity on the number, viability, kinetics of germination, growth rate and mutation frequency of spores formed in space in a radiation-sensitive strain, gamma s13, and the parental strain, NC4. In gamma s13, there were hardly spores in the fruiting bodies formed in space. In NC4, we found a decrease in the number of spores, a delay in germination of the spores and delayed start of cell growth of the spores formed in space when compared to the ground control. However, the mutation frequency of the NC4 spores formed in space was similar to that of the ground control. We conclude that the depression of spore formation might be induced by microgravity and/or space radiation through the depression of some stage(s) of DNA repair during cell differentiation in the slime mold.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus subtilis were exposed to selected factors of space (vacuum, solar UV radiation, heavy ions of cosmic radiation), and their response was studied after recovery. These investigations were supplemented by ground-based studies under simulated space conditions. The vacuum of space did not inactivate the spores. However, vacuum-induced structural changes in the DNA, and probably in the proteins, caused a supersensitivity to solar UV radiation. This phenomenon is caused by the production of specific photoproducts in DNA and protein, which cannot be removed by normal cellular repair processes. In vegetative bacterial cells, exposed to vacuum, cell dehydration led to damage of the cell membrane, which could be partly repaired during subsequent incubation. The high local effectiveness of the cosmic heavy ions further decreases the chance that spores can survive for any length of time in space. Nonetheless, a spore travelling through space and protected from ultraviolet radiation could possibly survive an interplanetary journey. Such a situation favors panspermia as a possible explanation for the origin of life.  相似文献   

Bacterial spores are proper test organisms for studying problems of space biology and exobiology. During the Spacelab 1 mission, studies on the limiting factors for survival of Bacillus subtilis spores in free space have been performed. An exposure tray on the pallet of Spacelab 1 accomodated 316 samples of dry spores for treatment with space vacuum and/or the following selected wavelengths of solar UV: > 170 nm, 220 nm, 240nm, 260nm and 280 nm. After recovery, inactivation, mutation induction, reparability, and photochemical damages in DNA and protein have been studied. The results contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of increased UV sensitivity of bacterial spores in vacuo and to a better assessment of the chance of survival of resistant forms in space and of interplanetary transfer of life.  相似文献   

Complementary to the already well-studied microorganisms, lichens, symbiotic organisms of the mycobiont (fungi) and the photobiont (algae), were used as "model systems" in which to examine the ecological potential to resist to extreme environments of outer space. Ascospores (sexual propagules of the mycobiont) of the lichens Fulgensia bracteata, Xanthoria elegans and Xanthoria parietina were exposed to selected space-simulating conditions (up to 16 h of space vacuum at 10(-3) Pa and UV radiation at 160 nm < or = lambda < or = 400 nm), while embedded in the lichen fruiting bodies. After exposure, the ascospores were discharged and their viability was tested as germination capacity on different culture media including those containing Mars regolith simulant. It was found that (i) the germination rate on media containing Mars regolith simulant was as high as on other mineral-containing media, (ii) if enclosed in the ascocarps, the ascospores survived the vacuum exposure, the UV-irradiation as well as the combined treatment of vacuum and UV to a high degree. In general, 50 % or more viable spores were recovered, with ascospores of X. elegans showing the highest survival. It is suggested that ascospores inside the ascocarps are well protected by the anatomical structure, the gelatinous layer and the pigments (parietin and carotene) against the space parameters tested.  相似文献   

Sample return from small solar system objects is playing an increasingly important part in solar system exploration. Critical to such missions is a robust, simple, and economic sample collector. We have developed a collector such as this for near-Earth asteroid sample return missions that we have termed the Touch-and-Go Impregnable Pad (TGIP). The collector utilizes a silicone substrate that is pushed into the dust and gravel surface layer of the asteroid. As part of a systematic evaluation of the TGIP, we have investigated the resilience of this substrate to ionizing radiations. Several miniature versions of the collector, containing typically ∼3 g of the collection substrate, were exposed to 0.564 MeV beta particles from a 90Sr source and a 6 MeV electron beam in a linear accelerator to simulate the wide range of energies of solar and galactic ionizing radiation. Various radiation levels up to eight times greater than expected on a six-year asteroid mission (in the case of beta radiation) and 50 times greater than expected (in the case of the 6 MeV electron radiation) were administered to the substrate. After irradiation, the efficiency of the substrate in collecting samples of mock regolith was compared with that of collectors that had not been irradiated. No difference beyond experimental uncertainty was observed and we suggest that the operational TGIP will not be affected adversely by radiation doses expected during a typical six-year inner solar system mission.  相似文献   

Astronomical infrared spectra are used to confirm the existence of complex organic molecules produced by ultraviolet photoprocessing of interstellar grain mantles. This material is shown to be the major component of the interstellar grains between the sun and the galactic center and, by inference, constitutes more than 10 million solar masses — or close to one part in a thousand of the entire mass of the milky way galaxy. It may be demonstrated that the primitive chemistry of the earth's surface was dominated by these extraterrestrial molecules after aggregated into comets if the rate of comet impacts with the earth was comparable with that required to account for the extinction of species over the past 300 million years.

Ultraviolet irradiation of bacterial spores has been studied for the first time under simulated interstellar conditions. The inactivation time predicted for the less dense regions of space is at most several hundred years. Within molecukar clouds it is shown on theoretical and experimental grounds that this t the estimated cloud. However survival of spores during their initial exposure to the solar ultraviolet presents a problem for panspermia because it requires that in the process of ejection from the earth's surface they must be enclosed within a cocoon (or mantle) of ultraviolet absorbing material of 0.6 μm thickness. Thus, although panspermia can not be rejected on the basis of lack of interstellar survival there may remain insurmountable obstacles to its occuring because of the very special protective shield requirements during ejection from its planetary source.  相似文献   

Vacuum exposure renders the survival of spores of Bacillus subtilis approximately five times more sensitive to ultraviolet light irradiation than exposure under atmospheric conditions. The photoproduct formation in spores irradiated under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions is compared to the photoproduct formation in spores irradiated at atmospheric pressure. Compared to irradiation at atmospheric pressure, where only the "spore photoproduct" 5-thyminyl-5,6-dihydrothymine (TDHT) can be detected, two additional photoproducts, known as the c,s and t,s isomers of thymine dimer (T<>T) are produced in vacuo. The spectral efficiencies for photoproduct formation in spores under atmospheric and vacuum conditions are compared. Since there is no increased formation of TDHT after irradiation in vacuum, TDHT cannot be made responsible for the observed vacuum effect. "Vacuum specific" photoproducts may cause a synergistic response of spores to the simultaneous action of ultraviolet light (UV) and UHV. Three different mechanisms are discussed for the enhanced sensitivity of B. subtilis spores to UV radiation in vacuum. The experiments described contribute valuable research information on the chance for survival of microorganisms in outer space.  相似文献   

统计第23个太阳活动周内中等及以上强度(Dstmin<-50nT)的磁暴事件,线性拟合分析磁暴主相DDstmin和达到DDstmin前一个表征太阳极紫外辐射强度的F10.7之间的相关性.结果表明:随着太阳极紫外辐射增强,DDstmin<-50nT的磁暴出现的总数增多,在弱、中等和强太阳极紫外辐射条件下,其数量分别为56,84和85;随着太阳极紫外辐射增强,强磁暴(-200nT ≤ Dstmin<-100nT)和大磁暴(Dstmin<-200nT)发生的数量和相对发生率呈增长趋势,尤其是大磁暴数目(1,4,12)和相对发生率(1.79%,4.76%,14.12%)明显呈增长趋势;大磁暴(|Dstmin|)与太阳极紫外辐射(F10.7)之间存在中度正相关关系,其相关系数为0.532,并且主要体现在大磁暴(|Dstmin|)与强太阳极紫外辐射(F10.7)之间的中度正相关性,其相关系数为0.582.大磁暴与强太阳极紫外辐射之间的相关性可为空间天气预报提供参考依据.   相似文献   

The Earth's ionosphere and especially its equatorial part is a highly dynamical medium. Geostationary satellites are known to be a powerful tool for ionospheric studies. Recent developments in BDS-GEO satellites allow such studies on the new level due to the best noise pattern in TEC estimations, which corresponds to those of GPS/GLONASS systems. Here we used BDS-GEO satellites to demonstrate their capability for studying equatorial ionosphere variability on different time scales. Analyzing data from the equatorial SIN1 IGS station we present seasonal variations in geostationary slant TEC for the periods of high (October 2013 - October 2014) and low (January 2017 - January 2018) solar activity, which show semi-annual periodicity with amplitudes about 10 TECU during solar maximum and about 5 TECU during the solar minimum. The 27-day variations are also prominent in geostationary slant TEC variations, which correlates quite well with the variations in solar extreme UV radiation. We found semi-annual pattern in small scale ionospheric disturbances evaluated based on geostationary ROTI index: maximal values correspond to spring and fall equinoxes and minimum values correspond to summer and winter solstices. The seasonal asymmetry in ROTI values was observed: spring equinox values were almost twice as higher than fall equinox ones. We also present results on the 2017 May 28–29 G3 geomagnetic storm, when ~30 TECU positive anomaly was recorded, minor and final major sudden stratospheric warmings in February and March 2016, with positive daytime TEC anomalies up to 15–20 TECU, as well as the 2017 September 6 X9.3 solar flare with 2 TECU/min TEC rate. Our results show the large potential of geostationary TEC estimations with BDS-GEO signals for continuous monitoring of space weather effects in low-latitude and equatorial ionosphere.  相似文献   

A spacecraft with a passive thermal control system utilizes various thermal control materials to maintain temperatures within safe operating limits. Materials used for spacecraft applications are exposed to harsh space environments such as ultraviolet (UV) and particle (electron, proton) irradiation and atomic oxygen (AO), undergo physical damage and thermal degradation, which must be considered for spacecraft thermal design optimization and cost effectiveness. This paper describes the effect of synergistic radiation on some of the important thermal control materials to verify the assumptions of beginning-of-life (BOL) and end-of-life (EOL) properties. Studies on the degradation in the optical properties (solar absorptance and infrared emittance) of some important thermal control materials exposed to simulated radiative geostationary space environment are discussed. The current studies are purely related to the influence of radiation on the degradation of the materials; other environmental aspects (e.g., thermal cycling) are not discussed. The thermal control materials investigated herein include different kind of second-surface mirrors, white anodizing, white paints, black paints, multilayer insulation materials, varnish coated aluminized polyimide, germanium coated polyimide, polyether ether ketone (PEEK) and poly tetra fluoro ethylene (PTFE). For this purpose, a test in the constant vacuum was performed reproducing a three year radiative space environment exposure, including ultraviolet and charged particle effects on North/South panels of a geostationary three-axis stabilized spacecraft. Reflectance spectra were measured in situ in the solar range (250–2500 nm) and the corresponding solar absorptance values were calculated. The test methodology and the degradations of the materials are discussed. The most important degradations among the low solar absorptance materials were found in the white paints whereas the rigid optical solar reflectors remained quite stable. Among the high solar absorptance elements, as such the change in the solar absorptance was very low, in particular the germanium coated polyimide was found highly stable.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet (UV) environment of Mars has been investigated to gain an understanding of the variation of exposure throughout a Martian year, and link this flux to biological effects and possible survival of organisms at the Martian surface. To gain an idea of how the solar UV radiation varies between different regions, including planned landing sites of two future Mars surface missions, we modelled the total solar UV surface flux throughout one Martian year for two different dust scenarios. To understand the degree of solar UV stress on micro-organisms and/or molecules essential for life on the surface of Mars, we also calculated the biologically effective dose (BED) for T7 and Uracil in relevant wavelength regions at the Martian surface as a function of season and latitude, and discuss the biological survival rates in the presence of Martian solar UV radiation. High T7/Uracil BED ratios indicate that even at high latitudes where the UV flux is significantly reduced, the radiation environment is still hostile for life due to the persisting UV-C component of the flux.  相似文献   

As the human exploration of space has received new attention in the United States, studies find that exposure to space radiation could adversely impact the mission design. Galactic Cosmic Radiation (GCR), with its very wide range of charges and energies, is particularly important for a mission to Mars, because it imposes a stiff mass penalty for spacecraft shielding. Dose equivalent versus shielding thickness calculations, show a rapid initial drop in exposure with thickness, but an asymptotic behavior at a higher shielding thickness. Uncertainties in the radiobiology are largely unknown. For a fixed radiation risk, this leads to large uncertain ties in shielding thickness for small uncertainties in estimated dose. In this paper we investigate the application of steady-state, spherically-symmetric diffusion-convection theory of solar modulation to individual measurements of differential energy spectra from 1954 to 1989 in order to estimate the diffusion coefficient, kappa (r,t), as a function of time. We have correlated the diffusion coefficient to the Climax neutron monitor rates and show that, if the diffusion coefficient can be separated into independent functions of space and time: kappa (-r,t)=K(t)kappa 0 beta P kappa 1(r), where beta is the particle velocity and P the rigidity, then (i) The time dependent quantity 1/K(t), which is proportional to the deceleration potential, phi(r,t), is linearly related to the Climax neutron monitor counting rate. (ii) The coefficients obtained from hydrogen or helium intensity measurements are the same. (iii) There are different correlation functions for odd and even solar cycles. (iv) The correlation function for the Climax neutron monitor counting rate for given time, t, can be used to estimate mean deceleration parameter phi(t) to within +/- 15% with 90% confidence. We have shown that kappa(r,t) determined from hydrogen and/or helium data, can be used to fit the oxygen and iron differential energy spectra with a root mean square error of about +/- 10%, and essentially independent of the particle charge or energy. We have also examined the ion chamber and 14C measurements which allow the analysis to be extended from the year 1906 to 1990. Using this model we have defined reference GCR spectra at solar minimum and solar maximum. These can be used for space exploration studies and provide a quantitative estimate of the error in dose due to changes in GCR intensities.  相似文献   

The radiation environment is of special concern when the spaceship flies in deep space. The annual fluence of the galactic cosmic rays is approximately 10(8) cm-2 and the absorbed dose of the solar cosmic rays can reach 10 Gy per event behind the shielding thickness of 3-5 g cm-2 Al. For the radiation environment monitoring it is planned to place a measuring complex on the space probes "Mars" and "Spectr" flying outside the magnetosphere. This complex is to measure: cosmic rays composition, particle flux, dose equivalent, energy and LET spectra, solar X-rays spectrum. On line data transmission by the space probes permits to obtain the radiation environment data in space.  相似文献   

For extrasolar space exploration it might be very convenient to take advantage of space environmental effects such as solar radiation heating to accelerate a solar sail coated by materials that undergo thermal desorption at a particular temperature. Thermal desorption can provide additional thrust as heating liberates atoms, embedded on the surface of the solar sail. We are considering orbital dynamics of a solar sail coated with materials that undergo thermal desorption at a specific temperature, as a result of heating by solar radiation at a particular heliocentric distance, and focus on two scenarios that only differ in the way the sail approaches the Sun. For each scenario once the perihelion is reached, the sail coat undergoes thermal desorption. When the desorption process ends, the sail then escapes the Solar System having the conventional acceleration due to solar radiation pressure. We study the dependence of a cruise speed of a solar sail on perihelion of the orbit where the solar sail is deployed. The following scenarios are considered and analyzed: (1) Hohmann transfer plus thermal desorption. In this scenario the sail would be carried as a payload to the perihelion with a conventional propulsion system by a Hohmann transfer from Earth’s orbit to an orbit very close to the Sun and then be deployed. Our calculations show that the cruise speed of the solar sail varies from 173?km/s to 325?km/s that corresponds to perihelion 0.3?AU and 0.1 AU, respectively. (2) Elliptical transfer plus Slingshot plus thermal desorption. In this scenario the transfer occurs from Earth’s orbit to Jupiter’s orbit; then a Jupiter’s fly-by leads to the orbit close to the Sun, where the sail is deployed and thermal desorption comes active. In this case the cruise speed of the solar sail varies from 187?km/s to 331?km/s depending on the perihelion of the orbit. Our study analyses and compares the different scenarios in which thermal desorption comes beside traditional propulsion systems for extrasolar space exploration.  相似文献   

分析研究了空间碎片数随太阳辐射流量F10.7的变化;给出预报F10.7长期变化的计算方法和预测空间碎片数的数学模型。结果显示:①强太阳活动造成空间碎片年增长率下降;②空间碎片数与太阳活动11年变化密切相关,相关数为0.9;③空间碎片增长率约为发射率的两倍;④若发射率保持不变,则到2020年,大于10cm的碎片数将达到14500;⑤若小碎片的增长为大碎片增长的两倍,则到2020年,大于1cm的碎片数可达125000。  相似文献   

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