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本文较详细地介绍了当前应用最广和最成熟的三种空间技术:电信、气象、遥感领域中的国际合作的现状和发展趋势;并指出发展中国家在其现有的科技基础上,通过国际合作,培养一批空间技术和管理人才,配以适当的地面设施,就可获取空间技术所能带来的利益。  相似文献   

The increasing gap in the space capabilities of different countries has led to the need for capacity building in modern times. Space capacity building of countries without or with limited space capacity via international cooperation with advanced spacefaring nations is a good practice towards intragenerational equity among all spacefaring countries, and between spacefaring and non-spacefaring countries at the same period of time. A case study is used here to show the current situation of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) and its member states that are associated with their space capacity building. The study finds that neither the satellite technology development model developed by Wood and Weigel (2011) nor the model developed by Ercan and Kale (2017) is a good fit for the development of space capability in all of the developing countries. Therefore, using the APSCO member states as a case study may offer guidelines towards the space capacity building of other developing countries. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of the merits and flaws of APSCO’s capacity building programs through comparing them with similar projects carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) and some other countries is conducive to providing some references for regional cooperation in the field of space capacity building. While international space law and the APSCO Convention can provide the general principles for capacity building activities under the framework of APSCO, they are only relevant to the development of scientific and technological capacities for space and human resources rather than organizational development and legal frameworks. Some international soft laws can likewise provide guidance for the capacity building activities of APSCO and its member states in the areas of international direct television broadcasting, remote sensing and cooperative way. To enhance its and its member states’ space capabilities, APSCO, in the context of space commercialization and maintaining the long-term sustainability of outer space activities (LTSOSA), should establish a comprehensive internal regime that addresses scientific and technological capacity building for space, human resources, organizational development and legal frameworks, a flexible regime for international cooperation with other developed spacefaring nations and international organizations with relevant technical capabilities and an internal research center for space law, and actively expand its membership by embracing other economically or technologically developed spacefaring nations in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

高精度时间频率在空间科学技术中的应用探讨CSCD   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自上世纪50年代原子频标出现以后,极大促进了科学技术的发展,随着原子频标的发展,高精度时间频率信息在空间科学技术中将发挥重要的作用。本文介绍了空间高精度时间频率在空间科学、基础物理以及卫星导航技术方面应用前景,并对国外正在开展的空间高精度时间频率技术方面的计划、准备开展的相关应用研究,以及对毫秒脉冲星守时技术也进行了初步探讨,最后给出了开展空间高精度时间频率技术研究的一些建议。  相似文献   

The “Tyranny of Distance” has had a profound influence on Australian history and reaction to it has been an important factor in determining national scientific and technological goals. Because of its size and geographical remoteness, Australia is one of the countries to have gained substantially from the applications of space technology particularly in the fields of communications, meteorology and remote sensing. Australia is the fifth largest investor in INTELSAT which carries a major fraction of the nation's overseas telecommunications. A domestic satellite system, AUSSAT, is being acquired to improve telecommunications within the country. Australia is heavily dependent on satellite data for routine meteorological forecasting. Data from the Australian Landsat Station are in strong demand, particularly for mineral exploration. In the field of space science, Australia is collaborating with Canada and the United States in feasibility studies for STARLAB, a free-flying UV-optical one metre telescope proposed for launch by the US Space Shuttle beginning in 1989. These scientific and technological programs in which Australia is participating are all dependent upon the space programs of other nations and in describing the status of space science and technology from an Australian perspective some comments will be made on particular aspects of the space programs of the United States and Japan.  相似文献   

The motivations for the conduct of space research and the development of space research policies by different constituencies and different types of countries are analyzed. Concerning space research in developing countries, four main aspects are discussed: 1. The role of space research for the achievement of “critical mass” by research groups; 2. The role of space research in higher education; 3. The identification of space research problems to which a country can make significant contributions; and 4. Multinational cooperation among developing countries in space research.  相似文献   

Toward a global space exploration program: A stepping stone approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In response to the growing importance of space exploration in future planning, the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Panel on Exploration (PEX) was chartered to provide independent scientific advice to support the development of exploration programs and to safeguard the potential scientific assets of solar system objects. In this report, PEX elaborates a stepwise approach to achieve a new level of space cooperation that can help develop world-wide capabilities in space science and exploration and support a transition that will lead to a global space exploration program. The proposed stepping stones are intended to transcend cross-cultural barriers, leading to the development of technical interfaces and shared legal frameworks and fostering coordination and cooperation on a broad front. Input for this report was drawn from expertise provided by COSPAR Associates within the international community and via the contacts they maintain in various scientific entities. The report provides a summary and synthesis of science roadmaps and recommendations for planetary exploration produced by many national and international working groups, aiming to encourage and exploit synergies among similar programs. While science and technology represent the core and, often, the drivers for space exploration, several other disciplines and their stakeholders (Earth science, space law, and others) should be more robustly interlinked and involved than they have been to date. The report argues that a shared vision is crucial to this linkage, and to providing a direction that enables new countries and stakeholders to join and engage in the overall space exploration effort. Building a basic space technology capacity within a wider range of countries, ensuring new actors in space act responsibly, and increasing public awareness and engagement are concrete steps that can provide a broader interest in space exploration, worldwide, and build a solid basis for program sustainability. By engaging developing countries and emerging space nations in an international space exploration program, it will be possible to create a critical bottom-up support structure to support program continuity in the development and execution of future global space exploration frameworks. With a focus on stepping stones, COSPAR can support a global space exploration program that stimulates scientists in current and emerging spacefaring nations, and that will invite those in developing countries to participate—pursuing research aimed at answering outstanding questions about the origins and evolution of our solar system and life on Earth (and possibly elsewhere). COSPAR, in cooperation with national and international science foundations and space-related organizations, will advocate this stepping stone approach to enhance future cooperative space exploration efforts.  相似文献   

Scientific ballooning as well as the use of balloons for operational projects, deserves and indeed enjoys a high degree of attention in developing countries. Balloon projects are in most cases relatively inexpensive and - besides the scientific merits in their own realm - lend themselves also as “training” projects for larger space programmes. An important aspect of scientific ballooning is the necessity of cooperation, in many cases on an international scale. Examples for these are given and the relevance of balloon projects for developing countries are discussed.  相似文献   

As the role of missions and experiments carried out in outer space becomes more and more essential in our understanding of many earthly problems, such as resource management, environmental problems, and disaster management, as well as space science questions, thanks to their lower cost and faster development process CubeSats can benefit humanity and therefore, young scientists and engineers have been motivated to research and develop new CubeSat missions. Not very long after their inception, CubeSats have evolved to become accepted platforms for scientific and commercial applications. The last couple of years showed that they are a feasible tool for conducting scientific experiments, not only in the Earth orbit but also in the interplanetary space. For many countries, a CubeSat mission could prompt the community and young teams around the world to build the national capacity to launch and operate national space missions. This paper presents an overview of the key scientific and engineering gateways opened up to the younger scientific community by the advent and adaptation of new technology into CubeSat missions. The role of cooperation and the opportunities for capacity-building and education are also explored. Thus, the present article also aims to provide useful recommendations to scientists, early-career researchers, engineers, students, and anyone who intends to explore the potential and opportunities offered by CubeSats and CubeSats-based missions.   相似文献   

The paper deals with recent basic space research and space applications in several Latin-American countries. It links space activities with national scientific and institutional infrastructures and stresses the importance of interdisciplinary space programs, that can play a major role in the developing countries achievement of self reliance in space matters.  相似文献   

Radiation risk estimate in space is a moral obligation and a scientific challenge requiring the combined efforts of physicists and biologists. This introductory paper presents some thoughts about problems to be solved and the possible directions of research. It stresses the necessity of cooperation across disciplines and the combination of space and ground based investigations.  相似文献   

A special thermographic DTA probe was designed to complet the CSK-1 crystallizer for materials research in space. This equipment is desirable for a deeper understanding of the nature of the solidification under gravity-less conditions. It is shown that the new DTA probe in combination with a specially adapted measuring device ARP (GDR) is suitable for this purpose and the results of measurements are comparable with those obtained with commercial apparatures.  相似文献   

深空探测作为人类航天活动的重要方向,是人类探索宇宙奥秘和寻求长久发展的必然途径,也是衡量一个国家综合国力和科学技术发展水平的重要标志。深空探测轨道控制技术作为决定深空探测任务成败的关键技术之一,越来越多地受到关注并得到应用,成为各国深空探测技术研究和发展的热点。以我国探月工程各次任务为脉络,简述了历次任务轨道控制的目标和实施效果,总结了主要技术创新,在此基础上,展望了我国未来深空探测轨道控制的发展趋势。  相似文献   

临近空间科学探测数据的共享与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为促进鸿鹄专项临近空间科学探测数据资源的有效应用,为国家科学数据资源增加新的数据成员,开展临近空间科学探测数据共享相关技术研究.依据相关元数据国家标准与规范,借鉴参考多个领域科学数据元数据的构建方法,通过分析临近空间科学探测数据的数据特征,研究设计了符合临近空间科学探测数据共享需求的核心元数据模型,从不同角度描述了临近空间科学探测数据的数据特征和用户访问数据时所关心信息,并基于该模型实现了临近空间科学探测数据资源目录服务,设计了临近空间科学探测数据共享服务平台,实现了临近空间科学探测数据的归档管理和共享分发,为使用鸿鹄专项数据开展科学研究和有效应用提供了有效支撑.   相似文献   

NASA research programs offer many opportunities for productive partnerships with investigators in other countries. While spacecraft projects are complex and very expensive, there are other, lower-cost partnerships that can yield important scientific results and offer excellent opportunities for building up new space and Earth science programs and for training new researchers.  相似文献   

Although it is generally agreed that the outer space should be used for the benefit of all mankind, only a fraction of the countries have the necessary technological base for accessing space. Space technology, with its implications on science, economy and well-being of citizens, is mostly chosen as one of the priority areas for technological development by developing countries. However, there is already an over-capacity in global space industry and there are doubts on necessity of additional capacity establishment by developing countries. In this study, the importance and benefits of capacity-building in these countries are emphasized and the advantages and disadvantages that developing countries have in the framework of space technology acquisition are briefly presented. The feasibility of certain levels of space technology is discussed and the necessity of combining existing indigenous capabilities with technology obtained from foreign sources in the optimal way is stressed. We have also mentioned various general mechanisms of technology transfer and argued the importance of licensing in catching-up developed countries. After considering the necessary conditions of efficiency of technology, such as establishment of regional centers of space science and technology education by United Nations, joint development of space systems, complete technology transfer packages, cooperative space projects within regional organizations, coordinated constellations and special agreements with large space agencies, which are specific mechanisms already in use, are reviewed. Some typical examples of mechanisms are also given with special emphasize on small satellite technology that makes access to space affordable for many countries. Through sharing and analyzing the experience of developing countries in their odyssey of space capacity-building, the difficulties can be negotiated and the vicious circles can be broken. This study, in our view, is a step to incite a general discussion of obstacles and opportunities for developing countries, that could help them in using their limited resources effectively, hence, enable them to offer better conditions to their citizens and to contribute space science to a larger extend.  相似文献   

地月空间为推进科学、技术和探索提供了巨大潜力,是人类活动的新区域。美国白宫科技政策办公室(OSTP)发布首份国家地月空间科技战略,为协调美国政府各部门及合作者在美国空间优先事项框架下开展负责任的、以和平为目的的、可持续的地月空间探索与利用,提供了早期共同愿景,并首次提出地月空间早期发展的4个最高优先级的科学和技术目标,包括:支持研究和开发,以实现未来地月空间的长期发展;扩大地月空间国际科技合作;将美国的空间态势感知能力拓展到地月空间;通过可扩展和可互操作的方式实施地月空间通信和定位、导航和授时,以促进地月空间科学发现、经济发展和国际合作。   相似文献   

我国空间生命科学的探索起源于20世纪60年代,1981年随着空间生命专业委员会的正式成立,依托此专业的学术交流平台,空间生命科学进入多学科并进多机构建设的新阶段.随着中国载人航天及空间探索研究的深入发展,以分支学科或重大问题为牵引,我国在空间生命科学的几个重要领域取得了一系列关键成果.本文从发展历程、研究成果、平台模型...  相似文献   

Recent Progress of Fengyun Meteorology Satellites   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
After nearly 50 years of development, Fengyun (FY) satellite ushered in its best moment. China has become one of the three countries or units in the world (China, USA, and EU) that maintain both polar orbit and geostationary orbit satellites operationally. Up to now, there are 17 Fengyun (FY) satellites that have been launched successfully since 1988. There are two FY polar orbital satellites and four FY geostationary orbit satellites operate in the space to provide a huge amount of the earth observation data to the user communities. The FY satellite data has been applied not only in the meteorological but also in agriculture, hydraulic engineering, environmental, education, scientific research and other fields. More recently, three meteorological satellites have been launched within the past two years. They are FY-4A on 11 December 2016, FY-3D on 15 November 2017 and FY-2H on 5 June 2018. This paper introduces the current status of FY meteorological satellites and data service. The updates of the latest three satellites have been addressed. The characteristics of their payloads on-boarding have been specified in details and the benefit fields have been anticipated separately.   相似文献   

Space sciences and application projects arranged in Tiangong-2 space laboratory and Tianzhou-1 cargo ship have been described in detail, covering research areas of the fundamental physics, space astronomy, microgravity fluid physics and materials science, space life science, and earth science. These experiments and researches will hopefully produce great scientific results and social benefits in several fields, including:universe evolution, quantum communication, material development, global climate change and earth environment, etc.   相似文献   

空间可展桁架结构等效动力学模型研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着航天重大工程的逐步实施,桁架式空间可展结构正朝着大型化、轻量化和多功能等方向发展,该类桁架结构具有周期性、大柔度、构型复杂等特点。为满足大型空间结构的高精度、高可靠性要求,其动力学建模、非线性振动与振动控制等问题越来越复杂且难于处理。因此,大型空间可展结构的等效连续体建模成为研究热点。本文着重介绍大型空间可展桁架结构等效动力学建模的研究现状,综述了等效动力学建模的研究对象、方法及已取得的成果,提炼出等效动力学建模和与之相应的非线性振动与振动控制研究领域中亟待深入研究的关键科学问题。  相似文献   

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