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A directional detector for γ-ray astronomy has been developed to image sources in the energy range 0.1 to 5 MeV. An array of 35 gain stabilized bismuth germanate detectors, together with a coded aperture mask based on a Uniformly Redundant Array (URA), allows imaging in 4° square sky bins over a 16° X 24° field-of-view. The position of a strong point source, such as the Crab Nebula, can be determined to within ?1°. A complementary “anti-mask” greatly reduces systematic effects arising from non-uniform background rates amongst the detectors. The telescope has an effective area of 190 cm2 and an energy resolution of 19.5% FWHM at 662 keV. Results of laboratory tests of the imaging system, including the ability to image multiple sources, uniformity of response over the field-of-view, and the effect of the “anti-mask”, are in good agreement with computer simulations. Features of the flight detector system are described and results of laboratory tests and computer simulations are reviewed. A balloon flight of the telescope is planned for the fall of 1982.  相似文献   

Imaging over the hard X-ray energy band may be achieved by masking the flux with proper obstacles. The imaging modulation collimator has been developed and has been applied thus far, e.g., to produce hard X-ray pictures of the solar flare and to construct the X-ray image of the Crab Nebula up to the angular resolution of ~ 10 arcsec. Variations of the concept such as the Fourier Transform Telescope are discussed. Virtue of the modulation collimator is that high angular resolution may be achieved with a relatively simple detector system and that a wide field of view may be accomodated. Among several proposed coded masks, the techniques of Hadamard transform are discussed in some details. The coded mask is provided with a better total transmission, but its angular resolution is limited due to presently limited spatial resolution of the detector. Developments of the technique of the position sensitive detector are awaited for further improvements of the resolution.  相似文献   

Observations of comet Halley through CCD and Schmidt plates have been performed at Catania Observatory (Italy) from October 1985 through April 1986. Preliminary results are presented concerning the spatial structures for different spectral ranges of cometary light.  相似文献   

多径信道下图像的信源信道联合编码调制传输   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对多径衰落信道提出了一种基于小波变换并结合OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)自适应调制的图像传输方法和信源信道联合带宽功率优化分配算法.给出了编码传输方法结构,对有噪信道下基于小波变换的图像编码传输实现和失真估计问题及多误码率OFDM自适应调制比特功率优化分配问题进行了建模和分析,使得信源量化编码与OFDM调制能够方便地结合起来,并进一步得到了相应的信源信道联合优化带宽功率分配方法.仿真和分析表明,该方法实现了多径信道下图像的信源信道联合编码调制传输,编解码复杂度和延迟小,且信源信道联合优化的带宽功率分配可有效提高信道资源利用效率.  相似文献   

The potential of SAR systems for monitoring the seasonal snow cover and glaciers has been investigated based on an airborne experiment in the Austrian Alps and on Seasat SAR and Shuttle Imaging Radar-A data. X- and C-band SAR are useful sensors for mapping wet snow packs, while in L-band snow-covered and snow-free surfaces often cannot be separated. SAR data in all three frequency bands provide valuable glaciological information.  相似文献   

为了充分提高超低频振动校准系统的实用性,针对低频传感器校准的需要和该系统的特点,提出了利用调频正弦波作为激励信号,只需要一次测量即可实现对低频振动传感器的校准,校准时间由几十分钟缩短到几分钟甚至1min之内,校准效率大大提高.为了避免由于系统幅频特性不理想而在较高频段对传感器校准精度不高的缺点,提出了利用系统的动态频率特性和线性调频波时频域相关的特性,设计相应的数字补偿滤波器实现对信号源的瞬时补偿,从而实现振动台的线性调频振动.实验结果表明,振动台能够输出较补偿前更为理想的线性调频波,校准结果也更接近绝对校准,且重复性好,同时满足了校准效率和精度的要求.   相似文献   

应用非平稳时间序列的时变系统建模方法进行了参数随时间变化的线性系统参数的辨识.通过引入多尺度径向基函数(MRBF)将非平稳过程的辨识问题转化为线性时不变过程的辨识,结合粒子群优化算法(PSO)获得时变系统参数估计的最优径向基函数(RBF)尺度.由于RBF具有良好的局部特性且尺度可以调整,采用RBF作为基函数可以更好地识别具有多种动态过程的时变系统参数.通过对时变系数包含多种波形的二阶时变自回归模型进行仿真辨识,与采用传统的递推最小二乘法和勒让德多项式作为基函数展开式方法相比,提出的方法对于时变系统参数具有更好的跟踪能力,验证了辨识方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Photochemistry of giant planets and their satellites is characterized by numerous reactions involving a lot of chemical species. In the present paper, chemical systems are modeled by signal flow graphs. Such a technique evaluates the transmission of any input into the system (solar flux, electrons ... ) and gives access to the identification of the most important mechanisms in the chemical system. This method is applied to the production of hydrocarbons in the atmospheres of giant planets. In particular, the production of C2H6 in the atmosphere of Neptune from the photodissociation of CH4 is investigated. Different pathways of dissociation of CH4 are possible from L alpha radiation. A chemical system containing 14 species and 30 reactions including these different pathways of dissociation is integrated. The main mechanism of production of C2H6 is identified and evaluated for each model of dissociation. The importance of various reaction pathways as a function of time is presented.  相似文献   

The heliospheric magnetic field plays a key role in any model for the modulation of cosmic rays. It enters into all diffusion coefficients, and its magnitude, spatial gradient and direction determine drifts patterns of cosmic rays in the heliosphere. While the first axisymmetric model of E.N. Parker proved quite successful to explain in situ measurements in the ecliptic plane, new insight into the origin and the nature of the field, especially at high heliographic latitudes, has led to the development of complex fully-three-dimensional, time-dependent models. In this review, we discuss a selection of models for the heliospheric magnetic field, and discuss how some of the more recent Fisk-type models affect the modulation of cosmic rays.  相似文献   

Signals from Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites at the horizon or at low elevations are often excluded from a GPS solution because they experience considerable ionospheric delays and multipath effects. Their exclusion can degrade the overall satellite geometry for the calculations, resulting in greater errors; an effect known as the Dilution of Precision (DOP). In contrast, signals from high elevation satellites experience less ionospheric delays and multipath effects. The aim is to find a balance in the choice of elevation mask, to reduce the propagation delays and multipath whilst maintaining good satellite geometry, and to use tomography to correct for the ionosphere and thus improve single-frequency GPS timing accuracy. GPS data, collected from a global network of dual-frequency GPS receivers, have been used to produce four GPS timing solutions, each with a different ionospheric compensation technique. One solution uses a 4D tomographic algorithm, Multi-Instrument Data Analysis System (MIDAS), to compensate for the ionospheric delay. Maps of ionospheric electron density are produced and used to correct the single-frequency pseudorange observations. This method is compared to a dual-frequency solution and two other single-frequency solutions: one does not include any ionospheric compensation and the other uses the broadcast Klobuchar model. Data from the solar maximum year 2002 and October 2003 have been investigated to display results when the ionospheric delays are large and variable. The study focuses on Europe and results are produced for the chosen test site, VILL (Villafranca, Spain). The effects of excluding all of the GPS satellites below various elevation masks, ranging from 5° to 40°, on timing solutions for fixed (static) and mobile (moving) situations are presented. The greatest timing accuracies when using the fixed GPS receiver technique are obtained by using a 40° mask, rather than a 5° mask. The mobile GPS timing solutions are most accurate when satellites at lower elevations continue to be included: using a mask between 10° and 20°. MIDAS offers the most accurate and least variable single-frequency timing solution and accuracies to within 10 ns are achieved for fixed GPS receiver situations. Future improvements are anticipated by combining both GPS and Galileo data towards computing a timing solution.  相似文献   

生物系统全时滞稳定性表明系统对于时滞具有很好的可靠性,因此一直是学者们研究的热点,该研究通常采用传统的数学方法或数值计算方法.针对高维非线性含参数的生物系统,利用Hurwitz判据和多项式完全判别系统提出了带参数的非线性生物系统全时滞稳定性的一个充要代数判据.在此基础上,研究了如何利用Grbner基、三角化分解和实解分类等符号计算方法来处理得到的代数问题,并提出了一个利用符号计算方法系统化、算法化和自动化分析生物系统全时滞稳定性问题的方法.该方法使用的计算均是精确的,这为生物学家以及工程师研究某些生物系统的稳定性提供了理论基础.最后,通过对实际生物模型,比如时滞Lotka-Volterra模型和SIR传染病模型全时滞稳定性问题分析得到的有效结果,证明了符号计算方法分析生物系统全时滞稳定性的可行性及其相较于传统数学方法的优越性.  相似文献   

改进的Woodward方法及用于设计大口面天线馈源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析传统的Woodward综合方法及其改进方法的基础上,引入最小二乘及伪逆,得到一种新的方向图综合方法;并将新方法与阵列波束形成技术结合,用于设计大型口面天线/FAST(Five-hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope)的初级方向图.在本文提出的方法中,抽样点数可以与阵列单元数相等和不等,对综合区域没有限制,所以综合的赋形波束更加灵活,适应场合更广泛.   相似文献   

The measurements of aerosol optical properties were carried out during April 2006 to March 2011 over Mohal (31.9°N, 77.12°E) in the northwestern Indian Himalaya, using the application of ground-based Multi-wavelength Radiometer (MWR) and space-born Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) remote sensors. The average (±standard deviation) values of aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 500 nm, Ångström exponent and turbidity coefficient during the entire measurement period were 0.25 ± 0.09, 1.15 ± 0.42 and 0.12 ± 0.06 respectively. About 86% AOD values retrieved from MODIS remote sensor were found within an uncertainty limit (Δτ = ±0.05 ± 0.15τ). In general, the MWR derived AOD values were higher than that of MODIS retrieval with absolute difference ∼0.02. During the entire period of measurement space-born MODIS remote sensor and ground-based MWR observation showed good correspondence with significant correlation coefficient ∼0.78 and root mean square difference ∼0.06. For daily observations the relative difference between these two estimates stood less than 9%. However, satellite-based and ground-based observation showed good correspondence, but further efforts still needed to eliminate systematic errors in the existing MODIS algorithm.  相似文献   

金星火山和气候探测任务(Venus Volcano Imaging and Climate Explorer,VOICE)聚焦金星火山与热演化历史、水与板块运动、内部结构和动力学、气候演化和生命信息探索等重大科学问题,提出采用极化合成孔径雷达(Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar,PolSAR) 、下视与临边结合的微波辐射探测仪(Microwave Radiometric Sounder,MWRS)和紫外–可见–近红外多光谱成像仪(Ultraviolet-Visible-Near Infrared Multispectral Imager,UVN-MSI)等三个先进的有效载荷,在350 km圆轨道上对金星全球表面和大气联合探测。 PolSAR将对金星全球表面进行高分辨多极化雷达成像;MWRS将对金星全球云下大气的热力结构和化学组成,云中可能的宜居环境及与生命相关大气成分进行探测;UVN-MSI则实现大气全貌成像、表面光谱成像和闪电检测。通过多种先进探测载荷和技术手段的结合,VOICE任务将揭示金星构造热演化历史和超温室效应机理,探索其宜居性和生命信息。VOICE任务的实施将实现国际金星研究探索中许多“零”的突破,为理解行星宜居性和太阳系演化提供极为关键的观测支持,对提升中国在国际深空探测与空间科学研究中的地位产生重大影响。  相似文献   

光纤陀螺随机调制的理论分析及实验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
偏置稳定性是描述陀螺性能的重要指标,而电路中的交叉干扰是导致陀螺输出漂移的重要原因.采用随机调制的方法能够减小陀螺中交叉干扰产生的输出漂移.采用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)的方法对方波调制和随机调制产生的交叉干扰进行了分析,分析结果表明,采用方波调制时,交叉干扰与方波同频,无法滤除,导致陀螺输出的偏置误差以及陀螺输出对光强的依赖性;而采用随机调制,交叉干扰与方波频率不同,能够滤除,从而减小交叉干扰带来的随机漂移.采用的随机调制为-3π/2,-π/2,π/2,3π/2调制,能够保证陀螺工作点在灵敏度最高的偏置点上,其频谱主要成分为方波基波的偶次谐波,通过陀螺电路中的滤波,能够将其滤掉,消除交叉干扰对陀螺输出带来的干扰.对方波调制和随机调制分别进行了实验,通过实验,证明了该方法的正确性,得到了随机调制能够抑制光纤陀螺中由于交叉干扰产生的输出漂移的结论.  相似文献   

介绍了国外先进高光谱成像载荷发展情况和国内以高分五号载荷为代表的高光谱成像技术发展水平,凭借在光谱分辨率、空间分辨率、成像质量等方面取得的长足进步,广泛应用于资源勘探和环境监测等多个重要领域。分析了Offner结构和Dyson结构的推扫型成像仪的特点,提出未来凝视型成像方式的发展前景,并介绍了目前基于AOTF分光方法的中红外高光谱成像仪,实现了较好的光谱成像效果。  相似文献   

针对地基测控系统传统标校方法和基于差分GPS事后标校方法的不足,提出了一种基于低轨卫星与地面测控站之间星地差分GPS的地基测控系统测量误差实时标校方法。与基于差分GPS的事后标校相比,实时标校能使地基测控系统及时获取标校后的测量数据,从而实时进行轨道解算和预报,并及时上注以提升卫星运行性能。针对星地长基线、高动态和实时标校场景,系统地分析了影响星地基线估计性能的各项误差及修正效果,并提出相对位置精度因子的概念,由此得到星地基线估计精度预算。采用基于抗差自适应卡尔曼滤波的实时星地基线估计算法,并利用加权最小二乘法求解测控系统测量误差,从而获得校准结果。利用星载双频GPS接收机和导航信号模拟器构建半实物仿真平台,仿真结果表明,实时标校后测距系统误差残差降低到40 cm左右,测速系统误差残差降低到1 cm/s以下,与理论分析结果一致,可以较好地满足未来航天任务的测控需求。  相似文献   

Bistatic SAR (BSAR) systems have recently been the subject of several studies, but little attention has been given to the potential of the location of targets. In the paper, the performance of the estimation of 3-D position of a target (TPE) in parasitic SAR is obtained analytically and illustrated by computer simulation using ambiguity function analysis, and the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) approach. It was shown that by using a multi look parasitic BSAR all three coordinates of an isolated point target (IPT) could be evaluated. Analytical closed form equations that characterize the measurement accuracy were derived. In the final these equations will be used to demonstrate various cases of more practical, including optimal trajectories choice under any geometry configuration case, moreover, the conclusion is verified via Matlab.  相似文献   

With the recent advances in all-sky imaging technology for nightglow emission studies, the F-region OI 630 nm emission has become an important tool for ionospheric/thermospheric coupling studies. At equatorial and low latitude regions, the all-sky imaging observations of the OI 630 nm emission show quasi north-south aligned intensity depletion bands, which are the optical signatures of large scale F-region plasma irregularities. By observing the motion of the intensity depleted bands it is possible to infer the ionospheric plasma zonal velocity of the depletion. The north-south aligned structures seen in the field of view of the all-sky imaging system corotate with the ionospheric plasma, so that by calculating the spatial displacements occurring during successive OI 630 nm emission images we can infer the ionospheric plasma drift velocity. However, the plasma bubbles have their own internal space-time dynamics leading to changes in their shape and dimensions and this may induce some errors in the calculated drift velocities. In this paper we take into account the space-time changes in the plasma bubbles in order to calculate the ionospheric plasma zonal drift velocities using the OI 630 nm nightglow emission.  相似文献   

After the solar wind termination shock crossings of the Voyager spacecraft, the acceleration of anomalous cosmic rays has become a very contentious subject. In this paper we examine several topics pertinent to anomalous cosmic ray oxygen acceleration and transport using a numerical cosmic ray modulation model. These include the effects of drifts on a purely Fermi I accelerated spectra, the effects of introducing higher charge states of oxygen into the modulation model, examining the viability of momentum diffusion as a re-acceleration process in the heliosheath and examining energy spectra, and intensity gradients, in the inner heliosphere during consecutive drift cycles.  相似文献   

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