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The SAX mission     
SAX denotes the X-Ray Astronomy Satellite selected by the Italian National Space Plan for inclusion in the Science Programme. The purpose of SAX is to perform spectroscopic, spectral and time variability studies of celestial X-Ray sources in the energy band from 1 to 200 KeV. It is intended to continue and expand upon previous observations of such sources. The instrumentation consists of four X-Ray imaging concentrators sensitive from 1 to 10 KeV (one of them extending down to 0.1 KeV), one Gas Scintillation Proportional Counter sensitive from 3 to 120 KeV, a Sodium Iodide Scintillator Crystal in Phoswich configuration operating from 15 KeV to 200 KeV; these detectors are coaligned to a common pointing axis. Three Wide Field Cameras (2–30 KeV) with axis at 90° to that of the narrow field instruments complete the payload.The Satellite launch is foreseen for 1988, in a low altitude (500 Km), low inclination (12°) orbit.The SAX scientific programme is carried out by a Consortium of Italian Institutes, in cooperation with Institutes from Holland; a partecipation of the Space Science Department of ESA is also foreseen.  相似文献   

This note describes the HXR80M large area hard X-Ray Astronomy experiment. The payload is scheduled for a flight on board of a transatlantic balloon to be launched the next July from the Milo Base (Sicily), in the framework of the CNR experimental transatlantic campaign.The detectors are two Multiwire Spectroscopic Proportional Chambers (MWSPC) having 2,700 cm2 sensitive area each.The two detectors are filled with an extremely pure Xenon-Isobutane mixture (impurity less than 1ppm) at high pressure (3–6 Atm) in order to obtain good spectral resolution and high efficiency. The field of view of the MWSPC's is limited by an array of three collimators each, having respectively 8°×8° and 5°×5° FWHM.The on board data handling is performed by microprocessor controlled electronics. In particular a micro Multichannel Analyzer (μMCA) is employed to obtain the spectrum of the detected photons. The scientific and housekeeping data are send to ground through a 1.2 Kbit PCM HF Telemetry link.The scientific aim of the experiment is the survey of the sky belt around the 38th parallel and in particular the observation of faint galactic objects and galactic binary systems in the range 15–200 keV.  相似文献   

The HXR79 hard X-Ray experiment was flown the August 26th 1979 from the Milo Base (Sicily, Italy) and a 27-hour flight was achieved. The scientific payload consisted of two Multiwire Spectroscopic Proportional Counters (MWSPC) with 900 cm2 sensitive geometric area each, in the hard X-Ray range (16–180 keV). A single drift scan was performed on the Crab Nebula region after the balloon reached the flotation point (2.9 mbar). The observation gave a maximum counting rate of about 25 counts/s superimposed on a background of about 75 counts/s. The Crab power-law spectrum was observed, and these data provide evidence for a line emission enhancement around 70 keV.  相似文献   

A meteorological rocket payload developed at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) using thermistor as a temperature sensor was flight tested on RH-200 rocket at Thumba (08° 32'N, 76° 52'E), India, during February/April 1982 on four occasions. The corrected data obtained with this payload are compared with Russian rocket, M-100, data. The temperature profile obtained with IITM payload is warmer above 45-km, as compared with M-100 temperature profile, on all occasions. Meridional and zonal winds also agree up to 45-km level. Temperature records show a wave pattern varying in amplitude and frequency in the 20 to 45-km range.  相似文献   

A Langmuir probe operated in fixed bias mode was launched onboard a RH-560 rocket from the Sriharikota Range (SHAR, Lat.13° 42'N, Geog. Long.80° 14'E, dip 10°) India on October 1, 1980 at 21h03 IST, to study the electron density profile and the electron density irregularities in the equatorial spread-F. The payload was designed to study medium and large scale irregularities. A highly variable and structured electron density profile was obtained. This was the first rocket launch in the Indian zone during spread-F condition.  相似文献   

In order to improve the low energy capability (15 ÷ 150 KeV) of the balloon borne “ZEBRA” low energy gamma imaging telescope (150 KeV-20 MeV), a large area, high spectral resolution (5% at 60 KeV), low background detector has been designed and is now under development.It consists of two MultiWire Spectroscopic Proportional Counter (SPC), escape gated, that have a sensitive area of 6000 cm2, and are placed above the large area array of sodiumiodide position sensitive elements.  相似文献   

Corrected thermal net radiation measurements from the four Pioneer Venus entry probes at latitudes of 60°N, 31°S, 27°S, and 4°N are presented. Three main conclusions can be drawn from comparisons of the corrected fluxes with radiative transfer calculations: (1) sounder probe net fluxes are consistent with the number density of large cloud particles (mode 3) measured on the same probe, but the IR measurements as a whole are most consistent with a significantly reduced mode 3 contribution to the cloud opacity; (2) at all probe sites, the fluxes imply that the upper cloud contains a yet undetected source of IR opacity; and (3) beneath the clouds the fluxes at a given altitude increase with latitude, suggesting greater IR cooling below the clouds at high latitudes and water vapor mixing ratios of about 2–5×10?5 near 60°, 2–5×10?4 near 30°, and >5×10?4 near the equator.  相似文献   

The propagation of energetic protons (35–1600 keV) from the Earth's magnetosphere to the ISEE-3 spacecraft located about 240 earth radii (RE) upstream in the solar wind is used as a tool to study the interaction between these protons and the solar wind. In this preliminary study we present proton pitch angle distributions seen at different times during the development of upstream events that occur in relatively quiet interplanetary conditions. In general a highly anisotropic sunward flow is seen at the beginning of the events. During the course of the events pitch angle distributions may vary between streaming along the field lines (peaked around 0° pitch angle), a uniform intensity between 0° and 90°, and a peaked distribution around a preferred pitch angle that is often near 90°.  相似文献   

Orbital potential field measurements are sensitive to regional variations in earth density and magnetization that occur over scales of a few hundred kilometers or greater. Global field models currently available are able to distinguish gravity variations of ±5 milligal over distances of ~1,000 km and magnetic variations of ±6 gamma over distances of ~300 km at the earth's surface. Regional variations in field strength have been detected in orbital measurements that are not apparent in higher resolution, low altitude surveys. NASA is presently studying a spacecraft mission known as GRAVSAT/MAGSAT, which would be the first satellite mission to perform a simultaneous survey of the earth's gravity and magnetic fields at low orbital altitudes. GRAVSAT/MAGSAT has been proposed for launch during the latter nineteen-eighties, and it would measure gravity field strength to an accuracy of 1 milligal and magnetic field strength to an accuracy of 2 gamma (scalar)/5 gamma (vector components) over a distance of roughly 100 km. Even greater improvements in the accuracy and spatial resolution of orbital surveys are anticipated during the nineteen-nineties with the development of potential field gradiometers and a tethered satellite system that can be deployed from the Space Shuttle to altitudes of 120 km above the earth's surface.  相似文献   

Deep 66° field photographs of the sky have been taken by the SL - 1 Very Wide Field Camera (experiment 1-ES-022) at 1650, 1930 and 2530 Å, with a limiting magnitude of 9.3 at 1930 Å. A 1,2 × 2,4Kpc ultraviolet extension of the Shapley's wing of the small Magellanic Cloud is revealed.  相似文献   

A centaure rocket, with payloads of Langmuir probe and Electric field probe, was launched from Thumba (8° 31'N, O° 47'S dip), India on February 12, 1981 at 1057 Hrs IST. The aim of the experiment was to study the role of localised electric fields in the generation of plasma density irregularities through cross field instability and the two-stream instability mechanism. The rocket was launched at a time when Type I irregularities were observed with VHF radar at Thumba.  相似文献   

A large area (400 cm2) low background X-ray telescope consisting of four collimated NaI/CsI scintillator phoswich detectors (each 100 cm2) was built and successfully flown several times during 1980–1984. The phoswich configuration enables one to eliminate X-ray background produced by high energy atmospheric and cosmic gamma-rays. Combined with large area, small field of view (5° × 5°) and large exposure time that was possible due to an on-board telescope pointing programmer, for the 20 – 120 Kev energy range, 3σ sensitivity achieved was 5 × 10−6 photon/cm2 sec Kev for exposure time of 104 sec at observational altitude of 4 g/cm2. The Instrument characteristics, relevant details on pointing system, detector system, associated electronics and telemetry and in-flight performance in 1983 and 1984 are presented.  相似文献   

During August 1981, a 50 MHz c.w. radar system was operated in central Canada to measure auroral scatter amplitudes and Doppler spectra from a scattering region centered near 66° magnetic invariant latitude (L ≈ 6.0). Narrow beams from 3 transmitters, differing in frequency by 1 KHz, were directed to cover a common volume of the ionosphere over a ground location at 56.3°N, 103.5°W. The scattered signals were received on narrow beam antennas at two receiving sites, and recorded in analog form on magnetic tape under the control of an AIM65 microcomputer. The analog tapes were digitized later and FFT-processed to obtain Doppler spectra and amplitudes.The 6 transmission paths were designed to provide several magnetic aspect angles varying by 1.5°-7° from perpendicularity with the earth's field B and two streaming aspect angles differing by ~38°. The objective was to employ controlled geometric factors to study the functional dependency of signal amplitudes and Doppler shifts on magnetic and streaming aspect angles. Several hundred hours of excellent data were obtained in continuous operation during the month of August 1981. Preliminary results will be reported.  相似文献   

A rocket borne payload for simultaneous measurement of the electric field along and perpendicular to the rocket spin axis and the electron density in the medium was developed and flown from Thumba (8° 31′N, 0° 47′S dip) onboard two Centaure rockets for the study of plasma dynamcis in the equatorial E-region. The arrangement of sensors in this payload allows near continuous measurements of some of these parameters to be made.  相似文献   

Nous pre´sentons les re´sultats pre´liminaires d'un mode`le photochimique de la haute atmosphe`re de Ve´nus (60 – 200 km) en nous plac¸ant dans le cas ou`l'hydroge`ne mole´culaire est abondant ([H2]~10 ppm). L'abondance d'hydroge`ne dans l'exosphe`re est compatible avec un coefficient de diffusion turbulente de 5 · 106 cm2 s?1 et un flux d'e´chappement proche du flux limite.  相似文献   

We have examined the region of occurrence of flux transfer events for three distinct orientations of the interplanetary magnetic field: nearly horizontal in the solar magnetospheric equator, diagonally southward at 45° to the magnetospheric equator and nearly due south. For horizontal IMF conditions the FTE's occur in a horizontal band about ± 6 RE wide. For diagonally southward IMF conditions, the FTE's occur in a diagonal swath about ± 6 RE wide passing through the subsolar point. For duskward but nearly due southward IMF conditions, our observations reveal FTE's throughout the northern morning quadrant. These observations are consistent with a near equatorial source for flux transfer events and hence with component merging and not anti-parallel merging. These observations also help understand the energetic ion anisotropies seen in these events.  相似文献   

A Langmuir probe designed and developed at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad has been used on a variety of rockets since 1966 from the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station, TERLS (8°31'N, 76°52'E, dip.lat. 0°47'S) to study the structure of the equatorial lower ionosphere. Good quality data is available from a set of twenty five rocket flights conducted during the period 1966 to 1978. This data has been obtained using a single standardised instrument at a single location and using a uniform procedure for data reading and analysis, and adopting a calibration procedure to convert the measured probe currents into electron densities which involves a height dependent calibration factor. The data has been used to establish the gross features of the equatorial lower ionosphere under daytime, night time, morning twilight and evening twilight periods.  相似文献   

Detailed analyses of data obtained with gas scintillation proportional counter on Tenma huave been done for four low mass X-ray binaries (LMXB's); that is, Sco X-1, 4U1608-52, GX 349+2, and GX 5-1. This paper presents a new scenario concerning the spectra of LMXB's based on the observational fact from Tenma. The energy spectra of these sources can be expressed by a sum of two spectral components; that is, a hard component with a blackbody of temperature, kT ? 2 keV and soft component with a multi-color blackbody of maximum temperature kT ? 1.4 keV which is expected from the optically thick accretion disk.  相似文献   

The international experiment VARIANT was carried out onboard Ukrainian remote sensing satellite SICH-1M launched 2004, December 24. In spite of other than planned satellite orbit and onboard systems failure about 11 telemetric files from VARIANT payload were obtained. Due to episodic and random payload switching the main goal of VARIANT experiment - study of field aligned currents and monitoring of electromagnetic state of the ionosphere – was not possible to realize. However the data analysis from VARIANT instrumentation allowed us to obtain for the first time a reliable confirmation of proper operation in ionospheric plasma of a new device developed for wave activity study – Wave Probe, which consists of compact combination of Split Langmuir Probe working at floating potential and search-coil magnetic field sensor. Such a probe can simultaneously measure variations of one component of spatial current density and a perpendicular component of magnetic field with a spectral sensitivity threshold up to 0.1 pA/(cm2 Hz1/2) and 0.03 pT/Hz1/2, respectively.  相似文献   

The earth's magnetosphere absorbs only a minor fraction (≈ 10?3) of the incident solar wind energy. Variations of the solar wind can often cause lively reactions in the earth's close environment. However, the physical mechanisms involved are not yet understood. It appears now that the combined action of the solar wind momentum flux, the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field as well as its fluctuations might play the dominant role. The behaviour of these parameters is governed in some characteristic way by the solar wind stream structure which reflects the condition of the solar corona and its magnetic field topology. Transients in the sun's atmosphere associated with solar activity cause reactions in the interplanetary medium which also show some typical, though very different, signatures. Taking into account the interdependence of the solar wind parameters in context with the underlying solar phenomena, we may be able to pinpoint the mechanism which controls the action of the solar wind on the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

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