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Winds from a meteor radar at Wuhan (30.6°N, 114.5°E) and a MF radar at Adelaide (35°S, 138°E) are used to study the 16-day waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). The height range is 78–98 km at Wuhan and 70–98 km at Adelaide. By comparison, it is found that the zonal components at both sites are generally larger than the meridional ones, and eastward motion of the zonal background winds is favorable for the 16-day waves penetration to the MLT region. The zonal maximum amplitude appears in the autumn (September–October) around 86–98 km at Wuhan and in the winter months and early spring (July–October) around 72–82 km at Adelaide. Differences are found in wave amplitudes and time of appearance between the two years of 2002 and 2003. In 2003, the intensity of the wave amplitudes is relatively smaller than that for 2002 at both sites. The summer 16-day waves are comparatively weaker at Adelaide in both years, but stronger in 2002 at Wuhan near the mesopause and the lower thermosphere (86–98 km). The strong summer waves at Wuhan may come from the winter southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

This institute conducted a series of meteorological rocket experiments for the upper-atmospheric sounding in the winter of 1979. Within the overlap altitude range with balloon flights, a comparison of the results with the standard radiosonde data indicated that the rocket-borne system was reliable. The measurements from foru rocket flights for the region between 20 and 30 km showed a degree of compatibility to each other while those for above 30 km differed considerably from one another. At low latitude, the temperature profiles in the winter stratosphere in general showed a reasonably good agreement with the U.S. Standard Atmospheric Supplements, 1966 (USSAS 66). A temperature of 2–24°C lower than the USSAS 66, however, was recorded in the lower mesosphere. Above 30 km the maximum diurnal variation in temperature was 9°C or so. In the winter, the wind profile showed the westerlies and the maximum wind velocity of 92.1 Msec?1 was obtained from these experiments at the height of 60 km.  相似文献   

Radio occultation measurements of the temperature structure of the Venus atmosphere have been obtained during seven occultation “seasons” extending from December 1978 to December 1983. Approximately 123 vertical profiles of temperature from about 40 km to about 85 km altitudes have been derived. Since these measurements cover latitudes from both poles to the equator, they have shown the latitudinal dependence of thermal structure. There is a smooth transition from the troposphere to the mesosphere at latitudes below about 45°, with the tropopause at about 56 km. The troposphere then rises to about 62 km in the “collar cloud” region between about 60° and 80° latitude, where a strong temperature inversion (up to 30 K) is present. In the polar areas, 80°–90°, the mesosphere becomes isothermal and there is no inversion. This latitudinal behavior is related to the persistent circulation pattern, in which a predominantly zonal retrograde motion at latitudes below 45° gradually changes to a circumpolar vortex at the “collar cloud” latitudes. Indeed, the radio occultation data have been used in a cyclostrophic balance model to derive zonal winds in the Venus atmosphere, which showed a mid-latitude (50°–55°) jet with a speed of about 120–140 ms?1 at about 70 km altitude /1,2/. The observations obtained in 1983 and 1984 have shown that above the tropopause there is considerable temporal variability in the detailed thermal structure, suggesting that the persistent circulation pattern is subject to weather-like variability.  相似文献   

Motivated by the need in many aerospace applications for a meaningful reference atmosphere characteristic of the whole of the tropics in both the northern and southern hemispheres of the globe, a proposal is made here for such an atmosphere upto an altitude of 80 km. The proposal is based on balloonsonde, rocketsonde and grenade and falling sphere data, respectively, in the range of about 0–20, 20–50 and 50–80 km height. The final proposal consists of six linear segments in the temperature distribution, with temperature values in degrees Centigrade of 27, ?9, ?74, ?5, ?5, ?74 and ?74 at altitudes of 0, 9, 16, 46, 52, 75 and 80 km respectively. The sea level pressure is taken as 1010 mb, and abridged tables of quantities of interest in meteorological and aerospace applications are provided.  相似文献   

Ozone reference models are proposed here similar to the Keating and Young 1985 models which were prepared for the new COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere. This paper updates tables provided in the Keating and Young ozone model, giving improved monthly zonal mean total column ozone in 10° latitude increments, improved monthly zonal mean ozone volume mixing ratios (ppmv) from 20 to 0.003 mb in 10° latitude increments, and conversion tables providing ozone vertical structure in other units. Also, a new table is provided giving ozone vertical structure as a function of altitude (from 25 to 80 km), latitude, and month. The models are based on measurements from six contemporary satellite instruments.  相似文献   

New meteor radar (MR) horizontal wind data obtained during 2015–2018 at Kazan (56°N, 49°E) are presented. The measurements were carried out with a state-of-the-art SKiYMET meteor radar. Monthly mean vertical profiles of zonal and meridional components of the prevailing wind speeds, also amplitudes and phases of the components of diurnal (DT) and semidiurnal tide (SDT) winds are displayed as contour plots for a mean calendar year over the four recent years and compared with distributions of these parameters provided by the previous multiyear (1986–2002) meteor radar (MR) measurements at Kazan and by the recent HWM07 empirical model. The analysis shows that the SKiYMET zonal and meridional prevailing wind speeds are generally in good agreement, sharing the same seasonal features, with the earlier MR seasonal winds. Comparisons with the HWM07 model are not favourable: eastward solstitial cells as modelled are significantly larger, >30?m/s compared to 15–20?m/s. Also, reversal lines are too variable with height, and the positions of modelled cells (positive and negative) are unlike those of either MRs at Kazan or other MLT radars. Both MR systems provide the large SDT amplitudes, approximately 30?m/s and vertical wavelengths, approximately 55?km, for both components at middle latitudes in winter. They also show the well known strong SDT September feature (heights 85–100?km, the vertical wavelength ~55–60?km), and the weak summer SDT for 80–91?km. HWM07 shows unrealistic amplitudes and phases above 90?km by height and month: minimal amplitudes in equinoxes and no September feature.The weak DT of middle to high latitudes provide similar amplitude and phase structures from both MRs, 1986–2002 and 2015–2017: largest amplitudes (10–12 or 8–10?m/s) for the evanescent meridional tide in summer, peaking in late July; weakest (0–2, 2–4?m/s) at 80 to 92–96?km, when the tide is vertically propagating (January, February, November, December) with a vertical wavelength near 40?km. Again, HWM07 differs in amplitude and phase structures: showing peak amplitudes in equinoxes: April, 15?m/s at 88?km; October, 21?m/s at 89?km.Coupling of the MR wind parameters with the ERA5 wind parameters is studied for a case in 2016. It is shown that the prevailing winds and DT amplitudes and phases of both datasets can be simply linked together, but that the ERA5 SDT amplitudes are significantly underestimated at the top model levels of the ERA5 reanalysis project.  相似文献   

During January–August 1978, the global atmospheric angular momentum (M) exhibits distinct patterns of short term momentum interchange across latitudes. In the northern hemisphere winter-spring season, 30–50 day modulations of M are present in which momentum enhancements at mid-latitudes (20–30°) are closely matched by momentum depressions at high latitudes (50–60°). During the same interval there are no corresponding variations in M evident in the southern hemisphere. Conversely, during southern hemisphere fall-winter, similar anticorrelations in monthly scale momentum excursions are evident between mid and high latitudes. In the northern hemisphere, the winter-spring momentum signatures are detected throughout the atmosphere, from the lower troposphere to the stratosphere. During the southern hemisphere fall-winter, the modulation patterns are not evident at the higher altitudes. Structural details of the momentum signatures indicate that the coupling is sometimes effective on very short time scales, e.g. 1–2 days, or less. The evidence of distinct anti-correlation between large regions has interesting implications for studies of global atmospheric circulation, and also for studies of the excitation of variations in earth rotation in response to short term modulations of M.  相似文献   

We present results of wind measurements near the mesopause carried out with meteor radars (MRs) at Collm (51°N, 13°E), Obninsk (55°N, 37°E), Kazan (56°N, 49°E), Angarsk (52°N, 104°E) and Anadyr (65°N, 178°E) from October 1, 2017 till March 31, 2018. The Collm and Kazan MRs are SKiYMET radars with vertical transmission and radio echo height finding, while the other radars operate with horizontal transmission and without height finding. We paid particular attention to the meridional wind variability with periods of 4–6 days and 9–11 days. The waves with these periods are seen as spots of the wave activity in the wavelet spectra and include oscillations with different periods and different discrete zonal wavenumbers. These wave packets successively propagate as a group of waves from one site to another one in such a way that they are observed at one site and almost disappear at the previous one. The 4–6 wave group includes planetary-scale oscillations (individual spectral components) which have eastward phase velocities and mostly zonal wavenumbers 2 and 3, and the vertical wavelength exceeds 70 km at middle latitudes. The source of the oscillations is the polar jet instability. The wave group itself propagates westward, and the amplitudes of wind oscillations are approximately 5–6 m/s as obtained from the wind data averaged over the meteor zone. The 9–11 day wave set propagates westward as a group and mainly consists of spectral components which have westward phase velocity and zonal wavenumber 1. Amplitudes of these wind perturbations strongly vary from station to station and can reach, approximately, 8 m/s. The vertical wavenumber is 0.014 km−1 as taken from the Kazan and 0.05 km−1 according to the Collm data. We obtained a global view on the waves by using the AURA MLS geopotential data. We found a good correspondence between wave features obtained from the MR wind measurements and the MLS data. To our knowledge, such a wave propagation of planetary wave in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) region has so far not obtained much attention.  相似文献   

The present study uses five Martian years of observations from Mars Climate Sounder onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter for investigating the Aphelion Cloud Belt (ACB) over the tropics. Analysis of zonal mean water ice column opacity suggests that the spatial extension of the ACB is mainly confined over the tropics and mid-latitudes (-20 – 40°N) during LS ~ 45 – 135° (LS = 0° signifies northern spring equinox). The ACB is seen primarily in the nighttime only due to the truncation of the daytime profile observations at significantly higher altitudes (at ~30 km). Zonal mean ice extinction profiles show ACB’s altitudinal range within ~10 – 40 km, and the existence of a thin cloud band in the absence of a thick ACB during aphelion season. Three phases of the ACB could be identified as the formation phase during LS = 45 – 75° (phase 1), the peak phase during LS = 76 – 105° (phase 2), and the decaying phase during LS = 106 – 135° (phase 3). Observation of the cloud latitude belt shows a northward movement starting from phase 2, prominent over regions nearby Lunae Planum and Xanthe Terra. During this phase, the top level of thick clouds within the ACB decreases to ~20 km in the southern hemisphere, while it increases a little over the northern hemisphere (NH). The decreasing tendency continues in phase 3 over the entire region ?10 – 10°N, and the thick cloud base moves higher over the NH, though the vertical depth of it becomes narrower than phase 2. Temperature profiles do not show any noticeable influence on the northward evolution of the ACB. However, the study at a regional level indicates a possible association of upper tropospheric dustiness with the ACB’s evolution. The mechanism is evident in the correlation analysis mostly at an altitude range of ~18 – 35 km. The migrating semidiurnal tide (SMD) as a proxy of dust or water ice forcing, and the calculated upper tropospheric dust radiative heating, shows an apparent northward movement of their peak amplitude within the three phases of the ACB. This match between the spatiotemporal variations of the SMD and the water ice was not observed previously. However, the correlating behavior seems to be prominent in the areas nearby Lunae Planum and Xanthe Terra and the upper-tropospheric region of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

During the last decade a large number of radars (~12) have been developed, which have produced substantial quantities of tidally-corrected mean winds data. The distribution of the radars is not global, but many areas are well covered: the Americas with Poker Flat (65°N), Saskatoon (52°N), Durham (43°N), Atlanta (34°N), Puerto Rico (18°N); Europe with Kiruna (68°), Garchy (47°N) and Monpazier (44°N); and Oceania with Christchurch (44°S), Adelaide (35°S), Townsville (20°S), and Kyoto (35°N). Zonal and meridional wind height-time cross-sections from 6080 km (MF/Meteor Radar) to ~110 km have been prepared for the last 5–6 years. They are compared with cross-sections from CIRA-72 for zonal winds, and Groves (1969) for meridional winds.It is shown that while CIRA-72 is still a useful model for many purposes, significant differences exist between it and the new radar data. The latter demonstrate important seasonal, latitudinal, longitudinal and hemispheric variations. The new meridional cross-sections are of great value. The common features with Groves (1969) are the equatorward cells in summer near 85 km; however their strength (~10 ms?1) and size are less. Systematic and somewhat different variations emerge at higher (?52°N) and middle (35–44°) latitudes.  相似文献   

A total of 146 meteorological rocket flights applying the ‘falling sphere’ technique are used to obtain horizontal winds in the mesosphere at polar latitudes, namely at the Andøya Rocket Range (69°N, 125 flights), at Spitsbergen (78°N, 10 flights), and at Rothera (68°S, 11 January flights only). Nearly all flights took place around noon or midnight, i.e., in the same phase of the semidiurnal tide. Meridional winds at 69°N show a clear diurnal tidal variation which is not observed in the zonal winds. The zonal wind climatology shows a transition from summer to winter conditions with the zero wind line propagating upward from 40 km (end of August) to 80 km (end of September). Zonal winds are smaller at Spitsbergen compared to Andøya which is in line with a common angular velocity at both stations. Meridional winds at noon are of similar magnitude at all three stations and are directed towards the north and south pole, respectively. Horizontal and meridional winds generally agree with empirical models, except for the zonal winds at Antarctica which are similar to the NH, whereas there is a significant SH/NH difference in CIRA-1986.  相似文献   

Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model (Mars-GRAM 2001) is an engineering-level Mars atmosphere model widely used for many Mars mission applications. From 0 to 80 km, it is based on NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model (MGCM), while above 80 km it is based on University of Michigan Mars Thermospheric General Circulation Model. Mars-GRAM 2001 and MGCM use surface topography from Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). Validation studies are described comparing Mars-GRAM with a global summary data set of Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data. TES averages and standard deviations were assembled from binned TES data which covered surface to ∼40 km, over more than a full Mars year (February 1999–June 2001, just before start of a Mars global dust storm). TES data were binned in 10° × 10° latitude–longitude bins (36 longitude bins, centered at 5°–355°, by 18 latitude bins, centered at −85° to +85°), and 12 seasonal bins (based on 30° increments of Ls angle). Bin averages and standard deviations were assembled at 23 data levels (temperature at 21 pressure levels, plus surface temperature and surface pressure). Two time-of-day bins were used: local time near 2 or 14 h. Two dust optical depth bins were used: infrared optical depth, either less than or greater than 0.25 (which corresponds to visible optical depth less than or greater than about 0.5). For interests in aerocapture and precision entry and landing, comparisons focused on atmospheric density. TES densities versus height were computed from TES temperature versus pressure, using assumptions of perfect gas law and hydrostatics. Mars-GRAM validation studies used density ratio (TES/Mars-GRAM) evaluated at data bin center points in space and time. Observed average TES/Mars-GRAM density ratios were generally 1 ± 0.05, except at high altitudes (15–30 km, depending on season) and high latitudes (>45°N), or at most altitudes in the southern hemisphere at Ls  90° and 180°. Compared to TES averages for a given latitude and season, TES data had average density standard deviation about the mean of ∼2.5% for all data, or ∼1–4%, depending on time of day and dust optical depth. Average standard deviation of TES/Mars-GRAM density ratio was 8.9% for local time 2 h and 7.1% for local time 14 h. Thus standard deviation of observed TES/Mars-GRAM density ratio, evaluated at matching positions and times, is about three times the standard deviation of TES data about the TES mean value at a given position and season.  相似文献   

The global developments of the four stratospheric events (~20–50 km) are described, using balloon, satellite and rocket data. Winds data for heights of 60–95 km, derived from L.F. drift (52°N, 15°E; Europe) and M.F. radar (52°N, 107°W; Canada), are then compared with the stratospheric data. There is clear evidence that the preliminary planetary waves often penetrate strongly to ~90 km, and that mean wind reversals also occur. However, there are dramatic differences between European and Canadian mesospheric responses.  相似文献   

This study presents the quasi-two-day wave (Q2DW) characteristics of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region obtained by taking hourly mean values of horizontal wind velocities for 4? years (August 2013–July 2017) through continuous measurements using a medium-frequency (MF) radar (operating frequency – 1.98?MHz) located at the low-latitude Indian station Kolhapur (16.8°N; 74.2°E). The MF radar located at Kolhapur was upgraded in 2013, and these results of Q2DW have been reported for the first time after upgrading. The present study investigated variability in seasonal, annual, interannual, and solar indices of Q2DWs traveling in zonal (EW) and meridional (NS) components in the MLT region. The Q2DW activity is observed to be stronger during austral summer (January–February) (EW?=?~5?m/s and NS?=?~8–10?m/s) than during boreal summer (June–July) (EW = ~5 m/s and NS = ~6–8?m/s). The Q2DW amplitudes are larger in the meridional component than in the zonal one. A strong semiannual oscillation (SAO) has been observed in Q2DWs, with peak during January–February and June–July. In addition, small enhancement is seen in meridional Q2DW in October (~5–6?m/s). It is observed that the entire spectrum (40–60?h) measured between 86 and 94?km contributes to the SAO amplitudes during January–February and June–July, whereas the waves measured between 42?h and 52?h contribute to enhancement in October similar to that reported elsewhere. In general, the Q2DW amplitude shows large interannual variability. The easterlies developed in the global circulation model in Northern hemisphere during May intensify up to around summer solstice. Q2DW activity peaks during westerly shear zone and intensifies with time at a lower thermospheric altitude (above 90?km). Small positive correlations (r?=?0.2 for sunspot number and r?=?0.1 for 10.7?cm solar flux) have been observed between Q2DW amplitudes and solar activity.  相似文献   

In order to prove that meridional flow changes into zonal flow as a result of auroral electrons and bremsstrahlung leading to an increase in temperature and pressure even in the troposphere, the relations between corpuscular (geomagnetic) activity and atmospheric pressure were statistically investigated in the northern hemisphere at the 500 hPa level. Correlation coefficients for daily, monthly and yearly values have confirmed that fluctuations in climate and weather including zonal and meridional circulations, blocking, invasions of arctic air and southern oscillation can be accounted for by the processes in the auroral oval.  相似文献   

南大西洋异常区高能质子通量南北向差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用2012年8月NOAA N15,N16,N17,N18卫星中能质子和电子探测器(MEPED)>6.9MeV质子能档的数据,研究了800km高度处南大西洋异常区(SAA)质子分布的南北方向差异.数据显示,质子计数率沿经线随纬度的变化近似满足高斯分布,且向南运动的质子多于向北运动的质子.MEPED具有0°和90°两个探测方向,可对质子投掷角分布进行估算,从而消除在探测南向和北向质子时探测器方向角偏差所造成的影响.结果表明,在经度40°W、纬度13°S至23°S位置上,仍然存在南向质子比北向质子多20%~30%的现象.其原因可能与地磁异常使南向质子镜像点更低,更多质子散射进入大气层沉降有关.分析还发现,南大西洋异常区质子通量存在地方时变化.日侧比夜侧强约20%,这可能是由于地磁场日变化引起的.   相似文献   

基于TIMEGCM模型,研究了2005年9月10日中纬度地磁暴期间热层(100~650 km)水平风场变化对垂直风的影响.通过连续性方程诊断分析了暴时引起垂直风场变化的机制,结果表明:250 km以上的垂直风场取决于水平风场的变化,而250 km以下的垂直风场由较高高度的垂直风拉动;在地磁暴初相开始时,经向风场相比纬向...  相似文献   

设计了一个将电离层水平电场与风场耦合的模拟方案,研究了电流函数和风场在耦合前后的变化与差异. 研究发现,水平电场与风场相互反馈后,风场的变化比电流函数小. 经向风在白天有较明显的差异,夜晚的差异比白天小,主要出现在中高纬地区,并随高度的增加而增大,300km左右达到最大值,其后几乎保持不变. 纬向风有与经向风相似的变化,但纬向风耦合前后的差异比经向风小. 电流函数在耦合后有较大改变,两个涡旋强度都有较强增加,并且北半球的增强大于南半球,而夜晚差异较小. 结果表明,在研究的高度范围内,风场对电场的控制作用大于电场对风场的影响.   相似文献   

等离子体层是日地环境重要的组成部分.本文利用COSMIC掩星精密定轨数据经处理后得到的podTec文件获取等离子体层电子含量(PEC)对等离子体层进行研究.将podTec数据进行处理后获得的PEC(pod-PEC)和IRI-Plas经验模型提供的PEC(IRI-PEC)进行对比,发现pod-PEC与IRI-PEC符合得...  相似文献   

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