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The region between Southern Peru and Northern Chile is one of the most seismically and volcanically active regions in South America. This is caused by a constant subduction of the South American Plate, converging with the Nazca Plate in the extreme North of Chile. We used the 15 and 30 m resolution satellite images, provided by the ASTER (VNIR and SWIR) instrument onboard the Terra satellite to study changes in the geological faults close to earthquake epicenters in southern Peru. Visible and infrared spectral bands were analysed using “The Lineament Extraction and Stripes Statistic Analysis” (LESSA) software package to examine changes in the lineament features and stripe density fields caused by seismic activity. We used the satellite images 128 and 48 days before and 73 days after a 5.2 Richter scale magnitude earthquake. The fact that the seasonal variations in the South of Peru and North of Chile are very small, and the vegetation is very limited, allowed us to establish substantial changes in the lineament and the stripe density field features. We develop a methodology that allows to evaluate the seismic risk in this region for the future.  相似文献   

A statistical model is proposed for analysis of the texture of land cover types for global and regional land cover classification by using texture features extracted by multiresolution image analysis techniques. It consists of four novel indices representing second-order texture, which are calculated after wavelet decomposition of an image and after texture extraction by a new approach that makes use of a four-pixel texture unit. The model was applied to four satellite images of the Black Sea region, obtained by Terra/MODIS and Aqua/MODIS at different spatial resolution. In single texture classification experiments, we used 15 subimages (50 × 50 pixels) of the selected classes of land covers that are present in the satellite images studied. These subimages were subjected to one-level and two-level decompositions by using orthonormal spline and Gabor-like spline wavelets. The texture indices were calculated and used as feature vectors in the supervised classification system with neural networks. The testing of the model was based on the use of two kinds of widely accepted statistical texture quantities: five texture features determined by the co-occurrence matrix (angular second moment, contrast, correlation, inverse difference moment, entropy), and four statistical texture features determined after the wavelet transformation (mean, standard deviation, energy, entropy). The supervised neural network classification was performed and the discrimination ability of the proposed texture indices was found comparable with that for the sets of five GLCM texture features and four wavelet-based texture features. The results obtained from the neural network classifier showed that the proposed texture model yielded an accuracy of 92.86% on average after orthonormal wavelet decomposition and 100% after Gabor-like wavelet decomposition for texture classification of the examined land cover types on satellite images.  相似文献   

针对现有方法一般是基于时间或距离的定值来确定碰撞区域的问题,提出了一种基于入侵机和无人机(UAV)运动信息的无人机动态碰撞区建模方法.首先,根据无人机与入侵机的运动状态、两机之间的最小安全距离等信息,通过几何方法得出无人机不采取任何规避机动时两机将发生碰撞区域的解析表达式,即无机动碰撞区数学模型;其次,考虑无人机的机动能力约束,计算了无人机采取最大过载转弯机动(左转或右转)时两机恰好避免碰撞发生的边界,即最大机动碰撞区数学模型;在此基础上,提出了不可规避区的概念;进而定义了安全飞行包络,它是无人机能够规避入侵机威胁的分界线;最后通过理论和仿真结合分析了影响各区域的主要因素.仿真与分析结果表明所建碰撞区不仅可以帮助无人机选择规避机动方式,而且能够帮助无人机判定常规避撞机动是否失败,并使无人机及时采取最大过载转弯机动,对无人机安全避撞决策具有实际参考价值.   相似文献   

The Caspian Sea has displayed considerable fluctuations in its water level during the past century. Knowledge of such fluctuation is vital for understanding the local hydrological cycles, climate of the region, and construction activities within the sea and along its shorelines. This study established a point-wise satellite altimetry approach to monitor the fluctuations of the Caspian Sea using a complete dataset of TOPEX/Poseidon for the period 1993 to the middle of 2002, and its follow-on Jason-1 for the period 2002 to August 2009. Therefore, 280 virtual time-series were constructed to monitor the fluctuations. The least squares spectral analysis (LSSA) method is, then employed to find the most significant frequencies of the time-series, while the statistical method of principle component analysis (PCA) is applied to extract the dominant variability of level variations. The study also used the observations of TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1 over the Volga River along with 5 years of Volga’s water discharge to study its influence on the Caspian Sea level changes. The LSSA results indicate that the lunar semidiurnal (M2) and the Sun semidiurnal (S2) frequencies are the main tidal frequencies of the Caspian Sea with the mean amplitude of 4.2 and 2.8 cm, respectively. A statistically significant long-term frequency (12.5-years period) is also found from altimetry and tide gauge observations. A phase lag, related to the inter-annual frequencies of the Volga River was detected from the point-wise time-series showing level propagation from the northwest to the southeast of the sea. The cross-correlation between the power spectrum of Volga and that of the northern-most, middle, and southern-most points within the Caspian Sea were respectively 0.63, 0.51 and 0.4 of zero-lag correlation, corroborating the influence of the Volga River. The result of PCA also shows that different parts of the Caspian Sea exhibit different amplitudes of level variations, indicating that the point-wise approach, when employing all available satellite measurements could be a suitable method for a preliminary monitoring of this inland water resource as it gives accurate local fluctuations.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) and sea surface temperature (SST) are important parameters in assessing the productivity of coastal regions. Numerous rivers flow into the eastern (Ganga, Subernarekha, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Penner, and Kaveri) and western (Narmada, Tapti, and Indus) coasts of the Indian sub-continent. Using IRS P4 (Oceansat-1) Ocean Color Monitor (OCM) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, we have retrieved chlorophyll, calcite, and SSC near the mouth of these rivers for the period during 2000–2004. The maxima of chlorophyll-a concentrations at the river mouth is much higher for the Himalayan and north India rivers (Ganga, Subernarekha, Mahanadi, and Indus) (10–14 mg/m3) compared to rivers in the southern parts of India (Kaveri and Penner) (∼4 mg/m3). The maxima of calcite concentration (∼45 moles/m3), chlorophyll (∼14 mg/m3), and sediment concentrations (∼9 g/m3) near river mouth are found to be influenced by river discharges (Ganga and Brahmaputra) during the monsoon season. The calcite concentration (∼45 moles/m3) at the mouth of Ganga river shows a major peak with the onset of monsoon season (June–July) followed by a maxima in chlorophyll-a with a time lag of 1–2 months. The Krishna, Kaveri, and Penner rivers show low chlorophyll concentrations (3–8 mg/m3), high calcite (0–40 moles/m3), and low SSC (<3 g/m3) compared to Narmada and Tapti rivers (chlorophyll-a 12–14 mg/m3, calcite 0–2 moles/m3, and SSC 13–19 g/m3). The Indus river shows similar behavior (maxima of chlorophyll ∼13 mg/m3 and SSC ∼8 g/m3) with respect to Ganga river except for high calcite concentration during winter months (∼25 moles/m3). The characteristics of the chlorophyll, calcite, and SSC at the mouth of these rivers show spatial and temporal variability along the eastern and westerns coasts of India which are found to differ widely. A comparison of the chlorophyll concentrations using OCM and MODIS data shows low chlorophyll concentrations in the Bay of Bengal as compared to the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

By using the observation data and products of precise obit and clock offset from Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) of the International GNSS Service (IGS) and GNSS Research Centre, Curtin University in this paper, the positioning performance of BDS/QZSS satellite navigation system has been analyzed and evaluated in aspects of the quantity of visible satellites, DOP value, multipath effect, signal-to-noise ratio, static PPP and kinematic PPP. The analysis results show that compared to BDS single system when the cutoff angle are 30°and 40°, the DOP value of BDS/QZSS combined system has decreased above 20%, and the quantity of visible satellites increased about 16–30% respectively, because of the improved spatial geometric configuration. The magnitude of satellite multipath effect of BDS system shows the trend of MEO?>?IGSO?>?GEO, which is consistent with that of QZSS satellite system, as the constellation structure of the two systems is similar. The variation tendencies of signal-to-noise ratio with respect to elevation angle of the two systems are almost the same at all frequencies, showing that at the same elevation angle the signal-to-noise ratio of MEO satellites is higher than that of IGSO satellites, as the higher obit is the lower transmitting power is obtained. For having a specially designed obit, the variation of signal-to-noise ratio of BDS system is more stable. However, the magnitude of signal-to-noise ratio of QZSS system appears the trend of frequency 3?>?frequency 2?>?frequency 1. The static PPP performance of the BDS/QZSS combination system has been improved more significantly than the BDS single system in E, N and U directions. When the cutoff angle are at 7°, 15° and 30°, the PPP accuracy is increased about 25–34% in U direction, 10–13% and 23–34% in E and N directions respectively. When the elevation angle is large (40°), compared to BDS single system at lower elevation angles (7° and 15°) the PPP accuracy of the BDS/QZSS combination system is improved above 30% in U direction. In kinematic PPP performance, compared to BDS single system, the accuracy, availability and reliability of the BDS/QZSS combination system has been improved too, especially at large elevation angles (30° and 40°), the kinematic PPP accuracy in E and U directions has been improved about 10–50%, and above 50% in U direction. It can be concluded that the combination with QZSS system can improve the positioning accuracy, reliability and stability of BDS system. In the future, with the improvement of the satellite construction of Japan’s QZSS system and the global networking of China’s BDS satellites, the QZSS satellites will contribute greatly to improve the positioning accuracy, reliability, availability and stability of GNSS systems in areas such as cities, mountains, densely-packed buildings and severely covered areas in Asian-Pacific region.  相似文献   

The Rodalquilar epithermal quartz-alunite gold deposits that occur within the Rodalquilar caldera complex in southeast Spain, are associated with a pronounced hydrothermal alteration of the country rocks. The hydrothermal alteration zones that are exposed on the surface consist of the vuggy silica zone, the advanced argillic alteration zone, the intermediate argillic alteration zone, the propylitic alteration zone, and a second stage supergene acid sulfate alteration. High spatial resolution multispectral imagery recorded by the WorldView-3 satellite was used in this study to map the spatial distribution of the main alteration minerals in the Rodalquilar caldera complex. Thermal infrared (TIR) data of the ASTER satellite were used to detect the quartz-rich zones. The analysis of the Rodalquilar WorldView-3 data was based on the Adaptive Coherence Estimator (ACE), a partial unmixing algorithm. The ACE processing accurately mapped the spatial distribution of alunite, kaolinite, illite and goethite. Alunite is abundant in the vuggy silica and advanced argillic alteration zones, and in the second stage supergene acid sulfate alteration. Kaolinite is predominant in the intermediate argillic alteration zone. Illite is abundant in the outer parts of the intermediate argillic alteration zone. Goethite image maps gossans that mainly occur in the vuggy silica and advanced argillic alteration zones, and in the areas characterized by the second stage supergene acid sulfate alteration. The detection of quartz-rich zones from the ASTER TIR data complemented the WorldView-3 mapping results. The study shows the efficiency of high spatial resolution multispectral remote sensing imagery recorded by the WorldView-3 satellite for district-level mineral exploration studies.  相似文献   

An enhanced digital elevation model (DEM) of the Larsemann Hills region, east Antarctica, is constructed synergistically by using highly accurate ground-based GPS measurements, satellite-derived laser altimetry (GLAS/ICESat) and Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project (RAMPv2) DEM-based point elevation dataset. Our DEM has a vertical accuracy of about 1.5 times better than RAMPv2 DEM and seven times better than GLAS/ICESAT-based DEM. The accuracy is improved by validating the RAMPv2 DEM elevation by supplementing with GLAS/ICESat and DGPS survey data, when compared to that of DEM constructed by using GLAS/ICESat or RAMPv2 alone. With the use of accurate GPS data as ground control points reference elevations, the DEM extracted is much more accurate with least mean RMSE of 34.5 m than that constructed by using a combination of GLAS/ICESat and RAMPv2 as true reference. The newly constructed DEM 7 achieves highest accuracy with the least average elevation difference of 0.27 m calculated using 46 ground reference points. Available DEMs of Antarctic region generated by using radar altimetry and the Antarctic Digital Database indicate elevation variations in the range of 50–100 m, which necessitates the generation of local DEM and its validation by using ground truth. This is our first attempt of fusing multi-temporal, multi-sensor and multi-source elevation data to generate a DEM of any part of Antarctica, in order to address the ice elevation change to infer the ice mass balance. Our approach focuses on the strengths of each elevation data source to produce an accurate DEM.  相似文献   

The Valles Marineris Region of Mars is located on the eastern flank of the Tharsis bulge which exhibits dramatic landforms that relate in origin to tectonic, volcanic, and geomorphic processes. Tectonic activity due to crustal extension related to the Tharsis-Syria rise (regional doming or lithospheric response to volcanic loading) appears to be the fundamental influence on the canyon formation and evolution. Tectonic activity contributed to deepen the canyon system and competed with erosional and depositional processes that caused canyon to broaden and fill. The primary tectonic processes appear to have been vertical adjustments of crustal blocks under the influence of N-S and E-W extensional stresses. Canyon wall erosional features and landslide morphologies indicate that materials have been transported from the walls to the floor essentially by mass wasting and downfaulting. However, seepage of liquid water or sublimation of ground ice could have contributed to the enlargement of the tributary canyons, thus suggesting that variations in climatic conditions could have accounted for the morphologic evolution of the canyon system.  相似文献   

以实现对海上多平台传感器资源进行自动或半自动的协调管理控制为目标,设计了传感器管理与控制系统的功能结构,对组成系统的传感器信息管理、传感器组织管理、收发通信管理、传感器控制管理和传感器综合效能分析等功能模块进行了描述,采用基于效能函数的多传感器管理算法实现了传感器的任务规划与资源分配,并采用"集中管理,分散控制"的方式进行海上多平台传感器的管理与控制。  相似文献   

Domes, an analog of the terrestrial shield volcanoes are one of the important volcanic features found on the lunar surface. Such volcanic features are windows to better understanding of the contrasting natures of lunar volcanism, giving an insight into the source and the nature of the basaltic magmas. Marius Hills Complex is one of the most important regions in the entire lunar surface for having a complex setting of volcanic constructs with an abundant number of volcanic features like domes, cones and rilles. As a part of initiation of the study of Marius Hills volcanism, an effusive dome located to the south of Rima Galilaei, near the contact of Imbrian and Eratosthenian geological units is taken for the present study. Inferring from the Terrain Mapping Camera-Digital Elevation Model (TMC-DEM), the morphometric parameters are estimated (350 m in height, 9.62 km in diameter), and accordingly the rheological parameters are also estimated. As the signatures of multiphase eruption are not clear geomorphologically and also in topography, the dome is assumed to evolved in monogenetic eruption. The causative dike parameters of the dome are estimated, which gives upper bounds of true values of the parameters. The estimated feeder dike length (150 km) and width (233 m) implies that the source region is lying most probably in the mantle portion of moon. The crater size frequency distribution (CSFD) is applied to determine the age of the particular dome and also the surrounding mare surface so as to better construct a stratigraphic correlation. It is found that dome belongs to oldest age unit of Marius Hills region while the surrounding units are relatively younger. Using Chandrayaan-I Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) data, the surface composition for the study area is also analysed. Thus, the morphometry, rheology, dike parameters, age determination and mineralogy are found to be in good agreement with results of the earlier studies. Such a study, covering all the domes and other volcanic features in Marius Hills using high resolution data sets will provide a clear and better understanding of the volcanic history of the region and the Oceanus Procellarum Basin as well. In such a study, the application potential of high resolution Chandrayaan-I TMC image and its DEM generated from the stereo data has been useful.  相似文献   

An algorithm for retrieval of surface waters cell concentrations (in cell/ml) for three picophytoplankton components, Prochlorococcus (Pro), Synechococcus (Syn), and picoeukaryotes (Peuk) in the South China Sea (SCS), from ocean colour satellite data was developed and tested. Level 3 merged multisensor Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative satellite data is used. Training is performed using in situ data on abundances of the three phytoplankton components. Several predictors derived from satellite reflectance data were tested. The regression form that assures the highest accuracy of the algorithm was chosen based on cross-validation (CV). According to the CV on test data subset, the algorithm performance is characterized by the r value 0.89, 0.72, and 0.73 and MAPD 38, 71 and 51% for Peuk, Pro, and Syn respectively. This is one of the few studies aimed at the Peuk, Pro, and Syn distribution research in the northern SCS using ocean colour satellite data. This is the only research providing algorithm with accuracy estimates of the Peuk, Pro, and Syn concentrations retrieval from the ocean colour data. Analysis of the developed algorithm allows us to conclude that both mechanisms (specific spectral features caused by pigments composition and spectrum features sensitive to general primary productivity, e.g. band ratios in 443–510?nm range and spectrum absolute values) are important for getting accurate information on the picophytoplankton composition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the characteristics of low frequency (∼0.5–5 mHz) geomagnetic field fluctuations as recorded at two Antarctic stations within the polar cap: the Italian observatory Mario Zucchelli Station (TNB) and the French–Italian observatory Dome C (DMC) in order to investigate the spatial extension and propagation characteristics of the phenomena observed at very high latitude. The stations have approximately the same geographic latitude, but a very different corrected geomagnetic latitude, being DMC close to the geomagnetic pole and TNB closer to the auroral oval.  相似文献   

A detailed record of the evolution of NOAA Active Region 2372 has been compiled by the FBS Homology Study Group. It was one of the most prolific flare-producing regions observed by SMM. The flares occurred in distinct stages which corresponded to particular evolutionary phases in the development of the active region magnetic field. By comparison with a similar but less productive active region, we find that the activity seems to be related to the magnetic complexity of the region and the amount of shear in the field. Further, the soft X-ray emission in the quiescent active region is related to its flare rate. Within the broader definition of homology adopted, there was a degree of homology between the events within each stage of evolution of AR2372.  相似文献   

An all-sky CCD imager capable of measuring wave structure in the airglow OH, O2 and OI (557.7 nm) emissions was operated in the equatorial region at São João do Cariri (Cariri), Brazil (7°S, 36°W), in collaboration with the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). Occurrence of mesospheric bore events was studied using the data from September 2000 to September 2002. Sixty-four bore events were detected during the observation period. Most of the bores showed the complementary effects suggested by Dewan and Picard [E.M. Dewan, R.H. Picard, Mesospheric bores. Journal of Geophysical Research 103, 6295–6305, 1998], except in a few cases where the relative variations were inconsistent with this model.  相似文献   

This study presents results on the investigation of the diurnal, monthly and seasonal variability of Total Electron Content (TEC), phase (σΦσΦ) and amplitude (S4) scintillation indices over Ugandan (Low latitude) region. Scintillation Network Decision Aid (SCINDA) data was obtained from Makerere (0.34°N, 32.57°E) station, Uganda for two years (2011 and 2012). Data from two dual frequency GPS receivers at Mbarara (0.60°S, 30.74°E) and Entebbe (0.04°N, 32.44°E) was used to study TEC climatology during the same period of scintillation study. The results show that peak TEC values were recorded during the months of October–November, and the lowest values during the months of July–August. The diurnal peak of TEC occurs between 10:00 and 14:00 UT hours. Seasonally, the ascending and descending phases of TEC were observed during the equinoxes (March and September) and solstice (June and December), respectively. The scintillations observed during the study were classified as weak (0.1≤S4,σΦσΦ0.3) and strong (0.3<<S4,σΦσΦ1.0). The diurnal scintillation pattern showed peaks between 17:00 and 22:00 UT hour, while the seasonal pattern follows the TEC pattern mentioned above. Amplitude scintillation was more dominant than phase scintillation during the two years of the study. Scintillation peaks occur during the months of March–April and September–October, while the least scintillations occur during the months of June–July. Therefore, the contribution of this study is filling the gap in the current documentation of amplitude scintillation without phase scintillation over the Ugandan region. The scintillations observed have been attributed to wave-like structures which have periods of about 2–3 h, in the range of that of large scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (LSTIDs).  相似文献   

The study of the neutral sheet is of fundamental importance in understanding the dynamics of the Earth’s magnetosphere. From the earliest observation of the magnetotail, it has been found that the neutral sheet frequently appears to be in motion due to changing solar wind conditions and geomagnetic activity. Multiple crossings of the neutral sheet by spacecraft have been attributed to a flapping motion of the neutral sheet in the north–south direction, a wavy profile either along the magnetotail or the dawn–dusk direction. Cluster observations have revealed that the flapping motions of the Earth’s magnetotail are of internal origin and that kink-like waves are emitted from the central part of the tail and propagate toward the tail flanks. This flapping motion is shown here to propagate at an angle of ∼45° with xGSM. A possible assumption that the flapping could be created by a wake travelling away from a fast flow in the current sheet is rejected. Other waves in the magnetotail are found in the ULF range. One conjunction event between Cluster and DoubleStar TC1 is presented where all spacecraft show ULF wave activity at a period of approximately 5 min during fast Earthward flow. These waves are shown to be Kelvin–Helmholtz waves on the boundaries of the flow channel. Calculations show that the conversion of flow energy into magnetic energy through the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability can contribute to a significant part of flow breaking between Cluster and DoubleStar TC1.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first results of total electron content (TEC) depletions and enhancement associated with ionospheric irregularities in the low latitude region over Kenya. At the low latitude ionosphere the diurnal behavior of scintillation is driven by the formation of large scale equatorial depletions which are formed by post-sunset plasma instabilities via the Rayleigh–Taylor instability near the magnetic equator. Data from the GPS scintillation receiver (GPS-SCINDA) located at the University of Nairobi (36.8°E, 1.27°S) for March 2011 was used in this study. The TEC depletions have been detected from satellite passes along the line of sight of the signal and the detected depletions have good correspondence with the occurrence of scintillation patches. TEC enhancement has been observed and is not correlated with increases in S4 index and consecutive enhancements and depletions in TEC have also been observed which results into scintillation patches related to TEC depletions. The TEC depletions have been interpreted as plasma irregularities and inhomogeneities in the F region caused by plasma instabilities, while TEC enhancement have been interpreted as the manifestation of plasma density enhancements mainly associated with the equatorial ionization anomaly crest over this region. Occurrence of scintillation does happen at and around the ionization anomaly crest over Kenyan region. The presence of high ambient electron densities and large electron density gradients associated with small scale irregularities in the ionization anomaly regions have been linked to the occurrence of scintillation.  相似文献   

A Brazilian sounding rocket, SONDA III, with two airglow photometers and two ionospheric electron density probes, was launched successfully from Natal (5.8°S, 35.2°W), Brazil, on December 11, 1985, at 23:30 GMT. The observed height profiles of the atomic oxygen OI 5577Å and molecular oxygen Atmospheric (0,0) band at 7619Å emissions are discussed. This is the first simultaneous measurement of these emissions in the equatorial region. A preliminary analysis shows that the two emissions have peak emission heights located between 95 and 96 km, and their half widths are about 6 km. The O2A 7619Å emission peak, however, is located slightly lower, less than 1 km, than that of the OI 5577Å emission.  相似文献   

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