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Development of a balloon to fly at higher altitudes is one of the most attractive challenges for scientific balloon technologies. After reaching the highest balloon altitude of 53.0 km using the 3.4 μm film in 2002, a thinner balloon film with a thickness of 2.8 μm was developed. A 5000 m3 balloon made with this film was launched successfully in 2004. However, three 60,000 m3 balloons with the same film launched in 2005, 2006, and 2007, failed during ascent. The mechanical properties of the 2.8 μm film were investigated intensively to look for degradation of the ultimate strength and its elongation as compared to the other thicker balloon films. The requirement of the balloon film was also studied using an empirical and a physical model assuming an axis-symmetrical balloon shape and the static pressure. It was found that the film was strong enough. A stress due to the dynamic pressure by the wind shear is considered as the possible reason for the unsuccessful flights. A 80,000 m3 balloon with cap films covering 9 m from the balloon top will be launch in 2011 to test the appropriateness of this reinforcement.  相似文献   

高空系留气球建模与稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平流层高空系留气球是典型的无控制欠阻尼自治系统,因此平台本身应当具有较好的稳定性,然而该系统的线性化模型含有零特征根,导致经典的Lyapunov第一方法难以从理论上获得其稳定性结论.从一般刚体的Newton-Euler方程出发,根据刚体对任一点的平动和转动方程,建立基于广义坐标的高空系留气球二阶非线性动力学模型,并针对Lyapunov方法证明稳定性的局限性,从能量的角度运用拉格朗日定理证明了高空系留气球的稳定性,数值仿真结果与理论结果一致.  相似文献   

The 13 inch diameter helium valve has long been the only method for initiating and controlling balloon system descent. As greater altitudes have become standard, the 13 inch valves have become less and less effective. It takes as long as a half hour or more to effect a noticeable descent, even with two or three valves, at altitudes in excess of 120,000 ft. The project that prompted this study called for a descent rate of >1000 ft/min from 131,000 ft to 60,000 ft. The method by which this was accomplished is presented along with recommendations for future work to provide closer control of rapid descents such as this.  相似文献   

Recent developments in X- and γ-ray astronomy indicate the need to know the absolute attitude of balloon-borne telescopes with a precision greater than can be achieved using magnetic sensors. The prospects for being able to construct a star tracker for use during both day and night time are reviewed.  相似文献   

高空气球热力学模型与上升过程仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于对高空气球热力学环境的分析,建立了热力学与动力学耦合的高空气球动力学模型;并采用该模型对某高空气球的上升与驻留过程进行仿真分析.结果表明:高空气球上升过程中内部氦气存在"超冷"现象,其中平流层区域"超冷"明显,氦气平均温差为-19 K;由于"超冷",其上升速度曲线呈双"V"形变化;强太阳辐射与弱对流环境使驻留过程中氦气呈现"超热"现象,平衡时氦气平均温度比环境温度高39 K,球内氦气超压648.8 Pa.数值仿真的速度、平均温度变化规律与相关飞行试验数据相吻合,说明该仿真模型是有效的.   相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a second generation prototype balloon intended for flight in the upper atmosphere of Venus. The design of this new prototype incorporates lessons learned from the construction and testing of the first generation prototype, including finite element analyses of the balloon stresses and deformations, measured leak performance after handling and packaging, permeability and optical property measurements on material samples, and sulfuric acid testing. An improved design for the second generation prototype was formulated based on these results, although the spherical shape and 5.5 m diameter size were retained. The resulting balloon has a volume of 87 m3 and is capable of carrying a 45 kg payload at a 55 km altitude at Venus. The design and fabrication of the new prototype is described, along with test data for inflation and leakage performance.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design, fabrication and testing of a full scale prototype balloon intended for long duration flight in the upper atmosphere of Venus. The balloon is 5.5 m in diameter and is designed to carry a 45 kg payload at an altitude of 55 km. The balloon material is a 180 g/m2 multi-component laminate comprised of the following layers bonded together from outside to inside: aluminized Teflon film, aluminized Mylar film, Vectran fabric and a polyurethane coating. This construction provides the required balloon functional characteristics of low gas permeability, sulfuric acid resistance and high strength for superpressure operation. The design burst superpressure is 39,200 Pa which is predicted to be 3.3 times the worst case value expected during flight at the highest solar irradiance in the mission profile. The prototype is constructed from 16 gores with bi-taped seams employing a sulfuric acid resistant adhesive on the outside. Material coupon tests were performed to evaluate the optical and mechanical characteristics of the laminate. These were followed by full prototype tests for inflation, leakage and sulfuric acid tolerance. The results confirmed the suitability of this balloon design for use at Venus in a long duration mission. The various data are presented and the implications for mission design and operation are discussed.  相似文献   

利用气动力的大气制动过程中近心点高度控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对大气制动轨道转移过程中出现的近心点下降问题,给出了一种利用气动力实现近心点高度控制的方法.设计了以倾侧角为控制变量的大气内飞行控制律,并参考相关星际探测任务进行了仿真验证.通过改变倾侧角调整气动力在高度方向上的分量来实现对制动轨道近心点高度的控制,并根据当前近心点高度与预定近心点高度自动调整反馈增益.在整个大气制动过程中本方法无需燃料消耗即可有效地限制近心点下降并最终减少下降量,同时使飞行过程中的最大动压和最大热流密度逐渐降低,保证了航天器的安全.   相似文献   

针对超低空空投拉平阶段地面效应、传感器测量误差以及低空气流等不确定性因素干扰轨迹精确跟踪,威胁载机的安全性和任务完成性等问题,设计了二级混合迭代滑模变结构飞行控制律.第1级滑模采用全局动态切换函数,消除了滑模运动的到达阶段,保证了系统在响应全程的鲁棒性;第2级滑模采用非线性积分切换函数,将积分项产生的超调转移到第1级滑模,保证轨迹跟踪精度的同时改善了动态性能.应用Lyapunov稳定性理论和Barbalat引理证明了该飞行控制律能完全抑制常值的模型摄动和外界扰动,可以控制动态模型摄动和外界干扰下稳态误差的上界.仿真验证了所提控制方法的良好跟踪性能和强鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Relay balloon     
A relay balloon system for long-duration or large-area observations is described. The system consists of a balloon for scientific observations and a relay balloon for a data-relay terminal between a ground station and the balloon for observation. The system was successfully applied to the observation of electric-power fields (50 and 60 Hz) over the Pacific ocean. The maiximum distance between two balloons was about 1100 km and that between the Sanriku Balloon Center and the main balloon for the observation was about 1300 km.  相似文献   

介绍一种以频率标准(EE3301)为核心的频率检定自控系统,包括:EE3301、多路程控射频器、微机及打印机:该系统的建立可对频率范围在0.01Hz~10MHz、自校精度为1×10(-9)以下和台数多达16台的被测频率源按照检定规程的要求,实现各种指标的自动定时巡回检测,自动打印原始数据,并进行数据处理及打印最终检定结果,各通道间的隔离度小于115dB。阐述了系统的各主要组成部分及原理、微机与频标的配接接口和控制问题、多路高隔离度程控射频器及数据传输与识别等问题,使自动检测系统保持了频标(EE3301)的原始精度。在软件编制中融进了多年的检定经验,使检定全过程周期缩短,全过程开机后全部自动完成,不需手动选项,消除了人为引入的误差,提高了工作效率,确保了检定质量。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to propose translational and rotational control of a chaser spacecraft in the close vicinity docking phase with a target subjected to external disturbances. For this purpose, two sliding mode controls (SMC) are developed to coordinate the relative position and attitude of two spacecraft. The chaser is guided to the tumbling target by the relative position control, approaching in the direction of the target docking port. At the same moment, the relative attitude control coordinates the chaser attitude so that it can be aligned with the target orientation. These control systems regulate the relative translational and rotational velocities to be zero when two spacecraft are docking. The robustness of the closed-loop system in the presence of external disturbances, measurement noises and uncertainties is guaranteed by analyzing and calculating the control gains via the Lyapunov function. The simulations in different scenarios indicated the effectiveness of the controller scheme and precise maneuver regarding the accuracy of docking conditions.  相似文献   

针对理想复飞轨迹已知条件下的舰载机自动复飞控制问题,提出一种基于偏差模型的动态面控制(DM-DSC)算法。基于Radau伪谱法给出了舰载机着舰的最优复飞轨迹;根据得到的最优复飞轨迹及其所对应的控制方案,分别给出了速度子系统和高度子系统的偏差控制模型和反演(Backstepping)控制器,并通过引入动态面结构来获得虚拟控制量的微分信号,避免了Backstepping控制律求解过程中的“微分膨胀”问题;考虑到气动参数的不确定性及舰尾流场的干扰,采用线性扩张状态观测器(LESO)对控制模型中的干扰项进行估计和补偿,并设计抗饱和辅助系统来抑制控制饱和的不利影响;最后,基于Lyapunov方法证明闭环系统信号的有界性。仿真结果表明:所提算法具有良好的控制性能。  相似文献   

针对平流层气球的热动力学仿真问题,提出一个可以计算升空轨迹、速度变化以及气球蒙皮温度分布的综合模型.主要分析了气球基本热力学行为和受力状况,建立气球动力学和运动学方程,以计算升空过程的轨迹和速度变化.通过将气球蒙皮分割成若干面元,研究了蒙皮面元瞬态能量平衡方程,以计算气球蒙皮温度分布.在热力学、动力学和运动学分析的基础上,建立气球综合热动力学仿真模型.引入实测风场数据,计算在实际风场条件下,平流层气球升空和驻留阶段任意时刻的热力学特性.  相似文献   

检测技术是武器装备设计、研制、使用和保障的基础。分析了现代武器装备自动检测设备的结构、组成及功能,结合无人机系统的测试内容并基于计算机控制和PXI总线,在采取基本测量环节和闭环控制环节相结合措施基础上,设计了具有自动测试、故障辨识定位、实时控制、自动判断决策等功能的无人机自动检测设备,通过在无人机综合测试等多种测试中应用,取得了满意测试效果。  相似文献   

The design and operation of a high altitude scientific balloon requires adequate knowledge of the thermal characteristics of the balloon to make it safe and reliable. The thermal models and dynamic models of altitude scientific balloons are established in this paper. Based on the models, a simulation program is developed. The thermal performances of a super pressure balloon are simulated. The influence of film radiation property and clouds on balloon thermal behaviors is discussed in detail. The results are helpful for the design and operate of safe and reliable high altitude scientific balloons.  相似文献   

The paper treats the inverse problem of celestial mechanics which consists of determining the force field or potential from given or observed orbit(s). From the observational information, according to which Lageos loses approximately 1 mm altitude per day, a linear partial differential equation is formulated. The solution of this equation gives the field responsible for the above-mentioned, as yet unexplained, small but well established secular decrease in the semi-major axis. Note that the altitude-loss is not due to air-drag because of the very high altitude of this satellite.  相似文献   

The first stage in the development of the Chinese scientific balloon facility, commenced in 1979, has been completed successfully. The targets of the second stage, started in 1985 are: increasing balloon volume up to 4×105M3 and payload carrying capacity 1000–1500 kg.; long duration flights from Beijing to the Gobi region in North west China; developing a new telemetry and telecommand system.In this paper we present the recent progress in China on balloon materials, balloon design and manufacture procedures, launch and recovery techniques, telemetry and telecommand facilities etc.  相似文献   

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