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Observations of hard X-ray (HXR)/γ-ray continuum and γ-ray lines produced by energetic electrons and ions, respectively, colliding with the solar atmosphere, have shown that large solar flares can accelerate ions up to many GeV and electrons up to hundreds of MeV. Solar energetic particles (SEPs) are observed by spacecraft near 1 AU and by ground-based instrumentation to extend up to similar energies as in large SEP events, but it appears that a different acceleration process, one associated with fast coronal mass ejections is responsible. Much weaker SEP events are observed that are generally rich in electrons, 3He, and heavy elements. The energetic particles in these events appear to be similar to those accelerated in flares. The Ramaty high energy solar spectroscopic imager (RHESSI) mission provides high-resolution spectroscopy and imaging of flare HXRs and γ-rays. Such observations can provide information on the location, energy spectra, and composition of the flare accelerated energetic particles at the Sun. Here, preliminary comparisons of the RHESSI observations with observations of both energetic electron and ion near 1 AU are reviewed, and the implications for the particle acceleration and escape processes are discussed.  相似文献   

We propose proton acceleration and subsequent secondary electron production as the process resposible for the radiation emission in γ-ray bursts. In this mechanism electrons are naturally injected at energies ⪢ mec2 and emission above 10 MeV is expected to be one of their common features, in agreement with observations showing that most of the luminosity of these events is emitted in γ-rays. This mode of injection guarantees copious e+-e pair production at the source and implies a relationship between the luminosity and the spectra of the bursts, the soft bursts being, in general, the most (intrinsically) luminous and hence the most distant. This, in turn, implies that bursts with soft spectra should show a galactic distribution, a fact consistent with the limited available data. It is also argued that the observed red-shift of the e+-e annihilation feature may not always be gravitational.  相似文献   

The observation of large solar flares on high altitude balloons requires long duration balloon flights because large flares are infrequent and cannot be predicted with enough reliability and lead time to allow a conventional balloon to be launched and reach altitude before the flare occurs. With the many weeks at float altitude expected for a long duration flight, the probability of “catching” a large flare during solar maximum becomes reasonably high and the study of phenomena which heretofore have required a satellite become accessible to a balloon platform. One example of this type of experiment is the observation of neutrons produced by the interaction of flare accelerated nucleons with the solar atmosphere. Because the neutrons are produced immediately by the flare accelerated particles and are unaffected by their transmission through the upper solar atmosphere and the intervening magnetic fields, their observation at 1 A.U. will provide direct information on the flare acceleration process. Specifically, a measurement of the neutron energy and time spectra will yield the energy spectrum of the charged nucleons in the interval 50 to 500 MeV/amu, the charged particle anisotropy, the height of the acceleration region for limb flares, and information on the two-stage acceleration process. Because the γ-ray spectrum is also sensitive to these factors, a combined neutron and γ-ray measurement will provide a much more stringent test of flare models than either done separately. CWRU and the University of Melbourne have designed the EOSCOR (Extended Observation of Solar and Cosmic Radiation) detector to have the necessary sensitivity to detect neutrons from a flare 0.1 the size of the 4 Aug. 1972 event and to be compatible with the constraints of the long duration balloon system. The detector has been test flown on short duration balloon flights and calibrated at En = 38, 58, and 118 MeV. It is planned to launch it on a long duration balloon flight from Australia in December 1982 when simultaneous γ-ray observations will be possible with the SMM and/or HINTORI satellites.  相似文献   

The solar flare of January 20, 2005 (X7.1, 06:36–07:26 UT, maximum at 07:01 UT by the GOES soft X-ray data) was the most powerful one in January 2005 series. The AVS-F apparatus onboard CORONAS-F registered γ-emission during soft X-ray rising phase of this flare in two energy ranges of 0.1–20 MeV and 2–140 MeV. The highest γ-ray energy registered during this flare was ∼140 MeV. Six spectral features were registered in energy spectrum of this solar flare: annihilation + αα (0.4–0.6 MeV), 24Mg + 20Ne + 28Si + neutron capture (1.7–2.3 MeV), 21Ne + 22Ne + 16O + 12С (3.2–5.0 MeV), 16O (5.3–6.9 MeV), one from neutral pions decay (25–110 MeV) and one in energy band 15–21 MeV. Four of them contain typical for solar flares lines – annihilation, nuclear de-excitation and neutron capture at 1H. Spectral feature caused by neutral pions decay was registered during several flares too. Some spectral peculiarities in the region of 15–21 MeV were first observed in solar flare energy spectrum.  相似文献   

A current serious limitation on the studies of solar energetic particle (SEP) events is that their properties in the inner heliosphere are studied only through in situ spacecraft observations. Our understanding of spatial distributions and temporal variations of SEP events has come through statistical studies of many such events over several solar cycles. In contrast, flare SEPs in the solar corona can be imaged through their radiative and collisional interactions with solar fields and particles. We suggest that the heliospheric SEPs may also interact with heliospheric particles and fields to produce signatures which can be remotely observed and imaged. A challenge with any such candidate signature is to separate it from that of flare SEPs. The optimum case for imaging high-energy (E > 100 MeV) heliospheric protons may be the emission of π0-decay γ-rays following proton collisions with solar wind (SW) ions. In the case of E > 1 MeV electrons, gyrosynchrotron radio emission may be the most readily detectible remote signal. In both cases we may already have observed one or two such events. Another radiative signature from nonthermal particles may be resonant transition radiation, which has likely already been observed from solar flare electrons. We discuss energetic neutrons as another possible remote signature, but we rule out γ-ray line and 0.511 MeV positron annihilation emission as observable signatures of heliospheric energetic ions. We are already acquiring global signatures of large inner-heliospheric SW density features and of heliosheath interactions between the SW and interstellar neutral ions. By finding an appropriate observable signature of remote heliospheric SEPs, we could supplement the in situ observations with global maps of energetic SEP events to provide a comprehensive view of SEP events.  相似文献   

HEAO-1 observed hard radiations (X- and gamma-rays) from a major solar flare on 11 July 1978. The observations showed gamma-ray line and continuum emission extending to the highest energy observed. The lines are identified with the 2.2 MeV line of deuterium formation and the 4.4 MeV line of inelastic scattering on 12C, both previously observed in the flares of August 1972 [1]. The 11 July flare was identified as a white-light flare by observations at Debrecen [2]. It thus provides the first opportunity for a detailed examination of white-light flare theories that depend upon proton heating of the photosphere. The line strength over a four-minute integration at 2.2 MeV was 1.00 ± 0.29 ph(cm2 sec)−1, and the gamma-ray emission (excluding the 2.2 MeV line which was appreciably delayed) lagged by less than 20 sec approximately after the hard X-ray and microwave fluxes. We conclude that the “second-stage” acceleration of high-energy solar particles must commence promptly after the impulsive phase.  相似文献   

The Solar Maximum Mission γ-ray spectrometer (GRS) has detected an intense γ-ray burst that occurred on 1984 August 5. The burst originated from a source in the constellation Hydra and lasted about 45 s. Its integral fluence
20 keV was 3 × 10−3 erg cm−2. Spectral evolution similar to other bursts detected by SMM was observed. The overall shape of the spectrum from 20 keV to 100 MeV, on timescales as short as 2 s, is relatively constant. This shape can be fitted by the sum of an exponential-type function and a power law. The spectral shape of this event may be characteristic of many γ-ray bursts. There is no evidence for narrow or broadened emission lines.  相似文献   

We have successfully detected solar neutrons at ground level in association with the X17.0 solar flare that occurred on 2005 September 7. Observations were made with the solar neutron telescopes and neutron monitors located in Bolivia and Mexico. In this flare, large fluxes of hard X-rays and γ-rays were observed by the GEOTAIL and the INTEGRAL satellites. The INTEGRAL observations include the 4.4 MeV line γ-rays of 12C. The data suggest that solar neutrons were produced at the same time as these hard electromagnetic radiations. We have however found an apparent discrepancy between the observed and the expected time profiles. This fact suggests a possible extended neutron emission.  相似文献   

The energy content of nonthermal particles in solar flares is shared between accelerated electrons and ions. It isimportant for understanding the particle acceleration mechanism in solar flares. Yohkoh observed a few intense flares which produced both strong gamma-ray lines and electron bremsstrahlung continuum. We analyze energy spectra of X-class solar flares on October 27, 1991(X6.1), November 6, 1997 (X9.4), July 14, 2000 (X5.7) and November 24, 2000 (X2.3). The accelerated electron and proton spectra are derived from a spectral analysis of their high-energy photon emission and the energy contents in >1 MeV electrons and >10 MeV protons are estimated to be 6×l028 – 4×1030 and 2×1028 – 5×1029 erg, respectively. We study the flare to flare variation in the energy content of >1 MeV electrons and >10 MeV protons for the four Yohkoh gamma-ray flares. Ratios of >1 MeV electron energy content to >10 MeV proton energy content are roughly within an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Utilizing many years of observation from deep space and near-earth spacecraft a theoretical understanding has evolved on how ions and electrons are accelerated in interplanetary shock waves. This understanding is now being applied to solar flare-induced shock waves propagating through the solar atmosphere. Such solar flare phenomena as γ-ray line and neutron emissions, interplanetary energetic electron and ion events, and Type II and moving Type IV radio bursts appear understandable in terms of particle accleration in shock waves.  相似文献   

Gamma-ray emission from solar flares reveals information about the nature of the accelerated particles and about the physical conditions of the medium through which the accelerated particles are transported. In this paper, we present the gamma-ray line-production and loop transport models used in our calculations of high-energy emission. We discuss the calculated interaction time history, the depth distribution, the interacting-particle angular distribution, and fluence ratios of the narrow gamma-ray lines. We show the relationship between the γ-ray observables and the parameters of the transport and line-production models. For illustration, we use calculations of 4.44 MeV 12C nuclear deexcitation line-production. Applications of the calculations to flare observations by both SMM and RHESSI are also presented.  相似文献   

Radio emissions during and outside solar flares are tracers of energetic electrons from the bottom of the corona to the interplanetary space. This review focusses on impulsive flares, where joint analyses of radio, hard X-ray and γ-ray observations proved to be powerful probes of the properties of accelerated electrons and of the sites in the corona where they are accelerated. Evidence of electron acceleration and transport in the corona from microwave imaging and decimetre wave spectroscopy is reviewed and compared, and recent work on the interpretation of microwave spectra in terms of energetic electron spectra is discussed. The two directions for future instrumentation are the extension to shorter wavelengths, with the aim of probing relativistic electrons, and solar dedicated spectral imaging from centimetric to metric waves to provide a unified view of the acceleration signatures that stem so far from different instruments with either spectroscopic or imaging capabilities.  相似文献   

The Sun provides unique opportunities to study particle acceleration mechanisms using data from detectors placed on the Earth’s surface and on board spacecrafts. Particles may gain high energies by several physical mechanisms. Differentiating between these possibilities is a fundamental problem of cosmic ray physics. Energetic neutrons provide us with information that keeps the signatures of the acceleration site. A summary of some representative solar neutron events observed on the Earth’s surface, including associated X and γ-ray observations from spacecrafts is presented. We discuss evidence of acceleration of particles by the Sun to energies up to several tens of GeV. In addition, a recent solar neutron event that occurred on September 7th 2005 and detected by several observatories at Earth is analyzed in detail.  相似文献   

Accelerated energetic particles in solar flares produced nuclear γ-lines in interactions with ambient solar atmosphere. Analysis of intensity of ratios between various γ-lines allows us to make estimations of abundance of elements, parameters of surrounding media and other solar characteristics. In this article we discuss the flux ratio between two lines from excited states of 12C (f15.11/f4.44) and our results of preliminary calculation of intensity ratio between two neutron capture lines at 3He and 1H (f20.58/f2.223). In particular we consider the opportunity to obtain n(3He)/n(1H) ratio during solar flares and using high-energy gamma-emission studying, based on the satellite data. Possible interpretation of spectral features observed during the January 20, 2005 solar flare is discussed. Preliminary analysis of energy spectrum in the band of 2–21 MeV gives n(3He)/n(1H) ∼ 8 × 10−4 for January 20, 2005 solar flare.  相似文献   

三种类型的质子耀斑   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据SMM卫星观测资料,分析了GRL,PE和GRL/PE三种类型质子耀斑在硬X射线辐射特征上的差异。结果表明,存在的差异与粒子加速区(或作用区)分别处于不同的日面高度有关。   相似文献   

A numerical model, based on Parker’s transport equation, describing the modulation of anomalous cosmic rays and containing diffusive shock acceleration is applied. The role of radial perpendicular diffusion at the solar wind termination shock, and as the dominant diffusion coefficient in the outer heliosphere, is studied, in particular the role it plays in the effectiveness of the acceleration of anomalous protons and helium when its latitude dependence is changed. It is found that the latitudinal enhancement of radial perpendicular diffusion towards the heliospheric poles and along the termination shock has a prominent effect on the acceleration of these particles. It results in a ‘break’ in the energy spectrum for anomalous protons at ∼6.0 MeV, causing the spectral index to change from E−1.38 to E−2.23, but for anomalous helium at ∼3.0 MeV, changing the spectral index from E−1.38 to E−2.30. When approaching the simulated TS, the changes in the modulated spectra as they unfold to a ‘steady’ power law shape at energies below 50 MeV are much less prominent as a function of radial distances when radial perpendicular diffusion is increased with heliolatitude.  相似文献   

Narrowband dm-spikes observed in nine intervals during five solar flares in the 1–2 GHz range were analyzed together with the RHESSI and HXRS observations. It was found that the over-frequency integrated radio flux during the spike period is closely related with the hard X-ray bursts (the correlation coefficient was 0.7–0.9) and their time delays after X-rays were 2–14 s, with one exception (March 18, 2003) where the time delay was opposite −15 s. Association of spikes with X-ray spectral characteristics enabled us to divide the spikes into two groups: (a) those observed before the soft X-ray flare maximum and, (b) those observed after this maximum. While for the spikes observed after the flare maximum no systematic spectral characteristics were found, the spikes, observed before the flare maximum were at their beginning associated with relatively hard X-ray spectra and their hardness decreased with time. The RHESSI X-ray sources were compact, only in the March 18, 2003 event an additional X-ray source appeared just at the time of the dm-spikes observation. Fourier transformation of the dynamic spectra of spikes was done to compare their dynamics with the X-ray spectral indices. No correlation between power-law spike and X-ray indices were found. It indicates that the MHD turbulence, if it plays a role, does not represent a strong connection between the spectral characteristics of the dm-spikes and associated X-ray bursts. Furthermore, the results were compared with those obtained by (Aschwanden, M.J., Güdel, M. The coevolution of decimetric millisecond spikes and hard X-ray emission during solar flares. Astrophys. J. 401, 736–753, 1992) for spikes observed on lower radio frequencies. Contrary to their results, no monotonic dependence between time delays and X-ray intensities were found. Finally, the results were discussed using the model of the narrowband dm-spikes and model of electron acceleration in the collapsing magnetic trap.  相似文献   

Increasing observational evidence gathered especially in X-rays and γ-rays during the course of the last few years support the notion that Supernova remnants (SNRs) are Galactic particle accelerators up to energies close to the “knee” in the energy spectrum of Cosmic rays. This review summarises the current status of γ-ray observations of SNRs. Shell-type as well as plerionic type SNRs are addressed and prospect for observations of these two source classes with the upcoming GLAST satellite in the energy regime above 100 MeV are given.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the model of γ-ray burst spectra proposed by Zdziarski and Lamb (1986, 1987). In the model, the spectrum arises from multiple Compton scatterings in a nonthermal source with a deficit of soft photons (LsoftL, where Lsoft is the soft photon luminosity and L is the luminosity supplied to the nonthermal electrons). The steady-state electron distribution in such a source is a nonthermal power law that joins at low energies onto a thermal distribution that may be either optically thick or optically thin. Both cases lead naturally to a two-component spectrum with αX ⪡ 1 and αγ > αX, where αX and αγ are the photon energy indices in the X-ray and γ-ray portions of the spectrum, respectively. For a wide range of parameters, αX ∼ 0 and αγ ∼ 0.5–2.5. Fits to the observed γ-ray burst spectra in the few cases where data exist for both X-ray and γ-ray energies show good agreement with the model.  相似文献   

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