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Spacecraft measurements of the plasma populations and magnetic fields near Jupiter and Saturn have revealed that large magnetospheres surround both planets. Magnetic field measurements have indicated closed field line topologies in the dayside magnetospheres of both planets while plasma instruments have shown these regions to be populated by both hot and cold plasma components convected azimuthally in the sense of planetary rotation. By using published data from the Voyager Plasma Science (PLS), Low Energy Charged Particle (LECP), and Magnetometer (MAG) instruments, it is possible to investigate the validity of the time stationary MHD momentum equation in the middle magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. At Saturn, the hot plasma population is negligible in the dynamic sense and the centrifugal force of the cold rotating plasma appears to balance the Lorentz force. At Jupiter, the centrifugal force balances ~25% of the Lorentz force. The remaining inward Lorentz force is balanced by pressure gradients in the hot, high-β plasma of the Jovian magnetodisk.  相似文献   

The Voyager Planetary Radio Astronomy Experiment detected strong 40 kHz to 850 kHz radio emissions from Uranus after closest approach and somewhat weaker emissions, but none above 100 kHz before closest approach, on the dayside of Uranus. The time variations of these emissions closely match Uranus' rotation, in a period of 17.24 h, and are evidently controlled by the strength and shape of its magnetic field. Throughout the entire encounter the polarization of the emission was approximately lefthand, corresponding to extraordinary mode. The emission associated with the nightside pole was a relatively smooth continuum (free of bursts) with a Gaussian-shaped rise and fall at low frequencies, 200 kHz for example, but a Gaussian with a central dip nearly to zero lasting a little less than two hours at frequencies above 400 kHz. Half a rotation later, when Voyager was near the magnetic equator of Uranus and farthest from the nightside dipole tip, the continuum emission was absent, but very strong, narrowband impulsive bursts appeared. Voyager successfully acquired one brief (24 seconds long) record of high time resolution radio observations in the range 500 to 700 kHz. This record, which was made near closest approach, shows a hierarchy of fast variations. Several days after closest approach, at the times of bowshock crossings outbound, the continuum emissions were modulated strongly in a manner suggestive of the presence of waves in the bowshock regions.

The instrument also recorded possible Uranian electrostatic discharges, vertex early arcs occurring in sequences of more than a dozen events with approximately ten-minute period, and, as early as several days before closest approach in the frequency range below 100 kHz, very intense isolated bursts lasting tens of minutes.  相似文献   

Space Telescope (ST) observations of Jupiter and Saturn will offer a unique opportunity for monitoring their changing meteorological characteristics. They will provide higher spatial and temporal resolution for composition and vertical structure studies than have been available to date. We have simulated the planetary camera observations of Jupiter and Saturn by Voyager images of the appropriate spatial scale. With this data set we have investigated the meteorological properties of these atmospheres which can be studied at these scales. In addition we have considered the advances obtainable with the high resolution spectrometer on ST compared with observations from ground-based and other Earth-orbiting satellites. These studies will provide insight into the scientific gain and possible problems in the use of ST for planetary studies.  相似文献   

Voyager 2 data from the Plasma Science experiment, the Magnetometer experiment and the Planetary Radio Astronomy experiment were used to analyze the relationship between parameters of the solar wind/interplanetary medium and the nonthermal Saturn radiation. Solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field properties were combined to form quantities known to be important in controlling terrestrial magnetospheric processes.The Voyager 2 data set used in this investigation consists of 237 days of Saturn preencounter measurements. However, due to the immersion of Saturn and the Voyager 2 spacecraft into the extended Jupiter magnetic tail, substantial periods of the time series were lacking solar wind data. To cope with this problem a superposed epoch method (CHREE analysis) was used. The results indicate the superiority of the quantities containing the solar wind density in stimulating the radio emission of Saturn — a result found earlier using Voyager 1 data — and the minor importance of quantities incorporating the interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   

The Voyager 2 photopolarimeter experiment observed the intensity and polarization of scattered sunlight from the atmospheres of Saturn and Titan in the near-UV at 2640 Å and in the near-IR at 7500 Å. Measurements of Saturn's limb brightening and polarization at several phase angles up to 70° indicate that a significant optical depth of UV absorbers are present in the top 100 mbar of Saturn's atmosphere in the Equatorial Zone and north polar region, and possibly at other latitudes as well. UV absorbers are prominent in polar regions, suggesting that charged particle precipitation from the magnetosphere may be important in their formation.The whole-body polarization of Titan is strongly positive in both the UV and near IR. If spherical particles are responsible for the polarization, no single size distribution or refractive index can account for the polarization at both wavelengths. The model atmosphere proposed by Tomasko and Smith [1], characterized by a gradient in particle size with altitude, seems capable of explaining the Voyager observations. If non-spherical particles predominate, the Voyager observations place important constraints on their scattering properties.  相似文献   

Several recent papers have reviewed the upper atmospheres and ionospheres of Jupiter and Saturn in the post Voyager era (see, e.g., /1/ and references therein). Therefore, this paper will review only the most salient characteristics, as far as Jupiter and Saturn are concerned. The emphasis here, however, is placed on the Uranus upper atmosphere that was probed in January, 1986, by Voyager 2 spacecraft. In particular comparative aspects of atmospheric composition, thermal structure, photochemistry and the vertical mixing are discussed.  相似文献   

Jupiter and Saturn are two of the more “exotic” planets in our solar system. The former possesses its own system with 15 satellites in orbit about the parent planet. Saturn has a uniquely well developed and distinctive ring system of particulate matter and also at least 11 satellites, including the largest one amongst all the planets, Titan, with a radius of 2900 km ± 100 km. In the decade of the 70's, the USA launched 4 unmanned spacecraft to probe these giant planets in-situ with a suite of highly advanced instrumentation. Four separate encounters have occurred at Jupiter: 1. Pioneer 10 in December 1973 2. Pioner 11 in December 1974 3. Voyager 1 in March 1979 4. Voyager 2 in July 1979 The characteristics of these trajectories is shown in Table I. Thus far, only a single encounter of Saturn has occurred, that by Pioneer 11 in September 1979. Future encounters of Saturn by Voyager spacecraft will occur in mid-November 1980 and late-August 1981. It is the purpose of this talk to summarize what is presently known about the magnetic fields of these planets and the characteristics of their magnetospheres, which are formed by interaction with the solar wind.  相似文献   

The ionospheres of the major planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are reviewed in light of Pioneer and Voyager observations. Some refinements to pre-Voyager theoretical models are required to explain the results, most notably the addition of significant particle ionization from ‛electroglow” and auroral processes and the need for additional chemical loss of protons via charge exchange reactions with water. Water from the Saturn rings has been identified as a major modifier of the Saturn ionosphere and water influx from satellites and/or meteorites may also be important at Jupiter and Uranus as well, as evidenced by the observed ionospheric structure and the identification of cold stratospheric carbon monoxide at Jupiter.  相似文献   

This study extends the investigation of the ripples in the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field at L1 reported by Birch and Hargreaves (2020) to cover heliospheric distances from 1 to 40 AU, using data from the Voyager 2, Ulysses, Juno, Cassini, Themis and Apollo-12 spacecraft. The ripples were extracted from the source data using a bandpass filter which reduces the noise component of the source data while removing long-term trends. The ripples were found to propagate throughout the heliosphere with an average periodicity of 26 min, without significant attenuation relative to the background. They also permeated within the magnetospheres of Earth, Jupiter and Saturn with an average periodicity of 25 min, though with some attenuation relative to the solar wind, especially in the case of Jupiter. Within the planetary magnetospheres, the ripples were suppressed by the intense fields in close proximity to each planet, and though the distance varied at which this cutoff occurred, the flux density was very similar in all three cases.  相似文献   

Voyager 2 images of Saturn's rings have been analyzed for spoke activity. More than 80 and 40 different spokes have been measured at the morning and at the evening ansa, respectively. Higher rate of spoke formation has been found at 145° ± 15° SLS and at 305° ± 15° SLS which persisted for at least 3 Saturn revolutions. Higher spoke activity (formation and growth in width) by more than a factor 3 has been observed over the nightside hemisphere of Saturn than over the dayside hemisphere. The age distribution (i.e. time from radial formation until observation, assuming Keplerian shear) of the leading (old) edges of spokes has its maximum at ~ 9,000 s and ~ 6,000 s for spokes observed at the morning ansa and at the evening ansa, respectively. The highest spoke age observed is ~ 20,000 s. The age distribution of the trailing (young) edges of spokes peaks at < 2,000 s at both ansae but has its mean at ~ 4,500 s and ~ 3,500 s, respectively. On the average the observed spokes grew in width for ~ 4,500 s at the morning ansa and for ~ 2,500 s at the evening ansa. The maximum time of growth in width was ~ 12,000 s.  相似文献   

Saturn lies at nearly twice Jupiter's distance from the Sun and nearly all parts of its system are characterized by much smaller scales than those which are important in the case of Jupiter. This appears in the structures of the planet's atmosphere, in the sizes of classical satellites other than Titan vis-à-vis those of the Galilean satellites, in the plethora of small Saturnian satellites, especially Lagrangian co-orbiters, in the structure of Saturn's F-Ring as contrasted with that of Jupiter's Ring and finally in the highly structured detail in Saturn's Rings, much finer than seriously considered in past theoretical discussions. Uranus' Rings were unknown until five years ago. The discovery and observation of these rings have revived contributions to theory originally intended for application to Saturn's Rings. Models have also been generated for eccentric rings for application to Uranus' Rings which also apply to those of Saturn. These two classes of model are reviewed in the present paper along with the first tentative steps made down the road to unravelling the complexity of Saturn's Rings.  相似文献   

The Plasma Science experiment on Voyager 2 detected a magnetosphere filled with a tenuous plasma, rotating with the planet. Temperatures of the plasma, composed of protons and electrons, ranged from 10 eV to ∼1 keV. The sources of these protons and electrons are probably the ionosphere of Uranus or the extended neutral hydrogen cloud surrounding the planet. As at Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn, there is an extended magnetotail with a central plasma sheet. Although similar in global structure to the magnetospheres of these planets, the large angle between the rotation and magnetic axes of the planet and the orientation of the rotation axis with respect to the solar wind flow make the Uranian magnetosphere unique.  相似文献   

The Pioneer 11 Infrared Radiometer instrument made observations of Saturn and its rings in broadband channels centered at 20 and 45 μm and obtained whole-disk information on Titan. A planetary average effective temperature of 96.5±2.5 K implies a total emission 2.8 times the absorbed sunlight. Correlation with radio science results implies that the molar fraction of H2 is 90±3% (assuming the rest is He). Temperatures at the 1 bar level are 137 to 140 K; regions appearing cooler may be overlain by a cloud acting as a 124 K blackbody surface. A minimum temperature averaging 87 K is reached near 0.06 bars. Ring boundaries and optical depths are consistent with those at optical wavelengths. Ring temperatures are 64–86 K on the south (illuminated) side, ~54 K on the north (unilluminated) side, and at least 67 K in Saturn's shadow. There is evidence for a south to north drop in ring temperatures. Titan's 45 μm brightness temperature is 75±5 K.  相似文献   

Measurements of radio waves that have propagated through planetary atmospheres have provided exploratory results on atmospheric constituents, structure, dynamics, and ionization for Venus, Mars, Titan, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. Highlights of past results are reviewed in order to define and illustrate the potential of occultation and related radio studies in future planetary missions.  相似文献   

The study of planetary magnetospheres allows us to understand processes occurring in the Earth’s magnetosphere by showing us how these processes respond under different conditions. We illustrate lessons learned about the control of the size of the magnetosphere by the dynamic pressure of the solar wind; how cold plasma is lost from magnetospheres; how free energy is generated to produce ion cyclotron waves; the role of fast neutrals in a planetary magnetosphere; the interchange instability; and reconnection in a magnetodisk. Not all information flow is from Jupiter and Saturn to Earth; some flows the other way.  相似文献   

The Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI) on the Cassini spacecraft has observed energetic neutral atoms (ENA) and charged particles at Saturn from mid-2004 to the present. The particles often but not always reveal striking periodic behavior that seems to depend on the type of particle and spacecraft location. When subjected to a Lomb periodogram analysis, energetic electrons (>150 keV) exhibited strong frequency peaks near 10.80 h (the nominal or “base” period of Saturn kilometric radiation) during 2006–2008, but essentially no periodicity during 2005. The electron periodograms also show pronounced “double” frequency peaks in 2007 and 2008. Energetic protons (3–26 keV) show strong peaks near the same period for 2005–2007, but none for 2008. Oxygen ions at the same energies display strong peaks for 2005 and 2006, but not for 2007 and 2008. By projecting the ENA images onto Saturn’s equatorial plane or onto a plane perpendicular to the equatorial plane and then summing the data in the appropriate dimension, “strip” images can be constructed from which a time history can be derived. These time histories of ENA emissions are also subjected to a Lomb periodogram analyses. The energetic hydrogen neutrals (20–50 keV) exhibited periodic behavior only during 2007, while energetic oxygen neutrals (64–144 keV) displayed a strong SKR-like period in 2005 and 2006 but not for 2007 or 2008. Some of this behavior may be due to changing spacecraft aspect relative to the ENA emissions, and some of it may be real. This periodic behavior may be consistent with a rotating anomaly that “flashes” brightly in the midnight-to-dawn sector once per 10.8 h, with the flash parameters depending on particle species and energy.  相似文献   

The Voyager observations of electrical discharges in Saturn's rings strongly support earlier speculations on the role played by electrostatics, magnetic fields, and lightning phenomena in the primitive solar system. They also suggest conditions then by direct analogy rather than by extrapolating backwards through time from conditions now. The observed discharges show a pronounced 10h periodicity, which suggests a source in Keplerian orbit at 1.80 ± 0.01 Saturn radii (1 RS = 60,330 km). In that region, the B ring is thicker than optical depth 1.8 for about 5,000 km. At 1.805 ± 0.001 Saturn radii, however, the ring is virtually transparent for a gap of width 200 m. We conclude that a small satellite orbits Saturn at that radius and clears the gap. The gap edges must prevent diffusive filling of the gap by fine material which is especially abundant at this position in the rings and would otherwise destroy the gap in minutes. The discharges represent the satellite's interaction with the outer edge of the gap. Spoke formation may involve the interaction of ring material in the vicinity of the gap.  相似文献   

This paper compares global structures of the aurora observed at Jupiter and Earth and our understanding of the mechanisms that produce these structures. Both planets have permanent, magnetically conjugate auroral ovals, although produced by quite different mechanisms. Both are multispectral, having been observed at X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and radio wavelengths. The brightest structures are produced by downward accelerated electron fluxes associated with upward Birkeland (magnetic-field-aligned) currents. At both planets, the auroral forms are time variable, especially at highest latitudes. The main power source for auroral emissions is planetary rotation at Jupiter, and the solar wind interaction at Earth. Thus Jupiter's auroral structures tend to be fixed with respect to magnetic (System III) longitude while Earth's are fixed with respect to local time. Earth's auroral structure is strongly dependent on the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). At Jupiter, no IMF dependence is known, but observations have not been sufficient to show such a dependence if it exists. A unique feature of Jupiter's auroral structure, with no counterpart at Earth, is the signature of the large (Galilean) satellites and, in the case of Io, even the corotational wake of the satellite.  相似文献   

Long-lived upstream energetic ion events at Jupiter appear to be very similar in nearly all respects to upstream ion events at earth. A notable difference between the two planetary systems is the enhanced heavy ion compositional signature reported for the Jovian events. This compositional feature has suggested that ions escaping from the Jovian magnetosphere play an important role in forming upstream ion populations at Jupiter. In contrast, models of energetic upstream ions at earth emphasize in situ acceleration of reflected solar wind ions within the upstream region itself. Using Voyager 1 and 2 energetic (? 30 keV) ion measurements near the magnetopause, in the magnetosheath, and immediately upstream of the bow shock, we examine the compositional patterns together with typical energy spectra in each of these regions. We find characteristic spectral changes late in ion events observed upstream of the bow shock at the same time that heavy ion fluxes are enhanced and energetic electrons are present. A model involving upstream Fermi acceleration early in events and emphasizing energetic particle escape in the prenoon part of the Jovian magnetosphere late in events is presented to explain many of the features in the upstream region of Jupiter.  相似文献   

Recent progress on measurements of isotopic ratios in planetary or satellite atmospheres include measurements of the D/H ratio in the methane of Uranus, Neptune and Titan and in the water of Mars and Venus. Implications of these measurements on our understanding of the formation and evolution of the planets and satellite are discussed. Our current knowledge of the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios in the atmospheres of these planets, as well as on Jupiter and Saturn, is also reviewed. We finally show what progress can be expected in the very near future due to some new ground-based instrumentation particularly well suited to such studies, and to forthcoming space missions.  相似文献   

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