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Transient thermal behavior of stratospheric balloons at float conditions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The prediction of the thermal behavior of stratospheric balloons under varying environmental conditions is one of the key issues in the design and flight test of balloons. In this paper, a three-dimensional transient thermal model is developed to predict the thermal behavior of spherical stratospheric balloons. The diurnal variations of the skin and lifting gas temperatures at float conditions are discussed in detail. The further studies on the thermal behavior of stratospheric balloons are presented also.  相似文献   

The radiation spectra of the ionosphere in the 4–5 μm region have been determined from stratospheric balloons by means of the specially elaborated method of the registration of angular and spectral distribution of the radiation. The radiation bands of 4.4 μm and 4.8 μm which have 0.1–0.2 erg cm?2 sr?1s?1. brightness obtained in two flights, are identified with the vibration-rotation transitions of the ion NO+ (0 - 1) and the molecules N14N15 (0 - 1) and CO (0 - 1) and (3 - 2) from altitudes between 120 and 500 km.  相似文献   

Results pertaining to the latitudinal extent of the ionospheric irregularities in terms of TEC depletions have been presented for the two nights namely; 28 October 2004 and 7 February 2005. This study has been carried out using the GPS–TEC over the Indian low latitude stations, at Udaipur, Hyderabad and Bengaluru. This is probably the first report of simultaneous GPS observation of TEC depletions over different latitudes from the Indian sector. The results show that the amplitude of TEC depletions due to the equatorial spread F may vary with time and the location of the observation. The maximum amplitude of the TEC depletion has been found to be about 30 TECU over Hyderabad. The depletions in TEC are found to be field aligned.  相似文献   

In this paper, the response of the equatorial and low latitude ionosphere to three intense geomagnetic storms occurred in 2002 and 2003 is reported. For that, critical frequency of F2-layer foF2 and the peak height hmF2 hmF2 for the stations Jicamarca (11.9°S), Ascension Is (7.92°S) and Tucuman (26.9°S) are used. The results show a “smoothing” of the Equatorial Anomaly structure during the development of the storms. Noticeable features are the increases in foF2 before the storm sudden commencement (SC) at equatorial latitudes and the southern crest of the Equatorial Anomaly. In some cases nearly simultaneous increases in foF2 are observed in response to the storm, which are attributed to the prompt electric field. Also, positive effects observed at equatorial and low latitudes during the development of the storm seem to be caused by the disturbance dynamo electric field due to the storm-time circulation. Increases in foF2 above the equator and simultaneous decreases in foF2 at the south crest near to the end of a long-duration main phase are attributed to equatorward-directed meridional winds. Decreases in foF2 observed during the recovery phase of storms are believed to be caused by composition changes. The results indicate that the prompt penetration electric field on the EA is important but their effect is of short lived. More significant ionospheric effects are the produced by the disturbance dynamo electric field. The role of storm-time winds is important because they modify the “fountain effect” and transport the composition changes toward low latitudes.  相似文献   

The ionospheric scintillation, generated by the ionospheric plasma irregularities, affects the radio signals that pass through it. Their effects are widely studied in the literature with two different approaches. The first one deals with the use of radio signals to study and understand the morphology of this phenomenon, while the second one seeks to understand and model how much this phenomenon interferes in the radio signals and consequently in the services to which these systems work. The interest of several areas, particularly to those that are life critical, has increased using the concept of satellite multi-constellation, which consists of receiving, processing and using data from different navigation and positioning systems. Although there is a vast literature analyzing the effects of ionospheric scintillation on satellite navigation systems, the number of studies using signals received from the Russian satellite positioning system (named GLONASS) is still very rare. This work presents for the first time in the Brazilian low-latitude sector a statistical analysis of ionospheric scintillation data for all levels of magnetic activities obtained by a set of scintillation monitors that receive signals from the GLONASS system. In this study, data collected from four stations were used in the analysis; Fortaleza, Presidente Prudente, São José dos Campos and Porto Alegre. The GLONASS L-band signals were analyzed for the period from December 21, 2012 to June 20, 2016, which includes the peak of the solar cycle 24 that occurred in 2014. The main characteristics of scintillation presented in this study include: (1) the statistical evaluation of seasonal and solar activity, showing the chances that an user on similar geophysical conditions may be susceptible to the effects of ionospheric scintillation; (2) a temporal analysis based on the local time distribution of scintillation at different seasons and intensity levels; and (3) the evaluation of number of simultaneously affected channels and its effects on the dilution of precision (DOP) for GNSS users are also presented in order to alert the timetables in which navigation will be most susceptible to such effects, as well as statistics on simultaneously affected channels. Relevant results about these statistical characteristics of scintillation are presented and analyzed providing relevant information about availability of a navigation system.  相似文献   

On December 11, 1967 at 05:21 LT, an immense earthquake of magnitude 6.7 struck Koyna, the Indian province of Maharashtra. Its epicenter was located at geographic latitude 17.37°N and longitude 73.75°E with depth of about 3 km. Ground based measurements show variation in the critical frequency of ionospheric F2 layer (foF2) before and after the shock. In the present study the behavior of F2-region of ionosphere has been examined over the equatorial and low latitudinal region ionosphere during the month of December 1967 around the time of Koyna earthquake. For this purpose, the ionospheric data collected with the help of ground-based ionosondes installed at Hyderabad (located close to the earthquake epicenter) Ahmedabad, Trichirapulli, Kodaikanal and Trivendrum have been utilized. The upper and lower bound of Interquartile range (IRQ) are constructed to monitor the variations in foF2 other than day-to-day and diurnal pattern for finding the seismo-ionospheric precursors. Some anomalous electron density variations are observed between post midnight hours to local pre-noon hours at each station. These anomalies are strongly time dependent and appeared a couple of days before the main shock. The period considered in this study comes under the quiet geomagnetic conditions. Hence, the observed anomalies (which are more than the usual day-to-day variability) over all stations are likely to be associated with this imminent earthquake. The possible mechanism to explain these anomalies is the effect of seismogenic electric field generated just above the surface of earth within the earthquake preparation zone well before the earthquake due to emission of radioactive particles and then propagated upward, which perturbs the F-region ionosphere.  相似文献   

This paper reports the global response of the mid high and low latitude ionosphere in four longitudinal sectors to two moderate geomagnetic storms that occurred during 2007 (the more intense storms occurred that year). The results obtained during these storms show that the ionospheric effects in general are not moderate in magnitude, showing an important degree of complexity as during intense storms. The outstanding features produced during the storms are significant positive storm effects at mid-high latitudes during the main phase/first part of the recovery, positive effects after the onset of the storm followed by negatives effects at middle latitudes and delayed positive effects during the night-time hours in the trough of the equatorial anomaly (“dusk” effect). Possible physical mechanisms for controlling the morphology of the ionosphere during these events are considered.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that in the high-latitude southern hemisphere, southwest (SW) electric fields will produce convergent ion flow and thereby create thin sporadic E (Es)-layers at node heights > 120 km, whilst northwest (NW) fields will produce downward ion flow and create thicker Es-layers at heights <110 km. To investigate this theory, Digisonde ionograms (giving the Es-occurrence) and drift measurements (giving electric field estimates) at two Antarctic stations were statistically analyzed. As previously found for the polar cap station Casey (81°S magnetic), more of the Es-traces were associated with SW fields than NW fields. However, new results for the cusp station Zhongshan (73°S) show that fewer Es-layers occur there, and NW fields play a slightly more important role than SW fields, similar to the results found at auroral latitudes in the northern hemisphere. To further our understanding of the occurrence distributions, we study the fluctuating properties of the electric fields at the two stations. It is found that the electric fields at Zhongshan fluctuate more than those at Casey. Thus we suggest that the field fluctuation is also an important consideration helping to explain the differences in the Es-occurrence at the two stations. This suggestion is confirmed by our numerical simulations which show that Es-layers are more effectively formed by steady SW fields than by steady NW fields, and less effectively by fluctuating SW fields than by fluctuating NW fields.  相似文献   

We used total electron content (TEC) data measured by Faraday rotation technique over Cachoeira Paulista (22.5°S, 45°W), in Brazil, to study the TEC variations with the solar flux at 10.7 cm (F10.7) and to compare the results with the IRI90 predictions. The data were divided into summer, equinox and winter. During the analysed period F10.7 varied from 66 up to 330. Our data shows that the observed TEC at 1600 LT (around the diurnal maximum) and at 0500 LT (around the diurnal minimum) increases with F10.7 until saturation is reached which occurs at F10.7≈210 to 220 for equinox and summer, and at F10.7≈180 for winter months. Comparison with the IRI90 predictions shows that IRI overestimates the TEC at 0500 LT for all solar flux values. At 1600 LT, IRI overestimates the observed TEC for low solar flux but underestimates it for high solar flux values.  相似文献   

Enhancements in thermal ion densities, an oxygen dominated ring current at energies below 17 kev, and invariant latitude-limited bands of intense ELF hiss have been discovered on Stable Auroral Red (SAR) arc field lines at magnetospheric heights. These new signatures were revealed by an examination of 31 coordinated data sets taken simultaneously at magnetospheric and ionospheric heights by the DE-1 and -2 satellites during SAR arc traversals within the period September 1981 through April 1982. Data sets from DE-2, for the first time, provide information on the location of a SAR arc (determined by the F region electron temperature enhancement) during the nearly simultaneous passage of these field lines by DE-1 in the magnetosphere. These new high altitude signatures are examined in the context of possible magnetospheric SAR arc energy source mechanisms.  相似文献   

The study of the possible effect of solar variability on living organisms is one of the most controversial issues of present day science. It has been firstly and mainly carried on high latitudes, while at middle and low latitudes this study is rare. In the present review we focused on the work developed at middle and low geomagnetic latitudes of America. At these geomagnetic latitudes the groups consistently dedicated to this issue are mainly two, one in Cuba and the other in Mexico.  相似文献   

For the first time, empirical model of daytime vertical E×B drift based on Empirical Orthogonal functions (EOF) decomposition technique is presented. Day-to-day variability of E×B drift inferred from horizontal (H) geomagnetic field data around dip latitude for the period of 2008–2013 is used to both develop and validate the model. Results show that the EOF technique is promising with modelled values and data giving correlation coefficient values of at least 0.90 for geomagnetic conditions of both Kp?3 and Kp>3 within 2008–2013. Independent model validation shows that in situ E×B values from ion velocity meter (IVM) instrument on-board C/NOFS satellite are closer to model E×B estimates than the climatological Scherliess-Fejer (SF) model incorporated within the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI).  相似文献   

The concept of the Global Electric Circuit (GEC) provides an explanation of the existence of a vertical atmospheric electric field and coupling between the ground and ionosphere. Presently, ionospheric physics pays more attention to electric fields and coupling processes in the polar and auroral regions, whereas in other areas the potential difference between the ground and ionosphere usually is not taken into account. Regional processes exist, however, that are able to significantly affect the GEC parameters and through modification of the ionospheric potential to create plasma density irregularities of different scales within the ionosphere. One such source of ionosphere modification is air ionization in the vicinity of active tectonic faults, which takes place due to increased radon emanation. This paper considers the process of local modification of the GEC and corresponding ionospheric variability due to tectonic activity.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on unusual nighttime impulsive electron density enhancements that are rarely observed at low latitudes on a wide region of South America, under quiet and medium/high geomagnetic conditions. The phenomenon under investigation is very peculiar because besides being of brief duration, it is characterized by a pronounced compression of the ionosphere. The phenomenon was studied and analyzed using both the F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) and the virtual height of the base of the F region (h′F) values recorded at five ionospheric stations widely distributed in space, namely: Jicamarca (−12.0°, −76.8°, magnetic latitude −2.0°), Peru; Sao Luis (−2.6°, −44.2°, magnetic latitude +6.2°), Cachoeira Paulista (−22.4°, −44.6°, magnetic latitude −13.4°), and São José dos Campos (−23.2°, −45.9°, magnetic latitude −14.1°), Brazil; Tucumán (−26.9°, −65.4°, magnetic latitude −16.8°), Argentina. In a more restricted region over Tucumán, the phenomenon was also investigated by the total electron content (TEC) maps computed by using measurements from 12 GPS receivers. A detailed analysis of isoheight ionosonde plots suggests that traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) caused by gravity wave (GW) propagation could play a significant role in causing the phenomenon both for quiet and for medium/high geomagnetic activity; in the latter case however a recharging of the fountain effect, due to electric fields penetrating from the magnetosphere, joins the TID propagation and plays an as much significant role in causing impulsive electron density enhancements.  相似文献   

Coordinated mesospheric night-airglow measurements have been carried out from two stations, Gadanki (13.5° N, 79.2° E) and Allahabad (25.5° N, 81.9° E), India during April 2009 to study the common gravity wave features. With two nights of coordinated measurements we find some of the wave periodicities to be similar at the two locations. Simultaneous OH and O2 intensity measurements over Gadanki reveal these features to be upward propagating gravity waves while the coordinated OH intensity measurements of similar waves from Allahabad show the large spatial extent of these waves.  相似文献   

A first ISRO-DFVLR collaborative balloon flight of the MPAE cryogenic sampler was conducted at Hyderabad, India (17.5°N), on March 27 1985, and 15 air samples were collected between 10 and 35 km altitude. Vertical profiles of source gases analysed from these samples, such as CCl3F, CCl2F2, CBrClF2, and CH4 are presented. Due to tropical upwelling, mixing ratios of source gases decrease less rapidly with altitude than at mid-latitudes.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the response of the near equatorial and low latitude ionosphere of the South American sector to the geomagnetic storm occurred on 17 March 2015. Ionosonde data from Ramey (18.5° N, 292.9° E), Jicamarca (12.0° S, 283.2° E), Boa Vista (2.8° N, 299.3° E), Sao Luis (2.6° S, 315.8° E), Fortaleza (3.9° S, 321.6° E) and Cachoeira Paulista (22.7° S, 315.0° E) are used for the study. The results show negative disturbances in foF2 at low latitudes during the main phase of the storm, which were attributed to prompt penetration electric fields. Thus, the Equatorial Anomaly (EA) started to reduce their structure in this sector since on 17 March. During the recovery phase (on 18 March), positive disturbances were observed at low, mid-low latitudes (in the post-midnight – predawn hours), which can be mainly attributed to enhanced storm-time neutral winds and composition changes (i.e., increase in the O/N2 ratio). Disturbance dynamo electric fields would also contribute in modulating the electron density of the EA during this storm period.  相似文献   

This work presents an analysis of the Total Electron Content (TEC) derived from the International GNSS Service (IGS) receivers at Malindi (mal2: 2.9oS, 40.1oE, dip −26.813o), Kasarani (rcmn: 36.89oE, 1.2oS, dip −23.970o), Eldoret (moiu: 35.3oE, 0.3oN, dip −21.037o) and GPS-SCINDA (36.8oE, 1.3oS, dip −24.117o) receiver located in Nairobi for the period 2009–2011. The diurnal, monthly and seasonal variations of the GPS derived TEC (GPS-TEC) and effects of space weather on TEC are compared with TEC from the 2007 International Reference Ionosphere model (IRI-TEC) using the NeQuick option for the topside electron density. The diurnal peaks in GPS-TEC is maximum during equinoctial months (March, April, October) and in December and minimum in June solstice months (May, June, July). The variability in GPS-TEC is minimal in all seasons between 0:00 and 04:00 UT and maximum near noon between 10:00 and 14:00 UT. Significant variability in TEC at post sunset hours after 16:00 UT (19:00 LT) has been noted in all the seasons except in June solstice. The TEC variability of the post sunset hours is associated with the occurrence of the ionization anomaly crest which enhances nighttime TEC over this region. A comparison between the GPS-TEC and IRI-TEC indicates that both the model and observation depicts a similar trend in the monthly and seasonal variations. However seasonal averages show that IRI-TEC values are higher than the GPS-TEC. The IRI-TEC also depicts a double peak in diurnal values unlike the GPS-TEC. This overestimation which is primarily during daytime hours could be due to the model overestimation of the equatorial anomaly effect on levels of ionospheric ionization over the low latitude regions. The IRI-TEC also does not show any response to geomagnetic activity, despite the STORM option being selected in the model; the IRI model generally remains smooth and underestimates TEC during a storm. The GPS-TEC variability indicated by standard deviation seasonal averages has been presented as a basis for extending the IRI-model to accommodate TEC-variability.  相似文献   

Statistical and spectral analyses are performed to investigate variations of two ionosphere F2 layer key parameters, the critical frequency (foF2) and the peak height (hmF2), that were measured over Irkutsk (52.5°N, 104.0°E) from December 2006 to January 2008 under solar minimum. The analyses showed that both parameters contain quasi-harmonic oscillations with periods of Tn = 24/n hours (n = 1–7), among which the diurnal (n = 1) and semidiurnal (n = 2) ones are the strongest. Seasonal variations are explored of mean and median values, spectrum, amplitude, and phase of the diurnal and semidiurnal components of foF2 and hmF2.  相似文献   

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