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Maps are presented with 12′ resolution of the Galactic Center and adjacent galactic plane, from ?II = 359° to ?II = 5°. The data were obtained with the Steward Observatory cryogenically-cooled, balloon-borne telescope. The data are from channels filtered for a bandpass of 70 μm < γ < 110 μm and for a longpass of γ > 80 μm. For the typical effective temperature of 25 K of a galactic HII region at this spatial resolution, the effective wavelength of the channels are 93 μ and 145 μm. Continuous emission is mapped along the galactic plane in both wavelengths. There are two contrasts between the immediate vicinity of SgrA (?π < 1°) and the galactic plane in general. Firstly, for ?π > 1° the galactic plane narrows dramatically at 93 μm, while retaining its width at 145 μm. Secondly, the individual sources at ?π > 1° (which we associate with HII regions) have greater peak brightness in the 145 μm channel than the 93 μm channel, while SgrA hasapproximately equal peak brightness in each. The maps demonstrate the importance of submillimeter wavelengths to galactic surveys.  相似文献   

A NASA supported design study is being carried out for a three-meter balloon-borne far infrared and submillimeter telescope. The goal of this project is to provide a facility for frequent flights for photometry, spectroscopy, and imaging in the spectral region 30 micrometers to 1 millimeter. It is intended to provide a scientific and technical step on the way to a large submillimeter telescope in space in the future. The study is concentrating on areas where technical advances are required: materials and fabrication techniques for lightweight primary mirrors, telescope and gondola structure, and pointing and stabilization. We are carrying out a design optimization and environmental test program of state-of-the-art carbon fiber reinforced plastic sandwich panels in collaboration with Dornier Systems. Similar efforts are being pursued for very lightweight molded glass mirrors. Innovative approaches to the telescope support and stabilization are being explored for achieving the required 1 arcsecond pointing stability.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a star tracking system for a balloon-borne infrared telescope. A control moment gyro has been adopted for controlling the azimuth angle of the gondola. A CCD image sensor is used in a star field camera. Newly developed on-board microprocessor system is used for supervisory control of on-board equipment.  相似文献   

The balloon mission “Sunrise” consists of a 1m lightweight solar telescope equipped with a powerful spectro-graph-polarimeter and a multi-channel filtergraph for the visible and the UV. The science goals of Sunrise are focussed on, but not limited to, the investigation of the solar surface magnetism. The key questions include the generation and maintenance of the variable magnetic field, the structure and dynamics of the chromosphere, and the interaction of material flow and magnetic field in sunspots.  相似文献   

The balloon payload HEXE A) is designed to observe cosmic X-ray sources in the energy range 20–250 keV. Its detectors are ‘Phoswich’ scintillators with a total sensitive area of 2300 cm2 and a cooled Ge solid state detector with an area of 100 cm2 [1]. The instrument was flown successfully in 1980 and 1981 from Palestine, Texas.Here we describe the control of the instrument and guidance of the telescope as well as the method of data retrieval and real time analysis. These tasks are performed by a ground based minicomputer (HP 1000) and onboard microprocessors (M 6800) which are linked together by data and command telemetry.  相似文献   

The use of the 2 000 Å transmission window of the atmosphere permitted to observe for the first time from a balloon gondola the nearest galaxies ; 30 arc/sec. resolution images were obtained for M 31, spiral arms and nucleus, M 33, M 101, with their external spiral structure, M 82 and NGC 3 077. Nearly three hundred more distant galaxies have been detected up to the magnitude V = 13. Several HII regions of the Galaxy have been observed, chiefly NGC 7 000 and the Cyghus Loop. Numerous blue stars of the halo have been identified.  相似文献   

We have built a prototype of thin-foil substrates for the future mission with a large X-ray telescope. In future X-ray missions, the understanding of the early universe to reveal the evolution of the universe will become an important issue. For this purpose, large telescopes with high-spatial resolution up to 10′′ are required. Using a stamping die with high accuracy, we have successfully press-formed thin-foil substrates into an almost accurate form of the Wolter type-I optics, which reflect X-rays twice with their confocal paraboloidal and hyperboloidal reflectors. The accuracy of the shape has reached to <15 μm.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of measurements of gamma radiation with energies above 5 MeV, from the galactic anticenter region. The balloon-borne gamma ray telescope “Natalya-I”, was launched on 6 November, 1980 from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research's Balloon Facility (Hyderabad, India) and reached ceiling altitude of 35 km. The results on the accelerator calibration of the telescope, using a “tagged” gamma ray beam are also presented.  相似文献   

An extensive survey of [CII] line emission has been made by using balloon borne telescopes incorporated with a liquid helium cooled Fabry-Perot spectrometer. The observations cover major part of the galactic plane in the first and fourth quadrants as well as some typical HII regions/molecular clouds complexes and a dark cloud. The observed [CII] emission is very strong and ubiquitously distributed throughout the galactic plane. The emission should be generated mostly in photo-dissociation region(PDR), but the ionizing and heating UV sources should be well mixed with the molecular clouds, presumably due to clumpy or filamentally structure of the molecular clouds. Some part of the emission may be originated from ELD HII regions which are illuminated by isolated O- and B-stars rather uniformly distributed in interstellar space.  相似文献   

We describe the fabrication and flight performance of a balloon-borne large area hard X-ray (20–100 keV) telescope for spectral studies of discrete cosmic X-ray sources. The telescope consists of two multi-wire Xenon filled proportional counters of effective area 1200 cm2 each, mounted on an orientable platform. It can be pre-programmed to track any celestial source with a pointing accuracy of 0.5 degrees. For one hour of observation the telescope has a 5 σ detection sensitivity of 10−5 ph cm−2 s−1. The laboratory test results and the performance in a series of balloon flights conducted in 1984–1986 period is discussed and the preliminary results obtained for some X-ray sources are presented.  相似文献   

The past two decades have witnessed a renewed interest in low frequency radio astronomy, with a particular focus on frequencies above 30 MHz e.g., LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray) in the Netherlands and its European extension ILT, the International LOFAR Telescope. However, at frequencies below 30 MHz, Earth-based observations are limited due to a combination of severe ionospheric distortions, almost full reflection of radio waves below 10 MHz, solar eruptions and the radio frequency interference (RFI) of human-made signals. Moreover, there are interesting scientific processes which naturally occur at these low frequencies. A space or Lunar-based ultra-low-frequency (also referred to as ultra-long-wavelength, ULW) radio array would suffer significantly less from these limitations and hence would open up the last, virtually unexplored frequency domain in the electromagnetic spectrum.A roadmap has been initiated by astronomers and researchers in the Netherlands to explore the opportunity of building a swarm of satellites to observe at the frequency band below 30 MHz. This roadmap dubbed Orbiting Low Frequency Antennas for Radio Astronomy (OLFAR), a space-based ultra-low frequency radio telescope that will explore the Universe’s so-called dark ages, map the interstellar medium, and study planetary and solar bursts in the solar system and search them in other planetary systems. Such a radio astronomy system will comprise of a swarm of hundreds to thousands of satellites, working together as a single aperture synthesis instrument deployed sufficiently far away from Earth to avoid terrestrial RFI. The OLFAR telescope is a novel and complex system, requiring yet to be proven engineering solutions. Therefore, a number of key technologies are still required to be developed and proven. The first step in this roadmap is the NCLE (Netherlands China Low Frequency Explorer) experiment, which was launched in May 2018 on the Chinese Chang’e 4 mission. The NCLE payload consists of a three monopole antenna system for low frequency observations, from which the first data stream is expected in the second half of 2019, which will provide important feedback for future science and technology opportunities.In this paper, the roadmap towards OLFAR, a brief overview of the science opportunities, and the technological and programmatic challenges of the mission are presented.  相似文献   

UVSTAR is an EUV spectral imager intended as a facility instrument devoted to solar system astronomy and to astronomy. It covers the wavelength range of 500 to 1250 Å, with sufficient spectral resolution to separate atomic emission lines and to form spectrally resolved images of extended plasma sources. Targets include the Io plasma torus at Jupiter, hot stars, planetary nebulae and extragalactic sources. UVSTAR will make useful measurements of emissions from the Earth's atmosphere as well. UVSTAR consists of a pair of telescopes and concave-grating spectrographs that cover the overlapping spectral ranges of 500–900 Å and 850–1250 Å. The telescopes use two 30 cm diameter off-axis paraboloids having a focal length of 1.4 m. An image of the target is formed at the entrance slits of two concave grating spectrographs. The gratings provide dispersion and re-image the slits at the detectors, intensified CCDs. The readout format of the detectors can be chosen by computer, and three slit widths are selectable to adapt the instrument to specific tasks. The spectrograph package has internal gimbals which allow rotation of ±3° about each of two axes. Dedicated finding and tracking telescopes will acquire and track the target after rough pointing is achieved by orienting the Orbiter. Responsibilities for the implementation and utilization of UVSTAR are shared by groups the U.S. and Italy. UVSTAR is scheduled for flight in early 1994.  相似文献   

A model of the galactic center containing magnetic monopoles has been suggested. We have estimated the number of monopoles preserved in the formation process of the galactic nuclei. The catalytic reaction between magnetic monopoles and baryons can produce positrons and release the energy as well. According to our model, the galactic center cannot collapse into a black, even in the case where the contents of magnetic monopoles are much less than the Parker limit. This model may account for the intensity of the positron-electron pair annihilation line and the high energy photons continuum (>500 keV) observed at the galactic center direction.  相似文献   

Simulated high resolution images of the galactic center region have been obtained for the SIGMA telescope, using recent observational data. It is shown that the next generation of gamma-ray imaging telescopes will be able to resolve this complex region of the sky.  相似文献   

For the development of a telescope that is capable of precisely tracking satellites and high-speed operation such as satellite laser ranging, a special method of telescope operation is required. This study aims to propose a new telescope operation method and system configuration for the independent development of a mount and an operation system which includes the host computer. Considering that the tracking of a satellite is performed in real time, communication and synchronization between the two independent subsystems are important. Therefore, this study applied the concept of time synchronization, which is used in various fields of industry, to the communication between the command computer and the mount. In this case, communication delays do not need to be considered in general, and it is possible to cope with data loss. Above all, when the mount is replaced in the future, only the general communication interface needs to be modified, and thus, it is not limited by replacement in terms of the overall system management. The performance of the telescope operation method developed in this study was verified by applying the method to the first mobile SLR system in Korea. This study is significant in that it proposed a new operation method and system configuration, to which the concept of time synchronization was applied, for the observation system that requires an optical telescope.  相似文献   

NICMOS (the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer) is a second generation scientific instrument for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Three cryogenic cameras with 256x256 HgCdTe arrays provide diffraction limited imaging throughout the 0.8 – 2.5 μm spectral region. Grisms in one of the cameras produces multi-object spectroscopy for all objects in the field. Coronagraphic and polarization capabilities round out the NICMOS modes of operation. Scheduled for launch on the second HST maintenance mission in 1997, NICMOS has a five year on-orbit cryogenic lifetime.  相似文献   

改进的Woodward方法及用于设计大口面天线馈源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析传统的Woodward综合方法及其改进方法的基础上,引入最小二乘及伪逆,得到一种新的方向图综合方法;并将新方法与阵列波束形成技术结合,用于设计大型口面天线/FAST(Five-hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope)的初级方向图.在本文提出的方法中,抽样点数可以与阵列单元数相等和不等,对综合区域没有限制,所以综合的赋形波束更加灵活,适应场合更广泛.   相似文献   

The possibility of explaining the continuous emission of active galactic nuclei in the frame of a model of spherical accretion onto a massive black hole is discussed. Cool inhomogeneities (T 104°K) within the accretion flow could be responsible for the broad line emission if half of the accreting matter is in the dense phase. A crucial test of this hypothesis is the expected correlation between the ratio of the luminosity in lines to the total luminosity and the hardness of the continuous spectrum.  相似文献   

X-ray observations indicate that the Galactic black hole Sgr A is inactive now, however, we suggest that Sgr A can become active when a captured star is tidally disrupted and matter is accreted into the black hole. Consequently the Galactic black hole could be a powerful source of relativistic protons with a characteristic energy ∼1052 erg per capture. The diffuse GeV and TeV γ-rays emitted in the direction of the Galactic Center (GC) are the direct consequences of p–p collisions of such relativistic protons ejected by very recent capture events occurred ?105 yr ago. On the other hand, the extended electron-positron annihilation line emission observed from GC is a phenomenon related to a large population of thermalized positrons, which are produced, cooled down and accumulated through hundreds of past capture events during a period of ∼107 yr. In addition to explaining GeV, TeV and 511 keV annihilation emissions we also estimate the photon flux of several MeV resulting from in-flight annihilation process.  相似文献   

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